《The Boy》Chapter 6: Start of a family?


Naruto was starting to regret this more and more, but at the same time he wouldn't lie it was nice to see Sasuke again. In his element... working... completely oblivious to how handsome he always looks in a suit and ti-NO! He bit back those thoughts immediately.

"Sasuke, do you expect me and Minochi to become one of your victims forced to sit here and listen to you talk?" He joked while he played with a strand of Minochi's hair.

"Hah-hah-hah. How do you think I feel?"


"Very funny." Sasuke marked something off on his paper, cutting his eyes at the blond with a smirk. "So, I take it you missed me this much," he remarked with a point of his pen to the attentive child listening to them.

Naruto rolled his eyes, slipping into a moment with the bastard. "Don't flatter yourself. You're a terrible father."

"I'm kind of offended you assumed I would be. You knew what my dad was like," Sasuke said as he balled up a piece of ruined paper. He then threw it at the blond without a second thought.

Naruto blinked after the paper had made contact with the right side of his face before falling to the floor. The child in his lap giggled at his 'moms' briefly stunned expression. He was honestly beating himself up for not considering that this might be a bit much for Sasuke since he wasn't raised to be a family man. He could learn though... or so he thought for a minute and hoped.

That child of theirs, didn't know a thing about why they broke apart in the first place. He just wanted the mood to lighten up and for the boring air around them to dissipate. Minochi took it upon himself to make that happen. He then climbed out of Naruto's lap to pick up the paper ball. After he did so, he threw the ball back at Sasuke before jumping back in Naruto's lap to hide.

It hit the unsuspecting raven on the shoulder. Sasuke looked over at the two that were badly pretending that they did nothing wrong.

"Hn." Sasuke smirked. He picked up the paper ball and placed it on his desk.

Naruto and Minochi shrugged in unison at the brunette.

Sasuke whistled a random tune while he made more paper balls.

"Don't you dare." Naruto had a playful air to his voice rather than serious.

"You started this Naruto." Sasuke let the blondes name roll of his tongue as he stood up with one of the many paper balls in his hand.

"No, no you did!" Naruto shouted out while shielding Minochi.

The child yelped when Sasuke started to throw paper balls at them. When Sasuke ran out of ammo Minochi snuck out of Naruto's hold. He picked up the paper balls and returned fire with Naruto joining in.

Sasuke failed at trying to dodge them. He even tripped back at one point onto the floor laughing. As he sat up he saw Naruto and Minochi getting up off the couch. Then they surrounded him with paper balls in their arms.


"Any last words Uchiha?" Naruto asked.

"You don't have to do this." Sasuke acted out as if he was begging for his life.

"Actually we do, but know that this is going hurt you allot more than its going to hurt us." Naruto couldn't help the wide smile that appeared on his lips.

"Yeah, plus you fired first so you deserve it!" Minochi chimed in. He then started throwing paper ball after paper ball at Sasuke.

Naruto followed suit as Sasuke surprisingly pretended to be in pain. From the laughter and out cries of fake pain they missed the phone call in the background.

They were lost in their own world until the new guest arrived.

"Mr. Uchiha?" spoke up one of the guest a little confused.

Sasuke ceased laughing instantly and got up off the floor to address his guests.

"Forgive me, I was just....doing something *Erhm* stupid for a sec...H-how was your flight Orochimaru?" Sasuke asked as he motioned Naruto to move. He then straightened his shirt collar.

Minochi could see how disappointed his 'mom' was when Sasuke turned back to normal.

Naruto picked up Minochi and carried him back to the couch without a word to the guest.

"My flight was pleasant." The taller paler man with long pitch black hair called Orochimaru wasn't really paying much attention to Sasuke. He was more focused on Minochi.

The short silver haired man with glasses positioned their chairs.

"Ah I see. What about you Mr. Yakushi?" Sasuke coughed awkwardly for a sec while clearing the paper balls off his desk that had bounced off him. Needless to say he didn't notice the unpleasant staring just yet.

"Same." Yakushi Kabuto was a simple man with few words. With briefcase in hand, he took his seat along with Orochimaru.

"How's your day going so far Mr. Uchiha?"

"Not bad actually." Sasuke half smiled to himself. He looked over at Naruto to see him roll his eyes, but a smile was evident as well. He cleared his throat before returning back to business.

The men discussed shipments and business agreements the entire time. Every now and then Sasuke witnessed strange looks his guests were giving to the two sleeping on the couch. It was making him uncomfortable. Since the meeting had lasted a little longer than expected he had an excuse to rush them out.

After they were gone he took off his black blazer and put it over the sleeping duo on the couch.

Naruto was laying on his side with his arms wrapped around Minochi whom was laying on his side as well in front of the blond, so the blazer covered them both.

Since it was lunch time he bet they'd be hungry when they woke so he left to get them something special to eat.

While Sasuke was gone Naruto woke up due to Minochi squirming around. He tiredly scanned the room for the owner of the office they were in, but the raven was nowhere to be seen.

Naruto sat up slowly, waking up Minochi in the process.


"N-no." the little boy mumbled sleepily as he tugged on his 'mom's' sweater to lay back down.

"Sasuke..." Naruto uttered quietly. He was starting to get worried for some reason. Then he heard the elevator ding, and the smell of take-out immediately hit their noses.

Sasuke stepped out of the elevator with a brown paper bag in his right and a tray of drinks in his left. He was surprised to see Naruto awake so soon.

"Can you just sense food?"

Naruto didn't respond he just looked from Sasuke then to the bag.

Minochi then woke up from the smell of food. He turned over and rubbed his eyes with his little fists to clear the blur of vision he was having.

Sasuke held up the bag with the imprint of the three meals inside.

"Thought you'd guys be hungry so I got your miso ramen. Me and Minochi have the sushi plate." Sasuke filled them in. He brought the bag and drinks over to his desk where he sat them down on top. He then started to set up everyone's meals.

Minochi jumped off the couch and ran over to see.

Naruto shook his head at how his son reacted around food.

"So the take-outs begin again." Naruto said sarcastically as he got up as well.

"Laugh it up, you loved it." Sasuke taunted. He handed Naruto and Minochi their plate before giving them their drinks.

"Maybe." Naruto cast his eyes to the side and smiled to himself.

They ate together on the floor in front of his desk and shared laughs whenever Minochi did tricks with his sushi like tossing it up in the air and catching it with his mouth.

Sasuke attempted to balance a rice ball on his nose but he failed when Naruto made a mocking seal noise. The three burst out in laughter as a result. When they finished their food Sasuke got up and finished the rest of his work. Then they finally headed home to his house.

Since Naruto's things were in the lobby they didn't have to make a stop at the airport. So the trip home was a breeze except for one pit stop made.

Once they made it to the creepy mansion they unloaded the blonde's things.

Sasuke offered Naruto a guest room he could share with Minochi if he wanted.

"I'm surprised you didn't offer your bed." Naruto grinned a little.

"That can be option too." Sasuke shrugged casually.

They were standing in the kitchen when Naruto pulled out a pill bottle. He opened it and popped a pill in his mouth before screwing the lid back on. He then placed it back in his pocket.

"Naruto what's wrong seriously?" Sasuke asked as he leaned back against the kitchen counter on the right side of the sink.

Minochi was back in the living room watching cartoons while he and Naruto made conversation.

"It's nothing contagious so don't worry." Naruto said after he'd gulped down a glass of water with the pill. He then sat the glass down in the sink.

"You know what I mean." Sasuke looked over the blond.

"It's not life threatening ok? I promise." Naruto patted Sasuke's hand that was supporting him against counter.

Sasuke grasped Naruto's hand by surprise and held it.

"Alright, but I'm keeping my eye on you." the raven spoke quietly with a light squeeze to his hand.

"I'll be fine by tomorrow." Naruto assured the man with a smile before taking his hand back.

"Feel free to keep an eye on me still."

Sasuke shook his head with a small smile. He looked up when he heard Minochi laugh aloud at something.

"So how's this possible?" Sasuke asked as he tilted his head back to Naruto.

Naruto shrugged while leaning back on the counter on the left side of the sink.

"You know me... always getting into stuff. That month I left when I was pissed at you, I found out about this doctor that had succeeded in making male pregnancy possible. I said of course and he gave me the pill-"

"Naruto are you serious?" Sasuke stared at the blonde in disbelief.

"Yes, you can look him up if you want. It wasn't life threatening at all! Anyway I took some savings to cover the bill. So, that same day I came back and we...you know. I figured I was ripped off but look. "Naruto nodded towards the living room.

"He has both your DNA and mine since you're the only person I was with then. Don't ask how the pregnancy worked. It was brutal, but we can go get tested if you don't believe me." Naruto added in.

Sasuke looked back towards the living room.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I'd left again by then as well. That time I wasn't coming back, remember? We had that major fight? I figured you'd made up your mind about making your job your top priority. When I did realize I was pregnant I was afraid to tell you...hell I didn't tell anyone for the longest till Iruka called me fat one day and I lost it. Now I know how Choji felt." Naruto said with a chuckle at the end.

Sasuke didn't laugh as he was still looking towards the living room.

"Understandable, I guess we'll go tomorrow. That way I can make sure you're not crazy." Sasuke quirked an eyebrow towards the blond.

Naruto just shrugged again and winked at Sasuke.

"Well I won't have any trouble filing for child support afterwards."

"Oh ha-ha."

"I'm joking!" Naruto nudged the man whom rolled his eyes.

Minochi could hear his parents getting along kind of. He prayed anyway that they'd always get along. He liked the big house it was way more spacious than the apartment he and Naruto lived in.

Plus Sasuke had gotten him new crayons and paper to draw on as his way of apologizing. So he figured that Sasuke couldn't be all that bad in a sense.

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