《Black hearts meet Red》A Note From Haf..


Assalam O Alaikum And Hi All Beautiful and Gorgeous People ..!!

How are you All .. ??

I am very excited to tell you that I am soon gonna publish the First Chapter of this book .. But Firstly I wanted to say a few things ..

•This book "Black Hearts Meet Red" is a bit different from the romantic stories that we usually read , its very different from "The Awaiting Bride" .

•Its a bit dark and dangerous with a little bit of swearing that I'll surely try to avoid.And also hints of romance *ahem *ahem*

•It needs your attention a lot :D

•So people don't copy my work and show as much as love you can ..

•Its a romantic long drive you'll enjoy :*

That's all ..!!

So show me some love by Voting and Commenting Loads , Don't forget to Follow and Share ..

Until Next Time


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