《Black hearts meet Red》Chapter 2 ✔


This chapter is dedicated to ME

I jolted awake as the door slammed shut.Rubbing my eyes I sat a little straighter on the armchair in our bedroom trying to make out the figure that stumbled in the dark room.My husband wobbled towards me, his stance not at all normal.

Fear crept in my veins as he took another step towards me.All sleep from my tired eyes drained out as I observed the man.Once near my chair he leaned towards my face making me back away in my chair.My breaths got uneven as he tucked a strand behind my ear, his voice booming around me,

"D..did y..ou s.lee..ppp?"His slurred speech made me realize that he was drunk.The smell of alcohol from his mouth wafting passed my nostrils making me jolt away from his touch.

"You are drunk."I said softly yet fearfully.His dark shadow loomed over me as he leaned his hands on the armrest.I could feel his eyes blazing anger on my statement despite the darkness in the room.

"Yes I am then what ??"suddenly he roared making me gasp loudly as tears brimmed my eyes.I shook my head silently looking at my hands in my lap.

"Weren't you supposed to stay awake like an obedient wife till I reach home."He yelled backing away making me cower in the chair.

Glaring at my way he took some steps back making me stand up on my shaking legs.Reaching towards the switch boards he switched on the lights in the bedroom.My tears were flowing as I took in his figure.His dark brown Kurta Shalwar made him look more beastly.His eyes bloodshot as he pulled at his hair staring my way.

"Jalal.."I called out,unsure.

"Shut up.. Just shut up."He yelled again as his hand reached towards another expensive vase.Taking it in his hands he throw it my way, the glass shattering just a few steps away from me.I gasped at the sudden anger directed my way.

Crying out aloud I pulled my hands upwards as if surrending calling on to my husband once again.

"Jalal, please.. I was really tired.."I said trying to calm his drunken anger.

"Stop with the excuses.I hate excuses."He yelled once again so loud that I feared all the people sleeping in the mansion might wake up.

"Please.."I pleaded backing away from him as he took predatory steps towards me.My bare feet felt the cold floor beneath me as I took slow steps away.My hold tightened on my long dupatta that covered most of my hair as the drunken man took a big stride towards me, making me flinch.His hand pulled at my arm harshly as he stepped over the broken glass pieces, they didn't affect him and he wasn't bare foot.I yelped as he placed his hand on my nape pulling me close.


His body radiated power,dominance,anger.His grip tightening on my nape as he dragged me to the centre of the large room.I cried out feeling his nails dig into my skin.

"Shut up ..Just shut up..."He shouted at my fearful face and rewarding me with a hard slap, with so much force that my frail body turned one side,my hand reaching to my now burning skin.

My sobs had stopped as the time seemed to stop, numbing my ears and drumming my heart in my ribcage.However this didn't stop my drunken of a beast husband as he muttered profanities under his breath landing a punch on the side of my mouth, giving off all his frustration.

I just stood there, like all the other times I did as he cursed me to have so much beauty, as he cursed me to disobey him, as he crushed all my respect and soul.

Pulling at my hair, he gripped them in his fist.I hissed a little, my blurry eyes meeting his.

"You deserve this.You deserve all the hate from this world.You deserve this fate.You beauty kills me,I wish to kill you."He yelled at my face making me shut my eyes.

With a final push towards the wooden table, he throw me on the ground and walked to the bed slumping down before switching off the lights.


I sat there frozen in the dark crying silently like a broken and shattered soul.A ragged doll.Yes, that was I.The carved wood dug at my sides, surely leaving bruises.Moving my arm a little, I hissed.Pain searing through my skin as I straightened it.In order to protect my self from falling face flat on the floor I had placed it under my body, but now it hurt a lot.

My tears continuously flowed down my cheeks as I waited for Jalal Khan to drown into deep sleep.About twenty minutes later when I was sure he was deep in sleep I stood up.Collecting my bruised and beaten self I wobbled towards the washroom.Switching on the lights, white tiles greeted me as I walked inside the spacious bathroom.

Standing before the mirror I observed my self.My skin was pale, my grey eyes looked dull and dead and filled with tears, starting to turn red from all the crying.Five fingers were imprinted on my right cheek and a bruise had started to form on the same side just near my lips.My nose was red and lips dry.Pressing my lips together I hissed flinching slightly, because of the punch my skin had swelled and it hurt to even press lips together.


My neck was also a little bright red.Pulling the dupatta from my shoulders and throwing it on the floor I walked under the shower head.Fresh tears rolled down my cheeks as I hiccupped,my lips trembling from the pain.Turning the silver tap, water showered from above me as I stood there wrapping my arms around myself.Water flowed down my body as I leaned against the white tiled wall and sliding onto the floor.Sitting under the shower I cried more feeling defeated as always.

I had started to hate myself.Jalal hated me, he always said my beauty ruins everything.I ruin everything.Just a look at my face and dark clouds would gather everywhere ready to destroy everything.

I cried more and more.The pain only increasing.It wasn't just tonight that I cried sitting under the shower.I sat there until all the tears dried off and I cried no more.Everyone in the large mansion knew what their master does behind closed doors but fearful of the man that was adorned with dominance and power, pride they didn't say a word.There was no saviour.

Except ALLAH.


Arsalan :

I walked a little more faster following the shadow.It was a forest with large trees that it was getting a little so hard to follow the silhouette.There was someone, dressed in black as they moved away from me.Taking long strike I finally reached the person but they were still walking.Passing the forest we had now reached into a little clearing with lots of sand.

Getting the opportunity I grabbed the person's wrist halting their movement.I moved around them to come face to face.It was a woman dressed in black but her face was covered with a piece of black cloth and she was crying.Her tears just rolled down and absorbed in the cloth.I couldn't recognize her.Who was she ?

Reaching towards the fabric,I intended to pull it away but before I could she pulled her hand back and turned around walking away.I stood there for a minute before following her again.She seemed upset and sad.Walking a little farther a beach came in our view.I stopped but the woman did not.The waves were high as they crashed against each other.

The woman was moving fast towards the inviting sea water.Suddenly it started to get dark.Gaining my posture I hurried behind her.I called out to her to stop but she didn't.When almost water was touching my knees I pulled her towards me but a force wasn't letting her come to me.My fingers held tightly onto her slipping hand.A big wave came washing her away from me.She disappeared in the water, not seeing her body anywhere I yelled out aggravated.

And yelled loudly again..

My eyes shot open to the dark ceiling above me.My rapid breaths were all I could hear near me.Roaming my eyes around my room I sighed sitting up.Another nightmare.I pulled at my hair recalling it again.I had seen this kind of nightmare before a few days back.There was always this woman that I couldn't save and she would always go away from me.

My charcoal eyes landed on my wall clock as it struck ten past four in the morning.Getting out of the bed, I filled a glass with water from my table.Gulping down the water I walked to my window.It was soon gonna be Fajr time,I thought.Sleep was nowhere near me now as I sat by the window on my bean bag.

I'll probably sleep after Fajr Namaz, I thought again.


How was the chapter , you guys have to comment a lot because I cannot tell you how-

you're comments just make me happy :)

It was hard writing Amal's POV but I've got it under control :)

I'll update soon but you're precious votes and comments would boost me to write earlier :D

Anyways , people don't forget to





So...So..So.. Yeah tell me if you started to like the book .. :)

Take Care ..!!

Until Next time,


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