《Mori X Reader》Man in the door


You stared at the wall in shock. He came all this way just for me? I told him I wasn't going to be in a relationship because I needed to focus on my life in Tokyo.

You felt a hand on your shoulder, and you turned around to see James.

"James, why are you here?" I asked looking at him

"I asked my parents to let me move to Tokyo, they agreed!" James said smiling

James was tall he had black hair he slicked back, he wasn't as tall as Mori but taller than Tamaki. He was skinny, lanky even, but strong. He wore glasses, when he smiled he had dimples and had 'vampire' teeth. But I found it attractive for some reason. He was kind, talkative, funny, and very caring.

"I'm happy for you! Are you coming to Ouran?" I asked people may think I would be bitter with but I really cared about him.

"Yeah, class 3A, I still don't know anyone though." He said smiling

"Oh! You're in the same class as me and Taka-chan!" Honey said smiling brightly

"Oh! James this is Kyoya, Tamaki, Haruhi, Hikaru and Kaoru, Honey, and Mori!" I said pointing to each of them."

James looked at Honey I'm assuming he was wondering if he was really a 3rd year.

Women started coming in for their appointments, I apologized and now I was finished at the host club.

I turned to leave with James but I heard Honey start crying and I turned out of instinct.

"Why are you leaving y/n?!" Honey asked crying

"I don't have an appointment Honey maybe next time okay?" I said squatting to his level

"Do you promise?" Honey asked wiping his tears

"Yes as soon as I have a free day after school I will visit you." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek


He blushed like mad and climbed on Mori.

"Daddy wants a kiss!" Tamaki said hugging Kyoya

"Daddy?" James said behind me

"I'm confused as well" I told James

"Can we have a kiss?" The twins asked

"He-he, I'm going now!" You said nervously grabbing James' hand and walking out

"They're different, but they seem like nice people " James said as we were walking down the hallway.

I nodded my head.

"I'm sorry for coming at such a short notice but it felt right ya know?" He asked

"No, I don't know why you came all the way to Tokyo. You always talked about staying and taking over your fathers company. Why the sudden interest in moving?" I said stopping and looking at him.

"I can't go without you I don't care if we're just friends or if you hate my guts I just need to see you." He said standing over me

"You're doing this to avoid telling your parents, and we both know it." I said with my hand on my hip

"I can't tell them now y/n! Do you think my dad will hand the company over to his 'fruity' son?" James asked

"If he doesn't then he's the idiot just tell them! Your mom will always support you." I told him

James started to walk away and I noticed a tear slide down his cheek. I didn't say anything, he gets embarrassed.

I sat in a nearby windowsill.

"Y/n" I heard a deep voice say

I looked to see Mori from the host club aka the tall one

"Yes?" I asked him

"Mitskuni has invited you to his home for the evening" Mori said looking at me

"I suppose since I have no plans this evening, what time am I expected?" You said going back to your proper talk.


You weren't the type of person who was loving towards everyone. You were polite to all but not loving. Some people it came naturally to you like Honey, but not a lot.

You were snapped from your thoughts when Mori slung you over his shoulder!

"Now" He said

Didn't they have the host club?! I only left about 10 minutes ago! Your eyes widened when you realized you were wearing a dress.

"Mori please put me down." You said calmly not wanting to draw any attention to you and him.

He didn't reply

"Mori I am wearing a dress and I don't want there to be an incident, so please put me down." I said again

He put me down and I noticed a pink shade resting on his cheeks.

"Are you blushing?" You asked smiling

He simply walked to the exit doors

You may be polite but you also considered yourself to be funny so you played a few jokes on him.

"Mori, when you go to sleep do your feet hang off of the bed?" You asked, you were very interested in his height, mainly because so many other people were also tall but you didn't feel it was okay to ask these things.

"No" he responded walking slower

"Did you have it specially made for you? Do you often have to have things tailored to your height?" You asked again

"Yes" he responded curtly

"I am sorry if I'm bothering you I don't mean to be a pest." You said hoping you could ask more questions

"You aren't" He said a small, small, so small you could barely see smile appeared on his face

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