《The Boy》Chapter 22: Unloading


The slamming of a car door woke up one of the sleeping Uchihas' in the back. He shifted around a little because of the unusual warmth and weight on his side. When he looked down he saw the cause of such effects. His son was asleep next to him with his mouth open slightly and familiar shades on. He couldn't move his arm either since the child had a hold of it. A smirk grew on his lips before he noticed that Itachi was gone and Naruto was staring at him from the passenger seat in the front.

"I don't care how much you hurt me anymore."

Sasuke blinked wordlessly caught off guard.

"So I'm begging you, please don't hurt him." Naruto held the ravens gaze fixed with his.

"I won't? I would never..." He hesitated when he remembered Minochi's second day with him.

"Yeah, so just promise me you'll try at least."

"I promise." Sasuke sighed and looked back down at the child while splaying his fingers through the spikey sable hair.

"Good, I thought I'd have to stage your death or something." The blonde snickered with relief he wouldn't have to go through the work.

Sasuke had nothing to say to that. He didn't want to entice Naruto any more than he already was.

"Hey you two okay?" Itachi asked after popping up at the driver's side window.

Naruto nodded and bumbled out of the car to help bring things into the house.

"What about you?" Itachi questioned his little brother as he leaned on the windowsill with his hands.

Sasuke nodded as well with Minochi still asleep at his side.

"Well come out and help after you take my nephew up to his room." Itachi then left with a pat on the car door.

'Really?' Sasuke didn't think he could feel worst. He exhaled quietly and unbuckled their seatbelts luckily without waking the child. He shouldered Minochi on his right and got out the car closing the door with his left. Turning towards the house he placed a hand to his son's back when he stirred a little.

Itachi lived in a regular ivory two story home with an open backyard. Trees and bushes of different sizes aligned the driveway and parted with the walkway to the house so it was pleasantly shaded.

The door to the home was already wide open for the transportation of the goods in the car. All Sasuke had to do was walk in on the polished wooden floors and head up the stairs to his right. The alabaster walls maintained pictures of family and friends on the way up. The three bedrooms and one bathroom on the top floor with their royal blue doors looked brand new nonetheless after all this time.


Sasuke didn't remember Itachi every telling him which room was it so he went off memory of when he use to visit. He knew the first door on the left was his brother's room, and he could not help but wonder if Naruto shared the same room with him. Taking in a deep breathe he pushed back those thoughts and checked the second room on the right that he remembered he use to stay in.

Inside was his old bed in the far back horizontal against the wall. A nightstand still stood between the head of the bed and the dresser. On his bed were crayons and paper he guessed must have belonged to Minochi. He carefully picked up the child's things and sat them on the nightstand before laying him down on his back.

When he attempted to take the shades off the boy's face Minochi made an audible mewling sound stopping him. He chuckled softly and left the shades there. Glancing around to make sure no one was there he kneeled down and smoothed back his son's hair saying, "Thank you."

Sasuke returned the sympathetic kiss to his son on his forehead. He then tucked him in and headed back down stairs to help out.


Naruto decided to take a break on the couch in the living room. In other words he was passed out as of this moment leaving the two men to fend for themselves.

They were almost finish anyway with 10 bags remaining compared to the 30 or so they had took in already.

"You feel sober?" Itachi asked while he handed Sasuke a bag of drinks from the trunk of his black Chevy.

"I feel something, but not sober." He took the bag and waited for the other.

"Well you're functioning so that's good." The eldest Uchiha lifted another soda filled bag and handed it to his brother.

"Why's that?"

Itachi set the remaining bags on the ground and locked the trunk back.

"Because now you and Naruto can have a talk. Oh, hold that bag in that hand too so you can carry more." He picked up four bags and stepped aside for Sasuke to add two more to his.

"I thought you two were together...?" the younger brother bent his knees and picked up an extra third bag to add on to his two just to prove he could carry more. Sibling rivalry never ends.

"No we aren't." Itachi said as he went back into the house with Sasuke following behind.


"Really? But you called him Kit? I thought you only did that when you two were dating..."

"I call him that regardless? But not around you because I know how you are. So that leads me to question, how long were you stalking us?"

In the kitchen they sat the bags on the semi long table in the middle with the other loads of bags.

"I wasn't stalking anyone. I went there for a drink and found you...and my son...and him." Sasuke said while they headed back outside.

Since there was only one bag left Itachi came back with said bag and a chortle.

"Well you still got your drink, and we aren't together like I said." He walked past his little brother and towards the kitchen.

Sasuke locked the door behind them and headed back as well.

"Why'd he kiss you then?" He asked from the table while he sorted through the bags for things to put in the fridge.

"Kind gesture?" Itachi suggested with a coltish grin. He'd started to put up cans on the shelves above the counter tops.

"Yeah sure. Hey can I go ahead and ask?"

"If you're going to ask if those twins are mine I'm going to throw this can at your face." The eldest Uchiha turned around with the promised can of tomato sauce.

"Ha-ha I was going to ask why you're back so early." Sasuke glanced over at his brother that was tossing the can back and forth in his hand appearing to be thinking about it.

"Naruto contacted me some weeks ago about my nephew and the two he's going to have. He also filled me in on what you did so I took an early leave right away. I'll have to go back next year though and make up for the time."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I've had fun taking care of them even though that's not my job and they eat me out of house and home within three days."

Sasuke hung his head and nodded lowly.

"So do you still love him?"

"You mean like you do? No." Itachi turned back around with blithe in his answer.

"Why not?!" Sasuke shot out somewhat offended with the way he responded.

"Because you love him and he loves you? Sure I still harbor feelings for him but when he chose you I backed off. We settled this years ago. Why are you asking me now?" Itachi finished setting up the cans and walked over to Sasuke to help him sort the remaining drinks out.

"You two are awfully friendly with each other...."

"Well he's been through allot. Being overly nice might help especially since he's pregnant. That still baffles me how that's even possible."

"It got me at first too, but I don't think it's possible that he lo- well cares for me anymore Itachi." Sasuke said with self-pity in his voice.

"Well if you keep fucking up he won't. You're like a tick away from losing him."

"You sound so sure..."

Sasuke didn't see what Itachi saw. Naruto had made it pretty evident lately that he didn't want him around.

"When you do lose him though I'll step in of course." Itachi didn't smile or grin with that truehearted statement.

"Okay, okay that's fair. So then no hard feelings between us?" Sasuke stepped forward against the table to allow Itachi to pass and put some of the drinks in the fridge.

"Oh I and you will be on good terms in a couple of hour's maybe."

"Why a few hours?"

"Because that'll be enough time." Itachi said after he came back over to his little brother and picked up two drinks.

"Sprite or Coke?"

"Um Sprite." Sasuke said while pointing to the green tin can.

"You know Minochi likes sprite too?"

"Reall-AHH FUCK!" Sasuke screamed bloody murder as he grasped onto his assaulted nose.

Itachi had swung the chosen can across his brother's face with more force than necessary. He didn't break anything but he did bruise his little brother to the point of bleeding.

"That's was only one bro. You have two more to go for the other times you were a dick to him so suck it up." He patted the wailing man's back before wiping the blood off the can with Sasuke's own shirt.

Around the doorway Naruto stood to the side peeping in quietly lavishing at the younger Uchiha's anguish.

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