《Outside The Lines [boyxboy]》Outside The Lines {23} END


I rang the doorbell and waited. The door creaked open and Galen peaked his head out, narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

“You’re here for my big brother,” he said.

“I come here for Dimitri almost every day Galen,” I said patiently.

Galen’s eyes slid past me and widened a little. “Who’s the pretty girl, Theo?”

Thalia laughed. “I’m his sister,” she said, slinging her arm around my shoulders. “I’m Thalia. You must be Galen. Dimitri talks about you a lot.”

“Because Dimmy loves me,” Galen said happily, pulling the door open and letting us into the house.

Galen took Thalia’s hand in his. “Come on! Dimmy and daddy are playing in the living room,” he said, dragging Thalia towards the living room.

“Why do you hate me?” I asked him with a pout as I followed them.

“Because you’re trying to take my brother from me! Dimmy loves me more,” he said smugly, sticking his tongue out at me.

“We’ve been dating for 6 months,” I grumbled. “Give me a break already.”

We entered the living room and I couldn’t help but smile a little. Dimitri and his dad were sitting on the floor, playing cards together. His mom was sitting on the couch with a glass of wine, watching them. Kim was sitting on the other couch, texting.

It had been 6 months since I had won Dimitri back in pool. We were doing absolutely amazing with our relationship. We had had our heated moments, but never anything sexual. Dimitri only went as far as I wanted. He never pressured me for more. I think he knew that I felt special being in a nonsexual relationship with him.

I had introduced Dimitri as my boyfriend to my parents, and they had accepted it easily. My dad liked to bust my balls over it every once in a while, but other than that, they were fully supportive.

Dimitri’s parents had forgiven me for hurting Dimitri. They were really great parents, other than ignoring his promiscuous tendencies. His dad still scared the hell out of me, but he was much kinder to me now that he saw how happy his son was.

I watched Dimitri and Mr. Ivanov play cards. Galen dragged Thalia over to the couch Kim was on and forced her to sit. He jumped up next to her. Kim shifted and pulled Galen into her lap, and he smiled and giggled at her.

Dimitri slapped his hand down on the cards just a moment before Mr. Ivanov. Mrs. Ivanov winced at the sound it made when her husband smacked his hand on top of Dimitri’s.


“Ow,” Dimitri said calmly. “That was painful, father dearest.”

“Sorry Dimitri,” Mr. Ivanov said apologetically, pulling his hand away.

“I believe I’ve won again. I also believe that my little Theodore has finally arrived,” he said, standing up.

“Come here Dimitri,” Mrs. Ivanov said, motioning him over.

He strut over to the couch she was on, giving her a curious look. She reached out and tucked a loose strand of purple hair back into his fohawk and fixed the gold vest he was wearing over black button-up shirt.

“Why thank you,” Dimitri said, bowing to her.

He turned and came over to me, his usual smirk appearing on his face. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

“Ew! Mommy, Dimmy and Theo are kissing again,” Galen said, pointing at us.

“What, do you think they have cooties?” Kim asked, laughing.

Galen shook his head. “Not Dimmy. But Theo probably has cooties.”

“Galen!” Mrs. Ivanov rolled her eyes. “Be nicer to Theo. And when people date, they kiss.”

Galen shook his head. “Nu-uh, they kiss when they’re in love. You and daddy kiss all the time. And Dimmy always says he loves Theo…”

“Because I do love my little Theodore!” Dimitri smirked wider and wrapped an arm around my waist. He kissed my cheek.

He released me and went over, scooping Galen off of Kim’s lap. Galen wrapped his arms around Dimitri’s neck.

“Don’t be jealous, Galen. I could never pick little Theodore over my fabulous baby brother,” he said cheerfully.

“Thanks,” I grumbled. Dimitri winked at me.

He carried Galen over to Mrs. Ivanov and let her hold him on her lap. He came back over to us and took my hand in his.

“Ready to go?” he asked us.

“Yes! I’m starving,” Kim said, jumping up.

“Bye. Have fun,” Mr. Ivanov said, glancing up at us. He was picking up the cards off of the floor.

“Goodbye mother and father dearest,” Dimitri said, wiggling his fingers at them as he pulled me out of the room.

We left the house and got in my car. I pulled out of the driveway and took off towards Papa Louie’s, the restaurant we had run into Dimitri and Kim at when Dimitri had first started annoying me.

I parked the car and we got out, heading into the restaurant. I glanced at Dimitri and nearly smiled at the outrageous sight of him. With his gold vest over that black shirt, his white pants with the pink polka dots, and the blue scarf tied around his neck. He had his purple fohawk, his makeup, rings, and rainbow Vans. His hair was glittery, as was his light blue nail polish.


“Why are you staring at me, little Theodore?” he asked as we entered Papa Louie’s. The heads of the few people in there immediately turned, and they all stared at Dimitri. Dimitri, as always, was completely unfazed.

“Because I was thinking about those awful two days where you dressed like a normal human being,” I said, kissing his cheek.

“And now I’m back to being fabulous.” He gestured at himself, chuckling.

I reached up, touching Dimitri’s favorite royal purple scarf. It was wrapped around my neck securely. I had started wearing it every day.

“Ah, yes. The scarf that spruced up your life,” he said, nodding in approval.

“Theo! Thalia!”

Oliver hurried over to us. “Jeez, I didn’t know if you guys were coming. I thought you forgot,” he said.

“The background character, showing up late to the story,” Dimitri said with a dramatic sigh.

“You’re crazy,” Oliver grumbled. Dimitri never used Oliver name, not even after 6 months of Oliver reminding him to.

We followed Oliver over to a table and sat down. My eyes searched the faces at our table. Thalia, Oliver, Kim, and Dimitri had become my life. They were the only people I ever really hung out with, and I was totally fine with it. We had tons of fun.

Dimitri grabbed a pen off of the table and began to doodle on a napkin. I glanced at it and rolled my eyes. He had become quite talented at drawing my face.

“You know you love it when I draw your wonderful face, little Theodore,” he said, looking up from his doodle and handing me the pen. “Now, you draw something.”

“I suck at drawing,” I whined.

“Draw!” he commanded, pointing at the napkin.

I sighed and began to doodle on the napkin. Thalia, Oliver, and Kim were wrapped up in conversation about some new teacher at our school who was rumored to have had sex with kids in the bathroom during her lunch break.

“What in the magnificently incinerating hell are you drawing?” Dimitri asked, raising a thin eyebrow as he watched me.

“I’m coloring,” I said in annoyance, whacking his arm.

“You’re not even coloring in the lines!” he said, gesturing to the drawing of me he had done. I had been coloring in my hair, but it was now wildly outside of the lines he had drawn.

I grinned at him. “Someone once told me that life is more interesting when you color outside of the lines.”

Dimitri sighed and pulled me close, shaking his head. Glitter fluttered down, some of it getting on my shoulder. I had gotten used to Dimitri leaving me a glittery mess, especially after we would make out.

“Using my own words against me. Very clever, darling.” He ran his hand through my hair, his frosty eyes sparkling with amusement.

I couldn’t help but smile at him. “I love you Dimitri,” I said, pulling him close and kissing him.

Alek had left us alone, pretending that neither of us existed. Thalia and Oliver still didn’t know that Alek and Dimitri were siblings, but with graduation coming up, the whole school would know soon enough.

Dimitri and I were going to colleges that were 15 minutes away from each other. We would be able to see each other whenever we wanted to, and that beyond thrilled me.

“So, are you going to start quoting me the way I quote Hamlet?” Dimitri asked curiously.

I shook my head. “Nah. Just that one quote of yours. After all, I was going outside of the lines when I dated you, and it certainly made my life more interesting.”

“But in a good way,” he said, his smirk growing.

“In a good way,” I confirmed with a nod. I kissed him. “I love you Dimitri, and I wouldn’t give you up for anything.”

I rested my head on his shoulder and he put his arms around me. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. The smirk was still on his face, but a softer look was in his eyes.

“I love you too, my little Theodore,” he promised.

I snuggled against him, twining our fingers together. Yes, he was wild, crazy, flamboyant, and obnoxious. But he was the color in my life, and I loved him and had never once regretted agreeing to date him.


A.N.- IT'S OVER D; And please don't ask me for a sequel or a spin-off .__.


Also, I just asked my boyfriend to go see Monsters University with me, and he said no. DIMITRI WOULD TAKE THEO TO SEE IT YOU JERK. How unfabulous.

But seriously, as annoying as it was to write Dimitri, I'm going to miss him :

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