《Black hearts meet Red》Chapter 8


(Almost three years before)

Filling the information on the form, I helped the older lady to sign her name.Holding her hand I led her to a room where another nurse was waiting for us.Biding bye to the nice old lady I came out from the room to help some other patients.

Reaching the reception I asked the girl behind the counter if I was needed by any of the doctors, as she politely declined.A small boy came in with his mother, blood running down his arm.The crying boy sat on the bench as his mother rushed to the reception asking for aid.Seeing the boy wail in pain I offered to assist his gash.

Cleaning the gash I put some antiseptic, the boy was still crying, big tears rolling down his round chubby cheeks.Pinching his cheeks, I asked trying to distract him,

"What's your name?"

"Faiz Bahadur Khan.."He sniffed rubbing his small fist on his eyes.An expected 'aww' left my lips seeing him look at me.

"So Faiz, tell me how did this happen?" I asked rubbing the cotton softly on his arm.

"I was riding my bicycle, when I fell down."He informed, his cries now stifled.

"Ohoo .. You should be careful you know.."I said softly.

"And why are you crying so much, you are a very brave boy, you should not cry .."I added seeing his eyes wide in surprise maybe.His brown eyes shined as if he was imagining himself to be superman.

I giggled seeing him smile too which soon turned into a laugh.When I finished bandaging his bad arm, I offered a lollypop to him.

"Thank you."He said shyly.

"You welcome.You are very cute."I stated pinching his soft cheeks.

"And you are very beautiful."He surprised me by saying.My grey eyes wide at his little confession.Soon his mother came and they went.Just as I walked out from the small room in the clinic, the scene before me left me baffled.

A crowd was gathered of large bulky men dressed in black kurta shalwar as they yelled at the only male doctor present in the clinic.

My heartbeats increased looking at the dangerous men.Some of them even had guns.The commotion cleared a little and a man stepped forward like a leader among rest of them.

Dressed in crisp white kurta shalwar with a black waistcoat, he stood proud and intimidating.His dark eyes roamed around the small clinic, his jet black hair combed backwards and his beard was trimmed to perfection.His shoes polished as his arms were folded behind his back.Like a hawk his predatory eyes clashed with my grey orbs making my breath hitched.His eyes roamed down my face and body making me take a step back although there was enough distance between us.My hand unconsciously moving towards the edge of my dupatta as I pulled it across my face, hiding away behind my niqab.

Although I wasn't a niqabi but the way his eyes assessed me, made me uneasy and uncomfortable.He narrowed his eyes at my actions, glaring my way.Fear froze my mind as I stood there only getting negative vibes from him.

The other five men yelling and fighting had stopped as they too stared at me standing besides the 31 or 33 year old man, their boss.My eyes glanced around the other staff only to see them as fearful as me.

The man in white clothes whispered something to the other with a gun.He turned to the doctor and asked in an authorative and cold voice, his loud voice booming across the walls,


"What's her name?"I bit the inside of my cheek in fear.

"A..Amal Dawood."The doctor answered.

Glancing once towards my way, with his sharp eyes he walked out the way he had come in. His guards following him out.The thick atmosphere suddenly felt breathable.Making me take in large gulps of breaths.


I didn't tell aunty or Sikander Bhai of this, wanting not to worry them.However I worried a lot as after that incident I always felt as if I was being watched or followed around.Days turned into weeks and weeks into months.

Sikander bhai would usually leave me to the clinic and pick me up.That day as usual bhai dropped me off to the clinic but couldn't come to pick me up so I called from the clinic's phone informing Aunty that I'd be walking home.Our house wasn't very far but only thirty minute walk to the clinic.

Reading the dua's I started my walk under the greying clouds.I was half way through when a black car stopped by me making me stop abruptly.My heart drummed against my ribcage as I gulped down my dry throat.Due to the dark tinted windows I couldn't see in.

Ignoring it I walked again despite my fear and heavy breaths.The door of the car opened behind me and a manly voice called out ,

"Madam need a lift?"Deciding not to turn around I continued with my journey.But again the same voice called out,

"Madam... We can give you a lift.. "My steps quickened and I never turned back till I reached home that evening.

I kept the secret in me for some days and then told Sikander bhai and Shahana Aunty about the recent events.As expected they got worried and then I was told to leave the clinic.Being under their responsibility, I agreed to not work in the clinic.Home tutoring, Aunty sewing and Sikander bhai's job was enough to run the house.

Eight months later, I had totally forgotten about the mysterious guy and settled in my routine.But fate wasn't on my side when one day I encountered him again.

He was alone, puffing out an expensive cigar at the side of the road as his car's tyre was punctured.He recognized me instantly and advanced towards me making me step back.The road was devoid of any human other than us making me feel very scared.I was just returning from dropping off some clothes to Aunty's dear friend.

"You know I could ruin you whole, and you wouldn't be able to do anything."He had stated sharply grabbing my arm.Tears brimmed my eyes as I wiggled in his hard grip.

"Leave me .. "I cried out.His touch, hot lava to my skin as I pleaded to get freed.

"Please,leave me .. "He pushed me away making me stumble but I regained my balance as he laughed madly.Looking at him scared I ran for my life.

Asking ALLAH to never make me see this man again..


A loud knock sounded on the door as I hurried to open them, not wanting the person waiting outside to get drenched in the heavy rain.

Pulling the wooden double door open, I stood shocked to see the men stand there.The smile wiped down my face as my eyes stared at the two men stand before me.

"Amal.. Who's it?"Aunty's voice called out from behind me but I was too shocked or scared to respond to her question.A soft hand was placed on my shoulder and I backed away slowly and numbly as Aunty came to stand before me,


"Yes .."She asked sternly.

"Can we come in Ma'am?"Asked the man, I had not seen till now but his stare made me sure that he was a friend of the dangerous man that stood besides him.

"We need to talk about something very important."He added, emphasizing the word 'very'.

The man was again in the same attire when he came to the clinic as he stood muted and his friend did the talking.My face was covered but the way he stared at me, I felt as if he would see past the cloth covering half of my face.

"Beti, go into your room.."Aunty instructed turning towards me and I silently nodded going towards my room and closing the door behind me.I could hear two foreign voices mixing with Aunty's and Sikander bhai's voice.Some argument went on before the matters settled.I sat on my bed, biting on my lips and praying to ALLAH that all is well.

Sometime later Aunty called me and I hesitantly walked in the small living room where the two men sat.But the difference was clear who stood more proud and powerful, his aura changing the atmosphere of the house.

"Amal.. This is Jalal Khan, he has come to ask your hand in M..marriage.."Aunty placed a gentle hand on my shoulder as she said the words out making me gasp.My heart falling in my stomach as tears blurred my vision.I cast a glance at the man seeing him smirk proudly.

My hands went numb as my head spinned.The two large men stood up, Jalal khan saying,

"Two months later, I will be taking her from here."His cold voice bit out in finality before he walked out from our house.

My knees gave out from under me as I fell down on the couch.Aunty was by my side worried as she caressed my face and hands.

"Amal.. Amal.. "

"Aunty .. How did this happen?"I asked softly still trying to process what had happened a few minutes ago.The thunder roared from outside making my heart beat erratically.

"Amal .. His friend says he likes you and wants to get married to you .. He likes you from the day he first saw you in the clinic.. "

"He is a very powerful man and does not takes a no for an answer.He has no family, that's what we are told and has everything one needs for a wealthy life..We hadn't given him any answer but he says he will be here after two months from now on..He even said that if we ran away he will hunt you down .. "Aunty told making me stare in shock.

That night I cried and cried the night after that, and the night after that and the night after that ...


My hands were decorated with simple henna and I sat in my peach-pink golden bridal dress.The shirt was knee length filled with golden embroidery on the peach-pink fabric.The skirt was simple and filled with light beautiful embroidery.My jewellery looked very expensive and makeup was done to perfection.My hair were pinned back in a bun and were covered by my matching dupatta.

The dress, makeup, jewellery was all from Jalal's side and I felt like a guest on my wedding.I was the only one dressed not even aunty was dressed.No guest were invited from our side or Jalal's.The Nikah was to be happened simply with no more festivities.

Two months were enough for me to make up my mind.I had decided to work out my way in my marriage life.Sewing new dreams softly and carefully that they don't get ruined, I brought myself to be normal in marital status.Accepting the proposal taking it as a sign from ALLAH I agreed to get married with happiness although Sikander bhai and Aunty were very doubtful and helpless.But I assured them, asking them to think positively.

"Amal .. He's here.. " Aunty called out.She helped me stand up as I sat on the stool by the bed.After few minutes an old man dressed in white clothing walked in with some papers and the nikah started.With tears and quivering lips I said my acceptance.When the men went out for the groom's acceptance I clung myself to Aunty and cried harder feeling as if I was never gonna meet her again.

She wasn't my mother but she had treated me like one.My attachment was very strong with her.And when Jalal accepted me in his Nikah aunty hugged me more harder.

There was no backing away now as I hugged Aunty one last time at the doorsteps of the house I had lived since childhood.Sniffing I sat in the car, Jalal was already sitting there but I didn't glance at him feeling too overwhelmed.Waving one last time at Sikander bhai and Aunty I looked down at my lap.And the car started its journey.

In the dark night trees passed by, as I sat in silence staring out the window.The drive was very silent even my husband and the driver weren't even talking.Coming to a halt I focused on the large black gates as they were pulled open.Driving through the drive way the car stopped and Jalal walked out not sparing me a glance.

Feeling a little disappointed I stepped out of the car and followed him in.Walking through the light brown doors I was welcomed with bright lights and a very luxurious house.Everything was perfectly in its place as my wide eyes observed around.A loud cry made me move my steps quick behind Jalal who stepped in the large room, the hall,maybe.

The scene before me shocked me to my heart's core.A woman with beautiful features lay on the couch her hand on her round belly as she cried out in pain.Her face twisting with utter pain as tears rolled down her cheeks.A young woman same age as her stood besides her, wiping her forehead.

Noticing us, she called out,

"Master, Marwa madam.."Her words died in her mouth as she observed me.I was still in shock why Jalal stood motionless or why wasn't he doing anything.

The woman, whose name was Marwa opened her eyes for a fraction of second before she shut them again leaning back on the couch.Sweat covered my forehead seeing her in this condition.

"She needs a doctor.. "I yelled out seeing the pregnant woman wither in pain.Jalal's fury filled eyes moved to me and he glared at me but I didn't stop from reaching towards the woman in pain.Holding her hand I helped her sit up.The maid also helped and we helped Marwa to stand.Jalal was still in the same position.Tears of frustration rolled down my eyes as I saw the large man stand there looking us in disgust.

"Please do something, why are you just standing?"I asked irritated at his inhuman behaviour but my words only fueled his anger as he grit his teeth.

"Yasir , Yasir .." He roared out making me gasp in fear.

"Get the car ready.. "He roared again at the guard.

Helping Marwa to the car, I sat in besides her, rubbing her palms as she rolled in pain.Jalal sat in the front and soon we were on the road.

Once reaching the city hospital, she was wheeled in and I walked with her till she was taken inside the ward.I tried to gain my breath and wiped my tears that flowed down my cheeks because I had never experienced something like this before.Sure I had worked in a clinic where emergency cases came in but nothing like this happen.

My hands were shaking as I stared at my fingers.I was responsible to saving a pregnant woman, not one life but two.People from all around me stared at me weirdly and only then I realized, I was in my wedding attire.Remembering of wedding, I turned to find Jalal but he was nowhere in sight.

I waited, sitting on the bench ignoring the stares.After about an hour and half a doctor walked out, asking about Marwa's family.I told her that I had come in with her.

"Congratulation.She has given birth to a healthy baby boy.If she wasn't brought in time, she might have lost the bundle of happiness she is holding now."The polite doctor smiled and walked away.

My heart whispered Alhamdulillah before I made my way towards Marwa's room.Knocking softly I walked in seeing her lay on the bed with her baby in her arms.A smile was plastered on her face as she looked down at her baby.

"Congratulation.."I whispered once near her.

She glanced up to me, her eyes widening slightly.

"Thank you.."She whispered looking at me.

"For everything.."She added making me shake my head at her, offering her a smile.

"You wanna hold him..?"She asked smiling brightly.I was shocked but I nodded slowly standing near her as she placed the small baby in my arms.He was so beautifully cute and so small that he felt like a feather.His cheeks were round and his flesh pink.

MashALLAH ..

I handed the baby back and soon a nurse came in she placed the baby boy in the cot near Marwa's bed and giving privacy I walked out slowly in search of Jalal.

Questions filled my mind as I thought who was Marwa to Jalal, as Jalal had no family then who was she ? And where was her family ?

Jalal was sitting on the benches outside and I reached him informing him about the baby boy.

"You should also see him.Come, lets go."I said awaiting him to come with me.He seemed unfazed but still went in.The nurse was gone and Marwa was eating so Jalal only looked at the baby from afar.I was feeling very strange at the while ordeal.

"I have named him Akbar.."Marwa spoke out her eyes fixed on her food.

Without another word Jalal was out of the room.I followed him out.

"Who is the woman inside?"I asked him from behind him.

He stopped in his track but didn't turn around.The waiting area was almost empty as it was very late at night.

"Who is she ?"I asked getting exasperated.My heart thudding when suddenly a rogue thought went across my mind.The man before me was still mute.

"Who is Marwa ?" Chills ran down my spine as I asked for the third time.The large man turned towards me his face red with anger.His fists clenched and his eyes spitting fire at me.

"She is my wife."He answered in a cold voice and walked off leaving me there baffled.




I was dressed as a bride of a man who was married and his wife had given birth only a few minutes ago.. Tears of betrayal fell down my cheeks, my body becoming numb, all energy suddenly draining out ..

My world had just crumpled in front of my eyes..Shattering

I was doomed..



what did just happen !!

Hey, :) :)

Missed me or Arsalan ..??

How was the chapter ?? Its the longest chapter I've ever written .. !!

So don't forget to,





Until Next Time,


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