《The Fragmented Luna》Answers


Today I felt change within me but I still had no idea if those changes were good or bad. The edges of my sanity that I had held onto for all those years were starting to fray. I was afraid of how quickly everything had changed in such a short amount of time. I think that's why it felt surreal as Felix opened the door of the bus with his wide eyed smile still the same.

"Dang is that you Rowen. I swear child you have the capability of scaring a man changing your look so drastically like that. I thought I saw a ghost", he said dramatically. I laughed at his antics but I was thankful for his lighthearted banter after such an exhausting day.

"Yes its me the one and only Rowen Whitley", I told him humorlessly as i entered the empty bus behind me. The door closed behind me so that we were alone. The humor faded from his eyes as he stared at my necklace looking emotionless.

"Beware of the red blood moon", he said with eyes that had rolled back in his head. "It will be your death", he said as his hand held mine tightly. A cold air seeped into my veins at his icy touch on my skin. The moment passed as the door to the bus was ripped open by none other than Valerie Smith. Valerie waltzed up to him like a girl on a mission as she snapped her fingers in front of Felix.

As soon as she did that Felix's face turned back to the normal happy going guy I knew all along. All that remained of before was something still flickering within his eyes that looked like fear.

"Swear I felt something pass through me right now" Felix said as he turned towards Valerie with a quizzical expression. "When did you get here? Do you know her Rowen", Felix asked in a shaky tone.


"She's with me Felix", I said solemnly. Felix nodded his head in response with the ghost of a smile on his as we took our seats. In the back of my mind I hoped that Valerie forgot she was coming over today. I wasn't sure if I was ready to face her but based on all the strange things happening I was certain I needed her guidance. I wasn't sure if we would be friends anymore but I knew I needed her experience in this area of expertise.

We sat in the back of the bus on opposite sides without saying a word to each other. I wanted to speak but my phone was still going off. I looked down at the phone about to answer when a hand ripped it away from me. Valerie took my phone effectively hanging up on the person dialing with ease.

"No phones. We can't be sure if they're trustworthy", Valerie said severely. She looked like a madwoman as she shut off my phone. "It was your Aunt Tabby but we can't be quite sure of that anymore", she said easily.

"We will be home soon enough. I was told by Mr. Peters that Ann and Aunt Tabby would be waiting for me at home", I told her. She nodded her head in affirmation but didn't hand me back my phone. I didn't understand where her anxiety stemmed from but it felt like she was being too cautious. I was grateful when the bus filled up with people because it meant that we wouldn't have to talk anymore.

I watched the trees pass by filled with fear. Now that I knew something was out there waiting for me my memories no longer brought me some comfort. I had only days left before I found out just what that meant. As we reached my bus stop Valerie stopped to sniff the air with an intrigued looking expression on her face. I walked off the bus with Valerie trailing behind me cheerfully.


"Bye Felix", I said in case this was the last time I ever saw the kindhearted man. I knew Valerie wouldn't hurt me but I didn't really know who could be trusted around me. Samuel was still roaming about like a raging lunatic with his own vendetta against me. I started to question if everyone around me were actually creatures of an unknown origin disguised as people.

"I see the wheels in your head turning but no Rowen. There are not many of us left", Valerie stated with a certain grimness. "Most of our kind have perished from various 'accidents' but we have found peace in this town. At least for a little while", Valerie stated solemnly.

As soon as I approached the house the front door swung open to reveal Aunt Tabby with Ann standing beside her for support. Aunt Tabby looked haggardly repentant as she saw my figure at the front door. She rushed up to me with her arms wide open.

"I don't know what came over me. Ann said she would have Mr. Peter's bring you home", Aunt Tabby stated with a deep sadness in her heart. It was within good reason that I backed away from Aunt Tabby nervously. "I'm going to therapy with Ann. Samuel is gone for good", Aunt Tabby said pathetically.

"Your Aunt Tabby is telling the truth", Ann said as she sensed my distrust towards Aunt Tabby. I had only been gone one night which meant her change of heart was highly unlikely. "She is going away to a retreat for a week to receive the help she needs", Ann said honestly. I looked at the suitcases packed at the bottom of the stairs with a cautious gaze. All of this seemed a little overboard for a one time offense.

"Aunt Tabby you don't have to go. You can stay. We can have a good time. It could be great again. I'll forgive you", I said honestly as I thought everyone deserved a chance to prove themselves. Even Valerie who I saw transform into a wolf deserved the chance to say her piece.

"Ill wait in the car for you Tabby", Ann said sweetly. I watched Valerie breathe a sigh of relief as Ann left the room. I made note to question Valerie's reaction but for now I shifted my attention to my Aunt Tabby.

"I'm sorry but I've made my decision", Aunt Tabby said with finality. Her body stopped as she was making her way outside the house. She eyed my necklace with horror but also recognition. "Your mother was wearing that necklace the night they were murdered in the forest. It disappeared into thin air when they found her. I guess destiny always finds a way of catching up with us, Gabriella", she said darkly. She slammed the door behind her with such finality I felt like I might never see her again. I turned around to face Valerie to find out if she could help give me the answers I needed. Valerie looked at me with such clarity as if she finally understood how I fit in this puzzling game.

"They called you Gabby but your name was Gabriella" Valerie said her eyes wide as she figured out my past identity. "Gabriella Nunez, I knew it was you all along. Why did you keep your identity a secret when we met", she whispered the last part with a pained expression on her face.

"I'm not supposed to talk about the past. They said it was safer for me just in case I knew something", I said in a somber tone. Everyone had secrets and mine were just now coming to light.

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