《S P D》009.
Rome-Messiah Jacione Harlem
"Stop hovering over me Messiah." K'yonii said with her hands over her eyes "Why?" I asked "Because I don't like that." she said and I removed her hands
"Move Siah it makes me uncomfortable." she added with her eyes closed "Why?" I asked "Becauseeee Messiah. Gooooo." she whined
"Look at me first." I demanded "Motherfucka all that time it took for you to look at me you better kiss my ass." she mugged with her eyes still closed
"Look at me before I kiss you." I threatened and she squinted at me "All the way." I demand "I'm lookin' at you though." she said
"You got 3 seconds." I said "3 2 1." I counted fast "If you kiss me I'ma call the nur-" she tried to say quickly but I cut her off kissing her all over her face
"Mooooveeeeee." she whined trying to move her head "I'ma hit you with this cast." she said and I shrugged still kissing her
"You wrong how you gone use this as an advan- move. I'ma call them nursesssssss moveeee." she said trying to push my head away from her neck
"This is sexual harassment."
"Kiss me back and I'll leave you alone" I said knowing she wouldn't kiss me "You don't want me to kiss you because you kiss me everywhere but my
lips." she said
"Exactly." I mumbled wrapping my hand around her neck so I can have access to the more sensitive side of her neck.
"Messiah move you know I'm handicap." she said making me chuckle "I'm almost down with my hickeys just wait." I mumbled
"No because who gone wipe me?" she said lowly but I heard making me lift up slowly with a smirk on my face
"Hm?" I hummed with my head to the side "When you be givin' me hickeys I also react down there then I gotta go wipe myself." she whispered
"Why you whisperin'?" I said into her ear making hee breathing hitch "Cause I don't wanna say it ou-." she cut herself off with a low moan
"Cause what?" I mumbled into her neck. "Messiah." she said softly "I just wanna to see something." I chuckled kissing her jawline while my hand traveled down to her panties
"What are you doinggg?" she asked jerking at my touch making me laugh and scoop her "Nigga no you didn't just scoop me." she blinked
"I just wanted to see how you react." I grinned "And you should be ashamed of yourself all that from some kisses." I added shaking my head
"Can you get me some tissue?" she asked closing her eyes "Why don't you like being hovered? Something happened to you?" I asked and she shook her head
"No it makes me feel like someone has power over me." she shrugged "Yea cause when we in missionary you better feel lik-" "Stooop." she drags wide eyed
"Alright I'm done." I chuckle handing her a box of kleenex "This is no-" "Aht Aht take it or leave it. Stay wet. Musty." I cut her off
"Not musty. Keep messin' with I'ma start tellin' people that you a crybaby ass bitch." she said and I shrugged
"I already told y'all I cry." I mumbled "Don't look at me." she said "Girl I'll kiss you shut up." I said looking away while she wiped herself
"I'm just a girl in the village doing alright, then I became a princess overnight. Now- when you get out can we watch Sofia the First?" I asked seeing her hand in her pants
"Stop looking at meeee." she exclaimed and I laughed looking back at the ceiling "And we can watch it right now." she added
"Do you masturbate?" I asked and there was a moment of silence. Sooooo yes?
I looked down and seen her already looking at me with her mouth slightly open. "Siah..." she said lowly
"What? I do." I shrugged "But wh- no I-I don't." she said shaking her head "You a virgin with a boyfriend that doesn't masturbate?" she nodded
"You'a lie." I waved her off and she bussed out laughing "I swear to God." she chuckled "So you ain't thought about it? Like not even a-"
"Okay Messiah why do you always ask me these kinds of questions and get me all hot and bothered?" she asked
"Because I like seeing you hot and bothered."
"And yes I do get like a little horny but theres a trick girl can do that helps them cu- why am I telling you this bye Jacione." she cut herself off
"You need to relax you make everything so awkward. Can't you just answer questions?" I questioned "But I don't ask you questions that make yo wee wee jump." she sighed
"When you touch me my wee wee jump." I mumbled "Hmm?" she hummed "I said I want to eat your pussy but you playin'."
"You ain't say all that." she waved me off "Well I said it now ain't I?" I questioned rhetorically "Jacione don't deserve no kitty-"
"I know that's right!" Kj and Yonaa said in unison walking in the room with the food in their hands "I heard something about you?" Yonaa said
"Hear it again." K'yonii yawned and Yonaa smirked then sat down "Wait what you hear cause why you smirkin' like that?" Yonii asked
"Messiah told m-" "Say it in my ear." she cut her off looking at me and Yonaa leaned down to her ear.
"What happened?" Kj whispered to me as I watched K'yonii's eyes widen "I mean that's your sister I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear it." I said
"You right." he nodded and I held eye contact with K'yonii as she laid with her mouth open "I was intoxicated." she whispered
"We're breaking up why'd you tell her that?" she pouted "I was intoxicated when I told her. If she's talking about you and my fingers." I mumbled the last part
"Awl nah bro." Kj said making Yonaa giggle "What you mean 'if?' What else did you tell her?" she asked me
"What else did we do?" I asked with my head to the side "Nothing..?" she trailed off confused "Okay then." I shrugged
"Can you stop leaving me clueless?" she said and I sighed "How am I leaving you clueless Marie?" I asked and she smacked her lips
"Stop talking to me. Don't y'all have a game today or something? Go do something productive." she said turning the opposite way.
"Matter fact since you wanna tell people business let's talk about how I got the bitch to look at me crybaby bitch." she turned back facing us
"Mmchtt oh my God you just been waitin' to tell that story huh? And watch yo fuckin' mouth." I mugged
"Don't tell me to watch my mouth in the middle of cussing that makes no sense." she blinked and I bucked at her
"Anyways so this bit-"
"I'll tell it. Sit there and be pretty." I cut her off
"I don't think you should play today." Kj told me with his lips to the side "I don't wanna play. Shit my shorty ain't here ain't no point." I shrugged
"My nigga then go fuckin' see her dummy. You sittin' up here bitchin' when you can't even face her." Kj snapped
"Bitch I would go see her if I couldn't fucking look at her why the fuck would I go if I don't wanna look at her? Stupid bitch." I blinked
"No you the stupid bitch. I promise her face don't even look bad. Wanna sit up here and self blame. BITCH you wasn't there."
"Nigga I unintentionally broke up with her and she left cause of me. Now if she would've left later then she would be my cheerleader right? Right."
"She's your cheerleader from a distance. Now stop being a bitch and get the fuck up. You gone play ball or you gone go see my sister?" he questioned
"See now there's two things I don't like..." I trailed off grabbing my backpack "Alright then. Sad ass. Just a sad ass bitch."
"Shut the fuck up."
Okay now don't be a bitch. I thought to myself walking to K'yonii's room.
I walked into K'yonii's room with my head down. "Um...? Aren't you supposed to be at your game?" she questioned confused
"Well I was but I can't really play." I shrugged "What you mean you can't play?"
"Shit I'm here ain't I?" I questioned throwing my hands up "Bitch don't get loud." she mumbled "How can I help you?" she asked and I started tearing up
"I'm so- I apologize." I started "For wha-
"I'm sorry because you're in here because of me and I know 'I'm sorry' doesn't really fix anythi-" "Woahhh look at me." she cut me off
"I can't so just like forgive me so I can leave." I muttered "Look. At. Me." she repeated more sternly and I shook my head
"Motherfucka don't make me call a nurse in here to take me out this bed." she said seriously "You got two seconds. Or I'ma run yo ass over with my wheelchair." she added
"And give me that remote so I can turn the TV down please?" she asked and I looked up a little seeing the remote was next to her leg
"Hm." I hummed handing it to her while wiping my eyes. "I can't reach that." she lied but I walked closer to her anyways
She grabbed the remote then grabbed my hand and I jumped at her touch. Her hand traveled from my arm to my jersey and she gripped it pulling me down.
"Look at me."
"Let me go Marie." I mumbled "Nope you don't wanna look at me and I don't wanna let you go." she said
"Marie." I said in a warning tone
"Jacione." she said in the same tone and I looked at her causing a smile to slowly form on her face.
"It's not your fault so stop blaming yourself okay. And stop crying I hate when people cry." she chuckled wiping away my tear with her thumb
Shit I didn't even know I was cryin'. "How its not my fault?" I sniffled "You got a self blame disorder or some shit?" she asked and I nodded
"I do atcually." I voiced wiping my face "Same bitch same." she sighed and I chuckled
"Someone told me not to go out the front when I left the cemetery but I did anyways cause I don't like when people tell me not to do something." she said
"Then he was like 'bro I told you not to come over here.' and all I did was blink and he was like keep yo eyes open-"
"And you closed them?" I chuckled and she nodded "Can't stand you."
"Then he dropped me on my head cause I was like 'I'm good I can walk on my own.' And really in my head when I got here I was in my head like 'Messiah finna beat my ass.'" she laughed
"Cause I was thinking if I told you the story when I first came you would've cussed me out for not listenin' to the guy." she shrugged
"I thought you looked way worse." I said studying her face "The way I pictured you in my head made me wanna kill everybody and shoot Yonaa."
"What Yonaa do?" she laughed "Got the nerve to look like you." I joked and she smacked her lips "Boyyy."
"I'm serious I do not look at Yonaa and if I do I buck at her and keep walkin'." I said and she shook her head
"Why aren't you at your game?" she asked me "Cause I had a fucking mental break down in the got damn locker room like a little bitch." I mumbled
"Oh wowww. So why you come here?" she asked "If you want me to leave just say that." I playfully mugged
"No I want you to go play ball your actually good at it. You leavin' probably fucked it up." she said hitting my chest
"No cause you wasn't at my first game." I pouted crossing my arms "I'm serious."
"Me too. You sittin' up in this bed right?" I questioned "You lucky my good hand fucked up." Yo whole body fucked up actually.
"And actually I'm here because your brother was like 'just go see her bro.' So then that shit made me cry cause why wou- I'm a changed man." I cut myself off
"So you just been cryin' all night?" she asked "Yes. But not ballin' tears snotty nose just a couple of tears." I shrugged
"Are you emotinal?" she asked me with her bottom lip tucked to keep her from laughing "No but I cry. Unlike you emotionless ass." I said
"I'm not emotionless." she protested and I stale faced her "I'm not. Now come get in the bed with me." she said I curled my lip up.
"What? It's space and you made it a habit for me to sleep with you." she mumbled "Can we eskimo kiss?" I asked walking to the other side.
"Nevermind pull a chair up and sleep next to me." she said and I bussed out laughing "You're weird." she said
"No I just like affection. From you." I smiled "I don't give you affection." she said squinting her eyes at me "I know."
"So y'all just gone let the food get cold?" K'yonii asked "Girl stay in that bed." Yonaa mumbled looking through the bag
"Don't do her." "Don't do me" We said in unison "Wanna be me so bad." I mumbled
"Don't nobody wanna be a pedophile." she said "How I'ma pedophile?" I asked with my hand over my chest
"Ain't you 18? Grown. I'm 17. Minor. It's giving pedo" she said and I smacked my lips "Don't do too much I'll unplug you."
"I ain't even plugged in." she said "Okay it's lemonade and sprite-" "Sprite." we said in sync
"Mmchtt. You can't even drink sprite it's to strong for you." I said and she stale faced me "What kind of lemonade?" she asked Yonaa
"If it's strawberry I want it." I said and K'yonii smacked her lips "I feel like you fuckin' with me cause I have little movement. I don't like that." she frowned
"I'm sorry you wanna kiss?" I pouted playfully "No." she flipped me off "Then shut the fuck up." I mumbled
"You lucky they took my remote bitch." she said throwing a fry at me "Why they take yo remote?" Kj laughed
"Cause I broke like three of them. We in good standings though." she smiled nodding
"They told me I wouldn't make it, my mama died when I was nine it's cold and I'm shakin'." Yonaa sung
"If you in my hood you better be about violence, sleep with one eye open they call me patchy the pirate." Kj added
"And to bitches that was hatin' on me trust me I'ma keep the glizzy it be stayin' on me." K'yonii adds
"I promise all the lives thats ride ain't gettin' statements homie. I promise all the lives thats slidin' is gettin' payments only." Kj sings
"Aye what you and Yonii just said that, "And to the bitches that was hatin' on me trust me I'ma keep the glizzy it be stayin' on me. I promise all thelives thats ride ain't gettin' statements homie. I promise all the lives thats slidin' is gettin' payments only' thats a hard ass chorus put together" Yonaa said biting into her burger
"So y'all jus- like what the fuck." I blinked "Does Yonii not sing random shit around you?" Kj asked me
"She don't even talk to me." I said and they all smacked their lips "She talks to you more than both of us combined." Yonaa said
"Mmchtt when we by ourselves she don't talk to me-" "I wish y'all would stop talkin' about me like I'm not here." K'yonii mumbled
"And I talk to all of y'all the at the same time sooo y'all get the same amount of responses." she shrugged
"You'a lie." we said in unison and she shook her head "I gotta pee." she told me and I shrugged "Okay...?"
"Can you take me?" she blinked "No that's not how you ask." I said popping a fry in my mouth "Mmchtt Kj can you take me you the bathroom." she asked
"That's still not how you ask." I mumbled and she cut her eyes at me "Stop talking to me."
"You mad cause I'm not takin' you to go pee? You mad. Why you mad?" I teased "Bitch stop talking to me built like some old saggy doggy balls." she blinked
"And that's why I'm not takin' you to the bathroom." I shrugged "Kj can you take me please." she asked him and he got up
"Why I couldn't get a ple-" "Nigga fuck you." she flipped me off as Kj picked her up "We gone fight." I nodded pointing at her
"Quite frankly my dear I could give a fuck less." she waved me off
"Anyways when y'all have kids can I name them?" Yonaa asked me. Damn can we kiss first?
"I guess." I shrugged "No."K'yonii said going into the bathroom while scratching her butt
"Fuck you itchy booty ass." I mumbled "You wish you could fuck my itchy booty ass!" she said from the bathroom making Kj laugh as he walked out
shole do.
"I'ma fuckin' shoot her- Yo who the fuck is Tatum?" I cut myself off waiting for an answer
"I don't know." she said and I barely heard her making me walk towards the bathroom and open the door.
"What you doin'?" she covered up "Girl I done seen ya lil coochie before who the fuck is Tatum?" I asked again
"Mmchtt not lil coochie." Yonaa chuckled
"Why you questionin' me I don't question you right?" Yonii retorted while wiping herself "It don't matter who the fuck is Tatum?" I repeated
"What you third timin' the charm for? And how the fuck you know about a Tatum anyway?" she asked me
"Cause the lil motherfucka came up to me this mornin' tryna mack on you. Goofy. Na let me ask you again I'ma know something." I bucked
"Why you sweatin' me yo? Help me offa this toilet." she said "Ask Tatum." I responded and she smacked her lips.
"Tatum ain't nobody yo. So chill out cause jealousy does not look good on you." she said and I pulled her up by her arm while she pulled her underwear up
"So if Tatum ain't nobody why the fuck you can't tell me about em?" I asked and she groaned "Why you like pickin' with me?" she asked washing her hands
"Cause fuck is this lil nigga talkin' to me about MY girlfriend fa?" I respond with a question "Worry 'bout yourself." she said patting my shoulder
"Marie-" I cut myself off and let her go making her fall but onto the door. "You can leave because you're doing too much." she blinked
"I'm not leaving shit you gone have to put me out." I shrugged "Always wanna fuckin' argue that shit is borin' and annoying." she said while Kj picked her up
"Don't drop my sister like that." he said
"It's giving Love and Basketball." Yonaa mumbled
"You can't tell me to worry about myself and not make me feel like I'm in competition. I like you way too much to not wanna react." I mumbled
"Aweee my kids." Kj and Yonaa said in unison wiping their eyes playfully
"You just being insecure. Who the fuck is in this hospital with me right now? You. How the fuck am I going to communicate with him I don't have a phone. So like I said worry about yourself." she snapped calmly
"You kicked a fuckin' hole in my wall a day before you got up in this bitch because someone texted me with a girl profile picture and it was guy. But I'm being insecure. You don't question me cause you act based on how you think you need to." I blinked
"Oh- this is going to be a very toxic relationship." Yonaa mumbled
"You can't tell me to worry about myself but when you tri- oh my fucking God you finna piss me off."
- In Serial13 Chapters
Strange Convergences
Seemingly disparate events transpire in one world, the same world, different worlds. Seers, psychopaths, paragons, all acting according to the truths they perceive. Who are these people, and why do they matter? They're trying to answer that question themselves. Strange Convergences is a series of short stories revolving around multiple protagonists, simple and complex, kind or devious, who might be seeing another world, or who might be in the real one. Some stories will contain mild horror themes. Pertinent content warnings will be enumerated at the top of each story as needed. "roots (racines)" by PATRICE OUELLET is licensed with CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/
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Xeno on Planet Erde
*I was a on a hiatus but I am back! Chapters will start coming again!* It should have been a simple trip to Europa, the ice moon of Jupiter. Go to Europa. Establish a research station. Maintain the robots to search for life under the ice. Instead, I think we have shot way off course. Nope, we definitely shot way off course. There is no way I should be able to breath on this planet. Actually, there shouldn't be trees here. And why am I naked? Captain Lindsey Shin was selected to establish a research station on a ice moon. He instead finds himself on a planet with no idea where Earth is and now needs to find his brother and sister-in-law on a planet where magic runs wild and humans do not exist. A world of beastmen, elves, daimons and daemons. Oh and the main character is slightly insane? The narrative is mostly first-person. A lot of vulgar language and cussing is to be expected.
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Reborn into the RWBY World with a Small Cheat
This is my first story so please don't be mean (I don't mind critisism but some people are mean just to be mean). Also I want to make this interactive with readers (so I know people are reading) so please give me some feedback. The mc, a guy named Finn Pherb, just died geting run over by a truck (like nearly every other reincarnator). He thought his life was over, but it was just beginning. He gets reborn into the world of RWBY that's the same but different (in other words I'm ignoring the show so I can write a story that isn't to depressing) and with a little cheat.
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Scream 1996 [Male reader insert]
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