《Runaway (DNF Omegaverse)》Chapter 4




After a few hours, George had woken up from his sleep and was relieved that he was alone. The pain in his stomach was killing him and he couldn't suppress a loud whimper.

His strong, distressed blueberry smell wrapped around the room like a blanket. It was so unbearable but he didn't know what was wrong.

After listening closely, he could hear soft snores coming from outside the room so George decided to try and sneak out.

With the creak of the door, George carefully stepped over the sleeping Alpha. George had only walked about 3 feet when he heard a loud yawn. In a state of panic, he started running.

The long and twisting corridors just kept going and eventually George ran into a dead end. Thinking it was all over, he sat on the ground in the corner and buried his head in his hands.

This is it. He was going to die.


It was not too long after the Omega hid in the room and Dream had fallen asleep. In a half sleepily state, Dream heard the door creaking open and the Omega leaving. When it had registered in his brain what was going on, Dream jumped up and followed the Omega.

He ignored the scared smell and kept chacing the boy. When Dream turned the corner, he saw the Omega crying into his hands and waiting for his doom. It broke Dreams heart that the Omega was that scared of him.

Slowly, Dream crouched down over the Omega and pulled him into a hug. The crying continued but Dream started humming songs. After a while, the sobs stopped and Dream decided it was time to talk to him.

"Hello Omega. I'm Dream. Who are you?" Dream asked politely.

"Don't call me that." the boy responded.


"Well, I can't call you your name if you don't give it me. Omega." Dream replied, getting a low growl in response. Not liking the Omegas behaviour, Dream growled slightly louder and the boy shut up.

"M-my name is G-George,"The omega finally answered the question," leave me alone! "

George jumped out of Dreams grasp and ran. After a while of chacing George, Dream lost him and sat on the ground. He thought about how that poor boy had been through so much. He did seem to fear Dream and maybe he didn't know he was pregnant? No it can't be that. Surly he knows. Right?

Dream decided he would find George in the morning so he sat down on the ground and fell into a not so deep sleep so that if HIS Omega needed him, he would be there.

George kept running. It was all he could do. He wanted to run away from this dream guy. George ran out of stamina so fast so he dipped into a room next to him.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw an amazing library that homed millions of books. George had always loved books and this library was like a room full of treasures. In the corner, there was a bean bag and an old fashioned lamp. He grabbed a book from the shelf that caught his attention and sat on the chair.

The pain in his stomach was more than ever. The feeling was outrageous and he just wanted it all to go away. George wanted to scream and cry but he didn't want to alert the Alpha.

George decided to suffer in silence and spent the night in pain, trying to distract himself with books.

George was an innocent man once. He had the best life and the best of friends untill his parents found out he was an Omega. He was only 2 but he always remembered the day that his parents took everything from him.


He was locked inside, Home schooled and his parents treated him like he didn't exist. When he was 18, he left his home and ventured out into the world, discovering it was as cruel as his parents described it.

He was abused and mated against his will. He was not strong enough to fight back. After a few years of this, he escaped. All he did was run. He ran for hours and hours untill he stumbled upon the castle he was now sat in.

After all the pain and suffering, a place to call home.

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