《The Fragmented Luna》Christmas Exclusive


A rather large looking pitbull barrelled down the hall with a jingly collar on its next to annouce his presence. It was Rocky who they had adopted permanently a year ago and had loved his new position in the family. A smaller pitbull rushed in behind Rocky with one of the twins shoes in his mouth.

"Denver, gimme that you silly pup", Valerie said as she chased after him. Denver dropped the shoe on the ground and then settled down in front of the fireplace. "Good pup, now if only you could help put these decorations up I'd marry you right now", Valerie said half jokingly.

"Glad you finally could help out", Nixon said from the sidelines. They were celebrating Christmas this year in the woods at the tiny cottage they spent their entire lives playing in. Except Nixon had a few adjustments made over the past few years because his family was growing.

"Yup I'm here to help. Anyway Nixon, hand me some balls for the tree", Valerie asked sweetly. She pointed over to a basket filled with some beautifully handcrafted ornaments. She was wearing a Christmas sweater with Deer that lit up every time she moved and she was loving life.

"Not going to find his balls in there", Ian said teasingly as he smiled at Valerie smugly. The joke did not go unnoticed by Nixon who was now glaring at Ian with an evil glint in his eyes. His hands itched to reach out and slap his back friend upside the head but he held it in.

"Oh yeah, that's right Ian", Valerie said as she smiled at her older brother with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "How can Nixon have his balls, when Rowen's got his balls in her hands real tight", Valerie said proudly. Ian and Valerie started cracking up while pointing at their best friend who couldn't do a damn thing about their behavior. Nixon was cradling one of the twins in his arm which meant the big bad alpha was stuck with having to keep his anger in check.

"Har, har, har", Nixon said as he glared at the pair who were now doubled over the box of ornaments from shared laughter. "I at least have balls, and my wife likes them very much, isn't that right ", Nixon said as he looked towards Rowen who had just walked into the room with the other twin tucked into her arm snugly.

"Honey, if you tell anyone about how much I like your balls, I will never touch them again", Rowen said as she gave her husband the look of death. Rowen walked over to the siblings who were doubled over with laughter in the corner and gave them a very scary look. The pair straightened up quickly, so that they now stood side by side, like soldiers waiting for her command. "And Valerie stop teasing my poor Alpha or we will make you watch the twins again", Rowen said tersely.

"Sorry Rowen I will be on my best behavior", Valerie said. Valerie looked at Ian, who smiled smugly because he gax escaped the wrath of Rowen, and she took this opportunity to elbow him in the ribs. "Shut up you jerk, you made fun of him too", Valerie said feeling slightly better at being in trouble.

"Valerie, you wound me", Ian said pretending that the elbow in the ribs actually caused him pain. "I was merely trying to help the guy decorate the Christmas tree", Ian said in, as honest as a tone, that he could muster.

"Oh is that true now", Rowen said eyeing Ian with a curious expression as she moved the twin in her arms up slightly. "Good, since you guys want to help us so much I have a great idea".Rowen said looking at her friends with a playful expression on her face.


"Hey, I admitted I did wrong", Valerie said as she held up her hands defensively. "I promise I'll be a good little elf and help you bake cookies", Valerie said in a pleading tone to her best friend Rowen.

"HA, you can't get out of this. You owe me". Rowen said. Valerie gave Rowen a knowing glance before she sighed quite loudly. "See I knew you wouldn't argue. Anyhow, you guys can watch the boys while me and the bad Alpha go on a special Christmas Eve walk", Rowen said smiling at the siblings.

"Noooooooo", Ian groaned. He looked at Nixon who was already handing off baby Nathaniel and smiling. "Fine, I'll watch the little sucker and I promise to never make a comment about anyone's balls ever again", Ian said as he held the baby like it was a ticking time bomb.

"How long will you go on your walk", Valerie asked as she took the baby that was definitely Gabriel from her best friends arms. Valerie looked at Rowen and saw something in her eyes that looked like nerves. "Is everything alright", Valerie asked in a concerned tone.

"It's going to be great", Rowen said more to herself than to Valerie. Rowen stepped away to look at her gorgeous husband and then back to her best friend. She learned in close to Valerie to tell her something privately. "We will talk later", Rowen said as she gave her friend a tight hug.

Nixon stared at his wife who looked rather amazing in her Christmas Dress with slight concern about that moment with Valerie. He wondered what secrets his wife would tell him when they got the chance to talk outside. Rowen grasped his hand tightly and they waved to a dumbfounded looking Ian and Valerie.

"Do you think everything is alright?", Ian asked with a dark expression in his eyes. Valerie looked at her brother who acted silly all the time and saw fear in those eyes. She sensed his fear and his envy of the beautiful couple with their perfect family.

"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fine", Valerie said absently as she cuddled closer to baby Gabriel. Gabriel clutched onto Valerie's shirt and looked at her with that cute toothy smile. "It will be fine", Valerie said knowingly as Gabriel bit into Valerie's arm like his cute baby wolf self.

"If you say so sis", Ian said as the chill that touched Ian faded away. Nathaniel was bashing his hands playfully against Ian who held the boy as far from his body as he could. He didn't like the feeling of inadequacy that coursed through him as he looked at Nathaniel and so he kept his heart guarded. "It's Christmas. We need some Christmas music", Ian said as he placed Nathaniel down into the playpen.

"Alright, pick your poison Gabe", Valerie said to the chubby baby in her arms. "Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer or Grandma got run over by a reindeer", Valerie said as she pulled out an old Christmas Album from a shelf in the den. Valerie watched as Gabriel reached his slimy hand out to point at the cd. "Oh, good choice Gabe. Ian loves this one", Valerie said even though she knew Gabriel how no idea what she was talking about.

Valerie popped the cd into the dvd player until the music started playing a random Christmas tune. She shuffled through the list of songs until she found the one she was looking for and hit play. She knew Ian really hated the song but she loved busting his chops. The beautiful voice of a female jazz singer as she belted out "I'll be Home for Christmas" in that slow and raspy tone.


Valerie didn't expect to look over and see Ian staring out into the distance with tears in his eyes. She didn't say anything as she placed baby Gabriel in the playpen with Nathaniel and went to stand beside him. As she approached, Ian furiously started rubbing his face and plastered a big smile in his face, but he knew Valerie would see through it.

"I'm going to be okay", Ian said as he shook his head to gain his composure. Ian leaned in to give Valerie a hug before backing away to look out the window. It was snowing outside quite violently and he could see the loving couple walking down the pathway with their hands tight. "I guess you were right. They look happier than ever", Ian said as he gestured to Nixon and Rowen.

"Sure do", Valerie said as she stared at the pair with a similar ache in her chest. She wanted to tell Ian that she understood his pain but she had her own secrets to keep.

Nixon and Rowen were happier than ever as they trotted through the snow ridden passage leading to their special waterfall. The waterfall was frozen over but they could still shimmy into their secret hiding spot to share a special moment together.

"So, you brought me out here for some reason but I can't read you", Nixon said as he stared at Rowen with a curious expression on his face. He wanted to reach over to touch his beautiful Luna and wife but he could sense something on her mind.

"Remember when you marked me here. I had no idea if I would be alive the next day but I knew I loved you", Rowen said as she looked at him with butterflies in her stomach. She felt the exact same way as she did that very moment and so she leaned in to give him a kiss. The kiss was light and when she pulled away he noticed that her eyes were filled with tears.

"Yes, of course, but is that why you brought me out here. I forgave you for leaving long ago sweetie. Don't cry", Nixon said as those tears burned a hole in his heart. He wanted his wife to feel the enormity of his feelings as he gripped her hands tightly.

"No, I'm not upset. I'm just so happy, just give me a minute", Rowen said as she composed herself. "I have a Christmas present", She said as she looked at her husband with a wide smile now on her face.

"I'm glad you're not upset sweetie, but I don't see the present", Nixon asked his wife with an amused expression on his face. She just kept smiling at her husband like she had a secret trick up her sleeve and she did.

"Just shut up and give me a hug and I'll give you your present", Rowen said as she looked into his eyes lovingly. Nixon grabbed his wife quickly then, spinning her in the air, until finally bringing her back down for a very tight hug. The two of them didn't move as their cold breath's shown in the waterfall. Nixon was about to pull away but his wife stopped him with a kiss of her lips. "Merry Christmas Nixon", Rowen said and with that she sunk her teeth into his neck. She felt the bond finally complete itself and wondered why she had taken so long to mark her husband.

Nixon pulled away and looked at his wife in awe of the emotions that swirled into his heart in this moment. He looked at his wife and felt every single moment flash before his eyes and he knew he would never let his Luna go now. "I love you Luna Rowen Barros, and I love Nathaniel and Gabriel", Nixon said as he felt tears form in his eyes.

"I love you too my cute and cuddly Alpha Nixon Barros, and I love Nathaniel and Gabriel. I also love our little baby girl Abigail", Rowen said as she stared into her husbands eyes bursting with love for him. Nixon kissed his wife but then a confused look settled into his eyes as he thought about Abigail

"NO way", Nixon said loudly as the truth finally reached his brain. "We're having another baby", Nixon screamed out to the air in glee. "Wait, we need to get you inside, and your legs up and Oh God I know nothing about girls. Wait how do you know its a girl", Nixon said as tons of questions came pouring out his mouth.

"Nixon. Calm down", Rowen said as she stared at her husband with her hands on her hips. "We can go inside and tell everyone the good news, and I will put my feet up and rest soon. And before you say anything else, I know it's a girl because I saw it", Rowen said as she rushed out the words.

"Are you having any more visions besides that", Nixon asked with a tinge of worry. Rowen looked down at the ground which told her husband everything she needed to know. "Damnit. What else did you see Row", Nixon said worriedly.

Rowen walked out from their secret place and pointed out to the stars. "Why don't we just get some icecream and enjoy Christmas. The truth will be out soon enough. After all I am the one holding your balls in my hand and I hope you understand what that means", Rowen said as she shot her husband a weakly threatening look.

"Fine", Nixon said as he threw his hands up in the air but realizing he wasn't going to win a fight against his beautiful wife. She never budged when she got an idea in her hesd but that's what he loved most about his Luna. "Give me your hand, so we can get inside", Rowen said as she held her hand out to him.

"I'll never let go", she said as they trudged back in the snow to tell their best friends the amazing Christmas news.

That was the moment that Valerie and Ian saw only seconds ago as the couple were heading back. They enjoyed the music playing to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and the night was silent.

"Wow the kids are being awfully quiet", Ian said as he realized there was a certain quiet to the atmosphere. "Oh shit", Ian said as he turned around to see the empty playpen.

"We're screwed", Valerie said as she started ripping the couch cushions off as though the twins would appear there. "Rowen is going to kill us and there's no way Ember will be able to heal our wounds after he kicks our asses. Nixon will just look at us and I'll die", Valerie continued as he started panicking.

"What's this about us killing you,, and you dying very slow but painful deaths", Nixon asked in a very frightening tone. Ian and Valerie froze then turned to look as innocent as possible at their best friends. Nixon wasn't buying it and so he trudged past them, into the living room, and over to the pack and play like a man on fire.

"We only took our eyes off them for a second", Ian started muttering towards Rowen who stood looking at the pair suspiciously. Nixon came back into the room with a very neutral looking expression as he came towards Ian.

"Great Job. You guys win best Aunt and Uncle of the Year", Nixon said as he pulled in Ian in for a big hug. Ian looked at his friend like he had two heads but shook his head and planted a weak smile on his face. "For a second I thought you might have lost the boys but they were asleep. You gotta see Row. But don't run. Don't want to wake those brats or else we will never sleep again", Nixon said to his wife with a giant smile on his face.

Everyone gathered into the other room, the siblings confused as ever when they saw the two sleeping child in the playpen, and the loving couple happy as clams about their special christmas together.

"This calls for a toast", Valerie said as she grabbed some glasses for her friends and her brother. She filled the glasses with alcohol and handed them each a glass so they could toast. "Alright, raise your glasses and toast to friendship and love and new beginnings", Valerie said happily. Everyone took a sip of their champagne but Rowen who just stood with a wide smile on her face.

"Why don't you have your champagne", Ian asked Rowen loudly. Valerie punched him in the ribs because he might wake the twins. She knew her best friend needed extra sleep these days but she didn't push her for details. She knew that Rowen would come to her eventually.

"I can't Ian. It will be bad for the baby", Rowen said as she patted her stomach and smiled.

"No worries. Next time", Ian said as he continued without realizing the enormity of her statement. "Wait did you just say baby?", Ian croaked out as it sunk in.

"You bitch. I knew it", Valerie said as she jumped up and down, sloshing her champagne everywhere. Ian got some of the champagne on him and eyed his sister angrily. Valerie when quiet as something passed through her and left a chill down her spine. "I'm going to be an Aunt again. And its a girl. Abigail will be her name and when she is born we will go to war again", Valerie said as the feeling came through her so strongly.

"Jesus Valerie. You can be creepy and a downer", Ian said to his sister with a edginess to his voice. He was tired of hearing his sister making crazy predictions about the future.

"She's not wrong", Rowen said quietly. "But tonight we celebrate. We celebrate a long live of friendship and happiness. And we thank the moon goddess for this Christmas blessing and the marking of my sweet husband. We celebrate this life we have. Merry Christmas guys. I love you allto the moon and back", Rowen said to her friends happily. And it was a Merry Christmas indeed, with lots of happiness and surprises that were in store. Happiness is in the moment. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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