《S P D》013.
Rome-Messiah Jacione Harlem
"Snickerz really bro?" I mumbled hearing him fall. Shit is annoying. I'ma keep his ass onnat back too.
I looked down from my bunk to see if he was being dumb, having seizure or being dumb while having a seizure.
Just dumb as shit.
"Awe friend you must really care. You looked down to check on me?" he touched his chest
"Nah I was lookin' down to see if you was finally dead." I said and his mouth fell open making him gasped in disbelief
"It's okay. I like your honesty." he said reaching a snicker up to me and I scowled at him making him pull the snicker back toward him slowly.
"You're mean. My mama comin' to visit me and I'm snitchin' on you." he stuck his white ass tongue out.
"Need to brush that tounge. Whiter than yo teeth."
"Yo teeth supposed to be white? Negative." he scrunched his face up "Shit they ain't pose to be orange. Cause yo shit past yellow."
"Okay don't get too ahead of yourself young man." he mumbled getting off of the floor dusting himself off.
"You right my fault twix. It won't happen again." I say with my hands up. "It's Snickerz." he said with his hand on hip
"Lunchtime." the CO said unlocking the cell
"I thought I said that. Kit Kat right? Yea sound right to me." I shrug walking out the cell "Ooou soul food!" Snickerz smiled walking next to me
"Bruh get yo ass on." I said "Do I have to go with my ass too or do I jus-" "Bye hersheys." I said and he frowned walking to the front of the line
How he just gone skip the li-. "SNICKERZ GET YO BITCH ASS TO THE BACK!" spoke too soon
"STOP BEING MEAN TO ME YOU FAT BACK BITCH!" Snickerz yelled throwing a snicker at ole boy cheek making a couple of us laugh.
"I'm finna fuck you up." he said and Snickerz ran to me "Friend." he said looking like he was about to cry.
"You better run he co-" I started and Snickerz took off running not even thinking to look back making me laugh
"Next come on nigga I ain't got all day." Lancey said to me sticking his head out "Shut yo bitch ass up and serve me hoe." I joke
Me and him became coo' when I was fighting Snickerz ass cause he put a twix next to me then Lancey got me off him and Snickerz said he thought I didn't like snickers so he bought me a twix. Yea I felt bad. But oh well. I shot a nigga. And we got sent to the hole for like a week
"Ight bitch I see you playin' take yo bitch ass to Ki and get that Krafts mac and cheese. You ain't getting my chicken."
"That shit probably still bleedin' anyways." I shrugged "Bitch fuck you." he laughed putting an chicken thigh on my tray
"Chicken thigh for my bae." he said blowing me a kiss "Nevermind give it back yo shorty crazy." he mumbled and I shook my head walking to Ki
"Hadnin' lil bitch." Ki chucked his head up at me putting some macaroni on my tray "Bitch I thought you said it was Krafts." I said to Lancey
"Sorry Langston I ainno." he said like Kesha from School Dance while playfully rolling his eyes. "How the fuck y'all make this?"
"Mr. Jones fat ass bought all the seasonings and shit nigga said he puttin' the mexicans in the kitchen tomorrow so he can taste test." Ki said making me chuckle
"You two bitches holdin' up the line." Lancey said "Bitch shut up. Y'all his chicken still got feathers in it." Ki said making me laugh
I walked past all the other people serving to get some corn bread from my uncle Dee
"Plain ass plate." he mumbled "It's always you bald motherfuckas. You don't have enough hair to be talkin' shit." I said
He laughed and cut a piece of the cornbread putting it on my tray "Nigga it's kool aid too?" I said to myself grabbing a cup before grabbing a plate
"You want yo cornbread?" Big Will asked me and I side eyed him "Will get yo big ass away from me bro. Do you see how small I am? I need to eat."
"All I did was ask. Mean bitch. Hate kids." he mumbled scooting away from me "I don't know how people scared of you."
"Me either I'm so nice." he frowned making me laugh "AYE KI YOU PUT YO ASS IN THIS MACARONI!" someone yelled
"Look Harlem. I got Yams." Snickerz said with a tight lip smile. "How long you been in here?" I asked him putting my fork down
"Like a year." he shrugged "You don't have no friends?" I asked him "No everybody think I'm weird but I don't care."
"So what makes you think I don't think you're weird?" I question "Cause you didn't tell me I was and you talk to me. Even though you beat my ass."
"Well. You're weird and I only talk to you because when I'm talking to you I picture me killing you. But sorry for beatin yo ass" I voice and his face falls
"Well I don't think about it all the time." I said as if that was any better "AYE CAN Y'ALL SWITCH MY CELL?" he yelled out scooting away from me
"Bruh chill out. I ain't gone kill you." I laugh making him put his hand up while shaking his head then Ki and Lancey made their way over to me
"Say lil bit-" "Harlem you didn't eat yo cornbread yet." Will said and I took a deep breath before giving him my whole tray with a small smile
"There you go Will now please get the fuck out of my face." I said still smiling "Can I hug you?" he asked with tears threatening to fall
"Get the fuck out of my face." My smile dropped "Bruh why you so mean? Who the fuck do you think you are?" Ki laughed
"I'm not even mean. I just gave that nigga my food." I jerked my head back
"Nah you're mean. Yo girlfriend mean? Yea she mean I feel it in my balls." Lance shook his head
"Don't put my girl and yo balls in the same sentence." I mugged "Bitch I didn't. I paused. It was two sentences."
"And no she not mean." I said with my lips to the side "Don't lie bitch. All them stories you done told. Shit I'm scared of her." Lance said making us laugh
"She not. Just don't look, breathe or walk in her direction and you straight." I mumbled scratching the back of my head
"Mean as fuck." they said in unison before laughing
"Ayo y'all gone stop talkin' 'bout my shorty." I frown "You damn right I am cause if she be beatin' yo ass imagine what she'a do to me."
"Fuckin' stab you." I mumbled shit might kill you. "See and I'm not fuckin' with that. She gotta sister though?" Lance asked
"Bro aren't you like 30?" I joke "Bitch I just turned 20" he squinted at me "Nigga grew up in jail." Ki laughed
"That's not even funny. With yo bald ass baby mana." he frowned "Bitch that's yo sister and I'ma tell her you said she be eatin' ass."
"But I never said that. Why are you putting words in my mouth?" Lance mugs "I'm not puttin' shit in yo mouth ugly ass bitch." Ki retorts
"Bitch I'm far from ugly."
"Bitch not that far maybe a 10 minute walk." Ki shrugged and I bussed out laughing "My fault. That shit caught me off guard"
"Hate y'all. I hope Snickerz feed y'all snickers in y'all sleep." he flipped us off and went to go sit next to Snickerz
"Lance don't get you and him beat the fuck up nie." I said but he waved me off and started a conversation with Snickerz.
"Bruh I need to wash. What time is it?" I asked Dee "I don't know." he blinked "Don't get loud." I mugged
"Bitch ain't nobody gettin' loud. Someone broke the clock dummy." he mugged back "Oh. If you wash my stuff I'll pay you." I smile
"I'm coo'." he patted my back getting up and I mugged him while he was in the process of walking away.
"Y'all niggas not done with the fuckin' phone yet? Shit seem like more than fifteen minutes. Talkin' to the operator and shit" I mugged
"You be talkin' hella shit like you been locked up yo whole fuckin' life." one of the dudes on the phone said to me.
"On God nigga barely got his beige a week ago." Another one agreed
"Ain't gone beat my ass about it though so I don't give a fuck. I know yo fifteen minutes up." I stood up snatching the phone from the first dude
"Mhm the day you get out I'm whoopin' yo ass." he said bucking at me "Ooou" I faked jumped with my hands up
"We gone jump you watch."
"Okay?" I blinked getting a paper with K'yonii's number from out of my pocket before dialing it into the telephone.
"What damn y'all niggas gone jump me right now shit?" I mugged seeing them still standin' right there while the phone rang.
"HARLEM SHUT YO ASS UP." Ki yelled walking over to me "I don't gotta do a bitch ass thing fuck is these niggas still in my face for?"
"Just talk to whoever on the phone." he said to me and Lance walked over to us with a mug on his face holding his pants up
"What's up?" he chucked his heads up at the guys that was mugging him as well "What's up wit' it nigga?" one of the dudes spoke up
"Oh my God two fuckin' hotheads?" Ki mumbled face palming himself "Listen we can deal with this shit later like in the yard tomorrow. Y'all can get the fuck on." Ki added
"Pussy." one of them bucked "Bitch you're not scaring nobody." I blinked watching them walk away
"Um no cause who got my Siah fucked up?" Yonii's voice boomed through the phone "Nobody. How was your day?" I asked her
"Mmm. It was aight. How was your day? You got a boyfriend yet?" she asked tryna be funny making me smack my lips
"I'm finna hang up on yo short ugly ass." I frowned "Bitch I'm tall and cute." she said and I heard a laugh
"Who that?" I scrunched my face up "Auntie Kasia bald ass." she mumbled and I heard a smack "Bitch I'm not bald." then I heard another smack
"Bitch keep yo hands off of me. Siah tell this bitch keep her hands off of me." K'yonii said making me laugh
"I'm on speaker?" I asked "Mhm." she hummed in response "Keep yo hands off my shorty Kasia." I said trying not to laugh
"Fuck yo shorty. Stay on the other side of the phone." she said "Fuck you." We said together
"What you do today Yonii?" I asked her "I watched Sofia the First, smoked and I had to come down to this bitch office." she said
"You not finna continue to harrass me in my office." I heard Kasia's voice say
"You didn't eat?" I asked with my face scrunched up "I think I did." she mumbled "How you think you did? That don't make sense."
"Cause I don't remember if I did or didn't duh." she said in a duh tone "Oop- don't get loud." I mumbled making her laugh
"I'm finna leave right now though and I'ma get something to eat." she said and I sighed
"You know when you buy something to eat you have to eat it right?" I asked jokingly "Mmchtt bitch I know." she mumbled
"Yo mouth gone get you popped."
"My mouth need to be doin' somethin' to you." she said and my mouth fell "You know they record these calls right? What is wrong with you?" I blinked
"Sigh I don't know."
"Gave you some head don't know how yo act." I joked "No cause on God tell me why I bought me a vibrator. You ain't shit yo." she said
"What I doooo?" I dragged "You really told me you wasn't finna leave but you did-"
"You still on that." I blinked "Yes because like...yo tongue do wonders son. I'm not mad you left but bro. I ain't never wanted to touch myself like ever."
"So you bought a vibrator?"
"Yes but I haven't used it yet. Cause I'm scared." she said making me chuckle "What you scared of?"
"When I turned it on that shit it made my fuckin' hand vibrate so I had to hold it with two hands. And I don't even know how to use it." she mumbled the last part.
"All you gotta do is put it on yo clit." I shrugged "Oh wow." Lance mumbled walking away to a table near with Ki who was shaking his head
"See nah when you was nibblin' on my shit I wanted to cry. I'll just give it to Yonaa." she sighed "Unt un we usin' that." I said
"Weeee?" she dragged
"Yes we. I thin- nevermind. Yea we're using that." I nod but more to myself. I'ma fuck her up with that vibrator.
"Chile anyways why I haven't talked to you in like a week? You know I almost cried cause YOU didn't call me." she said
"I got into a fight and then got sent to the hole." I shrugged "Why? Cause you want me to beat yo ass? The fuck you fighting for?"
"Oop- Well my bad sorry mom damn." I mumbled "No cause for real you probably just added more time. That shit just pissed me off." she smacked her lips
"It's not even that seri-" "You right let me change the way I feel real quick." she cut me off and I looked at the telephone and blinked
"I'ma fuck you." I spoke into the phone "Up? You gone fuck me up?" she asked trying to correct me
"No I'm going to fuck the shit out of you." I answered "Wow. I- I thought we was gone fight." she said "We ca' fight in the bed." I shrugged
"You know they record these calls right? What is wrong wit-" "Bae they got JPays. I'm finna get one download that jpay app thingy." I cut her off
"You want me to be a pen pal sooo bad." she scoffed "You gone be my pen pal though so it don't matter." I shrugged
"Mm. Okay. What's your- bro tell me why Ky'lonn told me I look like a whore right?" she cut herself off making me laugh on accident
"I'm sorry."
"Bruh I was like damn what I do. But Yonaa was like nigga my sister don't look like no damn whore. And he like them whores from fortnite."
"Whore from fortnite?" I mumbled to myself
"Yes and he was like its a wild whore. I'm like damn so I look like a hoe. But Dj was like nigga a Boar? The one with horns?"
"Bro-" I laughed and she laughed with me.
"I hit him in his neck cause either way he had me fucked up but this nigga T'akani gone say 'Uncle Sama get your son he's embarrassing.' Like bro those kids are broken."
"Them kids funny as shit yo. Bhudda gave you yo stuff?" I asked referring to the edibles "Bro yes that shit was fireee."
"Save me some. Hell." I frowned "Boy- I'll tell her to make you some when you come. It's gone be yo welcome home gift." she said
"Nah my welcome home gift from you is a fade." I voice "What's your obsession with wanting to fight me? That's yo kink?" she asked making me laugh
"Because like- what possessed you to punch me in my face? Out of alll body parts...my face." I blinked
"I'm sorry maybe I need to work on talking things out or something. Cause that's not okay." she admitted
"Right because at this point I'm in an abusive relationship and it's not even funny anymore." I said making her laugh
"This the third time I almost crashed this bitch ass the car son." she said and I shook my head "Who car?" I asked remembering hers was gone
"See nowww you're chasing clout." she said and I tooted my lips "Get out my shit." I said making her laugh
"Boy stay on the other side of the phone. I'm in my nigga car mind yo business." she scoffed "I know so get out my shit." I blinked
"Why if it's not your c-" "You have one minute left of your call remaing." The voice thing said "This hoe knew what I was gone say."
"And what you was gone say was some bullshit." I say "Aye that was a long ass fifteen minutes though." she mumbles
"Um please don't crash my car. Bye be safe I'ma talk to you later. And get some fo-" "Okay bye be safe and don't fight mwah." she cut me off and the call ended
"I wanna go home." I mumbled walking to my cell with my head down then I felt someone bump into me. Why must niggers play with me today?
I looked up and seen the guys from earlier making me sigh. "My girl told me not fight and I would hate to have to beat yo ass."
"Fuck that bitch."
"Nowww you're getting too comfortable." I sighed playing with a shank "Fuck that shank you ain't gone do shit." he said
"Unt un whats that smell?" Lance asked just swinging his shanks around making me chuckle "Hand sanitizer." Ki said with his hands behind his back
"I didn't know hand sanitizer smelled like bitch but hey." I shrugged leaning against the wall "You know you can't fight right?" Dee said walking past
"Mmchtt anyways. What y'all bitches want?" I waved him off hoppin' off the wall and the 'leader' walked forward making me throw the shank at him
"Bag back. Bag the fuck back." I said with a mug on my face "Nigga said bag back. I'm done." Ki laughed
"This nigga ain't on shit he gone make my girlfriend mad at me. Then I'ma have to beat his ass again when I get out the hole." I frowned
"I'll fuck yo bit-" I cut him off punching him in the face. And then again. Yea. And again.
Nigga can't fight for shit. I rushed him into the wall sending face shots to him repeatedly.
"Aht bitch I tote shanks yo ass bet not jump in." I heard Lance say Nah if I lose this fight from laughin' I'ma beat his as-
"Let em get up Harlem." Dee said pulling me back "Mmchtt I'ma just get fat and sit on people." I mumbled snatching my arm away
"I hate y'all that 2 second ass fight. Wanna go home." I mumble walking away
"What's wrong Bronx?" Snickerz asked walking beside me "I'm not in the mood for yo ass right now."
"Why would you want to be in the mood for my ass? Are you gay a- oh." he cut himself noticing I was glaring at him.
"Okay well if you ever are in the mood for my ass I wouldn't mind giving you a piec-" "I'm finna throw you into the wall bro."
"Because you're gay?" he asked with his face scrunched up and I pushed him hella hard into a table.
"Let me use yo tablet?" I asked him "I don't got shit for you." he flipped me off "Mmchtt. I hope you overdose on a snicker bitch." I bucked
"I was gone let you use it too." he stuck his dirty ass tongue out walking ahead of me "I'll pay you. I just needa make a call." I said
"Sigh. Well isn't that just bad?" he said getting it from under his pillow before laying down. "I'll eat a snicker." I lied
"You're lying." he said and I heard game sound effects coming from the tablet making me smack my lips.
"I swear to God." I lied again "Mhm you goin' to hell too." he shrugged "Harlem you in the kitchen wednesday." Mr. Jones said smackin' on some chips and I nodded
"You can use it. I just died." he yawned handing it to me "Thank you." I mumbled dialing K'yonii's number.
I wish she would answer. The hell. I thought to myself redialing her number.
"Maybe she don't wanna talk to you." Snickerz shrugged "Shut up fo I beat yo ass again." I said letting the jpay ring
"The shit that they show didn't show what the fuck I did bitch. I was crackin' you and you was like help me help me."
"Shut the fuck up no I wasn't." I chuckled "Creo que tu ha equivocado de numero." she said "Um no I don't." I blinked
"See what people fail to realize...about me is that I don't como se diceeee. Give a fuck." she said then hung up
"Did this motherfu-" I cut myself off calling her back. "What dang?" she answered with a huff
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