《The Boy》Chapter 19: Sasuke


Updated: 12/7/14 ~ Authors Note: (For those who have read it skip to the Lawyer part. That's where the change has started with minor keep sakes until after he leaves. There is no conscience anymore! But there is going to be someone else... Ignore the errors I was rushed by my mother.)

Some weeks had passed along with the drop in temperature to its normal 75 degrees. The snow was now gone and so everything was back to its dull gray atmosphere for the Uchiha. His office reflected his aura with its gloomy and cold vibe. He stayed there anyway in his apparent element doing everything possible to keep himself from thinking about the 'cheating' blond or his son that he hadn't been back to see for some time.

Sasuke didn't mean to punish the child but he was around Gaara and he wanted to stay as far away from him as possible. He couldn't take it that the ginger was the father.

When Tsunade had told him Naruto was pregnant with twins and that it 'looked' like he'd been pregnant for a while he wanted any other reason but that. Yet when Naruto woke up and told him what happened that only fueled the theory even more that they weren't his.

But then why have a contract at all if Naruto knew this? If they do turn out his then....

'They can't be mine...It makes no sense.' Sasuke spun around in his chair with an unsettled look on his face. He had nothing to do and couldn't remember what he did when Naruto wasn't there. Work seemed more and more of a bore to the point where he canceled every appointment made. So much for keeping busy huh?

"What am I missing?" Sasuke asked aloud to himself. He tortured his hair again with constant pulling and scraping.

Something was missing and deep down he knew the answer but that answer to him was a liar. The phone on his desk started to ring to draw him away from his thoughts. He just stared at it with a twitch in his eye before ripping it off the cord and casting it to the window. Unfortunately it didn't break or crack. That's what you get for having bulletproof glass.

The phone was totaled though.

Sasuke was indeed restless. He wasn't dressing his best anymore and his hair was wild like an actual hedgehog. Flaring out this way and that in the back and his poor bangs had seen better days. They were no longer separated and had now joined to create one bang over his face that he had to cut just to see. For some it looked exotic, to people that know him it looked a hot mess.

His daily attire consisted of a beer stained white shirt with a black leather jacket, ripped black jeans and matching timberland boots. He'd gone back to his rebel teen years and that didn't look to bad except he was a GROWN ASS MAN looking like a Grease reject(Not a bad movie to me actually). He'd also taken up shades to hide his hateful gaze.


Could one guy really make an esteemed business man like Uchiha Sasuke degrade himself to the lowest degree in his eyes? Yes.

Only if that man is Naruto though.

His bubbly college sweetheart that he fawned over as soon as he saw him with his brother Itachi. They fought and fought for his affection till Naruto eventually chose him. Together they stayed in that puppy love stage till life hit and things got difficult between them.

Naruto wanted to spend some time together while Sasuke had to carry on the family business when his older brother by two years left to join the Navy.

Now that he thought about it, Naruto was always at his side despite his own problems like struggling with grades. All the blond ever did that was bad was complain that he wasn't there enough. He made it up to him with that surprise birthday party but that was it. He never spent any other time with his ex other than that because of his school work. And Naruto rarely got to focus on his work because he was pestered by Sasuke on where he was and why. It wasn't that he didn't trust Naruto...It was more that he didn't trust other people around his prize.

Of course that changed when the blond up, left, and then came back.

'I'm a control freak.' With that cognizance he slumped back deeper in the chair straining his back in the uncomfortable position. Since his ass was now out of the seat he decided he'd just slip on out of the damn thing onto the floor. Sitting there on his arse like a lost puppy he heard the ding of the elevator before the sound of them opening. That wasn't going to make him get back up though.

"Hello?" the voice echoed in the silence only for the speaker and the unwanted listener to hear.

Sasuke groaned and peeked over the desk through shielded black.

The intruder stopped in his tracks when he saw the Uchiha lurking behind the desk. He couldn't help but clutch onto the brown leather purse like bag in his right out of slight alarm.

"Um, Mr. Uchiha?" The lawyer was starting to see what Naruto had meant by a little nuts. Even though he couldn't see the man's eyes he could tell he wasn't in the best of moods. He sat down anyway in one of the swivel chairs near the desk and took in a deep breath before speaking.

"My name is Yashimoto. I'm Mr. Uzumaki's Lawyer? I have the forms for you to sign. I was informed by my client to tell you that he would appreciate it if you would hurry." He reached down in his brown leather bag and pulled out a vanilla folder.


Sasuke raised an eyebrow in outrage.

"It's been four weeks and he's just now wanting to me to sign that damn thing?" He belligerently got up from the floor and straightened himself out.

"I'm sorry I'm not allowed to disclose any other information than that." Yashimoto tilted his head to side in befuddlement at the Uchiha's appearance.

"Of course you aren't." Sasuke rolled his eyes with a grunt before closing them and holding his hand out.

"Give me the papers."

Yashi quickly handed the man the folder just to have them wrenched out of his hand.

"No need to be so host-...ile." Yashi found himself losing his voice due to the disturbing glower he received.

Sasuke scanned the contents carefully making sure everything was there. A new agreement about him having no say so in Naruto having the twins had been added. That didn't bother him none. The only thing that was missing was the wedding agreement.

"Who did you find to take your ass now?"

"What?" Yashimoto asked only to be shut down by another scowl.

"That was a rhetorical question idiot, and it wasn't even towards you." He slammed the papers down on the desk and signed each one with vigor while the Lawyer sat there in offended silence.

"All signed. Now would you kindly take these and never come back. Oh and since you are also a message delivery boy could you tell Naruto that he can...He can just go...." The raven had his right hand in a fist ready to bring down on the wooden desk top as he hesitated with his words. When he couldn't do it he turned around and set both now balled fist on the glass wall window instead.

Yashimoto took that as the cue to leave. He gathered his things and speed walked out of the room without a look back at the obscene man.

Sasuke rocked back and forth from the window until he turned around instantaneously and flipped his desk with an outcry of fury.

'Why did he take the wedding agreement out?! What's wrong with marrying me all of a sudden?!' Sasuke roared these questions in his mind as he continued to rampage his office.

After he felt he couldn't cause any more damage there he decided it was time to leave. Better yet he decided it was time for a drink then he'd come back. He grabbed his keys from the floor that had fallen there off the desk and left his even more desolated office.

One elevator ride later he was down in the lobby rushing past Sakura that was preparing to leave.

"Whoa where do you think you're going?" Sasuke halted when he noticed her with her bag.

"My shift is over, Mr. Uchiha?" She didn't understand why her boss and former colleague had gotten so mean lately.

"No it's not. I'm going out for a drink and I plan on coming back. So if I'm going to be here so are you and everyone else in this lethargic company."

Sakura stepped back shaken with that unforeseen order.

"Okay then I'll just take my mother to the store then come back."

"Oh good then you can explain to her why your now fired on the way." Sasuke smiled cockily with a mocking salute to the woman. He then left with a pop of his collar before Sakura could reply.

In his car he rambled on and on to himself about the wedding agreement still. He couldn't wrap his brain around why he would take it out unless he found someone else. The question of why became a paradox. If things didn't make sense before they sure as hell didn't now.

He headed right down the street to the farthest grocery store called 'Kroger's'. Yes the large blue, red and white Kroger's. Depending on where you live I suppose. Inside shoppers had no idea of the insane man that was walking amongst them. Some did notice him brooding to himself. He liked this Kroger for its distance and variety of amazing wine, plus the establishment was decent compared to a liquor store.

On the way to the liquor aisle past the registers something caught his eye. A familiar ponytail so to speak. To his right down way a few feet was a man with his back to him with a buggy full of items. He gandered long enough to piece each detail together when said man stopped to pick up a small bag of chips off a shelf.

The all-around silver chain link of a dog tag could be seen from the back of the man's neck. A muscle black tank top with a Navy seal on the back complemented the traditional blue camo pants that hugged his waist followed by with black combat boots. A matching bandana was wrapped around his left leg while mini pocket straps were on the right with his combat knife and gun above at his hip.

Sasuke squinted his eyes to make sure this was the guy he grew up with.

With his mind racing he thought, 'He's not supposed to be back yet till next year.... Itachi?'

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