《STAY DOWN |2020|》One.


"I need a babysitter for tonight. Ask Lani if she can babysit for me. I'll pay her good."

"Girl, you know she loves Kaiser like her own. She'll watch him for free" Kelis said.

"I always feel bad when she watches him for free. I know he's not an easy child to deal with."

"He always does good with her though. I'm sure Lani won't mind" Kelis said.

Kelis and I have been best friends since high school. I met her when I was a freshman, and she was a senior. She was always the popular girl with the nice body, and I was the skinny "poor" girl that nobody paid attention to. One day a few boys in her grade were bullying me, and she stood up for me with no hesitation. That's when I knew she was a real one. We've been tight ever since. Opposites really do attract. She literally helped me find myself. The rest of my high school years would've been miserable if I didn't have her in my life.

"So East and his crew got a section tonight, and guess who's gonna serve them" Kelis said.


"Us! Duh bitch" Kelis said as I laughed.

"I'm lowkey scared of him and his crew. They look like a bunch of serial killers."

"Fine and rich serial killers" Kelis said.

"I don't know. I'm kind of nervous."

"Girl hush! All we have to do is serve their bottles" Kelis said.

"It's their energy for me sis. They have evil energy."

"Chile" Kelis said as she waved me off.

"Look Gen, just think about the tips. Stop acting so scary. You want that bag or nah?" Kelis asked.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "I could use the extra money."

"Me too sis. East and his crew are rich as fuck. I just know them niggas are gonna tip good" Kelis said.

"That money will be going straight to my savings account."

I make good money at Cheetahs, but that doesn't mean I'm going to splurge and buy materialistic things all the time. I have a son and responsibilities to take care of. I don't want to be a bottle girl forever which is why I set money aside for my college tuition. College student by day, and a bottle girl by night. I have big dreams and big goals. I have two years left until I get my bachelor's in criminal justice, and then I'm off to law school for another three years.


"You deserve to splurge on yourself sis. Treat yo self boo" Kelis said.

I laughed, "I'm treating myself by paying my bills and putting money into my savings."

"I get it sis. You work hard though, and you deserve to be rewarded. I'm going to buy you something nice this week" Kelis said.

"Girl no, I don't want you spending your hard earned money on me."

Kelis waved me off then started scrolling through her phone.

"Where the hell has Sammy been? She's been missing in action lately" Kelis said, referring to our other best friend.

"She's been busy running her business. I'm so proud of her."

"Me too, I miss having her around all the time though" Kelis said.

"I do too."

Samantha A.K.A Sammy is another close friend of mine. Sammy and I have been friends since middle school, and Kelis met her through me. Sammy is the more spiritual, quiet, and innocent friend. She's the type to burn sage and listen to Erykah Badu while cleaning her house. She's the sweetest person I've ever met though.

"Mommy! Eat eat" Kaiser said as he walked into the kitchen.

Kaiser is my two year old son. I had him at the young age of twenty one, and I've been raising him by myself since he was born. His father is extremely dangerous and abusive which is why he isn't around. That's a story for another day though.

"What do you want to eat baby?"

"Ice cream" Kaiser said.

I laughed, "you can't have ice cream for lunch babe."

Kaiser folded his arms then poked his lip out.

"Give my baby some ice cream" Kelis demanded.

"Ice cream is dessert not lunch."

"Ice cream!" Kaiser shouted.

"Watch your tone with me lil boy" I warned.

Kaiser is a very advanced two year old. He definitely has my attitude though which is why he's a brat when he doesn't get his way.

"You want some chicken nuggets?"

Kaiser nodded then sat down at his little table.

"Thank you so much for watching him Lani. I got you tomorrow."

"Don't worry about it sis. You know Kaiser is my lil baby. You don't have to pay me," Lani said.


"I'm paying you and that's final."

"I mean...you can try. I won't take the money though," Lani said.

I rolled my eyes playfully, knowing that I was gonna find a way to give her the money one way or another.

Kelis' family is like my family too. They've always been here for me, even before my foster parents passed away. They include me and Kaiser in every family event and etc. I feel like I'm a part of a real family because of them.

"Thank you again Lani! I appreciate you."

"No problem pooh. I'm always here when you need me," Lani said.

I smiled then crouched down in front of Kaiser. "Gimme kisses baby," I said.

He pecked my lips a few times then ran off with Lani.

When Kelis and I walked into the club, it was already packed. It was a Friday night, so I expected nothing less. Cheetahs is definitely the place to be on Friday nights.

"Gen and Kelis, my favorite girls" Rico said as we walked over to the bar.

"Hey boss" Kelis and I said.

"You two look like money" Rico said as he observed our outfits.

"We're ready to make some money too" Kelis said as she started twerking.

Rico laughed, "that's what I like to hear ladies."

I turned my head and seen East along with his entourage walking in. None of them cracked a smile or anything. They simply followed a security guard to their private section.

"Those are your customers for the night. Now go make me some money" Rico said.

Kelis and I grabbed our notepads then headed to their section to take their bottle orders.

"Just act casual and sexy. Don't act nervous around them. Treat them like any other customer" Kelis said.

I nodded then followed her up the stairs.

My eyes immediately drifted over to East. He was lighting a blunt and seemed to be in his own world.

"Hey fellas, what can we get you all to drink tonight?" Kelis asked in a seductive tone.

"You" one of the guys said.

All of them laughed, but East only cracked a small smile.

"Baby, you can drink me like a tall glass of ice water on a hot day" Kelis said as she smirked.

The guy licked his lips then laughed. He was extremely handsome too. His skin was a deep chocolate color, and his teeth were pearly white. God took his time with him.

"I'm Kareem, and you are?" The guy asked.

"I'm Kelis and this is Gen" Kelis said as she pointed at me.

"Damn, she fine too" a lightskin guy said.

He was handsome as well. Actually, the whole crew was blessed. I didn't see not one ugly nigga. And that's rare because most male friend groups always have that one ugly friend.

I laughed, "hey guys. How are y'all tonight?"

"I'm even better now that I met you miss Gen. I'm Zander" the guy said as he extended his hand.

"Nice to meet you" I said as I smiled.

"This is East, he doesn't talk much" Zander said as he motioned his head towards East.

East exhaled marijuana smoke through his nose, looking up and nodding at Kelis and I.

"Nice to meet you" we both said.

"Now back to those drink orders" Kelis said.

We wrote down their drink orders then headed back downstairs to get their bottles.

"Girl they are FINE, FINE. That dark skin one might just be my baby daddy" Kelis said as I laughed.

"You are so crazy."

We put a sparkler candle on each bottle then brought them up to East's section.

Kareem smiled, "'Preciate that."

"No problem, y'all want anything else?" I asked as I smiled.

"Nah, we good baby girl. 'Preciate that" Zander said.

The rest of the night went pretty smoothly. East and his crew aren't so bad after all.

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