《The Boy》Chapter 12: Ready For Work


Late in the afternoon Naruto stretched an arm out on the bed to feel nothing next to him. He opened his eyes to see what he felt was true. The bed was completely empty and the two boys were nowhere in sight.

"Minochi? Sasuke?" the blonde asked out loud as he got up out of bed. He looked towards the open door to see a shadow against the wall outside the room.

Minochi peeked his head around.

"You're awake!" The child shouted before running out from around the doorway showing that he'd changed back into his blue hoodie that he'd left behind with some black jeans he had misplaced.

Naruto smiled and walked around the bed to catch the little boy and hug him.

Sasuke later came around the doorway to lean against the outline of it.

"Morning sunshine, we made breakfast this time." Sasuke informed him with arms crossed.

"Oh no you cooked and rhymed." Naruto said sarcastically to the man while he put the boy down.

"He wouldn't let me add sugar because it makes him sick. Is sugar bad for vampires?" Minochi asked while pointing at Sasuke whom just grinned.

"No sweetie, Sasuke is just very sensitive to sweet things. He gets a tummy ache like when you eat too much ice cream." Naruto explained to the best of his abilities.

"Oh..." Minochi thought about it for second.

"I have work in a few minutes so we need to eat now." Sasuke said before he left the room.

Naruto just shook his head and walked along with Minochi back to the kitchen.

They'd made a rather nice little breakfast with bacon, eggs, (none buttered) toast, bitter lemonade and a jelly jar was put in the middle.

"Very good you two it looks nice." Naruto complemented them with a smile.

At the table Minochi sat beside Naruto and Sasuke sat across from them.

"So how long are you going to be at work?" Naruto asked curiously. He handed Minochi a napkin to wipe the jelly of the corners of his mouth.

"I was out for a good week so I have to make up that time. Oh I picked up the results though during that period as well. There on my desk in my workstation." Sasuke said between bites of his food.


"Did you look at it?"

Minochi was stuffing his face with a jelly and egg bacon toast sandwich.

"Of course."


Naruto looked over at Minochi again to see his mouth full. 'Why is my child a food monster? I suppose he gets that from me.' He thought to himself.

"He's ours." Sasuke glanced over at Minochi but then had to double take back after seeing the child's plate be filled with more food.

"Minochi are you okay?" Sasuke asked a bit worried.

Minochi stopped midway with his mouth open ready receive more bacon.

"Unhuh!" Minochi then devoured the bacon happily.

"A big appetite like me?" Naruto said hopefully.

"I guess, but if he's still hungry after this well take him to the doctor." Sasuke said as he got up from the table.

"W-wah?! I'm naht sack tho!" The boy spoke with his mouth full.

"Don't talk with your mouth full. I'm going to go get ready. You two can get ready as well when you're done. Yes you both have to come with me and yes both of you will be bored as hell so bring something along to do." Sasuke didn't stay to hear to their complaints on the matter.

Minochi and Naruto drooped their heads in despair. After they were done sulking they cleared the table and washed the dishes before turning in to get ready. They had avoided the awful lemonade and settled for some water.

Sasuke had already made Minochi take a bath and change so all he had to do was put on socks and shoes.

Naruto sent his son away to go watch cartoons while he got ready. After his shower and such he stood there in the guest room wrapped in a brown cotton towel from his chest on down looking for some clothes.

Naruto didn't really pack much, plus he'd forgotten to tell Gaara to bring their clothes over. He figured he'd just go ask Sasuke for some since he'd been borrowing his clothes anyway. He left the room to stop and take a quick look in the living room to see Minochi on the floor watching SpongeBob like he was a god.


He headed on towards Sasuke's room. Since the door was open he casually took a gander in.

Sasuke stood there wearing only his black dress pants, but it wasn't buttoned up so it hung off him revealing his navy blue boxers with the white stripped waistline.

"Enjoying the view?" Sasuke asked playfully as he dried his hair a little more with the towel.

Blood rushed to Naruto's cheeks and he bit back a retort. He sort of speed walked inside and closed the door behind him before heading over to the dresser.

"Where's Minochi?" Sasuke tossed the towel to the side after he'd finished with it. He then plopped down on the bed next to his shirt and tie to watch Naruto.

"He's up front watching cartoons." The blonde responded while pulling out some clothes to wear.

Sasuke looked from the door then back to Naruto.

"Do you want to-"

"No, you had your chance remember?" Naruto teased with a grin while he laid the clothes out on the dresser top.

"But he's watching TV right now!" Sasuke leaned back on the bed supporting himself on his elbows.

"Yes we established that, and don't you have work?"

"Not right now."

"Oh so if its sex you'll make time for it?"


"You pig."

"I'm not a pig if you clearly want this too."

"Really now?" Naruto turned around to face him with his hands on his hips.

"Yup." The brunette was enjoying that pose a little too much.

"Well it's time for you to learn self-control."


Naruto undid his towel slowly and let it drop to the floor.

"....You've got be kidding." Sasuke dropped back fully onto the bed and covered his face with both of his hands.

"Fight the urges bastard. We have a son now so we can't always...what the hell are you doing?" Naruto asked with a twitching eyebrow at what he was witnessing.

"If you're going to tease me then I'm going to ja-"

"You can't do that!" Naruto tried not to scream at the incomprehensible man.

"I can do whatever I want. Now do you want to help with this?...Exactly, so just hush and stand there." He leaned up slightly with the support of his left arm. He used his right hand to push his boxers and pants down.

Naruto turned back around and gripped the dresser top out of frustration. He then grabbed his clothes he'd set out and started to put them as fast as he could while ignoring the inappropriate comments and sounds coming from the man behind him.

"Do you remember on my 18th birthday when you wore that sexy one pie-"

"You promised you wouldn't bring that up!" Naruto hesitated in his words and fidgeted with his denim jeans.

"Yeah, but you danced for me and even let me spa-"

"Sasuke!" The blonde shouted this time and turned around with his face completely red.

"Mmmm, scream my name again." Sasuke reminisced to himself as he barely licked his dry lips.

The door started to open up causing the raven to act instantly. He cursed under his breath and pulled his jeans and boxers back up. He then grabbed his shirt and put it over his lap while he hunched over.

"What are you guys doing?" Minochi asked once his parents came into view after the door was open all the way.

"Nothing sweetie, Sasuke just got sick is all."

"Sick with what?" An actual hint of worry was in Minochi's voice. He started to walk over to the man to question him.

Sasuke just tried to cover himself more.

"What's he holding under his-"

"Ahah come on now Minochi." Naruto quickly ran over and picked him up. He carried their son away from the aggravated horny man.

"Let's go see if that blue hedgehog thing is on now huh?" Naruto asked the child in his arms. He walked over to the dresser and picked up his shirt before leaving the room.

Minochi shrugged and waved bye-bye to Sasuke as they left.

Sasuke waved back with a shadow casted over his eyes. All he was thinking about was complete payback against Naruto.

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