《I Only Wanted To Be Normal || Yugyeom ☁》16☁


"So where did you say that we are going again?" You asked, looking up into Yugyeom's eyes.

"Youngjae asked me if I could meet with him, it sounded urgent. Do you mind going with me?"

Your heart skipped a beat, Yugyeom's voice sounded different.

He must really care about his friends.

"O-okay, let's go." You said as you grabbed Yugyeom's hand and made your way to the door.

You got off of the car and followed Yugyeom. He led you to the outside of what looked to be an old abandoned building.

"Where are we at now?" You asked.

"This is kind of like our secret place, but I think that it would be okay to share it with you. My friends and I used to hang out here all of the time, now we just mostly use it to practice."

You watched as Yugyeom dug around in his pants pocket for something. Seconds later he pulled out a key and opened the door of the building. To your surprise, the inside of the building was furnished and lit up with paper lanterns. There was a couch, chairs, a carpet, everything neatly placed. But what caught your attention was a wall of solid mirror, and the empty space that surrounded it.

"Do you like it?" Yugyeom asked with a gummy smile.

"Y-yeah, it's really beautiful, actual."

He just smiled then led you to the couch.

"You can relax for now, I should probably look for the others. You can look around if you want to. I'll be back." He said as he walked into another part of the building.

You took the time that you were alone to look around the building, you made your way to the mirrored wall.

This is probably where they practice. I wonder how they made this by themselves.


As you looked around, you heard footsteps behind you.


As you turned around you expected to see Yugyeom, but you were met with the face of one of his friends.

"Oh, uh hello. I thought you were Yugyeom for a second." You said awkwardly.

He just smiled cutely and gave a small laugh.

"No, my name is Youngjae, You were ___ right? I thought you would've remembered me."

"Oh yeah! Youngjae, it's nice to see you again. So, are you okay? Because Yugyeom sounded a bit scared after he got off of the phone with you. We tried to make it here as fast as we could."

"Did I make him worry? Oh no, I should go find him and tell him everything is fine. I just wanted him to come here quickly. Our group was thinking about entering into the spring festival's dance contest again this year. That's all, I just wanted to start practice early." He answered.

You watched as Youngjae walked over to the side of the building that Yugyeom had gone to earlier. You took a seat on the couch, waiting for your boyfriend to come back.

"Jagggiiiyyyaaa!" You heard, and quickly turned your head towards the word. Before you even had the time to react, you were embraced by a strong pair of arms.

"Y-Yugyeom... can't breathe... holding... too tight." You huffed out. You were let go of, and met your eyes with Yugyeom's.

"What's up with you?" You asked with a smile.

You saw Yugyeom rub the back of his neck and let out a small sigh.

"Nothing, I just like you a lot, and I want you to know that." He said.

You laughed at his thoughtful words, they made your heart skip a beat.


"I really like you too Yugyeom, what happened, did you have an epiphany or something in the short time that you were away?

He glanced back at you with a smile "Something like that."

"Youngjae said that the others should be here in a little bit, Mark went out to get them." He said.

"I didn't know that you danced, Yugyeom."

"That's the special thing about dating someone, you get to learn about them. Here... I'll show you a couple of my moves."

Yugyeom got up and made his way to the space near the mirrored wall. He started to dance, and you were surprised.

"Wow Yugyeom, you really can dance!"

He smiled at you. "I'm glad you like it, but this is nothing compared to when I dance with my friends. It's always been just us since high school. We used to dance for fun, but when we started to enter competitions, things got serious. I think you could call us an official dance group now."

You were about to say something when you heard the door open.

"Yugyeom-ah! You brought your girlfriend with you?" Said one of his friends as they ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"Yeah Jackson, Youngjae made it seem like an urgent issue over the phone, so I decided to bring ___ with me."

Jackson looked over at you and gave you a friendly smile.

"It's nice to see you again, are you okay with just watching us practice?" He asked, with a concerned look on his face.

"Don't worry, Yugyeom was just showing me how he danced. I think I will find it really entertaining."

You went and greeted the others, then took a seat on the couch once again. You watched as the group of friends set up and started to practice. You were surprised to see how flawless their movements were. You could tell that they have been dancing together for a long time.

After a while they all decided to take a break, they went their separate ways, some sitting or laying on the floor, or going off to another part of the building. You were about to go to Yugyeom when you felt a pair of arms hold you by your shoulders.

"Where are you going off to?" Youngjae asked with an eerie looking grin.

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