《Falling for Autumn | Jacob Black》Chapter 5 [edited]
"What do you mean, he can read anyone's mind except yours?" I asked in disbelief. Bella threw her arms up in a shrug.
"I don't know! We were sitting at the table and he could read the other people's minds. But for some reason, he can't read mine."
I chewed on my bottom lip as I listened to her, the memory of seeing him smirk at Jessica on our first day coming to mind. It made sense; somehow I knew he was telling Bella the truth.
"Okay, so what do we do now?" I asked, crossing my legs on the bed. Bella handed me her laptop.
"We're going to use Google."
"And what are we asking Google today?"
"We're going to research vampires."
She turned back to the desktop computer and began frantically typing on the keyboard. Sighing, I opened a web browser and Googled "Quileute legends the cold ones," scrolling through the results.
It was close to 2 am when Bella abruptly pushed her chair away from the desk and stood up, stretching.
"You hungry?" She peered at me as she rubbed her neck.
"Yeah, a little." I admitted, looking away from the screen.
"I'll go get a snack and then we'll compare notes."
A few minutes later, Bella came back with apple slices and caramel dip, balancing water bottles under her arm. I grabbed the bottles so she could sit down next to me. As we munched on our snack, we traded our notes and pointed out similarities we had found.
"Whoa," I mumbled, scanning through the papers. "So, that means..."
"Yup." Bella flopped back onto her bed and stared at the ceiling. "The Cullens are vampires."
"You know we won't be able to tell anyone, right?" I glanced at her and she slowly nodded.
"I know," she sighed. "Even though I know the truth, it doesn't change my feelings about him. Does that make me crazy?"
"Of course." I teased. "No, it doesn't make you crazy. It just means... you're human. So, what are we going to do now?"
She giggled at my bad pun before groaning at the question. Throwing a pillow over her face, Bella muffled her scream. When she was done, she positioned the pillow under her head.
"I'm going to confront him on Monday."
"Yeah, because that'll go real smoothly in front of the student body," I said sarcastically. Bella stuck her tongue out at me.
"Not in school, you dork," she laughed. "There's a trail in the woods by the school. I'll make sure he follows me after final bell."
"Just be careful, okay? I don't want you getting hurt. Vampire or not, he's still a guy." I pointed out.
"Yeah, I know. Thanks for believing me, and not thinking I'm totally insane." Bella smiled at me, her vulnerability showing.
"You're welcome." I yawned. "I think it's time for me to go home. All this vampire stuff is exhausting."
"Good night, Leaf."
"Good night, Bells."
I made my way back home the same way I went to Bella's, softly closing our back door behind me and making sure it was locked. Going upstairs, I took off my hoodie and curled up into bed, not caring I was still in my sweats and tank top. Soon, sleep overpowered me and I fell into a fitful slumber, dreaming of vampires and dark chocolate eyes.
* * * * * * *
"I need you to keep our friends distracted after school," Bella said Monday morning as I slid into the front seat of her truck.
"I can do that easily," I grinned. "Mom and I are hosting a little grand opening at the bakery."
"That's awesome." Bella smiled back. "I'll stop by after I confront Edward."
"Are you sure you don't want me to be with you?" I asked nervously.
"I'll be fine. Besides, I have pepper spray in my bag... not like it will do damage against a vampire." Bella grimaced. "It just calms my dad knowing I'm protected. Ever since his friend was killed at the docks, he's been even more protective."
"Mom is too. She's worried about you, Charlie, and all of our friends."
"It's nice to know that my parent isn't the only crazy protective one in town." Bella sighed as she pulled into her parking spot. "I'll see you in class, I have to go talk to the counselor about something."
"Okay." I gave her a little wave before heading off to English. Jessica and Angela were already sitting at their desks, impatiently waiting for me.
"So, have you heard any more from Jacob?" Jessica teased, a glint of mischief in her eyes.
"No, actually. I haven't talked to him all weekend."
"Come on, Jess. Don't give her a hard time," Angela shook her head. "I think he's sweet, and you guys look cute together."
"Don't get any ideas," I warned them. "Jacob is just a friend. Besides, I think he has a crush on Bella."
"No way." Angela and Jessica both exclaimed, looking at me like I lost my mind.
"He asked Bella what your favorite drink was. And then bought you one." Jessica pointed out.
"I have to agree with her on this one, Leaf." Angela shrugged apologetically.
"This isn't up for discussion." I mumbled. "We're just friends, and that's it. Don't get your hopes up." Especially not mine.
Bella rushed into the classroom just then, ending all debate over Jacob Black's feelings.
"Avoiding him until after school is going to be harder than I thought." Bella whispered to me as she took her seat.
"Need a distraction?"
"Maybe. Put that thought on the back burner. What were you guys talking about?"
My cheeks flushed as I cast my eyes down, staring at my opened notebook.
"Come on, Leaf. You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"
"They have this crazy idea that Jacob has a crush on me," I reluctantly whispered as Mr. Mason walked through the door.
"I think they're right." Bella said thoughtfully. "I mean, he did ask me what your favorite drink was, and bought it for you in Port Angeles after seeing you were upset."
"I don't think that means he has a crush on me. He was just being nice."
"If you say so." Bella turned toward the front of the class when Mr. Mason cleared his throat and started class.
By the time lunch rolled around, my head was pounding from Jessica's constant teasing and I couldn't wait to see Mom. I knew she would have some advice about Jacob; I always went to her for boy problems, and she always knew what to say.
Sliding into a seat at our table, I angrily stabbed my salad and began to eat in silence, ignoring the looks Mike and Eric were giving me. Angela broke the silence after a few minutes.
"Are you okay, Autumn?"
"I'm fine." I told her before sighing. "No, I'm not okay. I have a really bad headache from dealing with Jess and her ongoing remarks about Jacob."
"I know she can be a handful," Angela said, patting my hand. "I'll talk to her."
"Thanks. Oh, hey guys," I turned to the rest of the table. "My mom has her grand opening at the bakery after school, and she would really like it if you came."
"Of course we'll be there." Angela smiled as the boys nodded in agreement. "Your mom makes the best chocolate chip cookies."
"They always taste like heaven," Mike added. "Besides, you're our friend and we'll support you."
"Mike's right." Eric said, taking a bite of his sandwich.
"It really means a lot to us," I grinned. "I'll need a ride over after school. Bella has to stay back for a meeting with Mr. Mason, so she can't take me."
"I got you covered." Mike volunteered.
"I'll make sure Jessica comes with me." Angela said.
"Thanks, guys. I'll meet you at your locker," I told Mike before finishing off my salad. "I'll see you guys in class. I have to go to the library."
Finding an empty table in a corner of the library, I set my bag in the chair beside me and pulled out my journal. Putting in my earbuds and hitting shuffle on my iPod, I opened my journal and picked up a black ballpoint pen.
As I worked on a weekly layout, I didn't notice my phone buzzing beside me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the screen flicker to black and grabbed it from the table. There were two text messages, one from Bella and the other from an unknown number. Opening Bella's first, I quickly scanned the text.
B: I gave Jacob your number, he wanted to talk to you.
So, that's the mysterious number, I thought as I clicked the text open. I smiled when I saw it.
J: Heard about your mom's bakery. Might stop by some time. Hope to see you there -Jacob
Chewing on my bottom lip, I contemplated what to text back. Noticing the other kids leaving for their next class, I hurriedly gathered my things before sending a reply.
A: There'll be a chocolate chip cookie with your name on it when you do.
The rest of the day passed, and I hadn't heard back from Jacob. Choosing to not overthink on it, I made sure I had everything in my backpack before heading to Mike's locker.
"Ready to go?" Mike asked, shutting his locker as I stood next to him.
"Yeah, let's go."
We headed out to the parking lot where everyone else was waiting. As we piled into the cars, I made eye contact with Bella who was hiding behind a pillar. Nodding slightly in acknowledgment, I distracted Mike long enough for Bella to slip away by asking him questions about the basketball team.
About ten minutes later, we pulled into a parking space in front of the bakery, Angela and Jessica right behind us. From the sidewalk, I could see Mom setting up inside. I turned back to my friends.
"Would you guys mind helping my mom finish getting ready? I'll even bake fresh desserts for everyone afterward."
"Lead the way, boss lady." Tyler motioned to the door, the others agreeing happily.
"Hey, Mom! I brought some helpers," I said as I walked inside. Mom looked up and beamed, flour all over her apron.
"I appreciate the help, kids. There's a lot to be done before 4 o'clock. Autumn, why don't you show them what needs to be done?"
Separating duties between my friends, we got to work and by the time 4 pm rolled around, everything was set up. Banners hung from the walls, balloons out front on a display stand. Cupcakes were displayed on three-tier stands on the counters, the smells of freshly baked doughnuts wafting through the air.
"Good job, guys! I think we're ready to open."
Mom wiped her hands on a towel and walked to the front of the bakery as my friends took places at different tables and I stood behind the counter, tying on my Hufflepuff apron. Mom paused at the door, looking at me.
"Ready." I gave her a thumbs-up, and Mom pushed the door out, kicking down the stopper to prop it open.
As the group that gathered outside made its way into the bakery, I smiled and greeted people as they oohed and ahhed over the delicious treats. Over the next two hours, Mom and I took turns making more desserts, Angela offering help whenever possible. By the time the dinner rush crowd died down, I was tired and my feet hurt. Mom came into the kitchen and shook her head when she noticed me sitting on a counter.
"Hiding out?"
"Something like that." I grinned sheepishly as Mom set some dirty plates into the sink. The bell above the door jingled, letting us know that someone came inside.
"Do you mind checking on that?" Mom asked.
I hopped down from the counter and headed back into the front. My friends were still hanging out in the booth where I left them, but their eyes were directed toward the other side of the room. Following their gazes, I saw Bella had finally made it. Then I recognized the person beside her.
"Hey, Edward."
"Hi, Autumn. Congratulations to you and your mom on the bakery," Edward smiled before handing me a wrapped box. "This is for you, from my family and I."
"Thank you."
I unwrapped the box carefully, lifting away the lid to reveal a black wooden frame. Inside the frame was a poster with chalk doodles of desserts around pretty lettering that said "Good things come to those who bake." I grinned as I showed the picture to Mom, who laughed.
"Tell your family we love it." Mom told Edward as she took the picture from me and hung it on the wall behind the register. Edward smiled back, looking toward Bella.
"I probably should get going," he murmured. "There's about to be a complication."
Bella's eyes grew wide at his words and gently pushed him toward the door.
"Go. I'll call you later."
Edward began to head toward the door before turning around abruptly and kissing Bella in the middle of the bakery. Chuckling to himself, he then left, leaving the rest of us speechless. Bella's face turned bright pink and she carefully avoided the intense gazes of our friends.
"Sorry about that." She mumbled.
"I take it your confrontation went well?" I whispered, handing her a cupcake. She nodded.
"We're going to see where this goes."
"Good for you. I'm happy for you, Bells."
"Thanks. Speaking of happy..." Bella's voice trailed off as the bell jingled again. Looking up, I met Jacob's gaze as he pushed his dad's wheelchair inside.
"Hi, Billy!" I said brightly, ignoring my friends. "It's good to see you."
"Hello, Autumn. I see opening day went well."
"It did. Would you like a cupcake or a cookie?"
"A chocolate chip cookie would be fine. Charlie kept bragging about your mom's baking all week, so I figured I'd come taste it myself. That, and Jacob here couldn't stop talking about you," Billy teased, grinning slyly at his son.
"Thanks, dad." Jacob mumbled, his ears turning pink.
"Anytime, kid."
With a wink, Billy wheeled himself to a table and Mom joined him with a cup of coffee. The air between Jacob and I filled with silent tension, breaking as Jacob shook his head.
"Your friend is something else," he said in a low voice, tilting his head in the direction of the booth. I glanced over his shoulder to see Jessica making a heart with her hands before giggling as Angela swatted at her.
"She's just trying to be funny." I cast my eyes down to the display case in front of me. "Is there anything I can get you?"
Jacob took a step back, his eyes sweeping across the rows of treats. After a few minutes, he smiled and pointed at a rack.
"How about a Boston crème doughnut and a giant cinnamon roll to go, and a date on Saturday?"
"Wh... what?" I stammered as his words registered in my mind. "You're asking me out on a date?"
"Yeah. I mean, if you want to." He smiled, his eyes sparkling in the light.
My eyes shifted to the girls, who were practically hanging onto every word, their faces silently screaming at me to say yes. Bella nodded her head when I met her gaze, and I broke into a smile.
"Sure," I told him, handing him two bags. "I'd love to go on a date with you."
"Awesome. I'll text you."
With a wink, he turned to leave, his dad waiting for him. As they walked out the door, I looked down and saw that he left the cinnamon roll behind. I picked the bag up and noticed something written above the bakery logo.
Can't wait to see you again. -J
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