《Sontails - Madly in love》🔈- 🔊
The day Sonic sprinted away with high speed from Eggman's lair, Miles in his arms, Mobotropolis Police and G.U.N soldiers came to inspect the lair after receiving a distress signal from what appears to be from one of the soldiers.
They searched around the base with flashlights, knowing that the power is down all over the industry.
After a while, one of the soldiers called out for one of his cooperatives, who called out for others as well, telling them that he found his other soldiers... now unconscious.
Later, researchers managed to confirm their unconsciousness, simple as sleeping gas, that must have been thrown into the cell as soon as they fell in.
None of them were seriously harmed, but covered in... different gooey stuff.
Eggman is nowhere to be seen, but no one knows that he were a part of this massacre anyways.
Rotor is also seen spotless, no one knows about his real intentions and no one knows where he is or may be. Or if he will ever come back to try out is plan once more. As long as he knows that Miles is alive, he will not stop from trying to gain his information...
Vector was found in a cell build up in glass. A screen outside of his glass-cell showed many video-clips of him losing it, his insanity growing and more signs of him being unstable. His expression showed nothing, but he didn't look scared nor feared... he did not fight back either when G.U.N soldiers cuffed and brought him to their van.
He was later sentenced to eight years in prison, including lessons with a psychologist and therapist to fix his mental illness.
But there has not been a single sighting to where Miles and Sonic is located. Easier said, nobody has a clue. Many assume that Miles is gone and even the government wants to confirm him dead, but they cannot do so before they have any real evidence.
"Do you think that they are still searching for us?" A flock of birds flew over their heads, their shadows sliding over the fox's and hedgehog's bodies, as the cold wind dragged in their fur.
"Well, you are the most dangerous murderer in all of Mobius that has gone 'missing', so yes. I think they are still searching for ya" Sonic smiled, arms behind his head.
"Hm" Miles mumbled, hands in the pockets of his hoodie and the hood over his head, to cover his ears from the sour wind.
The pair found themselves in an area named Palmtree Panic. An open place covered in all types of plants and palm trees, but are mostly all dead due to the season.
"Have you been here before, running around with that crazy speed of yours?" Tails questioned, gaining Sonic's attention with the use of the word 'crazy'
"Crazy speed of mine?" Sonic stopped in front of Tails with his hands on his hips, holding a grumpy face.
Tails chuckled. "Aw, is the hedgehog sad because I said you have crazy speed? I really didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I am terribly sorry~" Smiling as he did so, moving his hand around.
Sonic puffed out a cloud of frost from his nose, which caused Tails to snicker more.
"Well, if you think my speed is so crazy, then why don't I show you exactly HOW crazy it is?" Sonic scooped up Tails in his arms, catching the fox off-guard. "Soni-!"
But before Tails could finish his sentence, Sonic had already dashed off with a surprised fox in his arms. "SONIC!" The hedgehog only laughed with the amount of enjoyment he feel from his speed.
Sonic and Tails have been wandering around planet Mobius for about four months, getting to visit almost every zone there is. Like villages, small towns or bigger cities.
Sonic is determined to find a way to calm the fox down and somehow remove his insane ways of doing things. One time he even asked Sonic if he could blow a tavern up because some guys picked on them, luckily he did not do it.
But there have been improvements, whenever Tails sees a knife or a weapon of any sort, he does not bother to study or trying it out. Which Sonic is relieved of.
Also, Tails is more happy and cheerful, and not so on high-alert than before, but his cockyness still remains.
He also have picked up a few fights here and there for people trying to pick on them, like Tails' namesakes and Sonic's appearance, and especially for asking them 'suspicious' questions as Tails says.
Still, Sonic remains by Tails' side no matter what the situation may be. Not only because he need to fix up the mistakes he have made, but also because he wants to see the fox he fell in love with. He couldn't have been JUST a criminal and an ass his whole life, right?
This may sound like a cliché love story which you have heard from your parents or whatsoever, but Sonic have heard from an unknown source- that if you look into your partner's eyes and can see their emotions, feel their warmth and your heart beginning to beat faster- you have found real love.
Sonic wants to experience that feeling, and he wants to know if he ever DID experience this feeling with Tails. But everything Sonic have seen in Tails' eyes are dark holes and a denim color that hides everything called emotions.
He want to see his light, but he does not know how.
"Sooooonic??" Tails leaned in front of Sonic's face, making him shake his head rather rapidly fast. Almost like you could see that he had multiple heads for a second.
"Whuhuh?" Sonic asked, looking towards the fox who is in front of him.
"You spaced out, you thinking about something?" Tails leaned back, stopped walking and turned to look at him. His hands still in his pockets.
"Huh, oh yeah! Sorry about that, just... daydreaming, that's all" Sonic chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head.
"Oh? Daydreaming about who? It better not be anybody else than me~" Miles smirked, leaning in towards Sonic's face. Making him slightly uncomfortable.
"W-well, you are not wrong..." Sonic cheeks flushed up by remembering his thoughts.
This surprised even the fox. 'I wasn't expecting him to be honest. Wonder what he is thinking about...'
A snowflake fell softly from the sky, landing on Tails' nose and melting on impact, the cold turned his nose slightly red, so he wiggled his nose slightly from the sensitivity.
Sonic looked at him and smiled. 'For once... I can actually see him acting as a normal person'
His heart warmed up, looking aside from the cold weather that is building up.
"We should find a place to stay until the snow finishes. Or else we will be turned into snowmen..." Tails shuddered, hugging around his body for any remaining warmth.
Sonic's eyes spied around for anything with a roof that would be suitable for the time being. He sees nothing but half-dead palm trees and bushes here and there.
"Hm..." His head covered with a small bundle of snow. "I'll be back" And with that said, Sonic dashed off into the distance, leaving a trail of snow behind him.
Tails did not even bother to say anything, his lips were frozen shut anyways. A minute went by and Sonic came running back as Tails tried his best on removing the snow from his body.
"There is a cave that seems perfect!" As Sonic spoke, small clouds extended from his lips. It is getting cold.
When they reached the cave, Tails and Sonic made a small campfire for the moment, hoping it would keep them warm.
"Whooowee, it's getting cold alright" Sonic shuddered, rubbing the life out of his arms.
"It's the middle of winter, what did you expect?" Sonic looked annoyingly over at Tails for his answer.
"What? I am just stating the obvious" Tails shrugged, drawing in his knees to his body for warmth. Sonic sighed and ignored Miles' answer. Looking at the dancing fire in front of them.
The snow have been falling for at least an hour by now and Sonic is starting to freeze to death, even the fire does not warm him enough.
Tails noticed Sonic's behaviour and scooted a little closer to him. Sonic opened one eye to look at him, but he did not say anything.
Then, Miles did what Sonic never thought he would do. He lifted his tails and wrapped one of them around Sonic's back and layed the other one in his lap.
Sonic felt the warmth from Tails' fur the moment they touched his body. Relaxation filling him up, together with warmth, kind of like drinking hot chocolate on a stormy night.
Without the hot chocolate part.
This is the first time Tails have shown any sort of sympathy towards anyone.
For so many years... Miles have been living alone in this gigantic world, feeding off of people's screams and sufferings. He has been toyed with, driven mad by his own anger without the chance to push any breaks.
Even so, Sonic let all of those thoughts fly right by him and decided to accept Tails for who he is and help him out. Whether if he is a murderer or not.
He is unstable with no one to hold him up, before now.
"You know, you are kind of soft" Tails face flushed with a light pink color. Sonic smiled at his reaction.
"Tell me that one more time and I will slit your throat" Sonic's smile dropped and turned into a frown. He then leaned his head against the cave wall, looking away from Miles.
But he smiled, he liked what Sonic said. His words didn't call it out as a threat, but as a way of telling Sonic that he wants to hear more, not less.
Not that he understand though.
Although Tails told him off, Sonic carefully moved his left arm up behind the fox. He noticed his movements and eyed his arm, however, Sonic did not make eye contact. His arm moved around Miles' neck and it pulled him softly towards Sonic's chest.
The top of Tails' ears fell softly down from the warmth of Sonic. None of them said a thing.
They sat inside of the small cave with embers glowing from the fire pit. Heavy snow swirled around in the wind, not appearing to end anytime soon.
Both of them had been walking and running for days, finally finding a suitable place to rest up until the storm is finished, both of them fell asleep in each others' arms.
"Espio, any lead of Miles?" A young bee wearing a police outfit, walked inside of the meeting room. Espio, a purple chameleon with a yellow horn sticking out from between his matching eyes.
There lies paper in front of him, containing maps with red dots marked all over the place, documents of the little information they have on the fox.
"Not yet, but we have to find out where he is... As Vector told us, he have Sonic on his side. Most likely drugged down to make the hedgehog do whatever Miles wants" He stacked a few papers and corrected them.
"But that doesn't sound like Sonic at all. I personally don't know the hedgehog very well, but Sonic isn't the one to give in, right?" The officer concluded, also sounding unsure.
"You may be right Charmy, but also remember that Miles have some tricks up his sleeve. He could have tricked Sonic to catch his own tail if he wanted to. Also, he is a huge threat to our society" Espio stopped, looking down at a picture of the fox with his signature smirk, holding up his previous number and info on a sign.
"If we don't find him before he kills anyone else-"
"But Espio! He drugged Vector, what if he drugs you as well? You also may die in the process!" Charmy freaked out, scared of losing his best friend and holding Espio's shoulders. Flying up to reach them, due to his shortness.
He smiled and carefully picked up the bee under his arms. "Don't worry your spiky tail too much, Charmy. I will be ok"
"What if you don't?" Charmy sounded disappointed, like his heart sank down to his stomach.
"Then I will die trying. Miles is too dangerous to be kept alive, you know that" Espio placed Charmy down on the table. "Therefore, I asked for a special item that can help us making the hunt easier once we find him"
"And that iiiiiis?" Charmy asked, swinging his legs back and forth.
Espio picked up a gun from a small case. Inside that box laid also a few bullets that have a sharp end. Almost like a tiny syringe.
"Tranquilizer shots. Shoot him with these and he will immediately fall asleep" Espio smiled, loading the gun with one. "Sadly, I only got five of the bullets. So I only get five chances"
"What about the green one?" The bee picked it up to look at the fancy green bullet, but only for it to be dragged out of his hand again.
"This, is a poison shot. Unless I don't have a choice, I am not going to use it" Espio said, and simply put it back in the case.
The bee went silent for a few minutes, before he decided to ask a peculiar question. "Do you want to kill him?"
This question froze the chameleon up. He didn't answer immediately either, because he didn't know. He went silent, placing the gun back in the case and locked it, slowly.
"It's ok Espio, you don't need to answer" Charmy smiled and flew off the table. He skipped over to the door leading outside the meeting room.
"Oh and by the way, good luck" Charmy smiled and closed the door. Espio crooked a smile, but it quickly faded as he glanced down on a paper where Miles' information stands. He clenched his fists and without hesitation, he dragged out his knife from its socket and stabbed it through the head of Miles' picture.
Right after, he inhaled a lump of air before letting it go. "Anger isn't going to solve anything..." Espio sighed, disappointed in himself for letting his frustration let go so easily. Lifting the knife out of the table by jabbing it, he put it back into its socket.
Going back to work, his eyes started trailing over the paper he ripped a hole in. They stopped to a halt on a word that lead him to think. "Or, maybe it does..."
He found an investigation note when it came to who he have manipulated and when. Vector gave away all of this information after hiding it from the police. "He played with Sonic's friends, they have to know where they are. OR at least some unknown information..."
A terrible ache stiffened Sonic's back as he sat up. He bends forward only to hear his own back cracking from last night's sleep.
"Ugh" Sonic groaned, and shot his back forward, cracking it both ways to relieve his muscles.
"Man, I would do anything for a regular bed right now" He said as he stretched his arms up in the air.
"For once, I can't agree more..." Tails sighed as he pushed himself up, in just as much pain and Sonic. "Sleeping on a tree stump is better than this..."
Sonic puffed out a cloud of frost, due to the cold. "Jeez, can't the cold chill?"
"It's chill enough if you ask me..." Tails forced himself up on his feet, holding onto the scarf around his neck.
"Brr... Let's keep moving. Or we will be frozen ice cubes before you know it..."
Once Sonic and Tails got out of the cave. Sonic couldn't take the walking and picked up Tails in his arms to make the trip easier... And faster.
Once they made it out of the freezing zone, they appeared to be in a city closer to their hometown than they thought. They are back in Knothole.
Sonic has no intention in stopping to look around his surroundings, because he already knows where they are. If someone sees Miles now, they are both in deep trouble.
Not that they can not get out of it though, they are just irritated of getting noticed by now. And that is coming from a hero who loves attention.
"Ah, we are back in this hellhole, great..." Tails mumbled from Sonic's arms, and he can for once agree with this stubborn fox.
"Yup, any idea where to go? I am getting tired on running around the city by-"
"Left" Sonic have never done such a sharp nor quick turn in his whole life. He skidded to a halt once they reached a corner, where the only way out is behind them.
"Uh, ok. Creepy, which suits you. But why here?" As Tails jumped out of Sonic's arms, Sonic leaned forward slightly and got a good look on the brickwalls that surrounds them. Nothing but bricks. Which isn't surprising.
Tails walked by the walls with his left hand sliding on them, until he suddenly stopped by the wall and pushed what seems like a loose brick. The brick moved in a few centimeters before a bunch of bricks suddenly did the same motion.
Sonic turned, surprised. He met Tails' eyes, and he smirked. "What did you expect? Of course I have my own secret places~"
'Sometimes that fox annoys me to the core, but he is so devilishly smart' Sonic sighed to himself and slid his hands over his face, before following him inside the mysterious room. Right after, the "door" slammed shut behind him.
"Oookay, not creepy at all" Sonic shivered, grabbing his arms as he looked behind him with a face.
"It's ok blue, no one is going to hurt you~" Tails teased, smirking back at Sonic, stopping to wait for him.
"Ha-ha" Sonic tilted his head left and right in an annoyed way. Which only caused Miles to snort, crossing his arms and moved forward once Sonic passed him.
Once they walked a few steps, they reached a bigger room. It is not as big as one thinks, a tad smaller than a child's room. But just big enough for storage.
"How long have you had this room?" Sonic asked as he looked around in the small area, not bothering to ask how he made the entrance door. 'Probably some scientistic way of explaining it...'
"Eh, probably a year or two. But I didn't sleep here. I had another room for that" Tails answered, looking over the computer he had set up for all those years ago. "I also have some information on this computer, but I am not sure if it's anything different or useful"
Sonic leaned over the back of the chair Tails sits in, looking at the screen that shows many hundreds of documents. He whistled. "Looks like I copied over the files I have on this computer, so nothing new" Tails concluded, leaning back into the chair.
Sonic looked down on Tails' head and back at the computer screen, recognizing his name on one of the files. "Hey, you don't mind me looking over one of those files... Do you?" Sonic asked, without taking his eyes off of the text.
"Hm, no of course not. Look all you want" The fox stood out of the chair and walked over to one of the cardboard boxes in the corner, allowing Sonic to plump down on the chair and immediately double-click on the file with the mouse.
The file revealed pictures and word documents with information, but he avoided reading them. The pictures are more interesting.
He clicked on the first picture he saw, which turned out to look like a sneak-taken picture of him reading a book on a bench, in what looks like a park.
'I think this guy was obsessed with me before we even met...' Sonic sweatdropped, looking behind him to see Tails on his knees, digging through a cardboard box.
He looked back at the screen again and clicked to the next picture. This picture shows him and Tails in bed where Sonic's arm is around Tails... plus a little drool from his mouth and a slightly chuckling fox in the corner of the image.
Sonic only crooked a smile and clicked on the next picture. Most of these pictures were of him and Miles as selfies, mostly non-serious ones though.
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