《Mori X Reader》1st day of school


Today was the day that you would attend Ouran Academy High School, the most prestigious school in Japan.

You now live alone, have no friends and won't see your family for another year. How did you get to this situation?

Your parents have a undying passion for martial arts. They met a trainer at a party who trained Mitskuni Haninozuka, the most advanced martial artist in Japan. He also happens to be his father.

He has agreed to train me but also suggested that I also train with Akira Morinozuka for Kendo. I was originally going to train with someone else. But when you're offered two of the best trainers in Japan you don't think twice about it.

Both had sons who go to Ouran and I'm kinda going to be training/going to school with these boys. Although Honey doesn't train anymore he will be at the dojo so I should get on good terms with him.

Akira's son is named Takashi I hear he is quiet and isn't very social. So that should be fun...

I looked out the window and saw a big castle looking pink building. That's odd?

I step out of the car and become self conscious. I see people staring at me. What the hell all I did was get out a car. Do I have 'Im new' sticker on my forehead?

I smile politely and continue to walk I see a bench so I decide that's the best place to avoid people to add an extra booster I put earbuds in. But guess what? Some blonde man decided to interrupt me anyway.

"Hello! I'm Tamaki Souh nice to meet you! What grade are you in princess?" He asked kissing my hand

I looked at him with a shocked expression

"Is this how city men act? Wow you are the most obnoxious man I've met in my 17 years of life! What makes you think it's ok to come and invade my personal space?" I asked standing up


"I-um I apologize." Tamaki said stuttering

I bet he has never been rejected in his life. Why was I so angry just now?

"No I apologize for being rude if you'll excuse me." I said walking away

I walked until I heard a bell, I guess its time to go to class. I sighed and walked into the building.

I saw two sets of stairs one said 1A and the other said 2A I was in class 2A so I picked the left side.

I saw the blonde man who approached me this morning. I decided to apologize in a more formal matter.

I took the few steps toward him and spoke.

"I'm very sorry for the way I acted this morning and I hope you accept my apology" I said bowing a little

"Don't worry about it! I understand Kyoya here is grumpy first thing in the morning too!" He said with a closed eyed smile.

I was taken back at his ability to forgive me so quickly.

I smiled back as well

"Miss l/n if you wish to fully receive Tamaki's forgiveness you must come to the host club in music room 3." The raven haired male said after Tamaki left

"Of course, whatever I can do to make this better!" I said smiling

He only returned a small smirk and wrote something in a notebook.

I walked to music room 3 and opened the door. I saw rose pedals and saw 7 men.

All ones I saw hanging around Tamaki. Tamaki smiled and greeted me with a smile.

"My beautiful princess, have you come to visit me again?" Tamaki asked

"She has simply come to claim your forgiveness in its full" The raven haired one said

I looked at all of the men in the room but stopped when I saw a little boy who looked familiar and the tall boy also looked familiar


I looked away and the raven haired one rose an eyebrow and spoke.

"Since you came I ask for you to choose a host,

Tamaki the princely type,

Twins, the mischievous type,

Haruhi, the natural type,

Mori, the Strong silent type

Honey, the boy Lolita type or

Me, the cool type." The 'cool type said

"I'm sorry what's your name?" I asked the cool type

"My bad, I'm Kyoya Ootori" Kyoya said smiling

"Im y/n l/n" I said introducing myself

"Y/n-chan! You practice karate with my father! And kendo with Taka-chans dad!" Honey said jumping on me

"Indeed, its an honor to meet you Mitskuni Haninozuka, as well as you Takashi Morinozuka" I said bowing

"You can call me Honey!" Honey said

"Of course! If that's what you wish!" I said bowing

"You practice kendo?" The twins asked in unison

"Well, yeah for 3 years!" I said smiling

"You train with my father?" Takashi asked

"We haven't officially met yet but tomorrow will be my first day with sensai Morinozuka" I said looking at him

"I hear she outranks people who have been training for 10 pus years" Honey whispered to Takashi

Takashi nodded

"I suppose I will sit with Honey-senpi!" I said to Kyoya

Honey smiled and pulled you to a fancy couch.

"Want some cake?" Honey asked

"Yes please!" I told him I saw Takashi sit beside me. To be honest he was very attractive. He held all the features a woman could ask for he was tall, dark, and very handsome. The first thing you would notice about him was his height. How tall was he?

"Takashi can I ask you a question?" I asked looking at him

He nodded

"How tall are you?" I asked

"6'4" He replied in monotone

"Wow! I do believe that you are the tallest person I've met, besides my father." I said

"How tall is your father?" He asked his voice vibrating my very soul

"6'10 I believe" I said still looking at him. "You have very beautiful eyes!" I told Takashi

He flushed pink for a split second before he spoke "Thank you"

My phone rang and a icon of me and my ex came up. I didn't have the heart to change his name from 'My love' to simply 'James' I saw everyone crowd around me as if I was receiving the first phone call ever.

I declined the call and the twins said in a questioning voice "You have a boyfriend?"

"No we broke up, I just can't find it in me to change his name." I told everyone

"Oh I see" they said

"Yeah I guess we all have that one ex," I said to myself more than anyone else

"Not really" The twins said "we've never been in a relationship"

"Not really surprising considering how close the two of you are, alot of twins don't develop separate relations until collage." I said

Everyone looked at me shocked.

A loud thud of the door opening caught the attention of the club.

"Y/n lets go!" said a all to familiar voice

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