《The Fragmented Luna》Mr. Peters


I walked in to counseling with a bitter expression on my face as I realized Veronica was the receptionist for today. Veronica sat at her desk filing her nails absentmindedly as In walked into the guidance office.

"Hi, its Rowen Whitley, I'm here to see Mr. Peters", I said as she dropped the nail file onto her desk with admonishment at having to do her work. She didn't even look up from her desk but typed my name into her computer quickly.

"Mr. Peters will call you in a few minutes Rowa", she said with a flick of her wrist gesturing me to go away. It was astounding that someone so bitchy, who couldn't be bothered to remember anyone's name, was allowed to have a job at the school. I sat down on the chair either way because there was no sense in drawing attention to myself. I didn't even correct her mistake when she called me the wrong name. I already knew that she would ignore my talk like I was a bug on the floor to be squashed. I turned my attention away from her to think about having to see Mr. Peter's again.

I remembered the first day I met with Mr. Peters. He was probably the worst person to ever counsel anyone in this lifetime giving about bad advice. Every time I went into his office he looked down at his feet shuffling about his office way too much. I supposed his behavior stemmed from the fact that he was aware of my big secret. It was a fact that he reminded me of all too frequently throughout these past 3 years. I would be glad when I graduated so I wouldn't have to see his face. Think of the devil and he shall appear I thought to myself.

The troll stepped out into the hallway with his bald head shining so brightly it looked like it had been polished with varnish. Honestly his head was so shiny I was sure that if I turned off the light his head would shine like a disco ball. I contained the chuckle that threatened to come out by lamely pretending to sneeze into my arm.


"Where is Rowen Whitley", he called out to Veronica. Veronica looked up from her desk scanning the room but not responding to Mr. Peters. I watched as Mr. Peters frowned shaking his head in distaste by something. "I guess she left. I will have to report this to her Aunt. Its the second week she has missed", Mr. Peters said as he was about to step back into his office.

"Uhm, excuse me", I said rather quietly. I watched them both turn to face me with confused expressions. "It's me Rowen Whitley", I said more confident now as I pushed aside my bangs to reveal the scar underneath. I found it so hard to believe that Valerie's makeover had made me unrecognizable. I still had not seen myself in the mirror so I had no idea what I looked like today. Apparently it was so drastically different that people kept checking to make sure it was me.

"Yes, ok. Why don't you come in for your appointment then", Mr. Peters said as he met my gaze for a brief moment. I had never looked into his eyes at all these past 3 years. If I had I would have realized that his were almost pitch black they were so dark.I followed him into the appointment room wary about the tension I saw within those dark eyes. Even if it was only for a moment it made shivers run down my spine.

"Have a seat", he said as he gestured for me to sit down in the chair across from his. I took a seat on the leather chair scraping it against the ground as I moved.

I waited for his typical entry into the boring conversation we shared with a heavy heart. I was finally able to relax when he tried to offer some candy to me. As usual I didn't take any candy but the gesture made me feel like everything was safe and familiar again. It was the same ploy he always used to get me to have a conversation with him.


"You don't have to speak", Mr. Peter's said. "But your Aunt Tabby and Ann both called because they're worried about you. I was told to let you know that they will be waiting for you at home tonight for dinner", Mr. Peter's said in a firm tone. I hardly believed that Aunt Tabby was worried about me seeing as she had slapped me the other morning.

"I was with someone really close to me. If you don't mind I have essays to write with 'Nixon Barros' and he isn't always patient with everyone", I said sincerely. I wanted to write the report for English class as soon as possible. It was due tomorrow but I wanted to make sure Nixon would actually do the assignment. As soon as I mentioned Nixon I noticed Mr. Peters hand ball up into a tight fist.

"Are you sure Aunt Tabby approves of you hanging around with someone so dangerous", Mr. Peter's said in an eerily calm tone. I noticed Mr. Peter's was digging his hand into his flesh quite hard but his facial expressions remained impassive for the most part. There was a slight twith to his jaw that happened from the forcefulness of his fake smile as he spoke.

"Eh, it is what it is", I said to him trying to end the conversation. "I'll give Ann and Aunt Tabby a call sir. But for now I'll be on my way", I said in a sickeningly sweet tone. I had no intentions of giving either of them a call before at the moment. I couldn't truly believe that my Aunt Tabby was waiting for me at home with welcome arms.

"Fine, just be careful Rowen. Nixon is bad news", Mr. Peters said in a dreadful tone. I nodded my head in response as I gathered up my books from the floor.

As I was leaving the room I turned back for a brief moment to see Mr. Peter's release his clenched fists. There were tiny pin pricks of blood on his hands from clenching them too tight. I wondered what Nixon had done to cause Mr. Peter's to react so poorly. I walked up to the receptionist with a sweet smile as she gaped at me with wide eyes.

"Can I have a late slip", I asked her nicely. Surprisingly Veronica kept her mouth shut as she filled out the late slip very quickly. In fact I noticed Veronica's lips curve into a kindhearted smile as she handed me the paper slip.

"You look different in a good way. I like the new look", she said in a gushing tone. I nodded my head but exited the room awkwardly to avoid her dissection of my clothing. I would let Valerie dress me everyday if it made even the bitchy receptionist shoot a smile in my direction.

I reached my locker to grab my art supplies for second period with excitement in my veins. I couldn't wait to get to art class to smell the paint as I drew my canvass.

Instead of finding my canvass as I opened the locker I was hit in the face by the pile of papers there. I was thankful that the hallway was empty of people. I was worried that people passing might would see the images on these pieces of paper. It was images of me exposed on the ground from the day Ember and her posse attacked me. On the paper in red blood was the phrase 'I'm watching bitch. And I'll have my revenge soon'.

"Rowen", a voice I recognized said faintly. I turned to see Valerie with sorrow in her eyes as she saw the pictures before us both. The sorrow in her eyes was quickly replaced with an all consuming anger that bounced off Valerie in high levels. "I'm going to kill that bitch", Valerie said as she walked off in search of a certain someone we knew all too well.

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