《I Only Wanted To Be Normal || Yugyeom ☁》☄️Q+A : Answers☄️


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed that update. And now the moment you have all been waiting for, the Q+A Answers.

@blackcat4428 askedWill we get more cuddle time with (y/n)? And if you could stay with (y/n) as a roommate, would you?

Yugyeom: "well, to answer your first question.... YES!I love cuddling with (y/n) but she always kicks me out before it gets too late.And to answer your second question, I would love to be (y/n)'s roommate. That means we could have more alone time together. and more time to-"

(y/n): "Woah woah woah... woah. I think they get it!"

Why do you cry in your sleep? Will we find out why?

Yugyeom: "I cry in my sleep... its just something that happens.Wait, maybe it's because when I wa-"

(y/n): "Yugyeom... no spoilers... I knew he would do this. And yes you will find out soon. I promise."

You're such and adorable baby ilysm.


"I love you too,Jagiya."

@kpopaddict135 asked: What do you like about (y/n)?

Yugyeom: "When she does this with me."

(y/n): "Yah! Be serious!"

Yugyeom: "Ouch, okay okay... well. I like (y/n) because she isnt like every other girl. She is completely unique. She doesn't have to show off or be obnoxious to be noticed. She is also very sweet, and i love when she gets angry at me, her angry face is adorable. I could go on, but the list is too long."

How would you feel if (y/n) and Youngjae had a secret relationship?

Yugyeom: "Well, first off, i would never let that happen. BUT if it did, i would be devistated. (y/n) is my first love, but I would let her go if that's what made her happy, no matter how much it would kill me."



Yugyeom: ".......... Who says we have't done it already?"

Hey Youngjae break up with f***ing Hay-shi, she's gonna cheat on you. Why not do it now?

Youngjae: "Hmm... well I only started dating her recently,so i don't know if she is going to cheat on me or not... She doesn't really seem like the type of person to do that. And I can't break up with her, we barely started to date, and dating is all about getting to know the other person. If it wasn't meant to be then i'll know in the future."

Do you like Hay-shi?

Youngjae: " Well, she seems to understand me. I really like that she knows what i'm thinking without me even having to say a word. She wasn't even jealous when she found out that I had a crush on (y/n). So... I guess I do like her. Only time will tell, we have to get to know each other more."

@bamdab007 asked: How do you feel about Yugyeom and (y/n)'s relationship?


"I don't think I could've done anything to break them apart. and Yugyeom is still one of my bestfriends, i wasn't really thinking how it would've affected him."

btw Hay-shi's character model looks like this, props to anyone who knows who this is!

@Sasin_Ui asked: Why did (y/n)'s Ex roommate hate her?

Hay-shi: " Maybe because she was kissing my date right infront of me? I'm away for one second and she is all on top of him, anyone would be mad."

@heolyjisoos asked: Please don't make my life sad by trying to ruin Yugyeom and (y/n)'s relationship.

Hay-shi: "Who said I was going to do that? I didn't even know that they were going out."


What's your problem?! Why don't you just ship Yugyeom with (y/n)? We all love Yugyeom but girl don't make up an evil plan to kill (y/n) and take Yugyeom. Just take Youngjae. Geez, is it THAT hard?

Hay-shi: "What's up with everyone thinking that im planing something evil, or want to break Yugyeom and (y/n) apart? Keep in mind that I am dating Youngjae, I have no intention of breaking up (y/n)'s relationship. Im just a girl too you know..."

What does the rest of got7 think about Yugyeom and (y/n)?(Other than Youngjae)

JB: "Our baby maknae finally has a girlfriend! Im happy for him, even though it is kinda gross to watch them sometimes..."

Jinyoung: "Im glad that he doesn't have to be so lonely anymore. I can really tell that he's changed since he met (y/n), I think he's become a man."

Jackson: " BaBY GYeomIE COMe bACk to DaDDy WhEN YOu ArE DoNe PlayINg wiTh (y/n)."

Mark: "Im just glad that he isnt clinging all over me anymore. I love the little guy, but he reeaalllyyy needed a girlfriend. Maybe he can go cuddle with her instead of me now?"

Bambam: " My boi better be hittin that EVERY night. If you know what i mean."


What is the backstory of (y/n)?

(y/n): "Well like it said in the beginning of the story... I'm just a plain looking girl, with very normal interests. But the rest is for you to fill in, this is your life we are talking about here."

@heolyjisoos asked: Do you know that Youngjae is aiming for you?

(y/n): "Well, I did think that he was being a littttlllleee bit creepy. But I didn't pay any mind to it. But I guess that it's cute that he has a schoolboy crush on me."

@bamdab007 asked: How would you feel if Yugyeom was cheating on you with Hay-shi? Would you go to Youngjae or not?

(y/n): "If Yugyeom was cheating on me, I would dump him. No matter how much I love him, it's just not right to put up with cheating. No one deserves to be cheated on. And to answer your second question, I wouldn't go to Youngjae. My heart would be too broken to function. He would have to do a lot of convincing to get me to date him."


Author i love you.

@bamdab007 said: Your story is lit!!! And i'm pretty sure you are too :)

How are you lovely?? ily keep up the good work.

Author: "Thank you everyone! Im just happy to write this story for all of you. It really brings me joy to see everyones nice comments. I hope all of you enjoyed this Q+A with the characters! Have an amazing day, and i'll see you next Friday!"

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