《Black hearts meet Red》Chapter 11


Assalam O Alaikum .. How are you All..?? :)

Actually I was planning on to extending the story a little bit..First, I had somethings in my mind to add but I thought that would prolong the story and you guys wouldn't enjoy but now I think adding those few things would only make the characters more strong and you'd actually enjoy more.. Because "The Awaiting Bride" finished off pretty soon , so I plan to make this story a little long one.. What do you think ?? I am totally up for adding more interesting things in Arsalan's life because if I don't , it'll feel as if everything's on Amal's plate .. So Yeah .. !! Tell me what do you think About It .. ??

Hope you Enjoy the Chapter .. ;)



I frowned.Lines forming on my forehead as I bit the inside of my cheek.At this bright time of the day, there was still no movement from inside the large mansion.It almost felt as if no one lived in there since ages.The gates were always closed since the last week I had started to come here and no one went in or out of the boundaries of the mansion.

I sighed frustrated, running my hands through my hair.I had dropped Amal here some weeks ago on that rainy night but now it seemed as if she didn't live here anymore.It was now ticking me off seeing no response from the opposite end.I just wanted a glimpse of her.I just wanted to make sure she was okay but what held me back from knocking on those bloódy gates were her expressions that she held in her large teary eyes on that night when I saw her last time.

I waited for five more minutes outside her house before starting the car and driving off.


An unsettling feeling had taken its place in my stomach whenever I thought of the particular grey eyed-woman.She truly was different from anyone I had ever seen.Something about her just pulled me more towards her.It wasn't that I had feelings for her or that I loved her.It was something I could not point out that I had for her.But I knew it was stronger than care.

She had just held me captive that instead giving more time to the office work, I was here looking at her house like a stalker.She had this power within her majestic eyes that wouldn't leave me for a second.Her thoughts were occupied by my mind and yet I wasn't able to get rid of them.

Maybe I didn't want to get rid of them.

I had a loving family, people to look after but unintentionally she had become someone, that I wanted to look after.To protect her and keep her away from all the harm.To store her safely in a bottle and hide it somewhere with stars that no one could ever harm her.


I tested the words on my lips as they rolled off.Her name was beautiful and it suited well on her.It had become my favorite name now.





I snapped back to reality when I saw an elderly woman on the side of the road with some heavy bags.I slowed down the car before stopping it a little ahead of her.Getting down from the vehicle I rounded it before assisting to help her.She sighed in relief before handing the bags full of grocery to me.


"Oh..thank you so much son, it was getting a little hard to carry all those.. "She smiled, still breathless as she settled on the car seat.Her brown eyes sweeping to mine in thankfulness.I shook my head at her,

"You are calling me son and then thanking me.."I said playfully putting the car in gear.She laughed a little and muttered a 'sorry'.She reminded me of Ammi as she seemed to be in the same age as my mother.

"So.. where to Aunty?"I said.

"Oh.. Just around the corner and then take left."She said.I nodded my head, my eyes focusing on the road ahead of me.

"Well seeing you, young man, I am relieved that they are still good people in this wild world."She whispered softly.

"Especially youngsters.. "She added sheepishly.I smiled at her words,

"It is the eye that makes us look at good and bad, and to what we want to look.The goodness and badness comes from the family we belong."I answered her.Hearing her hum.

"That's very true son."She said quietly.We took a left turn and she directed to take another right one.

"You remind me of my son.He lives abroad and is very caring.My daughter is married and she is also a pearl.It leaves just me then."She stated, her words filled with pride for her children.

"Uhm Hmm.."I smiled again.

She instructed to stop by a small white house and I parked the car just outside the gate.She got down and I helped her escort her bags inside the house.It was a big house but rather a small one, yet she had decorated every corner with sophistication and elegance.There weren't even fancy decorations in the house but still it was filled with such warmth and homey look that one would crave to peeve in.There were only two chairs and a wooden table in the small sitting area, a charpoy bed and an old couch.The furniture shined with no particle of dust and the glass vase was filled with fresh jasmine flowers as they floated in water.

I stuffed my hands in my jeans pockets as I waited for the old woman to come out from the room, she had disappeared a few moments ago.She scurried a minute after a small smile on her face as she offered me a glass of water.

"Please have a seat.."She said.Taking the glass off the tray I sat down on the couch as she sat across from me on the charpoy bed.Gulping some water, I said trying to erase the awkwardness,

"You've got a nice house.Its very welcoming."

"Oh..Well thank you.I don't have anything to offer you except for my duas."The woman's eyes swept nervously to mine as she offered a smile to me.Gulping down the water, I placed the glass on the table and stood up.

"That's the only thing I am in need of."I spoke quietly.She too stood up as I walked past her to the main gate.

"Here is my number.If you need anything Aunty call me.If I am here, I'll be pleased to help you anytime."Taking out a paper and pen I jutted down my number and handed it to her.Her eyes shined with appreciation as she looked up at me.


Her wrinkled hand moved towards my head and I bent a little at her level.Her hand traced down my head as she blew prayers at me.My glassy brown eyes met mine as she nodded her head.

"May ALLAH bless you.And may my Lord grant you what you desire the most."She said smiling making me inhale a deep breath.I said ALLAH HAFIZ to her before turning around from the humbleness of her home and her, striding away from her boundaries.Sitting behind the steering wheel I cast my eyes one last time at her before starting the car and driving off to my home.

There was deep pain behind her every smile.


My fingers tapped the pillar besides me as I waited at the Islamabad Airport for my cousin who had ditched us all yesterday breaking an innocent heart that only beats for him.My eyes scanned around the place as the passengers started to come out from behind the tinted doors.

A pair of green eyes also scanned the crowded main hall, as the man pushed his luggage trolley.His hands running down his face as his eyes tried to find me.I held myself back from going over to him who looked like a lost kid.Finally after few minutes he spotted me as I too moved towards him.

When I was at an arm's reach he pulled me in a rather hard brotherly hug almost squishing the breath out of my lungs.

"Arsalan.."He said, his arms still around me.

"Salah."I spoke patting his back.

"I missed you so much, man."A grin on his face as he pulled back.

"Me too, you traitor."I narrowed my eyes at him as I messed his hair.Salah gave me a sheepish smile before looking away.

"I'll tell you when we reach home."He said, his lips curving into a half smile.

"Yeah, lets go every-one is waiting for you, for a long time."I winked playfully as he lightly smacked my arm.

"Um, Arsalan meet Talia.."I turned around immediately as soon as the words left Salah's mouth.

Oh shit.

I noticed the woman besides him just now.Her teal streaked black hair were down as her large eyes moved between me and Salah.She looked least bit interested in being here but offered a smile to Salah, who looked very stupid smiling at her.Covering my emotions in a mask, I gave the woman a curt nod,


"Hi."She said forwarding her hand towards me.I looked at her still extended hand, my eyes slowly moving towards Salah's face as I glared at him.Shaking my head at the mad woman I turned around moving to the parking area as the two followed behind me with their trolleys.

Putting another suitcase in the trunk I shut the boot as I stared at Salah, as he stood leaning against the car.He raised his eyebrows at me.

"You are in deep shit."I bit out keeping my anger at bay.

What the hell did he think before bringing a girl home??

"Look I know.I'll tell you everything.She is a friend of mine and is an amazing girl.You'll like her, so stop being so pissed off."He glared back covering his self, pulling up his armor like me.

As I drove down the highway, I couldn't help but worry about Shahwar.She loved this stupid man who snored besides me.It was going to be very hard seeing Salah and Talia together for her.She was my cousin but was very close to me like my sisters.And being a brother to her, I knew exactly how hurt she would be.Another angry sigh left my lips as I focused on the road ahead.


"Bhai..BHAIII.."The young woman barged inside the room, her hands on her hips as she narrowed her eyes as me.

"You took MY charger?"She asked, anger radiating in her tone.

"No Zarah."I gave my youngest sister an innocent face as I tugged my lips downward.

"Oh.Really?"She asked again, sarcasm dripping in her voice as she curved her lips.

Her eyes roamed around my room before they zeroed on her rightful possession.Striding towards the side table she took the charger and walked towards the door.

"Never take it again."She emphasized.Before she could walk out I called to her.

"Zarah.. Wait.."She hummed.

"How is Shahwar?"I asked skeptically.All anger drained from her face as she turned her face.

"She's pretty fine till now.And is actually with Talia."A small smile played on her lips as she turned towards the door and closed it behind her.

ALLAH .. Dramatic days were coming soon.

I fell back on the bed as I thought about the lady that I met few days back.How I had let myself loosen in front of her.How much I had smile at her.I wasn't the person to give away my emotion so fast.I had changed, I had moulded myself to be strong.I had set an armor, a shield to protect myself from the filthiness.Yet I didn't need any shield in front of the old lady.

How she had spoken to me, how she prayed for my well being and how she blessed me.How she would smile with her every sentence.

A bitter smile curved my lips as I thought of someone, who would too smile with every sentence uttered yet only dissolved poison.


How is the chapter ..?? I hope you enjoyed it ..

The cover is made my an amazing girl Ssaayyjj.. So lots of love for her ..

And sweeties don't forget to





Sorry for the late update .. I really feel bad for updating late, I'll try to update soon this time.. :)

Loads of Love ,

Until Next Time,


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