《The Boy》Chapter 7: Maybe Not


The next day Sasuke awoke to the smell of breakfast, something he hadn't experienced for a long time after Naruto left. He got up out of bed wearing his Uchiha Fan blue boxers. He headed into the kitchen to see Minochi and Naruto sitting around the table eating.

"Just helped yourself?" Sasuke asked sarcastically as he took a seat between the two whom laughed a bit. They'd fixed him a plate as well that consisted of some deformed pancakes with bacon and eggs.

Sasuke quirked an eyebrow at this only to see Naruto signal that Minochi made it.

"This is very good" Sasuke complemented the boy that was stuffing his face.

Minochi looked up with a mouthful and smiled proudly.

Naruto just smiled and continued to eat.

"Work?" Naruto asked after he'd pulled out his pill bottle. He took the last one out and doused it down with some water.

Sasuke hooked a piece of bacon, pancakes and eggs on his fork. It wasn't that bad though the pancakes looked like baby octopus's branching out everywhere.

"Mm-no. Is that your last one by the way?" Sasuke asked as he chewed. The food wasn't bad at all.

"Yup I should be good now." Naruto cheered a little.

"Should be? What kind of pills are those anyway?" Sasuke asked. He looked over at Minochi chugging down water.

"Just pills for me that help regulate the changes my body went through during the pregnancy. Don't look at me like that I'm fine now!"

"Alright, alright I guess we can go to the doc early to get tested. That way we can just hang out the rest of the day." Sasuke grabbed a napkin.

"Slow down before you choke to death." he wiped the boy's mouth with the napkin.

Naruto chuckled from Sasuke's sudden act of fatherly/motherly care.

After breakfast they got ready.

Sasuke got dressed in his room while Naruto and Minochi got dressed in theirs.

They left around 12 to go to the doctor.

Tsunade was their doctor for today. With both hands on her hips she looked over the two. She was happy to see Naruto again, but their request was just weird for such a sudden reunion.

"You want me to what?" she asked again still a bit startled that the boy was literally fathered instead of mothered. That would explain why the child was small for his age amongst other things.

"DNA test." Sasuke repeated. He looked down to see Minochi actually clinging onto him this time.


Naruto was sitting on the bed childishly playing around with the bed paper.

"How is this even possible? Naruto did you go to see that doctor down ther-"

"Yes." Naruto said as if it was perfectly okay.

"Are you out of your mind?! You could have died!"

Naruto just shrugged and continued to mess with the weird bed sheet thing.

Sasuke picked up Minochi and sat him on the bed with Naruto.

"Wait he could of what?" Sasuke asked now understanding what she'd said.

"That doctor does illegal tests on people! That sometimes work. I don't even know how he's able to still have his license. I suppose your taking aftermath pills for this?" Tsunade went on.

"I just finished my last one this morning. Now can we just get on with it?" Naruto asked as he played with his son.

Sasuke glowered at Naruto the whole time.

Tsunade could sense the feud between the two about to start up. So she hurried and got it over with. She didn't need another fight to break out in her office.

It would take at least a day or two for the results to get back so they were allowed to go home.

"You lied to me....Why did you risk your life?" Sasuke was gripping the steering wheel pretty hard.

"I lied because I knew how you would react, and it's my life. I can do whatever I want with it." Naruto answered as he leaned against the window.

"Yeah that's true but what about everyone else 'in' your life? Did you not care how that would affect us? What else have you lied about?" Sasuke was getting more and more vexed by the minute.

"Wow, Sasuke just focus on driving. It's in the past so forge-"

"What the hell? No! We were still dating at the time too. You should have ran this by me! "

"I didn't have to tell you anything! It's not like you would have listened being so busy with the 'family busine-"

"Don't bring that shit up Naruto you know fully well that I wa-"

"Don't you fucking curse in front of my son bast-"

"You just cursed just now you god damn idiot, and isn't he my son too?! Or is that something you lied about as well?"

Minochi was sitting in the back looking between the two afraid. He shrunk back in the seat and pulled his hood over his head.

"Sadly no." Naruto mumbled under his breath.


"Really Naruto? Really? You know what screw this, this was a bad idea-"

"Everything is a bad idea with you. "

"Yeah and my worst idea was loving you obviously. My life would be so much better right now if I hadn't met you or....shit." Sasuke caught himself. He covered his mouth knowing he'd messed up.

Naruto looked at Sasuke completely astounded at what he'd just heard.

"Please finish."

"Dammit Naruto I didn't mean-"

"Fuck it just drive. "

"Naruto seriously I didn't mean-"

"Just DRIVE!" the blond shouted. Biting back the tears he wrapped his arms about himself.

Minochi couldn't doing anything but listen to his family fall apart.

Sasuke drove and cursed himself. It was shit like this that broke them up in the first place. The constant arguing and hurtful words.

When they arrived back home Naruto rushed into the house with Minochi following.

Sasuke headed inside after a while of beating himself up in the car and hitting the horn. When he got inside he saw Naruto and Minochi near the couch with their bags all packed.

"Whoa what's all thi-"

"I'm going home Sasuke. Wouldn't want you to make any more mistakes now would we?" Naruto voiced complete loathe. He fixed up Minochi's shoe laces before checking his hoodie.

Minochi just sat on the couch all silent.

"Naruto look I'm sorr-"

"I thought for a minute that you might have changed, but no. You're still as hurtful as ever. I could never get you to avoid confrontation. You just continued no matter what until I was gone or arguing back with you. That's why I just ran away all the time. I couldn't deal with it, and I honestly thought having a child would help bring us closer. I thought that if I put my life on the line and gave you the family I knew you deserved you'd stop this weird hateful bullshit. I tried...I tried so hard to be patient with you then. After a while you broke me down just like you've done now." Naruto choked out as he got up.

A horn sounded from outside causing Sasuke to look back briefly then back to Naruto.

"Okay wait, I won't do it again I swe-"

"You've said that over a thousand times..." Naruto wiped his tears harshly before picking up his bags and leaving the house with Minochi caring his own bags out.

Gaara was the one there to pick up Naruto and Minochi.

Sasuke followed them out to see this.

"You're fucking Gaara?!" Sasuke blurted out, not thinking again.

Naruto stopped and looked back at Sasuke disgusted.

"What the fuck?! No, you asshole!" Naruto shouted infuriated.

Gaara got out of the car at this. He walked from around the driver side to open the back door on the other side. He hurriedly motioned for Minochi to get in.

Minochi ran to the car and climbed into the back. He dropped his bags on the floor so he could cover his ears.

"There you go again! Saying bullshit that isn't true! Gaara is engaged if you hadn't noticed! Lee was at work so Gaara was free. You know what I bet you work so damn much you wouldn't even know Hinata and Kiba were married if they didn't own a fucking business!" Naruto stormed towards Sasuke only to be grabbed by Gaara.

"Let's go Naruto." Gaara urged the blonde. He didn't look at Sasuke whom was being filled with more blind rage.

"Wow Naruto that's real fucking funny. Maybe if you weren't such a whore I could trust you. It's a damn shame Lee still does." Sasuke shouted out of jealousy upon seeing Gaara touch his ex.

"Fuck you! Just fuck you, you stuck up piece of shit! "

"Ah ha-ha no thanks I think you've got it covered!" Sasuke flicked his wrist at Gaara with a twitching smirk.

Naruto just struggled even more now against Gaara to the point where the red head had to hook his arm around his waist to pick him up and drag him back.

Minochi watched from the car. Seeing his 'mom' crying and shouting was something new to him. It made him afraid, angry and sad all at the same time causing him to cry.

Gaara paid no attention to Sasuke as his focus was getting Naruto out of there. He managed to get the furious blond in the car before he gave a disappointed look at Sasuke whom just flipped him off.

Sasuke watched them drive off, and even saw Naruto covering his face, crying from the side window. That's when he snapped back into realty.

"Shit, not again!" Sasuke ran after the car. He failed as it rounded a corner. He then dropped down to his knees in the middle of the road exhausted and broken again.

A car came up behind him honking its horn till the driver of the vehicle shouted, "Get out of the road dumb ass!"

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