《The Boy》Chapter 14: 911


"I think you obviously know what I want."

Naruto cupped one hand around the corner of his mouth and whispered out, "Sex?!"

"Uninterrupted if possible and now." Sasuke stole a glance at Minochi during the beginning of his words.

"You had your chance the other night and you blew it, plus you have work to do so we can get the hell out of here!" His words came out in a rushed aggravated whisper. Naruto looked back at Minochi to see him getting more toys out, setting them up like a miniature army.

"Thanks for bringing that up now it can definitely wait." Sasuke grinned at Naruto's flushed slightly frightened expression.

"What can wait?" Minochi asked from the thin gray carpeted floor. He was sitting there between two armies he'd set up. One was the transformers side with only a few actual transformers while the rest were hot wheels. The other side was a duck army but they all weren't ducks most of them were other sea creatures.

"Nothing sweetie just hold on okay?" Naruto said with a wave of his hand before he turned back to Sasuke.

"But I have everything set up, look! You can be the leader of the Optoducks while I will be the leader of the transformers! I even made myself a transformer name! Doomstorm, leader of the new deception army called the Omegatrons in dedication to our fallen leader Megatron!" Minochi held up his bumblebee Autobot that he'd colored a shiny gray with deep red streaks across his helm and chest plates. Those blue optics had been colored a bright red as well to stand out more against the gray paint.

"You can lead the Optoducks. You have to make up your own leader name though. You're basically the good guys after Optimus died. "

'So he does have a little dark side in him.' Sasuke smirked at the thought.

Naruto resisted from frowning at what their child did to his toys especially bumblebee.

"That sounds very tempting, but I think its best that Naruto help me with my work instead."

"Whyy..?" Minochi sounded heartbroken as he lowered his toy.

Naruto looked away because he knew he'd give in to that sad sweet face.

"The faster I get done the faster we can go home." Sasuke took hold of the blondes hand by surprise.

"Okay!" Minochi liked that idea allot more now.

Naruto let out a relieved sigh before he was dragged towards the printing room off to the left of the mirage doors.

"Then we will be right back. If you hear a weird noises that's just the printer." Sasuke said while he opened the door to the small printing room.

Inside the room the actual printer was on the right side against the typical pale-ish blue wallpaper while a metal table was in the far back. The room itself was at least 10x15 like an average storage unit with white marble tiles. Besides the printer and table there was a bookcase and filing cabinet against the left side.


Naruto yanked his hand out of Sasuke's own so he could look around.

"Nice little room you have here." Naruto headed over to the printer and trailed his index finger over the surface.

"Yeah, but it isn't sound proof." Sasuke closed the door behind them then locked it.

"Wait then why can't we just go somewhere else?"

"Because the only private sanctum I have here is this place. The bathrooms are all downstairs and or near the workers."

"Well that sucks."

Sasuke walked up behind the blonde and spun him around to face him.

"Just try to keep your voice down." Sasuke sounded eager and already out of breathe. With restless desire he forced his mouth and hands on the blonde that had no choice but to comply with every raspy demand made henceforth.


After a while of playing solo Minochi looked up when he heard a scraping sound like a table being forced along against the floor. He turned his head towards the door his parents disappeared behind. He then slowly got up and walked over to the printing room out of curiosity.

Moving a stray strand of spiked hair from around his little ear he pressed it against the warm wooden surface. He put both of his hands against the door as well. For some reason he felt he needed to stand on his toes to hear better.

He could hear muffled noises like someone had their mouth covered or something. Minochi tried his hardest to make out what they were saying. He jumped back when the scrapping sound was mixed with a loud boom sound as if it was hitting the wall. Fear struck across the boy's face and he pressed his ear against the door again.

That didn't sound like a printer to him at all.

He jumped away again as the sound came back, but this time it was constant as if in a rhythm. The muffled noises had changed to almost small audible cries as far he could make out.

"MOM!" Minochi shouted as his voice cracked. He started to bang on the door and pull on the handle. No matter how hard he tried his voice and fists just weren't loud enough to overcome the terrifying sounds he was hearing, plus the door was locked. Panicking, he ran towards the phone to call 911 like he'd been told to do when he was alone, afraid and or when Naruto wasn't technically around.

He climbed up on the raven's leather swivel chair and grabbed the phone with frantic little fingers by the handle. Since it wasn't cordless it had the swirled wire that was attached to the end and stretched back to the hook. He dialed the number and waited for the dispatcher.

"911, what's your emergency?" came a female voice with the routine calm tone.

"I think my dad is hurting my mom!" Minochi shouted as he got off the chair to take the phone over to the door for the woman to hear.


"Remain calm, tell me what's going on."

"He said he needed my mom to help him work and then they went into the printing room!"

"Then what?" The dispatcher could hear something hitting the floor which was the hook to the phone being pulled off the desk.

"Now there are weird noises going on, listen!" Minochi held the phone towards the door.

The dispatcher couldn't really hear any voices. She strained just to hear the crashing sounds.

He brought the phone back to hold with both hands against his ear.

"D-did you *hiccup* hear it?! He's hurting *hiccup* m-my mom!" Minochi's eyes started to swell up with tears.

The dispatcher was a bit flustered. In her mind she was thinking that his parents were doing anything but hurting each other.

"It'll be okay. Tell me your name and where you are." She felt that she'd better send someone over anyway.

"M-Minochi *hiccup* Uchiha. I'm at m-my dad's *hiccup* b-business called the S-sharingan Corpor-corporation, b-but I'm up i-in *hiccup* his o-office." Minochi stuttered as the noises continued with short second pauses in them.

She was a bit surprised to hear his last name because Sasuke was never a guy to be seen with a woman. The dispatcher took a moment to send men over to the place anyway as well as brief them.

"Alright I sent some officers over. They should be there in a minute so try to relax. For now just talk to me okay? How old are you?"

Minochi was getting annoyed at how calm the woman was in this situation. His face lit up a dark shade of red as the salted drops damped his cheeks more. All he wanted was to bang the phone against the door.


"That's cute. Guess what? Add that together twice and you get my name... sort of. My name is Tenten!" She said with a smile on her face even though Minochi couldn't see it. She could hear his breathing picking up and the sniffling noises coming over the phone.

The rising racket from the printing room picked back up again in a faster pace than before.

Minochi shut his eyes tight out of fear and dropped the phone so he could cover his ears.

"Minochi! Minochi are you there?! Are you okay?" she heard the noise a little better this time, but it was only confirming what she thought was going on.

Minochi looked at the phone on the floor and didn't want to pick it up. All he wanted was for the noises to stop and his 'mom' to come out okay.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened to reveal two old yet obviously fit officers standing inside. They exited the mechanism and walked down the short hall to the room in conversation.

"Thank god we were nearby, huh Kakashi? Haven't you been meaning to check on him again anyway since that incident last week?"

"Yeah, I guess he's back working again."

"Of course he's back working again. You know what I honestly think he's finally lost his mind. You said he was crying out for Naruto right?"

"Well Jiraiya, apparently he's back in town."

"He can't be! We would have seen him if he was here. Hell that idiot would have at least contacted us or...." The man dawned off when he saw the child.

Minochi looked up with red eyes and damped cheeks at the officers that had entered the room.

One of them had silver hair and an eye patch. He reminded Minochi of a pirate. The other one had red line streaks going down from under his eyes. That one reminded him of an Indian chief. He didn't believe they were cops till he saw the badges. Where he came from they wore black uniforms instead of blue like these guys so it had threw him off despite their age.

The man with the eye patch looked towards the printer room upon hearing the noises. The other one did as well with a perverted smirk on his lips as if he was imagining what was going on.

"Are you alright?"

"Of course he's not alright for god's sake Kakashi the boy is in tears. He has no idea about one of life's greatest pleasures."

The guy with the eye patch named Kakashi face palmed himself with a sigh at his annoying partner. He walked over to the little boy and took a knee in front of him before picking up the phone.

Jiraiya walked off to the printer room to listen in.

"Hey Tenten we are here...Yes we see Minochi...He is? ...Mhm, okay...That's also what I think too...We'll figure it out how to tell him. If we can't we'll let his parents...Okay...Bye."

"Was that Tenten?" Jiraiya asked while he tilted his head back away from the door.

"So Minochi, you're five and your dad is Sasuke, right? Who's your mom?" Kakashi asked as he pulled out a handkerchief he had in his chest pocket to wipe the hiccuping child's tears.

"Y-yes *hiccup* and his name i-is *hiccup* N-Naruto. W-why aren't *hiccup* y-you helping h-him?!" Minochi fussed and tried to stop the guy from cleaning his face.

Kakashi paused at the familiar name that came out of Minochi's mouth.

The noises from the printing room were dyeing down now, earning back their attention. After a few more crashes a faint escaped moan could be heard then rummaging about.

"I'm sorry Minochi, did you say Naruto?" Kakashi asked while he turned back to the child.

"That blonde fool is actually back?! Well then of course Sasuke is banging him in there!"

Kakashi glared instantly at an excited Jiraiya whom was laughing.

"Banging?! He's banging my mom!?" Minochi thought banging meant he was beating Naruto against something.

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