《Outside The Lines [boyxboy]》Outside The Lines {9}
“I’m so tired,” Oliver groaned, resting his head on my shoulder.
“I’m not a pillow,” I said, shrugging him off.
“No, but you’re my best friend. Which means you need to act like a pillow when I want you to act like a pillow,” he said.
“Would we still be friends if I punched you in the face right now?”
“No, probably not.”
I raised my fist and Oliver ducked back, gripping my wrist. He pouted, pushing my arm back to my side.
“Jerk,” he grumbled.
“You love me,” I said, grinning.
“No. I just know how to put up with you,” Oliver said with a sigh. “Speaking of which, here comes your man.”
I glanced over as Dimitri entered the cafeteria, about ten minutes late to the period. Thankfully, Thalia was off getting help from one of her teachers.
Dimitri was rubbing the brown part of his hair in frustration as he looked down at his phone. Glitter was flying to the floor as he continued to rub his hair.
“I think this is the first time I have seen him with that stupid smirk of his,” I said, wondering what had him looking like that.
But then he chuckled to himself, his hand falling to his side as he shoved his phone in his pocket of his bright pink shorts. He also had on a loose tie-dye tank top. It proudly displayed the muscles of his arms, and his smooth chest.
He turned to go sit with his friends, and I noticed how muscular his back looked. God damn him and his stupid revealing tank top.
I looked up at Alek. “Need economic help?” I asked with a laugh.
“No. Actually, I was just wondering if I can sit with you,” she said, blushing a little.
“Uh…yea, sure!” I said, gesturing at the chair across from me. “Take a seat!”
Alek sat down in the chair across from me. She offered me a light smile as she pulled out homework to work on.
“Is Dimitri wearing a belt made out of paper clips?” Oliver asked in confusion, looking past me towards Dimitri.
I glanced over and, sure enough, Dimitri was wearing a belt made out of paper clips. He was standing up to toss something out, and I could see the paper clips hooked together, strung through the belt loops of his shorts.
“Why does Thalia want to be friends with him?” I asked miserably.
“Is Thalia the girl that usually sits here?” Alek asked.
I nodded. “Yea. She’s been getting a little too friendly with Dimitri.”
Alek made a face. “Keep her away from him. He just uses people for sex.”
“Why would any girl ever want to sleep with him? He’s hideous!” I said.
Well, that wasn’t entirely true. I had to admit, I could kind of see what Thalia meant when she called him attractive. If he didn’t have that stupid purple fohawk, his hair would be a nice, light shade of brown. And if he wore normal clothes, he could probably look like a model, what with his tall, firm body structure and his frosty eyes.
“I heard he sleeps around with guys too,” Oliver said.
“I heard that too,” Alek said with a nod.
The image of kissing Dimitri rose in my mind, and I hastily pushed it back. They didn’t need to suspect that I possibly had feelings for Dimitri.
“Who cares? As long as we keep him away from Thalia, I don’t care if he has sex with a friggin’ leprechaun,” I said.
“Leprechauns aren’t really my taste, little Theodore.”
I pinched the bridge of my nose. “You’re giving me a headache, and you’ve said one sentence Dimitri. Go away.”
“Worried I’m going to try to get with Thalia?” he asked, sitting on the edge of the table and watching me with a smirk.
“Nope. Because if you do try to get with her, we’ll make you regret it,” I said, pointing at Oliver.
“Oh, I’m so terrified,” he said, studying his nails, which were still covered in glittery black nail polish.
“Oh, go suck a dick,” I said in annoyance.
Dimitri’s smirk got wider as he switched his gaze from his nails to me. “Does it bother you that I’ve had male partners, little Theodore?”
“I don’t care who you’ve slept with. Just stay away from us,” I said, glaring at him.
“Now, that’s a bit rude. I just wanted to grace you with my presence for the period,” he said, reaching out and stroking my cheek.
I blushed and slapped his hand away, backing up hastily. “Go away and leave us alone!”
Dimitri didn’t say anything. He just let his hand drop back to his side and continued to smirk at me, a knowing look in his eyes.
“Can’t you take a hint? He wants you to leave him alone. We all want you to go away,” Alek said, quickly growing irritated.
“Little Theodore, your crush is quite rude,” Dimitri said, chuckling.
“Because having sex with people and then breaking their hearts is polite as hell,” Alek grumbled.
“Still on about the Zoey thing? It was a wonderful time, but she insists on making me out to be the bad guy,” Dimitri said with a sigh. “Tragedy, I suppose. Not my concern anymore. Anyways, I have some things to do over there, so goodbye little Theodore and his charming crush.”
He hopped down from the edge of the table and moved back over to his friends. He sat down and instantly became engaged in conversation with one of the guys there.
“I can’t remember the last time I hated someone so much,” I growled.
“Why does he pretend I’m invisible?” Oliver whined.
“Who are you?” I asked in confusion.
I yelped and rubbed my arm when Oliver punched it. I grumbled out cuss words to him and he smirked, shrugging innocently.
“So is it just me, or is Dimitri’s theme song Odd One by Sick Puppies?” Oliver asked.
“Uh, no. Probably something by Jeffree Star,” I said.
“If his theme song is by Jeffree Star, then it’s definitely I Dare You. I could see his mom being a drug addict and his dad looking like Kurt Cobain,” Oliver said thoughtfully.
I snickered and shook my head. “Whatever. Let’s quit talking about him.” I turned my attention to Alek. “So Alek, can I ask why you decided to sit with us today?”
Alek shrugged. “I guess I just wanted to get to know you a little better. You seem like a nice guy,” she said with a light blush.
Alek thought I was a nice guy?
Officially getting laid by this sexy chica.
“Well, I would love to get to know you better,” I said, flashing her a charming smile.
“Good,” she said, returning the smile.
She and I talked until the period was over. Oliver and I made our way to our next period, and the day dragged on until it was lunch time.
“Food, food, food,” I sang happily. I was in a great mood from spending fourth period with Alek, just sitting and talking to her, making her smile and laugh and blush.
Oliver and I sat down with our lunches, looking around for any sign of Thalia. I shrugged it off, opening my lunch and beginning to eat.
“So I’m thinking that ninth period, I can flirt with my girl again,” I said smugly.
“You do you Theo. Or, actually, you do her. Yea, yea! Definitely do her,” Oliver said with a nod.
“Oh no. Thalia, no. Don’t bring him over here to ruin my mood,” I groaned, spotting Thalia walking with Dimitri and Kim.
They came over to our table, talking to each other. Dimitri was flailing his hands as he said something about bird and a Frisbee.
“Oh, quit telling that story Dimitri,” Kim said, elbowing him and laughing.
“Oh Kimberly darling, it’s such a fabulous story,” he said with a dramatic sigh. “But I’ll obey your wishes, my dear.”
He glanced at me and smirked. “Ah, little Theodore. I’m sorry to say that you’ll be without my beloved company next period. I have other places to be.”
I grunted something at him and continued to eat my lunch. Hey, if I didn’t have to put up with him for a period, it was no loss to me.
“Well, I’ll see you guys in a little,” Thalia said, waving to them and sitting down at the table.
Dimitri hooked his arm through Kim’s and skipped away, dragging her with him. I stared after him and shook my head in disgust at how openly and overly flamboyant he was.
“Thalia, stay away from him,” I commanded her sternly.
“Theo, I’ll be around anyone I want,” she said, flicking me in the forehead.
I pouted and rubbed my forehead. The three of us ate lunch, Thalia listening as I told her about study hall with Alek.
The bell rang and we went off to English class. It was uneventful, but Mrs. Slate was in a much better mood due to the absence of Dimitri Ivanov.
Finally, ninth period came. I was basically bursting with excitement as we entered the classroom and sat down in our usual spots. I watched as Alek and her friend entered the room together and sat down in their normal spots. Surely Alek would talk to me again this period.
I was so excited that it didn’t even bother me when Dimitri came strutting in with Kim about ten minutes later to class. They sat down together, Dimitri leaning back in his chair and texting.
Alek got up and pretended to be reading as she moved over to my desk. She tapped on my shoulder and I looked up at her.
“Hey Theo. Do you think you can help me again?” she asked, holding up a packet.
“Of course,” I said, shoving my book into my backpack and motioning at the chair across from my desk.
She sat in it and we began to work on her economics packet together. Oliver and Thalia left us alone, letting work for a while as they talked to each other.
The musical voice had me looking up at Dimitri. He was standing in front of Thalia, arms crossed over his chest.
“Yes Dimitri?” Thalia asked, looking up at him.
“After we tutor tonight, would you like to come hang out with me and Kimberly darling?” he offered.
“Sure!” Thalia said, causing me to nearly have a heart attack.
“No!” I snapped, glaring between them. “Absolutely not. You’re not going off with some heartless, flamboyant, sex addicted, horny teenager!”
Dimitri smirked at me. “I wasn’t aware you knew my life, little Theodore.”
“Theo, leave Dimitri alone! He’s right; you don’t know him,” Thalia said, narrowing her eyes at me. “You know what you’ve heard other people saying. So leave Dimitri alone. I’ll hang out with whoever I want to. I don’t need your permission.”
I stared at her in shock, trying not to let my hurt show through. Did my own twin sister seriously just pick Dimitri over me?
“Fine. Do what you want,” I said, shrugging and pushing back my anger. “But don’t come crawling to me when this asshole does something to hurt you.”
“Oh my. How heartless, little Theodore,” Dimitri said, chuckling.
“I’m sorry about him Dimitri,” Thalia said, picking up her stuff and shooting me a glare. She grabbed Dimitri’s arm and dragged him back over to Kim, sitting down with them.
The bell rang and I jumped in surprise. I looked down at Alek’s unfinished economics packet and sighed.
“Sorry we didn’t get to finish it,” I said apologetically.
“That’s okay. Hey, if you don’t mind, you could come over to my house and help me finish it,” she said, blushing again.
“Yea. Sure,” I said, trying to sound casual. “No problem. I can drive us there.”
She stood up and I copied her. Oliver winked at me and before he left the classroom, and I fought back a grin.
I led Alek out of the school and down to my car. We got in together, and I mentally begged all religious figures that no embarrassing music would come on my iPod while I was driving.
I Won’t Lie by Go Radio came on as I started driving, and I relaxed a little. Alek gave me the address, and I took off in that direction.
“I like this band,” Alek said, smiling.
“I saw them live. They were really great,” I said.
“Really? That’s awesome!” she said.
“Yea. You know, they’re coming back over the summer. Maybe we could go see them together,” I offered.
“That would be great Theo,” Alek said, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. Her hair was a dark chestnut brown, matching her tanned skin and chocolate brown eyes perfectly.
“This house?” I asked, nodding to one of the houses.
“Yep!” she said, and I pulled into the driveway.
We got out of the car together and Alek unlocked the front door of the friggin’ giant house. She pushed the door open and led me inside.
We walked through a kitchen together and into a living room, which was decorated with pictures hung up neatly around the room. But I didn’t pay attention to any of the pictures. My eyes were instantly drawn to a woman asleep on the couch.
She was obviously Alek’s mom. Her skin was the same tanned color, and she had the exact same chestnut hair. There was a blanket lazily pulled up past her waist, and she was sleeping lightly.
“Sorry. My mom was up late working last night,” Alek whispered, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the living room and upstairs quickly.
She led me down a hallway into a fairly large bedroom. She shut the door and set her backpack on her bed. I copied her, looking around her bedroom.
“That’s really cool,” I said, pointing to a giant, very detailed and accurately drawn picture of Simba and Mufasa from the Lion King.
“Thanks. It was a birthday gift,” she said, smiling fondly at it.
She sat down on her bed and I sat next to her. She pulled out the packet and I helped her work on for a while until we had finished it.
“Thank you Theo. You’re so patient,” she said as she stuffed it back into her backpack.
The sound of the front door slamming downstairs reached us and Alek sighed. She gave me an apologetic glance.
“My brother. Trust me, you don’t want him getting in here while you’re here. He’ll talk your ear off,” she said, getting up and locking her bedroom door.
A minute later, the handle rattled. “Aleksandra! Let me in! I have to show you something!” a younger boy’s voice called.
“Later. I’m busy,” Alek said.
“Fine. I’ll go show mom, and then I’ll come back!” the boy said, and then we could hear him thumping down the stairs.
“I’ll have to sneak you out of the house so that he doesn’t get a hold of you,” she said, laughing.
“Thank god I have you to protect me from your little brother,” I said seriously. “I don’t know what I do if a kid younger than me actually tried to communicate with me.”
Alek rolled her eyes and playfully hit my arm. “You know, you dated my friend Erin sophomore year,” she said.
“Erin Richford. Yes, I did. She broke up with me when she moved away. When she came back, she started dating Greg what’s-his-face and now they’re in love,” I said, laughing a little at the thought of Erin’s lump of a lover. She definitely downgraded after me.
“Well, I was talking to her yesterday, and I when I mentioned you, she went off on how you were this great guy. And I believe it,” she said, back to twirling her hair around her finger.
“Oh?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. My heart was hammering against my chest, but I kept a calm composure.
“Theo, some friends of mine told me you like me,” she said.
“They weren’t lying,” I said with a shrug.
“I’d like to get to know you better. A lot better,” she said, leaning in and pressing her lips to mine.
I kissed her back, my heart exploding. Her lips were soft, moving in time with mine. She brought a hand up to my neck.
And suddenly, all I could think about was Dimitri. The way he had put his hand on my neck when he kissed me, drawing my face closer to his. The way his lips had melted with mine. The ease he had kissed me with.
I pulled away from Alek hastily. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” I trailed off. I didn’t mean to what? Kiss the girl I had been obsessing over for so long?
“No, no. I’m sorry. That was all me,” she said, blushing in embarrassment.
“Wow, okay, this is awkward now. Um, so, yea, I’d like to hang out with you more,” I said, forcing a smile. “Get to know you better. And then, you know, see what happens.”
“Yea, definitely. Sounds great. I should probably get you out before my brother finds you,” she said, standing up and handing me my backpack.
I followed her out of her bedroom .She pulled me down the stairs and out of her front door before her little brother saw us.
“I’m sorry Theo. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” she said as she watched me unlock my car.
“Hey, don’t worry about it. I enjoyed it,” I said, smiling. “I’ll see you tomorrow Alek.”
“Bye Theo,” she said, looking like she wanted to crawl into a hole and die of embarrassment.
I waved to her and got in my car, taking off home. Once I was home, I went inside and basically sprinted into my mom’s bedroom.
“Mom! I hate when you’re right!” I snapped at her.
“I’m always right, Theo,” she said, folding clothes and putting them away into her dresser.
I let out a frustrated cry and left her bedroom, going into my own and locking the door. I collapsed on my bed, burying my face in my hands.
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Би бол дэлхий даяар алдар нь цуурайтсан Ким Тэхёны бүсгүй.Нэр хүндийг нь сэвтээхгүй гэсэндээ сүүдэрт нуугдах өрөвдөлтэй нэгэн.Түүнийх гэх тодотголтой ч хайраар дутсан Ким Тэхёны бүсгүй.
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