《Black hearts meet Red》Chapter 20


I've got a really interesting chapter for you all ..

Hope you enjoy alot ..

will combine, the story will get more rich ..

Just trust me you'll love the story ..



The ink written letters stared back at me as I bored my eyes at the white sheets.Rubbing a hand past my stubble, I groaned irritated going through all the paperwork once again.Business needs double check.Grabbing the pen from the holder, I signed away the papers that needed my approvement after double-reading them.

Bashar had skillfully taken good care of all the things when I was away and I was happy that everything was going well.The marketing in car showrooms were in full swing so the pressure of work was also high.Almost two months had passed since I arrived back and we were almost ready to open a new showroom.

Closing the file, I placed it aside as my fingers worked their way on the laptop.I was halfway through the email when a very unprofessional barge made me look up from the screen.The man casually strolled inside the office, his hair a mess as he dropped down on a chair opposite to me.

I raised my eyebrow at him, as he placed a new file before me.

"Its that boy's file.Check it out.You wanted to visit him."Bashar wasn't a man to beat around the bush as he said.

I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I'll check him up in the evening."

"Yeah."He pulled out his phone, scrolling through as I turned my gaze back to the screen.

"You wanna go visit the new building? Their done painting it."He said after sometime.

Shutting the laptop screen, I looked at the wall clock seeing it strike past four.I looked down to his face, seeing him wait for an answer.

"No.You go.I still have some work and also have to check the employee."

He nodded curtly.

"He's not coming in for about a week now.You should go and see him."Bashar said as I nodded.

Taking care of employee and knowing that they are doing good was a trait I had adopted from..from Abba.And I especially visited the person if he wasn't coming in for work or of he needed help.

Bashar and I discussed about the new changes of our showroom before he left for the building visit.Almost all my work was finished as the clock strike past six in the evening.And I decided to retire for the day.

Reaching the apartment, I took a bath and drank coffee, settling on the couch in the living room.Scanning my phone, I found almost fifteen missed calls from Salah.Mentally noting to call him later,I opened the file Bashar had given me, gulping my coffee.My charcoal orbs fixing on the name.

Sikander Iqbal.


Burying my hands in the black leather jackets, I walked down the busy road.I groaned internally when a blocked street greeted me as I turned the corner.Pulling my phone out I checked the location, confirming the address.

After a struggle of five minutes, turning alleys and corners I finally reached in front of the old red bricked building.I inhaled a deep sigh before walking inside.


The stairs were in a bad condition with trash cans lined with the railing.The elevator was out of order and flicking bulbs greeted in the corridors.

Standing before the light brown door, I noted the apartment number, 12.Contemplating for a moment I knocked.



I waited, hearing some talking and shuffling from inside.A man of same age as mine, opened the door hesitantly.His brown eyes looked troubled, as he looked past me to my sides.An uneasy smile covered his face as he finally met my eyes.

"Asslam O Alaikum, Sir."He greeted extending his hand.

"Walaikum Assalam"I greeted, shaking his hand.

A lady's voice sounded before she emerged in the doorway, drying her hands.My eyes widened at the sight of her.

What was she doing here-

Recognition passed through her face before she smiled brightly.

"Beta you."She said coming by the door.

"Ammi , you know him?"Sikander said clearly confused that how his mother and I knew each other.

Well I couldn't believe that I would meet that lady, whom I helped with the grocery, would be in London.

"Yes, its me."I said awkwardly as the son and mother glanced at each other.

"Sir, please come in."Sikander said making way as I followed him inside with his mother trailing behind.

I sat on the brown couch looking around the small apartment as the two human looked down at me as if I was an alien.

"Ammi, he is the owner of the place where I work, Arsalan Khan was the man that brought me from Abottabad to work here, for him."He explained to his mother as he took a seat opposite to me.

"And he is the man that I told you about, who generously helped me."The old woman replied back.

As they continued explaining each other my connection with them, I took a nice look at the small apartment.Just like the house in Abbottabad , this was also spotless.Though the building wasn't in a good condition, the house didn't look like a part of it.It smelled of warmth-

"You are probably here to fire me-"Sikander's voice made me snap back to reality as I turned my attention to him.Worried covered his features.I shook my head, leaning forward in my chair.

"Its nothing like this Sikander, I am actually here to inquire that why aren't you coming in for work?"A frown etched my face as the mother and son shared a glance before looking back at me.

"Um.. my mother and... and sister shifted here so.. I got a little busy in helping them adjust here."He scratched his head looking down at the floor.

"I'll be on work by tomorrow, Sir"He said quietly making me look at his mother.The older lady shifted before sitting besides Sikander.

"Is this the only reason?"I asked still unsure of the man's reason.

He nodded still not meeting my eyes.Aunty seemed uncomfortable as she stared at me with glassy brown eyes.

"Okay, then I'll be on my way."I said standing up from my place.Sikander stood to shake my hand but his mother caught his hand midway.

"Sikander, please."She whispered softly at her son.

The man squeezed his mother's hand shaking his head lightly.I turned around walking to the door.


"Tell me if there is any problem and I'll be glad to help."I said to both of them who stood motionless.

"Beta, wait."A soft voice called out just as I opened the small apartment's door.I turned around to the small old woman who had tears in her eyes.She made her way to me and stood before me, her hands closing the door again.

"We are in need of help."She whispered looking up at me.I frowned and turned to look at Sikander, who roamed around the sitting area, rubbing his forehead.

"You can tell me Aunty.."

"Shahana is my name, call me aunty Shahana."She cut me off mid sentence.I nodded as she motioned towards the sofas again, beckoning me to sit down again.

I sat down as the mother and son sat before me.

"I am getting a little curious."I said after some moments of silence.

"My daughter was married almost an year an a half ago but we didn't know what kind of husband he was.About five months back she got divorced and came home at the middle of a rainy night.I got scared as to why suddenly she was back until she told me all of her story.Sikander was here, and so it left only me and her.I am an old lady and I couldn't do anything.Unfortunately after my husband's death, we don't have any relative left.The man whom she was married to was very dangerous and had all authorities in his hand.He had all the power, and so we being the poor were weak."She was crying hard as she paused sniffing.Sikander had his hand around her shoulder, holding her tight against him.I folded my hands under my chin, listening her attentively.

"Sikander was also on the verge of settling in his life.When she came home crying, I called Sikander there, and told him everything.We didn't know that the devil we had married our daughter to, would not leave her this easily.We were terrified so when she was in her iddat , I barely left the house in that time.Sikander managed everything here and got all the paper work done and called us here.Its been a month since we shifted here at my son's place.But my fragile daughter still has her life at-"She cried loudly and I almost winced at how sad she looked.

"Even after months that devil has not left us in peace.A week before Sikander saw one of his man roaming down the street.And if he finds her, we don't know what we'd had to face.Although she is not my real daughter but I'll grown her up like my own.I have her responsibility."She sniffed looking down at the floor.I stayed silent not knowing how to respond.

Sikander was the one to break the ice as he started much calmly than his mother.

"Mum wants to get her married to someone who could protect her and keep her safe.She says that she doesn't knows how much she'll live but until she alive she wants her daughter to settle in before her eyes.My sister had suffered alot and I wish the same for her.I've been trying to find another place for us and also we are looking for a nice man who would marry her before her ex-husband finds her."I inhaled a deep sigh suddenly feeling a pang in my chest.These people had endured so much with no one by their sides.

Ya ALLAH guide me as to how I could help them.

Help me ALLAH

Help me.

"That day when you helped me carry my bags, I thought ALLAH has sent an Angel at my door.I wanted to call you when my daughter came home but decided otherwise- And now see, you are here again when we are in need of help and are desperate."Aunty Shahana's voice was shaky as she wiped her tears away.

A bulb went off in my brain and my heart thudded loudly.But I didn't know if this was a good idea.

"I'll marry her."

"Please marry her."

The words were out of our mouths before we could even take them back.Everything froze around us suddenly like ice.Aunty was as shocked as me.We had uttered the words at the same time and they had spilled all around us now.

"You will?"A hope sparked in Aunty Shahana's eyes as she whispered.I gulped down my parched throat.Moving my gaze at the man besides her, I saw him equally shocked as me.

I blinked rapidly.

Nodding my head slowly.

"I can provide her safety but-"I flickered my gaze between both of them.

"but I am not rushing you into anything.If you find a suitable man then marry her off to him."I said slowly trying to make them understand my point.

They nodded immediately.

I stood up again, a little happy that they weren't as sad as before.Aunty Shahana patted my head and blew prayers just like the last time she did.

I smiled earning a brighter smile from her side.Sikander leaned forward and embraced me warmly.

"Everything will be fine."I assured patting his back.He nodded muttering,

"Thank you so much Sir, it means a lot."I smiled shaking my head at him.

"Let me escort you to your car."He said as I opened the door.Pulling my phone out, I saw it read past ten.

"No, I'll go you stay here.And take as much as your time before coming in for work.There is no rush."I explained to him, to which he sighed.

A ring sounded somewhere in the apartment and Sikander went to retrieve his phone and I found the opportunity to leave.

"Allah Hafiz."I said to Aunty.

She smiled and replied me back.

A thought crossed my mind when I turned around.Not able to dismiss it, I turned back to Aunty, seeing her still stand at the door.

"I can atleast get your daughter's name before leaving."I said skeptically.Aunty seemed unfazed as she smiled warmly.

"Amal Dawood."


Hi ..

Tell me what you think about the chapter and hey, Amal is back ..


Did you ever thought that this would happen..??

Well it happened..

Don't forget to vote, comment a lot, share and follow..

Love you all ..

Until Next time,


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