《The Boy》Chapter 10: Minochi


Sasuke came back wearing a white t-shirt this time with some matching socks. He was happy to see the blond still laying on his stomach on the couch with his face covered by the cushion. To him that was a perfect opportunity.

Sasuke climbed over the back of the couch to be on top of Naruto's back. He then wrapped his arms around him and hugged his somewhat smaller frame against his.

"What's wrong Naruto?" he asked quietly.

Naruto shivered at the sensation making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, but he kept his face buried.

Sasuke smirked upon seeing this. He moved a hand down to the blonde's waistline. When Naruto casually lifted his lower half up against him he slipped his hand under.

"Wait, wait!" Naruto grabbed the brunette's wrist to stop him.

"Why?" Sasuke stopped, kind of surprised.

"I don't know. I feel like we should talk first. I don't want us to blow up the next day. "Naruto rolled around onto his back so he could look up at Sasuke.

"Are you serious? Or is this just payback for earlier?"

"A little of both." Naruto gave the man on top a light peck on the cheek.

"That's not fair."

"You should have thought about that earlierrr." He cooed as he traced a finger up Sasuke's chest till he reached his face and flicked his nose.


"Thank you."

Before they could share a kiss a horn sounded from outside followed by a knock at the door.

"Minochis' here!"

Sasuke got off the eager blonde to let him up so he wouldn't be pushed off.

Naruto ran over to the door and opened it quickly to see his child standing there in his indigo jacket holding a red box with a ribbon on it.

Naruto smiled and kneeled down to pick him up.

"What's this?"

"It's the cookies we made!" Minochi proclaimed with mirth in his voice while he was lifted into his 'mom's' arms.

"For us? How sweet." Naruto waved a thanks to Gaara afterwards.

Sasuke was back inside standing a few ways from the door. When the two returned he noted the box in Minochi's hand.

Naruto closed the door before heading over to Sasuke.

"So what do we have here?" Sasuke asked as he observed at the red box.

"We made gingerbread men!" Minochi happily held the box up to him.


Sasuke just smiled, but he couldn't help the jealousy sneaking up again.

"So you and Gaara made ging-"

"Sasuke." Naruto eyed the man, knowing where this was going.

Sasuke coughed to catch himself.

"I mean that's great. I'm proud of you." Sasuke forced a smile and patted the boy on the head.

"Me too! " Naruto kissed the proud child on the cheek.

Minochi then opened the box revealing about 10 decorated gingerbread men.

"Yum, they smell nice! Let's try one." Naruto carried Minochi over to the couch. He sat down and picked up a gingerbread man from the box to take a bite.

Sasuke came over and sat next to them. He tried not to gag at the overly sweet smell.

"You and Gaara are amazing chefs!" the blonde said after he'd taken another bite chewing happily.

Sasuke's eyebrow began twitching.

"I'm sure he is." Sasuke said rather off-handily.

Minochi looked at the man lost at what he meant.

"Here sweetie take the cookies and go to the room right quick." Naruto said as he put the little boy down.

Minochi frowned and left only to take refuge around the corner.

"Alright Sasuke before this goes any further you need to fix this jealousy thing."

Sasuke chuckled and leaned back against the couch.

"Okay as long as you be honest with me. Are you and Gaara-"

"No we are not screwing. Any more questions smart one?" Naruto tilted his head to side with a mocking smile.

Sasuke sighed before pulling him over onto his lap again.

Naruto wasn't fazed, he just looked back at him with dead serious scrutiny.

"Any more questions?" Naruto asked again with a sarcastic tone.

"No, I'm sorry alright?" He half pouted and poked the blonde's side.

Naruto giggled on cue and immediately stopped to smack Sasuke's hand away.

"No! "

"You're still ticklish here...interesting." Sasuke poked the blonde's side again earning another giggle.

Naruto flailed before covering his mouth to stop further sounds from escaping.

"Stop it!" He whined helplessly.

Sasuke pulled him closer and poked his side again and again.

Naruto fell prey to uncontrollable laughter eventually.

The raven took this advantage to attack the blonde's neck again and sneak his hands up the man's shirt.

Naruto ceased his laughter and grabbed Sasuke's wrist to stop him. He bit back from moaning at the sudden feeling returning.

When Minochi didn't hear anymore sounds he peeked out from around the corner confused. All he could see was the back of their heads. It looked like Sasuke was doing something to Naruto's neck. The first thing that came to his mind was vampire but his 'mom' wasn't screaming or anything.


"Mom?" Minochi asked as he rounded the corner with the box in hand.

"Sweetie!" Naruto flustered and pushed the raven off so he could look back at Minochi.

Sasuke stopped to look back at the boy as well.

"Aye son." Sasuke said to the surprise of them both.

Minochi didn't know how to feel about that. His thoughts were more on Sasuke being a vampire.

Naruto gave the man a kiss on the cheek for that anyway.

"What were you doing to mom?" Minochi asked. He walked over to them slowly, keeping his eye on the brunette next to Naruto.

Sasuke blinked in confusion not understanding what he meant by that tone of voice.

"He was just checking out my new um, perfume!" Naruto blurted out causing Sasuke to laugh abruptly.

Minochi sat his box on the coffee table before turning to the two with a not so convinced stance.

"You don't wear perfume."

"Alright little man you win." Sasuke said as he held his hands up in the air.

Minochi waited with arms crossed.

"I'm a vampire! Bleh!" He formed his hands into a claw like formation and jumped at the child.

Minochi screamed and ran into Naruto's arms.

"Sasuke!" Naruto gasped while holding the frightened child close.

"What? I couldn't resist. Okay fine I'm sorry Minochi, but guess what?"

Minochi peeped up at the man from over Naruto's arm.

"If I'm a vampire that makes you a half vampire. Since your lovely 'mother' here is human." Sasuke gave a cocky smirk to the blond whom just blushed no matter how fed up he looked.

"I'm a half vampire?! Mommmm?" Minochi looked up at Naruto for clarity.

"No sweetie you aren't a half vampire, and Sasuke isn't a vampire either. He's just Sasuke, plus he can walk in daylight." Naruto said with a sideways glance at the guy in question.

"I can walk in daylight because I'm awesome." Sasuke added a nonchalant smirk.

Naruto rolled his eyes, not in the least amused. The only thought to that comment he had in his mind was 'Typical.'

"Can I fly even if I'm only half?" Minochi asked upon thinking about it.

Sasuke nodded before getting up off the couch.

"Let me show you. Be right back." He said as he headed off to the closet in the hall. He grabbed two coats and two pairs of shoes. When he came back he gave one set to Naruto.

Sasuke slipped the coat and shoes on while Naruto did the same after setting Minochi down.

Minochi watched them in wonder of what was going on.

"Close your eyes. Don't look till I tell you." Sasuke said as he picked the boy up.

Minochi closed his eyes a little afraid for a second.

Sasuke then silently motioned Naruto to follow.

They headed out the back door to the freezing cold outside. Despite the unwelcoming temperature it was quite beautiful out. Masses of snow hid the ground with more of its brethren gracefully floating down. The stark cerulean sky itself was an eye catching site for such a night.

Sasuke lifted the child up over his head onto his shoulders.

"Hold your arms out." Sasuke made sure to hold on to him when he let go.

Minochi held out his arms feeling a slight shiver from the cold.

Naruto clutched his coat closer to his body while watching the two.

Sasuke started to spin around with the boy on his shoulders.

"Open your eyes, look up only!"

Minochi looked up and freaked out instantly. He brought his arms down and grabbed onto the man's hands that were supporting him by holding his legs.

"This isn't flying!" Minochi screamed with glee. He started to laugh as the world became a complete blur.

"I know but it's somewhat close though!" Sasuke shouted over the laughter.

Naruto was enjoying watching the two until the raven took a step back.

"Sasuke watch your step!"

Despite the warning Sasuke tripped anyway. Both man and child fell back onto the soft large pellets of white soon after.

Naruto ran to their side with his heart racing.

"Minochi are you al....right?" His voice trailed off when he saw their child cackling up a storm.

Sasuke sat up to check on him as well.

Minochi had fallen off Sasuke a few inches above him.

"Again!" he announced as he lifted his arms up and let them drop back down.

"Sure, if Naruto won't freak out on us aga-Hey!!" Sasuke shouted at the end after a snowball hit his face. He shot an amused grin a Naruto whom just whistled off key and pointed to Minochi.

The snowball fight had been issued.

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