《The Fragmented Luna》Rising From The Ashes


"Wake up Rowen", a voice inside my head whispered. I was inside the fur of my wolf but I was not in control of myself. The beastly side of my wolf was toying with the left over remains of Mr. Peter who was ripped in two by my claws. He was alive but it was not much longer until he passed away.

An army of rogues emerged from the bushes behind Ann's back.The rogues pushed forward to help the witch doctor claim her prize. I took out the rogues easily with my strong alpha blood. I stood on the edge of a cliff watching the blood red moon shine magnificently in the night sky. Afterwards I looked down at the pond to see my wolf's reflection in the water. I was covered in the blood of the many rogues that I killed. How many people would I slaughter before they stopped reappearing from the sidelines. I needed to come out of the cocoon that felt safe all those years ago. There was hate within my soul that had captivated me for so long.

"Wake up Rowen so I can tell it you are alive ", I heard the deep voice I recognized now saying much louder. I lifted my snout to see Nixon over the raging fire within the forest. I turned away embarrassed because I didn't want Nixon to see my horrible form. It was too late though because Nixon was eyeing the mangled bodies of dead rogues in a pile beneath my feet with bewilderment. It was Nixon's voice that helped me regain control of my body. I needed to make peace with the beast inside of me if I wanted to succeed tonight. I had to accept that I was a beast created for the sole purpose of killing others.

Nixon was in wolf form but I could hear his thoughts pretty clearly. I remembered that last night Nixon had marked me to start the mating process. I had forgotten that his mark allowed him to have access to my thoughts. "Where did you go", I heard him ask through our mind link. I turned my gaze away from him but did not respond.


There were far more pressing matters to attend to such as taking out an evil witch. Speaking of this evil witch, she had a very vile plan to use her genetic experimentation to make an army of strong wolves. The only thing she needed to perfect that evil plan was a single drop of my blood. I wanted to remain in control but my need to kill her was overpowering my sense of control.

"Come out come out wherever you are?", said the sing song voice of Ann from the distance. "If you obey me you will get a special reward. I may even let Gabriel free", she said with a smile. I wanted to see Gabriel so badly I might have sacrificed myself easily to Ann. I needed Ann to believe that I was unhinged from my wolf. It was her false assumption that the drugs she gave me had created that beast all those years ago. If I let her believe her stupid drug worked then maybe it would fool her.

Mr. Peter's heart was still beating in his chest but he was barely hanging on. It reminded me of a chicken walking around with it's head cut off. I gave Mr. Peters' a peaceful death as I snapped his neck violently. It was so easy to kill him that I was afraid I would let my blood thirst control me.

I moved my body swiftly over to Ann trying to get everything just right. The heat licked my fur as I made my way through the air. I didn't let the flames bother me because I needed to act a specific part. As I approached Ann to capture her without hesitation I heard the boom from my side. A single explosion of noise had thwarted my plans of making this easy.


"Rowen don't give in to her. You are stronger than that", Valerie said as she stood in human form before me. Ian rushed out onto the platform like a scared little mouse as he stood by his sisters side.

"Val is right. We are stronger if we stick together", Ian said loudly as he hugged his sister tightly. The pair of sibling had no clue the hell that they were getting themselves involved with.

"My oh my the poor wolves have come to play. They don't know you like I do Gabby", Ann said in a sickeningly sweet tone. "Go, tear them to shreds like your master tells you too", Ann commanded me. I had to make it look real so I ran quicker than any wolf before me towards their tiny human frames.

"Please don't let evil win", Valerie begged me pleadingly. "This was not the way I saw it", she said as she held her head confusedly. I wanted to finish this mission alone but these hooligans kept appearing at every corner.

I shifted my body back into human form all on my own to stand beside my friendS. "Listen here you evil witch. You were wrong then and you were wrong now. It wasn't your lame drugs that gave me this power or made me kill all those people. I was a scared little girl back then so I didn't know how to control my wolf. Those days are long gone", I said to her defiantly.

"Noooooo", Ann screamed in a maniacal tone. "You were supposed to stay weak. I had poisoned you so you couldn't remember", Ann said on edge. I could see the veneer of her mask slipping off her face. If anyone was in danger of spiraling out of control it was the crazy witch Ann.

"I have something now that I didn't have back then", I stated with tears in my eyes. "I have my friends by my side as well as the best mate ever. It turns out I don't need your crappy therapy sessions anymore", I said as I stood my ground.

"The rightful Luna shall gain power over her pack with her strong alpha", Valerie said as she held my hand tightly. I saw the power within Valerie for a moment as she took her place by my side. I wondered where Nixon was right now but I was too anxious to look. I saw slight movement behind Ann's back that looked familiar. Nixon leaped into the air behind Ann's back to attack.

"No, you are wrong. Friendship will be your downfall", Ann said as her face started to contort into a mask of hate. Nixon was too slow to catch the evil witch who pressed towards me with a blade in her hand. "They will slow you down, make you weak, make you feel safe for a brief moment. You will never be safe. Rogues come forth to kill the Luna's friends at any cost", Ann said as she transported across the field to our tiny circle. It was time to shift into the wolf so that I could fight with my friends until the bitter end. I wasn't afraid anymore because I had my friends and my mate by my side.

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