《S P D》002
K'yonii Marie Taylor
"WAKE UP!" K'yonaa screamed into my ear making me mush her "Never in your fucking life scream in my ear like that again." I told her sternly
"Sorry you weren't waking up. Daddy said to wake you up cause you not missin' school today." she said pouting
"It's okay. Don't cry I didn't mean it like that." I said seeing her tear up "You so emotional." I chuckled wiping her tears that were almost falling.
"Cause I don't like when you get mad at me." she said "I'm not mad at you just don't yell in my ear." I said and she nodded
"Okay now get out so I can get ready." I told her and she hopped up walking out of my room.
"We ridin' with you." KJ yelled from outside of my door. I hopped up throwing on a pair of sweats, a graphic tee and some classic AF1's.
I did my hygiene and put my hair up not really caring how it was styled. I grabbed my book bag and my- Messiah's phone.
Opening my door neither Yonaa or KJ were outside my room "Gon' 'head and take your medicine." my daddy said
"If you payed me to be social life would be so easy big dawg." I said walking back in my room. I opened my drawer and seen I only had four pills left.
I walked out of my room to my daddy's room but he wasn't in there so I walked downstairs to see him eating some breakfast.
"I need a refill." I said holding my pill bottle up. "Can I get a rEeeeeEeee ee e e fill yeaaaah." my dad sung then KJ and Yonaa came downstairs ready
"Come on na it's too early for allat." KJ said "Bitch shut up yo mammy like it." My dad mugged then his eyes widen
"I forgot yo ma- my fault have a good day at school." he smiled waving at us "Next time you gettin' jumped." Yonaa bucked at him and we held her back
"He ain't even worth it dawg." K'yonn said "Yea you lucky they holdin' me back." she told him and he fake jumped
"Shakin' in my boots. Don't let her go guys." my dad said boredly while putting his hands up "You lucky I'm gone be late. My crew lets go." she said
"Thank god I was kind of scared." he said sarcastically as we walked out "That bitch annoyin' i'ma buy roach spray and put in his noodles." Yonaa nodded
"You so fuckin' retarded." KJ chuckled "Shotgun" KJ said "Wait no lets do it again." Yonaa said when I unlocked the doors and he laughed shakin' his head.
"It's okay when his girlfriend see him gettin' in the backseat afterschool she gone realize she fuck with the wrong triplet." Yonaa said hopping in the back
"She don't like you." KJ mugged her "Okay I don't like her either who can't take a nigga bitch? Tuh." she scoffed making me laugh "Heheee Yonii play our anthem." Yonaa smirked
"Nobody wanna hear that shit."KJ scoffed "Boy you in my car. Walk." I mumbled putting onbefore pulling out the driveway
" 'Nough said Ion need no fuckin' intro cause what I gotta say I spit that shit straight mando. Them niggas scream my name everytime I come around. They be all up in my tummy straight tryna put it down." Yonaa rapped
"On to the next nigga and and and his dick bigger. Now his homeboy a bigger figure but I can't see myself with 'em. But that's a different story I got you chickens mad cause y'all boyfriends adore me. Yea yo boyfriend adore me if I scream my aim name I bet you he'a score me!" Yonaa rapped as KJ mugged her
"I don't why I got in the car with you like you don't drive like you don't care about our lives." KJ said holding onto his seatbelt
"I need a nigga who ca' beat it up. Straight mistreat it up. Tongue in eat it up. Dumb scums fuck 'em up. My legs lift em up no talkin' hard pumps i'm talking dumb strokes somebody rock my boat. I need a nigga with a appetite. Fuck me ra-" I mumbled but KJ turned the song off
"Hoe don't be touchin' my- Messiah phone." I mugged "Why you got his phone?" Yonaa smirked "Cause I forgot to give it back to him." I shrugged
"Anyways my turn." he said and played "Startin' to think this the only song you know by him." Yonaa said and I laughed
"Don't worry 'bout me backseat." he said turning back to her with a fake smile and she flipped him off smiling back.
"Listen." KJ turned to me "We in the car she don't live that far. Say she left her purse. Now I ain't trippin' say KJ a player we can go there first." he rapped to me switching the lyrics while I nodded
"I bussed a U pulled up to ha spot. She live by the park, it's gettin' dark. My glock on my lap. I'm just thinkin' smart." he said tapping his head
"So she hop out, she switchin' and shit this bitch thick as shit. She got two minutes if she not back out then she gone need a lyft."
"She left her phone so I pick it up-"
"THIS BITCH SLOW AS FUCK." he cut her off pointing at her "I'm telling daddy you called me a bitch." she said as I stopped the car for them to get out
"I didn't call you a bitch it was in the so- you do too much." he mugged "AHT AHT. Yonii it take 13 minutes to get here. It's been 7" she said getting out the car.
"He always makin' us come to this dumbass place early and shit." K'yonn said getting out as well and I nodded in agreement
I drove to the back of the student parking lot to park my car and heard the phone ring. At first I wasn't going to answer it but I checked to see if it was Messiah which it was.
"Can you bring me my phone shorty?" he asked "No come get it I'm in the student parking lot where I was parked yesterday." I told him
"Motherfucka bring me my phone." he said "Bitch you want it right?" I asked scrunching my face up "Ight K'yonii." he said before hanging
"I bet you he'a come get this bitch." I mumbled tossing his phone in the cup holder then taking a pre-rolled from my pocket.
"These niggas prayin' on my downfall what? These niggas prayin' on my downfall. On all ten bitch I stood tall." I mumbled
"Show these disloyal niggas how to ball. Go get a thermometer for the pot I need this shit cooked right. Let's keep that water 400°f." I rapped some more
The song cut off by it ringing again. I assumed it was Messiah so I answered. "What boy?" I spoke "Unlock the doors. You need yo ass beat hotboxin' at school." he said and I hung up unlockin' the doors and he got in.
He looked at me and I stared back. "What I say 'bout callin' me a bitch?" he asked calmly grabbing me by my shirt.
I blew out smoke in his face but he inhaled it catching me by surprise causing me to raise and eyebrow and pass him the blunt.
"All you said was watch yo mouth. No warnin' nothin'" I shrugged "Ight say it again and I'm gone fuck you up." he said taking a puff
"You not gone do shit." I mumbled cracking the windows turning the car off "I finished yo backwood." he said
"Bitch." I bucked then my eyes widen "Corvette corvette." I said doing the dance to cover it up shit he look like he'll beat my ass.
"Yea I bet." he said taking his phone then getting out "My phone." I said before he closed the door "Sorry I'm a bitch." he smiled sarcastically then closed the door
"Bitch." I said under my breath turning the car off "Rome Me-fuckin'-ssiah give me my phone." I said he continued walking
"Come get it." he said and I jogged to him "Messiah give me my phone." I told him sternly "Find it." he said stopping in front of me.
"Rome I'm gone be late to class." I told him "It's 7:17 you got 18 minutes to find it. And don't call me Rome." he mumbled the last part
"Just give me it damn stop bein' difficult." I said with my hand out "Stop talkin' to me like you crazy." he said pushing my head with his finger
"Bitch I'm finna punch you." I said grabbing him by his hair. "Give me my fuckin phone." I demanded puling him down.
"Don't pull my hair unless we fuckin'." he said trying to get up "Nah bitch stay down and give me my shit." I said and he picked me up while I held his hair.
"Put me down." I said wrapping my legs around his waist out of instinct. "You scared of heights?" he asked amused
"Boy don't worry 'bout me put me down." I said letting his hair go wrapping my arms around his neck.
"How you gone cl- nevermind." he said acting like he was about to drop me "Stopppp." I whined wrapping my legs tighter
"Alright let me go." he chuckled leaning down. I unwrapped my legs still holding him by his neck. "See my feet not touchin' the floor yet." I said and he leaned down a little more
"Thank you." I said slickly pulling my phone out his sweater pocket. I turned to walk away and he grabbed me by the waistband of my sweats and turned me around.
"Let me see yo schedule." he said "Let me see yours I don't have mine." I said and he took his out handing it to me.
"Sir your paper's rigged." I said shaking it and he stale faced me and blinked then snatched it from me. "sTop snAtchiNg." I mocked
"Fuck is wrong with it? Look how it look yesterday." he said mugging me. "We got the same classes. Except basketball you and KJ got that." I said
"So what the fuck is wrong with it?" he asked "Bitch we got the same classes what you mean?" I mugged "Fuck you." he said walking away.
"Bitch I'm gone see you in class anyways." I waved him off. He turned around and wrapped his hand around my neck
"What I say? You been callin' me out my name this whole time K'yonii." he said backing me into a wall with his hand still around my neck.
"No I haven't." I smiled small "What you on son?" he asked looking at me sideways "Medication and Sativa." I said proudly
"Exactly why I don't take that shit." he said letting me go "Whore." I said turning around walking the opposite direction.
"Yonii this girl just slapped me." KJ said from behind me and I stopped in my tracks "Who?" I turn around looking behind him
"I'ma take you she in the cafeteria." he said and I nodded simply following behind him. The cafeteria wasn't too far from where I was so we go there pretty fast.
"Where Jania?" I asked referring to his girlfriend "She had a doctors appointment I think she comin' later." he said
"And it was her." he said pointing at Toyota. I looked at her and punched her dead in the face. Gasps escaped people's mouths along with "Oous."
"Keep yo hands off my brother Mercedes." I pointed in her face "My name is Sequoia." "You heard what the fuck I said Ford." I said walking away
"BITCH THAT'S WHY YO MAMA DEAD!" she yelled and I turned around charging at her not even letting her blow my high.
I didn't hesitate to punch her in the face. Again. She fell and I was going to wait until she got up again but she didn't so I stomped on her mouth knowing I broke a tooth.
"Say something else about my motha and that yo ass Chevy." I crouch down to her while she looked at me through the corner of her eyes.
"To the office Taylor." Mr Jones fat ass said. "Stop talkin' to me with yo fat ass. Fina break that damn bike." I said walking to class since it was starting.
"K'yonii when did you leave from by me and what are you fighting for?" Messiah asked and I ignored him continuing to walk.
"K'yonii. I know you hear me dawg." Messiah said growing irritated while I continued walking. "Why you-" he stopped and snatched me by the collar of my shirt.
"You 'ont hea' me talkin' to you?" he asked and I shook my head "No I heard you talking I chose to ignore and not answer." I shrugged
"Fuck allat why is you one punchin' bitches?" he asked "Cause first she slapped KJ then she followed up to say 'bitch that's why yo mom dead.' So I'm two punchin' bitches." I shrugged
"Don't be out here fightin'. Well only for your siblings." he said and I nodded lying my ass off. "And she don't know yo mama like okay your mom is dead it's not somethin' that's rare." he shrugged
"I ain't fight nobody I just fist bumped her face with my fist." I said as the bell rang "You can let my shirt go."
"Mhm gimmie yo hand." he said and without thinking I put my hand up. Then he interlocked our hands. Oh my goodnesss. Eatin' a burger with no honey mustard.
"You like me or what? You're like super touchy." I said and he shrugged "I don't know I never liked someone before." he said and I nodded
"So do you have friends?" I asked "Yea you." he said and I shook my head "Not if my daddy forget my medication you won't be having friends." I chuckled
"You got friends?" he asked and I started to think about it. "Well I have a Sayoria." I shrugged as we walked into the classroom
"What? K'yonii's here for the second time this week?" My teacher Mr. Wallace joked with his hand over his chest.
"I come to school everyday." I lied and he stale faced me. "Whose your friend?" he turned to Messiah "He's new." I said
"You don't talk much huh?" he asked Messiah and he shook his head "Y'all date?" he asked and Messiah nodded
"No we don't." I said quickly "She's denying her love for me." Messiah said making Mr. Wallace laugh "Alright I'll leave y'all alone." he said walking away
"I don't why you lyin' to these people like we not gettin' married next week." Messiah said sitting down next to me
"Somebody sits there." I said and he shrugged "I know. Me." he said and I shook my head at him "Oh I lost yo phone too." he said
"Nah I took it." I said showing him "You in my seat" This boy girl Kayla said "No I'm not. Yo seat under me." Messiah said
"Mr. Wallace somebody's in my seat." Kayla said "Okay well go sit somewhere else." he said looking at her like she was dumb
"No this is my seat." she protested "Okay stand I don't care." he shrugged "You supposed to be in the office." he pointed at me
"Nuh uh." I said "They called for you." he said "Oh." I said puttting my attention to my phone "You downloaded hella games." Messiah said and I chuckled
"Cause you ain't got shit on that bitch." I said "You ain't got shit with them three contacts." he said and I stale faced him
"Bitch first of all its 4 and you got all of 2 contacts I just know you not talkin'." I mugged "Who put they hands on my sister?" I heard a familiar voice say
I looked up to see Bently, Sequoia's brother with her on the side of him "Me." I spoke up "She punched the fuck out of her twice." Messiah laughed
"Who the fuck are you?" Sequoia mugged "Don't be started no shit in my class Mercedes and Dodge." Mr. Wallace warned
"Right cause y'all parents named y'all after somethin' they can't afford. A car." Kayla said gaining laughs "That's yo nigga?" Camry asked pointing at Messiah
"Yep." Messiah said standing up "Ight let me holla at you." Corolla said pulling hiking his pants up "Lord let me mind my business." Mr. Wallace said
"Sit down." Messiah told me after I stood up behind "I'm good." I said and followed him out the door "Alright class turned to page 125." Mr. Wallace said as we walked out
"You tryna get down or what?" Messiah asked getting straight to the point "He can't fight." I whispered loudly
"Shut up bitch-" he started and Messiah popped him "Watch yo mouth." he said simply and Chrysler looked down at Avalon
Note to self: Stop✍🏾 calling✍🏾 him✍🏾 a✍🏾 bitch✍🏾.
"You sure she the one that hit you?" he asked her "I told you he can't fight." I whispered loudly again "K'yonii my office."
"Sorry I can't talk right now I'm doing hot girl shit." I said turning back to the classroom. "Now." she said and I walked in the classroom ignoring her
"I'm going to call security." she said from behind me "What page are we on?" I asked Mr. Wallace as he handed me a worksheet "127." he answered
"How about I come to school all week." I turned to the principal Ms. Bishop and she squinted at me before nodding.
"Okay bye leave me alone." I said bucking my eyes at her. "Two more strikes." she said walking out "tWo moRe striKes. I don't give a fuck I don't want to be here." I mumbled
I raised my hand and Mr. Wallace walked over to me "I already did this." I told him "Ho- oh Sayoria got it for you. You did all of the work?" he asked
"Yea." I nodded and he groaned "Well turn it in when you can that covered the next 2 weeks. You can sit for now I guess." he shrugged
"You can sit this week out too." he said to Messiah getting a nod "Ew who told yo cute ass take pictures in my phone?" he said showing me a picture I took
"Mane I'ma bad bitch you better recognize." I mumbled playing minions on my phone "Girl." he said side eyeing me
"Ight y'all can leave now if y'all are done with the notes. See y'all tomorrow." Mr. Wallace dismissed with a yawn.
"How you get here?" I asked Messiah grabbing my bookbag "I drove." he answered "Can you taked KJ and Yonaa home for me? I got to leave right after third." I told him and he nodded
"And we all have this class together." I added "You're really talkative today." he said "I didn't take my medication yesterday until the dinner. I'm always talkative." I said entering the C wing
"She's lying." Yonaa said from the side of me "You 'ont get tired of hearin' yo own voice?" I asked her and she shook her head
"She's only talking because she's super high she ate 2 whole edibles for breakfast and smoked a blunt before we got inside." Yonaa explained
- In Serial104 Chapters
The Treasure King
Gray always knew he was special. He was blessed with a pair of heavenly eyes that saw the world like nobody else. He had dominating strength, honed by the savage wilderness of the King's Mountains. He was meant to achieve great things, to surpass his upbringing as an impoverished miner. His belief was confirmed one day when a beautiful fairy sister fell from the sky into his lap. She didn't stay long but she left an unforgettable impression. So, he set out into the endless world of cultivation to see her again and win her heart. He would encounter, along the way, countless treasures including ancient weapons, heavenly gems, rare metals, and sacred medicinal pills. He would meet all kinds of people and develop unbreakable bonds. He would struggle against enemies that challenged him to the physical and spiritual limit. He would even be dragged into an existential war for the human race against their eternal enemy. And perhaps, he would also find the time to establish his own dominion as the one and only Treasure King! Book 1 - Lord of the Jade Plains The Jade Plains, filled with great herds of bison and ferocious packs of wolves, was a dangerous frontier region where two towns fought for supremacy. These two towns, and two families that controlled each, were old foes destined to clash after a long period of fragile peace. The one that emerged victorious would become the undisputed lord, the owner of all the wealth that lied beneath these windswept hills and endless waves of grass. But nobody was prepared for the arrival of an exceptional young man from the mountains taking the first stumbling steps on a path to greatness. Author's Note: This novel has gone through major edits. Older versions of chapters have been removed. Returning readers are encouraged to start over from the beginning. I hope you enjoy! © 2020 Kirbyisgreen, All Rights Reserved. Join my discord for updates and to discuss the novel: https://discord.gg/dY5UApw Support the novel on patreon and get early access to chapters: https://www.patreon.com/kigreenwriting
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Overlord - The Beast of the Apocalypse
For all my fans who begged for more with Azran-The Magic King of Darkness. Here you go. Just another Classic Dark Lord story, the MC is betrayed and sets out for revenge. Classic Right?Except the MC is the freaking Beast of the Apocalypse! P*ssing him off is probably not the smartest thing to do. Yep. Don't annoy World Destroying Beasts. It is very bad for your health. Even if you're a god.{Warning: This Fiction will contain several different types of Mature Content. Examples include Slavery - Torture - Gore -. You have been warned.}
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Sixth Finger
Year 506. The last human empire surrenders to the Great Majin Lord and joins his cause. As the continent in its entirety is submitted to the absolute rule of an undead stories arise of inhuman creatures that led his majesty's armies to terrifying success. While the demon lord grasps the entire world in his hand, generals and comrades eleven of his most loyal and trusted serve as the extension of his will and power. Common world knows these beings only by their position's names. Fingers. Goblins goblins goblins... I hate those pesky creatures. Not smart enough to talk, but intelligent enough to kill. Well. In this world of madness where blood spills left and right fantasy creatures run rampart alongside crazed devotees of long dead gods all meanwhile the frickin Demon Lord is slowly gaining power in order to take over the world precisely without causing its immediate collapse, our little Gob will have quite a chance to find true strength and maybe even understand why humans often do stupid things for this weird word that starts with the letter "L". Who knows, maybe he will even get a better name than Gob in the process... The story is posted daily in short chapters (from 900 to 2000 words per chapter) The story is NOT an Isekai. It's a high fantasy story with isekai element's at best (Majin lord is a Majin after all). I spent some time to create a custom, magic system I hope to properly explore together with you my dear reader. So what are you doing? Go read those early chapters! The story is said to only get better after you drink it... I mean read it. Seriously. After 15 chapters you won't stop. I just feel like pointing something out. I never read "The Iron Teeth: A Goblin's Tale" which seems to be the first thing my fiction will be compared to... P.S. Cover artwork was made by my very own me (hurray me!) PM if you want something painted (no promises). I sometimes lurk in RR discord.
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Anthony had been looking forward to playing the hottest new virtual reality game. When he put the VR helmet on he was met with a prompt asking him if he wanted to take a test to become a swarm knight. Thinking that this was one of the classes in the game he accepted. Instead of finding himself in the game, Anthony found that he was transported to a different planet. A planet where he would learn the greater truth of the universe. Everything was based on magic in the universe. Except that magic was based on nanorobots, called the swarm, that had been created through highly advanced technology. Genetics determined the access level and the amount of control that someone could wield over the swarm, and therefore their status in this society. Long ago Earth had been cutoff from the swarm. Now that it had been rediscovered, Earth would be reintegrated into the swarm. Unfortunately when that happened all the current technology on Earth would fail and be replaced with the ability to use magic. In effect, it would be the system apocalypse. As someone able to control the swarm, Anthony found himself in the unique position to influence how Earth was reintegrated into the swarm. Perhaps he could change things enough to save most of the people on Earth. But first he would have to learn how to control the swarm and become one of the leaders in the society he found himself in. Warning: If this fiction was a movie I'd rate it somewhere between PG-13 and R for occasional scenes of violence, gore, and nudity.
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A Tyrant: Unshackled
A man once lived in a modern world, surrounded by the tragedy of humans, he was despaired. He did his best to ignore it. Did his best to hide in the safety of his own circumstances. But eventually the tragedy reached him. And when it did... it left a broken man, who was tired of the world and it's circumstances. He took things into his own hands. He would change the world. But this story isn't about that. For after all was done, the man dying peacefully on his own terms, he would have a new life ahead of him. Now unbound by attatchments and responsibility, in a completely new world for him to explore, he would make sure his new life didn't end up like the last one. This fiction won't be updated regularly due to my own circumstances and while I will try to update it often, I won't always be able to. That being said I hope you enjoy this little work of mine. I'm not an experienced, and don't consider myself a good author in any way. But hopefully some people will enjoy this fiction like I do writing it, regardless of that.
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