《The Fragmented Luna》School but Different


I sat next to Valerie in the back seat of Nixon's car trying not to fidget with the fruit of Valerie's labor. I hadn't expected to feel transformed by the simple change in hairstyle but I looked like a completely different person. I ran my fingers through my straight red hair not feeling any of the knots that usually were there. It was so relaxing to have my hair feel weightless as the breeze flowed into the open window.

Nixon pulled into the open parking space at school with that continuously grumpy expression on his face. He looked back at me with disdain in his expression then uttered something under his breath. I wanted to stop him but he had already slammed the door shut behind him. It was just me and Valerie who walked out of the car now. We were just about to enter the school when I stopped in my tracks. I had so much fear in my heart that people were going to make fun of my new look.

"Rowen, it's going to be fine", Valerie stated as she squeezed my hand tightly to pull me forward. "Besides I'm right here and I'm going to protect you from now on like I promised", she said triumphantly. I walked into the school not sure of what to expect but feeling confident about being with Valerie.

To my disbelief no one even looked at me as I made my way to first period class with Mrs. Grendyl. I wasn't looking forward to marine biology because Mrs. Grendyl had already decided Valerie and I were bad students. We had made that issue for ourselves when I punched Ember in the face. It seemed so long ago that I punched Ember in the face but it was only a few days. It was making friends with Valerie that made time seem like it was passing in the blink of an eye.

I sat next to Valerie in the back of the class trying to remain inconspicuous as my classmates trickled in. It was hard to remain hidden when Valerie was drawing so much attention to herself by making grumbling noises. I looked towards Valerie who was trying to scribble the answers to her homework on the paper in a quick fashion. I had done the homework assignment way before it was due so it sat on my desk ready to hand in.


"I can't believe it Rowen. How did you finish the homework so quickly? And look at your neat handwriting. I'm so jealous", she yelled as she eyed my homework suspiciously. Everyone looked over to my seat whispering to each other like no tomorrow. I saw a few of my classmates gathered together pointing towards me with their mouths gaping like fish. Perhaps I looked horrible looking with this new look Valerie created for me. "Don't pay attention to them. They're surprised that's all", Valerie said assuredly.

Mrs. Grendyl walked into the classroom looking like a stick had been shoved up her butt as the bell rang. Mrs. Grendyl started writing on the board without acknowledging anyone in her normally rude fashion. As she was writing a very dull looking Ember entered the classroom like a snake. Mrs. Grendyl started calling out the names of everyone in the class in alphabetical order. A chorus of students responding filled the classroom as each student answered in response to their names.

"Rowen Whitley", she called out loud. Ember perked up at the mention of my name with a conniving grin on that face. She peered around the classroom looking for me but appearing bored a few minutes later.

"She's not here Mrs. Grendyl. She's probably skipping class again", Ember stated with a look of smug satisfaction on her head. Mrs. Grendyl nodded in response as she wrote something down on the writing pad in her hands. Valerie started chuckling beside me as did a few other students in the classroom. I wanted to say something but felt too flabbergasted that neither of them recognized me.

"Excuse me Mrs. Grendyl but Rowen is right here", Valerie said as her laughter remained under control. Valerie was pointing her figure directly at me so that everyone could see. Mrs. Grendyl and Ember whipped their heads around to stare at me. Ember appeared as if her eyes would bulge right out of her face. I moved in my seat so that my long flowing hair parted to reveal my scar. It was a recognizable scar that proved without a doubt that I was indeed 'the one and only Rowen Whitley'.


"Alright Rowen. So glad you could join us today", Mrs Grendyl said tersely. Mrs. Grendyl erased something on her writing pad to correct her mistake. "Everyone hand in your homework assignments. I will be collecting them in a few minutes", Mrs. Grendyl said as she looked up with her triumphant smile. She went around the classroom collecting everyone's assignment pointing out those who didn't hand in their assignments in a humiliating fashion. I heard Valerie huffing as she somehow managed to answer all the question just as Mrs. Grendyl reached her.

She handed the paper to Mrs. Grendyl who looked at the quickly written answers with contempt. "Did you just do this in class. I guess we'll see how horrible you did later", she said in a scoffing tone with that triumphantly overconfident smile. Valerie didn't care but held a look of complete confidence at her horribly looking answers. Finally she reached my desk with that same triumphant smile on her face until I handed her my neatly written homework assignment. Her hands shook in anger as she returned to the front of the classroom.

"Today we will be watching the first part of the movie on marine life in all its forms", Mrs. Grendyl said firmly. She turned on the old school television monitor so that a video that looked very grainy started playing. It was such a boring video on fishes but I took a bunch of notes just in case she gave us homework on it. It felt like forever until Mrs. Grendyl shut off the television turning the lights back on. She handed everyone there assignments with grumbles, moans and yeses following their grades.

"I'm sorry", Mrs. Grendyl said as she handed Valerie and me back our assignment. "I may have judged you wrongly. Maybe, try not to punch other people in the face, so then people don't mistake the type of person you are", Mrs. Grendyl said honestly. I looked confounded but took the paper smiling kindly towards Mrs. Grendyl. On the top of my assignment was the grade 100% with a tiny smile beside it. I wanted to know what grade Valerie had from all the scrawled on her paper in chicken scratch before. Mrs. Grendyl returned to the front of the classroom announcing that we would be writing an essay on the movie we would finish

As soon as the bell rang loudly announcing the end of first period I reached over to grab Valerie's homework. She had 100% on it too which seemed absolutely impossible considering she did it in just a few minutes.

"What can I say I'm a genius"Valerie said with confidence. I wanted to read the scribble she wrote down that had to be the correct answers. Valerie shrugged at the surprised look in my eyes but took back the paper with before I had the chance to read it. "Sorry, it's a secret. You'll never know", she said as she ran out of the classroom.

I went to join her but the loudspeaker came on for everyone to hear. Usually I didn't pay it any attention but I knew the voice on the other line. "Can the following students come to see Mr. Peter's", the voice said. I recognized my name among the many announced. I was not excited to see this particular individual but I had put it off long enough.

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