《The Boy》Chapter 21: Unconditional Love


At that reveal Sasuke bit down hard on his bottom lip hoping it would stop himself from bawling out further. All it did was damage the tender tissue and let carmine liquid break through along with the waterworks.

"I hate you!" he spat out with a sniffle and tightly shut optics.

"I know, I know. I love you too."

Sasuke's flushed cheeks were met with more eluding tears as he tried to fight it back still. With all that liquor settling in he was getting more and more lightheaded and emotional.

"Go on and let it out." Itachi said with a ruffle of his little brothers destroyed hair and a warming smile down.

"It's not fair!" Sasuke choked a little between snivels.

"It never is."

"How come your always better than me at everything?!"

Itachi chortled at the outburst by accident. It wasn't the question it was how he said it. He'd never seen or heard his little brother look and sound so hapless.

"I'm not better than you at everything. Maybe allot of things, but not everything."

"Yes you are! I-I can't *hiccup* do anything right."

"Okay time to get up." Itachi eased up off his inebriated brother to help him, not untying his hands just yet.

"Nooo! L-Leave me h-*hiccup*ere!" Sasuke relinquished control of his body so he'd fall back down to the floor.

"I hope you know I'm never going to let you live this down."

"Live? I don't w-want to live! I w-want t-to *hiccup* die in that pool back there!"

Itachi was forced to drag his little brother by the collar of his jacket after he'd started to jolt around to get back to his alcohol puddle. He was causing an unwarranted scene in front of passerby shoppers.

"Do I have to sedate you?!"

"T-That's disgusting *hiccup*! W-Wha-Why would you d-date m-eh?"

The eldest Uchiha was starting to prefer Sasuke's aggressive stage now. He hauled the man to where Naruto and Minochi were waiting.

"Is he really...?!" Naruto brought his free hand to his mouth in awe at the crying intoxicated man Itachi had brought with him. His other hand was holding Minochi's to keep him close.

"Yes he is. I can't send him home like this so he's coming with us."

"No! I will not sit in the same car with him!"

"I told you, you are better than me!" Sasuke voiced his misery and writhed around more.

"Sasuke I need you to be quiet." Itachi said to his overwrought little brother before turning back to Naruto.

"Itachi I said no! I don't want to be near him!" Naruto sounded more afraid than upset. His breathing was picking up the more Sasuke cried out.


"He has to come with us!"

"No he doesn't! Have one of his assistance pick his drunk ass up!"

"Naruto, language please. And no I can't have someone pick him up because he's my brother! I have to take care of him."

"I'm sorry Minochi." Naruto apologized sweetly to the child. That tone changed immediately when he addressed Itachi.

"Would he have done the same for you? Or anyone for that matter?!" The blonde pleaded with him to reconsider.

They argued over the sound of Sasuke's outcries on how worthless he was.

Minochi managed to take his hand out of Narutos' without him noticing. He walked over to his weeping father on the ground still being held by the collar of his jacket.


Sasuke looked away from the child and scooted away ashamed.

"I'm not going to hurt you." The little boy took a step closer and wrapped his arms around his neck.

Sasuke stiffened at the kind deed and sat there motionless.

"I hear you even if no one else does. You are not worthless either," Minochi unwrapped his arms to place his bitty hands on either side of his father's face to turn him his way "and I forgive you." With that he planted a small benevolent kiss on the man's forehead.

The unconditional love of a child, his child at that, broke him down completely more than any alcoholic beverage.

Naruto and Itachi stopped there squabbling when they noticed Sasuke wasn't shouting anymore.

"Itachi...sedate me." Sasuke said with blurred vision and a horrible headache. All he wanted to was to be unconscious now.

"What?" He arched an eyebrow down at his little brother.

"Sedate me..."

"In the car I will. I'm not going to carry you out, and plus you still have to pay for the mess you made."

Naruto huffed and walked past the two to get the buggy.

"Naruto it'll only be for a little while I promise." Itachi guaranteed the blonde that was still unpleased.

"Whatever Itachi just keep him away from me when we get to the house. Minochi come on."

The child pouted and left his dads side to follow his 'mom' to the cash register.

"Alright Sasuke let's go." Itachi heaved his brother up onto his feet and untied him.

Sasuke rubbed his wrist to get the feeling back in them as well as his hands.

"You ready?"

"...." Instead of replying he just nodded his head.

Itachi placed a hand on his brother's back and helped him along to an opposite register so he could pay for the wine.

As Sasuke paid he looked up to see Naruto setting up his items three lanes over.


"He's never going to forgive me."

"I wouldn't give up so soon." Itachi tapped his foot impatiently. He wanted to go help Naruto out now after seeing him drop a bunch of things.

When Sasuke got his receipt Itachi grabbed him by the elbow and pulled him over to Naruto's lane.

"Stay." He set his little brother by Minochi while he went to help the blonde set the items on the conveyor belt.

"How are you feeling?" Minochi whispered to his uneasy dad.

"Afraid...as all ways." Sasuke admitted with distress. He couldn't really stand still since he was off balance from the liquor and the headache was weighing on his eyelids.

The child jumped up and grab his father's hand.

"There." Minochi held on and swayed their bond a little even if he had stretch more than usual due to his father's height.

"What are you...?" Sasuke dawned off feeling calmer all of a sudden.

"I'm holding your hand because you're afraid remember? And they say I'm too young to understand things." The child sighed and shook his head in frivolous pity.

Naruto looked around Itachi to see the unwanted guest holding his child's hand.

"What are you doing?"

Sasuke let go of his sons hand on cue out of reverence for the blond.

"I'm holding his hand! He's afraid!" Minochi jumped back up and grabbed his father's hand again. Naruto hadn't told him what happened at the hospital so he was lost on the tension between them.

Naruto grunted seeing his little boy was genuinely serious on the matter.

"Fine but if he tries to take you somewhere you have my permission to scream, kick and bite the fu-"

"Naruto." Itachi caught the blonde in time and gave him a warning look. He then continued to sit items on the belt. Maybe he shouldn't have been so lenient. There was at least two hundred dollars' worth of food and more on the way.

Sasuke and Minochi laughed to themselves in sync. They looked at each other at that moment and smiled before having to look away due to Naruto's glowering over them.

It wasn't easy putting the things in the car either. Whenever Sasuke tried to help the pregnant man would just complain that he was putting things in the wrong place and the Uchiha wouldn't say a word. He'd have to back off and let the blonde have his way.

Minochi and Itachi noticed this too but they couldn't do anything about it in case Naruto would turn on them.

The car ride was silent due to Sasuke being sedated in the back seat next to Minochi, so the blonde couldn't harass him about his presence. He did feel the need to bother other people about it.

"How did he even find us?! Can we please drop him off at his house?"

"I don't know and no Naruto he's coming with us for the third time. When he's sober I'll take him home." Itachi had been pettily arguing with blonde for half the ride.

"What about his car?"

"Hopefully it'll be there tomorrow. If not it'll probably be towed."

"Good." Naruto had a hand on his protruding stomach and the other under his chin.

Itachi exhaled and took one hand off the wheel to place on the blonde's leg.

"Everything's going to be okay."


"Hey I'm serious."


"See you were supposed to say 'No your Itachi' and then I go 'ha-ha'." He brought his hand back to the wheel with a sideways glance at the blonde in the passenger seat to see a light smile.

Naruto glimpsed incredulously at Itachi and chuckled for a sec.

"That's so bad Itachi."

"But it got you to smile see?" Itachi looked up in the rear view mirror with a smile of his own to the blonde.

Naruto covered his mouth to hide said smile and shook his head.

"Nope don't cover it Kit." He reached over and grabbed the pregnant man's hand gently and pulled it away from his mouth.

"Stop it." He mumbled out coquettishly. The blonde reddened as he used his other hand to cover his face the best he could.

Minochi watched them somewhat flirt with each other until he couldn't take it anymore. He was happy that his 'mom' was happy but it didn't feel right to him. He looked up at his father passed out next to him against the door. Pulling on his seatbelt a little he moved over so he could be closer to the man. He lifted his dads arm and placed it around himself while he leaned back on him.

"You need to wake up..." The little boy muttered as he curled up the best he could against his dad. He put on Sasuke's shades he'd gotten from Itachi before they got in the car. With those on he drifted off with content. He knew that Sasuke had done wrong but he was still his dad.

This was the person he wanted to meet for a long time and he'd only known him for what four days at best? Now his 'mom' sounded like he was getting him a new dad when he hadn't even gotten to know his real one that well.

Itachi is cool and all but he was really starting to like his real dad more.

Authors Note: (Questions will be answered in due time...)

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