《The Boy》Chapter 5: Reunited


"Um, S-Sasuke you have a visito-"Sakura's voice sounded shaky until she was cut off. Then a struggle could be heard over the phone.

"BASTARD!" A very familiar livid tone took over the phone with a harsh cough afterwards.

Sasuke flinched from the obnoxious booming coming from his ex.

"Why the hell haven't you called me!? *cough..cough* I know you're here! I'm coming up there now, and if you've hurt Minochi... I swear to god I will tear this place down and shove every single, sharp piece of debris up you're already clogged-" He was cut off before the promise could be complete.

"Sorry, Sasuke!" Sakura apologized as quickly as she hung up the phone.

Sasuke gulped and got up from his desk.

Kiba was smirking up a storm while Hinata just smiled.

'Thanks for jinxing me.' Sasuke thought to himself. He hit a button on the phone that called for his guards to help restrain his ex if needed.

Minochi squirmed himself out of Hinata's lap and ran off to the elevator. There he waited and counted the levels. The doors soon opened to reveal those guards that had escorted him last time. He was forced to stagger back a bit to let them in.

The elevator then continued down to pick up its next passenger.

The guards stood at the ready near the elevator doors. Everyone's focus were on the numbers at the top that flashed every few seconds when a new floor was reached. In Sasuke's mind, he was going over every possibility of what could happen. He also wondered what Naruto would look like after all these years. He definitely sounded the same aside from the coughing and death threats. It made him smile and got his heart to start pounding again in anticipation. The blond surely wouldn't feel the same.

Sasuke eased up from his desk to be near his guards just in case.

The elevator then dinged just as the doors opened. An obviously sick man with dark circles around his still blazing ocean themed eyes, stood within. His usual flawless blonde hair looked as if it had been sweated out to give it a now unruly shape. Even his wobbling exit from the elevator provided another hint that something was wrong.

Yet from the blue sweater and khaki pants, Naruto was still overall beautiful in that dad wear. A sickness was stopping his usual glow that came with him though.

Naruto's focus was dead on Sasuke. He himself wasn't surprised that after all this time the Uchiha still looked the same. The only thing that had changed was his height. He got taller. But that wasn't going to stop him from punching the raven in the face. Oh no, that was the guards' job. They seized him by his arms before he even got close enough.

"Really, Sasuke? You still can't *cough cough* confront me yourself?" Naruto couldn't clutch his chest from the pain. He just bared through it while attempting to get out of their hold.

Sasuke felt a staggering wave of feelings returning upon seeing his old flame again. He was rendered speechless for the moment so he ended up just staring rather awkwardly.


"Let him go!" Minochi darted over and started hitting the guards with his pointless fists.

"Minochi!!" Naruto stilled at the sight of his unkempt child. "What happened to you?! Is that chocolate?? Were you crying- Why haven't you changed clothes?! What did he- SASUKE!" Every single problem and issue on his precious little boy all pointed to the raven bastard just standing there like he had no clue. "What the hell did you to him?!"

At that point, the blond lost it a bit, but he was not without guilt. He blamed himself initially for ever sending his kid to this guy and by himself at that. He didn't think he'd make the trip with his son, but his worry put off the withering feeling inside to get on the next flight over. The plane trip was grueling and he spent half the time in bathroom. Now that he was here and seeing the little boy's state, none of that mattered now. "You... You bastard!!"

"Naruto-" Sasuke found his voice and tried to explain but it was to late. His ex put down his guards without warning. He watched the blond break out of their hold, dock one in the face without mercy and then back kick the other into the cabinets. Before the one with the broken nose could even recover, the poor guy was grabbed and slammed to the ground by an arm pulled over the shoulder move.

The onlookers went wide eyed at the aggression that swiftly turned to the raven. "Naruto, wait a minute!"

Hinata got up to move out of the way with her husband and Minochi to avoid the marching blond's war path.

"You had one day to *cough cough* call me!" Naruto exerted nearly every ounce of energy he had back there and right. "I stayed up for hours on that damn plane!!"

Sasuke couldn't respond because the blond had grabbed his collar and jerked him forward. He hadn't been this close to him since... forever ago and he was crazy to be thinking of that right now. "Naruto," saying his name only made it worse, "I... I'm sorry."

"Sorry?!!" He drew back a fist and shouted, "Look at him!! That's not how you take care of my-" The nausea hit him then, bringing the world suddenly whirling around him. "Our... my..." His words slurred as he tried to redirect himself away from the bastard to see his son. "Minochi??" His kid had turned into double, no triple and he couldn't reach any of them. He tried but Sasuke held him back because he was clearly staggering. "L-Let go of me!"

The raven took that slap across his face that didn't knock him out because his whiskered ex was clearly sick. He was out of it so much that he passed out right after that, falling against him.

"Naruto!" Hinata couldn't hold the kid back and actually ended up joining him in his run over to the unconscious man.

Sasuke picked up his ex then and carefully laid him on the couch. Though his cheek stung a bit, fretting over this idiot was numbing all that. He moved out of the way to let the woman check on him while he stressed out from watching.


"Mom!" Minochi tried to crawl over onto the steadily breathing blond but Kiba held him back.

"Let's give him some space, kid." He held the crying child there, down a knee at the couch side.

"Is he alright??" Sasuke raked his fingers through his dark spikes, pacing a bit.

"He's feels like he has a fever but it's low." Hinata touched his forehead with back of her hand, noticing his sleep deprived bags under his eyes. "Let him rest and he should be fine."

"Get them something too." Kiba pointed to the guards just groaning over there, dazed.

"Will do." The raven nodded, taking a knee to focus on the blond more.

Minochi noticed this look of sincere care on his father's face he didn't know he could make. He still didn't like him anymore from what he did earlier so he pouted and pushed out of Kiba's hold. He went in between Hinata to get back to Naruto and hold his hand against his face. He just wanted to go back home now and he'll never ask about his father again.

Naruto stirred at the contact, opening his eyes slowly to see the dampness at his fingers was from sadness. He smiled and tried to make his kid cheer up. "You look a mess." He then chuckled at how happy Minochi got that he was awake. His son climbed on again and got up to face to hug him. Naruto winced and embraced his silly child back, nitpicking his sons clothing and hair. Thankfully Minochi didn't bruise easily so no markings showed on his arm. "Did you eat nothing but your snacks this morning??"

"Y-Yes..." Minochi didn't bring up what else happened because he couldn't feel any pain in his arm anymore. He didn't know whether it was because he was overjoyed that his 'mom' was here or that it had went away.

"You know you can't do that." Naruto then looked to the bastard who was supposed to enforce that. "Seriously, teme?"

Sasuke didn't get why even Kiba and Hinata were starring at him. "Well, obviously I had work."

"Of course. It's always business with you, Sasuke," the blond stated as he rolled his eyes.

The raven crossed his arms and shook his head at the man. "I'm being honest at least."

"Never doubted, bastard." Naruto had to stop looking at him or he'd lose his mind again. "Hey, Hinata, sup Kiba." Naruto turned to his old friends with a gentle smile, nodding their way.

"Hey, Naruto! Glad to see you again." Hinata smiled and waved.

"Welcome back blondie." Kiba came from around Sasuke's desk to be beside his wife. "Are you feeling well? Want me to call a ambulance?"

"An ambulance?? N-Nah! I'm good, eheh." Naruto gave a cough fused chuckle which caused Minochi to tug on his sweater sleeve.

"Mom?" Minochi's frightened voice matched his frantic eyes that scanned over Naruto.

"You're calling me mom now?" Naruto asked curiously.

Minochi nodded happily and hugged his 'mom' again.

Though Naruto winced from this, he still returned the motion.

"Naruto what's wrong?" Sasuke asked after catching that display of pain once more.

Naruto rolled his eyes and broke the hug so he wouldn't cough on Minochi.

"Nothing you'd care about. Oh, and I'm taking Minochi home. Nice to meet you guys again though. I wish it could have been under better circumstances." Naruto managed to get out those words clearly. He gave Minochi a light kiss on forehead before he stood up to prepare to leave.

"Wait." Sasuke didn't know why that came out so quick.

Naruto placed his hand on his hip as he quirked an eyebrow at Sasuke.

"What do you *cough* want?" the blond asked, not really wanting to hear it.

"Why don't you stay for at least a day till you're better somewhat?" Sasuke didn't notice the plea he had added in his voice. He'd felt something ignite within him, and he just needed Naruto to stay a little longer. He didn't care that the blond might yell at him the whole time. It was simply so nice to have him back.

Naruto groaned and thought about his flight. The plane won't leave till tomorrow and he didn't book a hotel so why not. It'll save him some money.

"Fine, but only till tomorrow." He knelt down and picked up Minochi then, not liking his choice but he was not up for another flight so soon.

"Great, you can stay with me." Sasuke said with a satisfied tone. He then turned to Hinata and Kiba to bow slightly apologizing.

They of course dismissed it, for it wasn't needed since they understood.

Naruto and Minochi sat on a nearby couch, talking among themselves while the others discussed work.

"I should have warned you Sasuke was a terrible cook. Lord knows how many times we've had take-out too." Naruto poked Minochi's stomach to get a giggle out of the kid.

Sasuke grunted and smirked at Naruto's little comment.

"Not sure what's worst, being a terrible cook or a complete idiot?" Sasuke said on the sly.

Naruto heard this and his eyebrow twitched as he laughed sarcastically.

"Better to be an idiot than a self-observed sorry ass bastard that can't cook for shit." Naruto shot back after covering Minochi's ears.

Of course there little argument was stopped by Hinata and Kiba coughing awkwardly.

The meeting finally ended with Hinata and Kiba needing more time to make up their minds. They parted with farewells and hugs to Naruto and Minochi. Hopefully, they'll see each other again on better terms. After they left, Sasuke prepared for his next appointment, aware he wouldn't be able to seal a deal with them for a while.

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