《The Boy》Chapter 8: A Mess


Naruto was wrapped in a white cotton blanket while sitting on a lovely olive green couch with floral designed mini pillow cushions. The temperature had started to drop instantly out of nowhere. Day's had passed by since the fight. He'd missed his plane that day as well. He ended up procrastinating till a storm rolled in causing him to stay longer.

Gaara handed him some coco from the kitchen he and Minochi had made some time ago.

Naruto took it kindly and blew over it before taking a sip.

"Thank you again Gaara..." Naruto said as he looked down at the cup.

"No problem. Naruto you should know that no one has been able to contact Sasuke. He hasn't been showing up to work apparently from what Lee has told me. They had to call the police just to make sure he was alive." Gaara took a seat in a matching armchair across from the blond.

"Why are you telling me this?" Naruto asked before he took another sip.

"Because his voicemails are directed at you. He will only answer your cal-"

"I don't care Gaara." Naruto shrugged and rolled his eyes. He stole a glance at Minochi asleep near the fire place.

"Are you sure about that? You could have left long before the storm hit, yet here you are." Gaara crossed his arms and quirked an eyebrow at the blond.

Naruto faltered and looked back down. It was true. Naruto had been over Gaara's house now for a good week at least. He had many chances to leave but something made him stay till it was too late.

"I'll leave as soon as the storm clears." Naruto looked towards the window at the falling snow outside.

Gaara groaned before pointing a finger at his friend.

"You and Sasuke need to talk this out right now. I know you still feel something for this bastard your Naruto. You're that sentimental kid I grew up with that would stick beside anyone no matter how far they'd fallen. Do you know how many bipolar phone calls I've received from Sasuke! Literally over a hundred. This guy will call screaming curses one minute then crying apologies the next to speak to you. It's quite pathetic and annoying. More importantly that little boy is in the middle of this. Think about what this is doing to him." Gaara sighed at the end.

He wanted his household to go back to peace and quiet where he could be with Lee on his off days. He loved having Minochi around, but sometimes Naruto would go on rants about Sasuke then Sasuke would call ranting about Naruto.


He was done. He refused to spend another snow day with these two fighting.

Naruto fidgeted with his coco then looked back over at Minochi.

"I'll call him." Naruto caved. He pulled out his cell phone and turned it on. Sasuke had called his phone too, but he'd turned it off long before the raven could blow it up.

When phone beeped to life hundreds of pms and missed calls popped up. Sasuke had been using the card Naruto had given him. He recalled Sasuke's number and waited. No answer came which caught Naruto off guard.

"He's not...answering?" Naruto said with a quizzical look at Gaara whom pulled out his phone to call the man.

He got no response either.

"We'll go over there tomorrow." Gaara said after he'd hung up. He then stood up to stretch.

"It'll have died down by then." Gaara added as he headed over to pick up Minochi and carry him to the guest room they'd been staying in.

Naruto got up and followed the two. He watched the man lay Minochi down gently. It was about time for Gaara to head off for work, so Lee would be home soon.

Naruto stood there in the doorway after Gaara had left. As he watched his son sleep he couldn't imagine how much this situation was affecting him.

'Here he has parents while I had none when I was a kid. But his parents are an arguing bunch of jackasses.' Naruto thought to himself, feeling ashamed for giving his son that type of life.

"I'm sorry Minochi." Naruto apologized aloud. He walked over and curled up in bed using the blanket to cover them both up. He then promised that he'd change for the better as he combed back the sleeping child's raven hair with his fingers lovingly.


Naruto opened his eyes to the bright light coming in from the blinds. He got out of bed after he realized Minochi was gone. He then headed towards the kitchen since he smelt food.

He smiled when he saw Minochi on Gaara's shoulders. Lee was cooking breakfast in his usual happy mood while humming a song.

"Morning Naruto! Minochi has already taken his bath and everything. You're up next." the red hair man filled Naruto in. He then carried the little boy into the living room to play 'Don't touch the lava'.

"You might have to give me that docs number Naruto. Gaara really likes Minochi. I was afraid for a while to bring children up to him but now I see he's practically a big baby himself." Lee said as he cleared a pan of cooked sausages onto a plate.


"Sure but there's a risk factor." Naruto replied while he helped set the plates up at the table.

"Isn't there always? It's one of the wonders of life." Lee said with a smile to Naruto. He'd finished cooking and was now setting them on plates to take to the table.

Naruto blinked and thought about it. During his dazed state Lee ushered him off to get ready. He left with an apologetic smile to think more than prepare.

The only thing he'd ever risked for Sasuke was his life to have a child. Naruto frowned at this as he thought about the things Sasuke had done.

Even though the raven was caught up in upholding his family business he still made time for Naruto when he could. It got to a point where he barely ever saw the brunette though.

But he did have his moments.

For instance he risked having a family to be with Naruto though he later got one in a way. He also risked a major test once just to throw him a birthday party. Naruto found himself laughing when he thought about it.

The party was sad in a funny way because everyone was testing that day except the blond who had a different schedule, so it was just Sasuke with a party horn in his mouth and a birthday hat.

He looked so ridiculous standing there in the apartment all by himself dancing to no music. The blond couldn't help but laugh at the man whom just kissed him in return. That moment meant the world to Naruto then because that test Sasuke missed, put him on make-up work for a long time.

Naruto smiled and thought of more happy thoughts. He eventually finished getting ready in no time from doing that. He returned to eat breakfast that Lee had prepared.

Lee was off today due to the snow, and Gaara didn't have to leave till later.

By mid-morning they'd fixed the roads so people could drive on them to get to work and or other.

Naruto and Gaara then headed out. Lee stayed and watched Minochi.

Once they arrived Gaara waited in the car while Naruto knocked on the door.

He took in a deep breath waiting for the door to open only to release that breath when the door didn't open at all. The blond knocked again a little louder and frowned when no response came.

He walked around the house to the back to see the door wide open. He panicked and ran inside to see the place trashed.

"Sasuke!!!" Naruto shouted as he stumbled his way over things into the devastated living room.

The giant screen TV was busted like someone took a sledgehammer to it. Heck the whole place looked like someone took a sledgehammer to it.

He heard groaning sounds come from the kitchen. He headed over to see the raven on the floor on his back in his black robe with a beer can in his hand.

Naruto dropped down beside him instantly to cradle his head.

"Sasuke what the hell happened?!" Naruto freaked.

"N-Narumto?" Sasuke mumbled out drunkenly while he struggled to stand.

"When the hell did you start drinking?" Naruto asked as he helped the raven over to the couch.

Sasuke blinked and looked down at the can. He let it drop out his hand as he shrugged like he didn't understand what Naruto had asked.

"W-wah w-wwait! I s-sawz you in meh drams. Yor ah nat reahl." Sasuke pinched the blondes face with a stupid contorted smirk.

Naruto tried to lean away the best he could

"This place is a mess. The back door is open so it's freezing! Why is it open?" the blond asked with a shiver before quickly sitting the raven down on the couch.

"Hn...wahter...drownz mi zelfs."

"You idiot you don't have a pool!"

"Noht mii puuhlzz." Sasuke laughed like an idiot at the end.

Naruto starred at Sasuke in disbelief.

"That's it come on bastard let's get you cleaned up." Naruto helped the man up off the couch.

Sasuke stumbled against Naruto to poke his face again.

"F-for ah drams yur prehtay reahls." Sasuke sounded so confused and his breath reeked of alcohol.

Naruto rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I'm real and I'm here for you bastard." Naruto tried to stop the man from messing with his hair.

It took a while but he finally got Sasuke into the bathtub. Gaara had come in after a while to see the mess.

Naruto explained what he knew so they agreed that Sasuke needed help. While he stayed, Gaara and Lee would keep watch of Minochi till Naruto felt it was safe to bring him around.

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