《Black hearts meet Red》Chapter 1 ✔


It had been four years since I last saw her but the memory was so fresh that it felt like two days.Sometimes I thought it was just a figment of my imagination maybe she didn't exist in real, it was all an illusion but.Her smile.Her smile was so pure and beautiful that it makes me belief she was real, as she stood ten feet's away from me.

It was a coincidence I was there, in that school.Abbo had asked me to get some files from the school's headmaster as he was Abbo's good friend.First I had denied a little but after Ammi's much insistence I got out to fetch the files.I had just passed the fence of the old building when I saw her.Dressed in a white dress, as she played with some children in the playground.My steps had slowed down as my unwavering gaze settled on the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen.Her large eyes shined as she laughed.Her hair were covered with her white dupatta.A little girl came to her tugging at her shirt lightly, demanding her attention.She helped the little girl on the slide making me observe her more intently.Never in my life I had seen someone like her.She had left me immobile grabbing all of my attention unintentionally.As if feeling my eyes on her, she turned around, her grey eyes clashed with mine and my world seemed to stop.I could feel her gasp even when she was ten feet away but then she covered half of her face with her dupatta immediately.Her eyes were only visible as she fiddled on her place.I averted my eyes feeling like a stupid to stare at her like that.

But I couldn't help to steal a glance at her yet again only to be caught by her, again.My lips curved into a smile and then the unexpected happened.She smiled back.Although her face was covered I could feel the small rise of her cheekbones from under her dupatta.Our beautiful spell was broken when a voice called out,



She hurriedly went inside the old school building and disappeared from my view after that.That was the last time I saw her.All I only knew about her, was her name.


That day she had stolen a part of me, and I remained incomplete now.No day went by that I wouldn't remember her beautiful grey eyes and her..

"Sir..Sir.."A voice spoke out making me return back to reality.My eyes moved to the young boy as he addressed me.

"Yes."I said regaining my posture.Inhaling a large breath in.

"Do you need anything else?"He asked.Reaching towards my wallet I kept the money on the table for the tea I drank and shook my head.He took the money and went behind the counter again making me remind of my childhood.

Grabbing my jacket from the chair I stood up walking out from the small tea stall at the side of the road.Due to the weather of Abottabad, there were many tea stalls lined along the roads.But this one was my favourite.

Getting inside the Escalade I reversed it before hitting the road.The streets were almost vacant as it was past midnight.The stars were bright with no sign of the moon.

Taking another sharp turn, my eyes moved to my phone as it rang.My older sister, Hira's name flashed across the screen making me sigh.Sliding the green button on the screen, I pressed it to my ear.

"Asslam O Alaikum."She greeted making me smile a little.

"Walaikum Asslam.How are you ?"I asked.

"Oh I am fine.What about you?How is everyone at home?"She asked.

"I am good and so is everyone else."

"Okay .. Just wanted to tell you that Bilal was really missing you, he was saying he wants to see you and also Shahaab wants to talk to you."I could detect the change in her tone as she cheerfully went on and on.


"Okay so give my love to Bilal and saw that Mamu is going to visit him soon and don't worry I'll call your husband and talk to him"I said patiently.

"Okay yeah..Arsalan are you driving?"

She asked.

"Yeah I am .."I trailed off taking another turn.

"Okay then I'll talk to you sometime else.Drive safe.Give my Salam and love to everyone and ALLAH Hafiz."

"Okay Hira.. ALLAH Hafiz."Finally hearing my goodbye she disconnected the call.

The familiar gates came into my view as the guards opened them.Parking my car in the driveway I went inside the silent house with dim lights.

Everyone was already asleep.Climbing the stairs I got into my room.After praying, I hit the bed feeling suddenly exhausted.My eyes closed and a pair of grey eyes haunted my dreams again..


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