《Sontails - Madly in love》Shift
The police got Miles pinned down to the point he cannot move. They brought Sonic and Rotor in for a talk away from Miles. Starting with a simple question:
"What are you two doing here?" An officer asked. "You ask me?" Sonic questioned back, dumbfounded. "I woke up here all of a sudden and don't remember shit" The hedgehog put simply.
Sonic thought about asking Rotor how he is still alive, but since the officer writes down whatever they say, he decided to stay quiet is the best option. While the officer questions Rotor, Sonic looks over at the fox who is still pinned down. Shivers ran down his spine as he sees the fox looking at him back. He didn't smile, he didn't shake, he is completely emotionless. 'I wonder what he is thinking...'
He know that Miles is dangerous and that he needs to be stopped, but a part of Sonic tells him that people are looking at him in the wrong way. Dangerous yes, but he is still a person with problems, affections that can't be controlled. He needs help, someone to help him out of this never ending circle he runs around in.
"Sonic?" A hand waves in front of his face, snapping him back to reality. "Uh, yeah?" Sonic turned around to see the officer. "May I ask you some questions?"
"You really love those questions of yours officer" Miles said softly, only to get hit in the head by the cop who held him down. "Ouch.." He replied with a boring tone.
Sonic lowered his ears from the sight. "Sonic, you have encountered Miles many times, correct? What happens?" The hedgehog takes a deep breath, holds it for a second, then lets go. "Well, he tricks me. He always has a plan up his sleeve that catches me off-guard..." The officer writes down his words- "Always a plan up his sleeve, huh?" He mumbled, thoughtful.
"It's a low chance that he have one now-" The officer smiled. Only earning a soft chuckle from the fox. "You all are so adorable with those positive thoughts of yours. Thinking this massacre is over already. I'll tell you what officer-" He smiled wickedly. "Things are about to get ugly~"
Just as he said the last word, hatches opened from all corners and walls there is. They all pointed at each police officer there is in the room.
None of the police officers moved away from the pointers, but they all aimed their gun at Miles, shaking of fear. 'Why aren't they moving!?'
"You guys are going to get shot! Run!" But they wouldn't budge.
"We were sent to capture Miles Prower! We are not letting him go anywhere!"
"He can't press a button as long as he is pinned down!" The officer who held down the fox shouted out- visible fear in his voice. Miles chuckled darkly. "Morons~"
Sonic couldn't take it anymore. Fear and anger boiling in his head, heart beat increasing. "He has them installed on voice command!" Every officer widened their eyes in fear, only to realize their mistake too late. Sonic backed off, glanzing at Miles just as he said: "Duck"
The fox's gaze darkened, but his smile remained. "Bang~"
The guns on the walls fired at incredible speed. Hitting all the officers. Blood splattered everywhere and screams of pure pain echoed through the whole lair. Sonic managed to reach the floor before he got shot himself. Seeing Rotor's gun in front of him, he grabbed it. He couldn't see the purple walrus anywhere, but hoped he reached safety in time.
A hand grabbed his own, dragging him out of the shooting range. He stumbled after the person as he ran through a door and down a hallway. "Don't stop running Sonic! He can be anywhere by now!" The hedgehog recognized Rotor's voice and listened. He and Rotor together reached a door in the end of the place, and opened it with a slight movement. The doors slid to the sides like an elevator and they stepped inside.
"Wait a minute... I recognize this place" Sonic looked around the room, a gigantic pool in the middle and piles with tons of metal scrap just laying around. The pool still filled with water. "You do?" Rotor asked, trying to catch his breath.
"Well, maybe not exactly where we are, but I recognize this room. This is where Eggman once trapped me, above the pool with at least five Choppers" Sonic hugged himself from the thought, shivering. "The robots didn't scare me, but the water did..." Sonic mumbled to himself. Rotor didn't manage to catch the last he said, but shrugged it off.
"But, this is a little out of concept, but if you called the police- then how come you know Miles was here?" Sonic asked out of curiosity. "Honestly Sonic, I just followed my gut. Miles have always had an interest in abandoned places, so I was hoping that this was it"
"You have known Miles for a while, haven't you? How close were you two exactly?" Sonic asked, leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed. Rotor sighed, rubbing his neck. "Me and Miles once got to know each other on the Science school in Knothole, we landed on multiple groups together, did our homework together, and basically just talked about science"
Rotor walked to the end of the pool and looked in it. Broken Choppers scattered everywhere, left there to rust. "I... let him down. What a friend I am" Rotor sighed, looking down disappointed of his actions. "I always do something wrong..."
"Sonic walked over to the sad walrus, sitting down beside him and patted his back rather roughly. "I know how you feel buddy, me and Miles-" Sonic stopped for a second, rewriting the sentence in his head. "Did- Miles ever tell you about a specific person in his life?"
Rotor seemed surprised that he asked a question like that. He placed his pointing finger and thumb under his chin- thinking. "None that I can think of right now. I have been wondering why Miles have been toying with you of all people. I thought first it was because you were here to catch him, but now I am in serious doubt" He said, looking into space. Sonic swallowed. 'He haven't told him? Have he held this as a secret?'
"How come?" Rotor asked, returning his attention down to Sonic beside him, who stood up and stretched. "Sonic, did you have a connection with Miles which I don't know about?" The walrus asked. Sonic hesitated at first, but sighed and told himself. 'Fuck it'
"I were Miles' boyfriend" Sonic said plainly. Rotor opened his mouth wide. The only thing that came out were: "Uh?"
He sighed. "That's at least what he told me- keeps telling me. Every prove is there too, despite the fact that I don't remember shit" He laid his arms behind his head. A faint memory ran through his head. He looked towards the pool. The water doesn't move at all. 'Wait- I can hear seagulls, crashing waves, I can see bubbles...' Sonic shakes his head to snap out of the weird phase, only to see Rotor gone. "Roto-?" He turned around, arms still behind his head
"Did you like the show?" Miles opened his arms. Sonic stepped back, looking back as he almost stumbled into the pool. One thought running through his mind.
'I can't swim, I can't swim, I can't swim!'
"Careful Sonikku, or you might fall~" In the corner of his eye, he sees Rotor walking out of the room slowly. He mouthed 'sorry' before the doors closed. "I'll take care of him later"
Miles said as he recognized the walrus leave, without turning his attention away from the hedgehog.
"It's about time I do something I should have done for a long, long time ago~" He smirked, as he reached the rubble with his hand. Sonic trembled with fear as he noticed what he picked up. An iron chain. He did not like the thought of what he is going to do with it.
"Stay back Miles!" Sonic shouted, gun in hand. "Careful with that~" Is Miles' response. Sonic pulled the trigger without a second warning. The fox moved his head a little to the side- the bullet hit the wall behind him.
"Cute" Sonic couldn't believe the way Miles reacts to such dangerous things. "H-How can you be so calm?" He asked. Miles smiles. "It comes with experience"
Iron contacted the wall right in front of his face. Making him yelp and stumble backwards.
This time, the hedgehog didn't think at all. He ran as fast as he could around the room. Only a blue blur is visible to the eye, but Miles doesn't let that stop him. Blocking everything known as sound, he opened his ears to one noise only- Footsteps. He started swinging the chain and threw it at the exact right time to wrap itself around Sonic.
The hedgehog stopped immediately and almost fell on his face as the chain wrapped itself around him. Miles pulled the chain, so he flew back to the fox. "Aw, you could have made it" He dragged the hedgehog to him, tugging the chain harder. "But poor you doesn't remember you teached me how to catch you- even in full speed~" Sonic groaned and tried pulling himself away from the fox, but he is stronger than he seems.
"H-how?" He asked. "Simple, I listen to your footsteps. The closer they are, the closer you are, but no more explanation-" Miles dragged him closer to him. There is no mercy in his eyes. Only the thought of him suffering. "Good luck swimming!~" Miles smiled insanely and started laughing as he pushed Sonic in the pool. The chain still attached around his body.
His face show great amount of fear. He opened his mouth to say his final words.
"I am sorry, !" As his body contacted with the water, sinking down.
A lightning flashed through Miles' body as he heard the last word he said. His heart started beating with no control, and without hesitation- jumped after him.
Swimming to the bottom of the pool where the hedgehog seemed passed out and with eyes closed. He grabbed a hold of the chain, rolling it off Sonic. The chain fell off and Miles picked up his body, swimming up as his lungs screamed for air. He grabbed the ladder and climbed up with the hedgehog on his body, gasping for air as he reached the surface. Laying Sonic on the ground, he remained unconscious. "Please... Wake up Sonic..."
Miles looked at the hedgehog's face, water droplets falls off his fur. "Please.." His voice cracked.
"I am sorry... I am so sorry! I- I lost control... again... " Miles choked out, dropping his head on the hedgehogs chest. "I- What's wrong with me..? I tried killing the one I love... I- Stop! Get these thoughts out of my head!"
All of a sudden he felt his body being flipped over on his back. "Calm down Miles! This isn't going to get you anywhere!" Miles' body seemed to have stopped working completely. Both of them dripping wet from their little swim, Sonic looked down at the fox with a fierce look. "S-Sonic...?" He got out, eyes wide with confusion and a look he haven't seen on him before: fright.
"Tails... You.. look-"
"You- called me Tails" A small smile forming on his muzzle. Sonic could swear he see small tears in the corner of his eyes. "The name I love, what you called me back then...when we..." He stopped, almost like he could see the memory happening.
"I- I haven't been called that in ages" He chuckled to himself, a small cry escaping his lips. "S-sorry" Closing his eyes to calm himself down.
Sonic couldn't feel but guilty for the fox. He have been holding onto these emotions for Chaos know how long. They've been kicking and screaming to get out and finally they did.
"Mi- Tails, what makes you do these things? Killing people?" He asked, not wanting to see the fox cry. Tails sniffed, barely managing to hold eye contact with Sonic. "It's not your fault if you think that- " He hesitated "well, a little bit-" Moving his hands that Sonic holds down.
'Great, so his killing spree is because of smartass hedgehog..'
"It's- I..." He stopped, flipping his ears in thought. He seems to be looking for answers. "Ok, let me put it this way- does these actions satisfy you?"
Tails waited for awhile, before he nodded. "But that's not the only reason... I feel like two-in-one" He answered.
"And I don't know how or why!" He wrapped his arms around his body, taking deep breaths.
"I- I need help... I want help- but no one see my struggles" He quicktalked, his voice just a hoarse whisper- shaking in his own arms. 'He is losing it' The hedgehog lowered his ears.
Another pair of arms wrapped themselves around the fox's trembling body. His shaking stopped on impact. "Last time, I ran away because I didn't know what to do... I am the one who should apologize, I am the one who made you this way... Tails. I promise I won't disappoint you again" The hedgehog slid his hand through his hair on his head.
"P-promise?" Tails cracked his voice. "Yes, I promise" Sonic smiled a little. 'If he still loves me, then I might be able to make him stable again...'
"My feeling for you is still here somewhere, I just- need to find them" Sonic chuckled, gaining a soft laugh from the fox.
"We'll figure this out ok? But, first-" Sonic breaks the hug and stands up, offering his hand to Tails. "Let's get outta here" The fox smiled, grabbing Sonic's hand. "But the police is still around in the building, some were waiting outside. Plus Rotor can be running around. If I know him correctly, he might be setting up a trap for me to fall into" Sonic seems surprised. "Rotor? Setting up a trap?"
Miles sighed. "He knows me inside-out. He can catch me if he puts his brain into action. His theories were always correct" Sonic placed his pointing finger and thumb under his chin, thinking. Until he snapped his fingers.
"But he doesn't know me!" The hedgehog picked up the fox bridal style, making him yelp in surprise. "It's been ages since you've done this Sonikku" Miles said rather seductive with a hint of humour. The hedgehog froze, making a face. Not enjoying being called by that nickname.
Miles didn't seem to catch the hint, so Sonic just shrugged it off and bolted through the doors at high speed.
"I can hear footsteps! This way!" An officer spoke- the voice is faint, but nearby. "Go left... now!" Miles shouted, and without hesitation he turned a corner, dashing through a dark hallway. "I can't see shit" Sonic mumbled irritated. "But I can, just trust me and do as I tell you" Miles said. Confidence filling his words. He continued running down the hall- thinking about Tails. A thought suddenly striking him. 'This is weird to remember now, but Tails told me something about that I used . What exactly did I use?'
"Right!" Sonic could sense the wall in front of him, his quills contacting with it as he turned right on the last second. "Chaos that was close!" Miles complained. "What are you doing?"
"I- You said something about that I used something not so long ago! What did I use?" Sonic shouted to hear his own voice, eyes still locked onto the darkness. "You used a re- Watch out!" Miles screamed, but too late for the hedgehog to stop. They slid off an edge as they fell. Both lost their breath from the sudden fall.
Miles was quick to react as he grabbed both Sonic and a nearby edge. "How blind are you?!" Miles shouted annoyed, looking down at the hedgehog. "I told you I couldn't see shit!"
"Guys, over here! They are hanging up there!"
"Let go and we'll catch you down here!" Two police officers shouted from below. It had to be at least a kilometer down. "Dang, how tall is this building?" Sonic mumbled, peeking down. "Miles! Try and throw me up and I'll drag you after!" Sonic suggested.
"Not a good idea..." He didn't need to explain himself as Sonic eyed Rotor above them. He stands beside Tails' hand. "Come on Miles, I'll help you!"
Rotor speaks with as much love as he can, but it doesn't seem to affect Miles the slightest. "I don't think so, Rotor. You've had your chance, you have tried but it wasn't good enough" Sonic could now see in this damn darkness, but the first thing he eyed is Miles' plan on letting go. "Miles! Don't you dare!" Sonic shouted, hoping the fox would listen. The answer he got was a wink and a smirk. Confusing as it is, it's almost like he heard him say: "Just trust me"
So, he took a deep breath and thought that they will be caught and turned in- no matter what they do. "I'd rather fall than being helped by " Miles added disgust in his voice at the end, as he let go of the edge. Miles turned around as they fell, grabbing a hold of the hedgehog's waist. "You are quite adventurous" Sonic chuckled. Miles smirked, moments before they hit the trampoline the police have brought in for their fall- Miles decided to pull off a trick up his sleeve. Sonic could feel the weight of his body being lifted before his soul at an incredible speed.
"Later losers!" Tails flied his way out from behind the police. "You can fly!?" Sonic shouted with surprise, trying to look up at the fox. "Simple birth defect, that's all" He smirked. Sonic could only see an orange blur being Tails, but he have a feeling it's his namesakes. 'His tails???'
As they reached outside, Tails carried Sonic up to the roof. Hiding behind one of the blocks that is placed there. "Eggman's old lair?" Sonic whispered surprised to Miles, who only nodded. They could hear the police and Rotor running out of the building and searching for the two. Their voices became more and more faint. Until they disappeared completely. Sonic sighed with relief, leaning against the block. "Man- what a mess that was..."
Miles chuckled softly, sitting down. "Sonic- I am sorry for-"
"What was the thing I used?" Sonic beat him to finish his apology. The fox smiled, happy that he wouldn't need to talk about his actions.
"The thing you used is a Remember remover. I know- stupid name. Put simply, the device removes your memories from a specific date" Miled explained shortly. "But how come I can remember some of the memories in between?" Sonic asked, curious of knowing more. "It's not fully functional- so small glips isn't uncommon"
The fox leaned against the block with Sonic. Continuing. "If you think about it, there is nothing we can completely forget. We may not think of that very memory daily- but we know it's still there" Sonic nodded in agreement. Taking in what Miles said.
"Speaking of which-" Miles took a quick glance around the area, making sure the cops left. "I think I have the device in the lair"
Sonic and Miles sneaked their way back into the old lair, not bothering to fix the light in case the cops are watching close by. Miles leads Sonic through all the hallways and closed doors in the dark. He grabbed a hold of Sonic's hand so he wouldn't try and run away- not that he wanted anyways.
Soon enough they go through a door which leads to what seems like a science lab, but most likely a scrap-lab now.
"I think I put it here somewhere..." Miles mumbled to himself. Starting to look through boxes and piles of other inventions. "Eggy sure loves throwing away his stuff" Sonic snickered as he kicked a broken metalhead into a scrap pile. "I'll take that as a compliment" Miles said, his namesakes swishing slowly behind him.
The hedgehog felt a sharp pain strike his heart. 'Oh crap, it's his scrap?' Sonic face palmed. Miles see him in the corner of his eyes, smiling. 'what a doof'
His hand touched a familiar object in the pile. "Found it!" The fox dragged the object out of the pile, smiling. Sonic in a millisecond appeared in front of him. "So, how does this thing work?" He asked, poking the small object that looks like a gun. Its design is more like one from the future.
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