《Pretty Footballer》FIFTY 💫


I woke to my alarm going off and so i got up out of bed and switched off my alarm and walked to the bathroom because I needed the toilet.

After i used the toilet i flushed the chain and washed my face and brushed my teeth, after i was finished I put on my moisturiser and then walked into my office getting a pair of leggings and a hoodie out and put them on plaiting my hair so It would wavy in abit for the gender reveal.

I was so excited to see everyone and to celebrate finding out if me and trent would be welcoming a little girl or boy into the world. Apart from inviting people I haven't had anything to do with the gender reveal Dianne, Michael, Tyler and Marcell have been planning it and i was excited to see what they've all planned out.

I walked from my office and into my bedroom grabbing my phone and headed into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and putting it into my bag and grabbing my laptop off the side and putting that along with my cables and wires that I need into my bag. It was 9am and training started in about 30 minutes and so i got my bag and keys off the side as well as my phone and made sure the flat was locked up and put my converse on and grabbing my coat of the hanger putting it on and then headed to the door locking it behind me as i made my way downstairs to my car.

I arrived at melwood and parked up and got my bag from off the seat and undid my seatbelt and got out locking my car from behind me and started making my way inside, as i thought the carpark was full and it looked like all the boys had arrived and were probably getting changed for training.

I walked inside and seen Linda sat at the desk on the phone i lifted my hand up waving at her and she smiled and then i headed up the stairs to my office.

I got to my office and opened the door and walked inside and put my bag on the desk getting my laptop out and plugging it in and then getting my camera out putting it around my neck and looked at the time on my phone and it was nearly 9.30am and it was nearly time for training.

I left my laptop and bag on the desk and got my bottle of water out of my bag and walked over to the door and opened it closing it from behind me and making my way downstairs.

I arrived in to the boot room and all the boys were there, Jordan smiling as he was stood next to Adam "Morning" i smiled "Morning" they both smiled. Virgil came upto me giving me a hug and i smiled and hugged him. Tom came walking in "Oh you alright Maia?" I nodded and he smiled walking through the boys and outside as he had his hands full.


I looked around to see Ian stood outside ready taking photos of the boys as they all started making there out. Trent stayed back and came over to me as i smiled giving him a quick kiss before we both pulled away "How are you both?" He said as he grabbed ahold of my hand and i smiled "Yeah really good, I can't wait for in abit" he smiled and winked at me "I can't wait either" I smiled as ee made our way onto the pitch with trent giving me a quick kiss and ran off to join robbo and Ox and I stayed at the side taking photos as the boys started training. Luckily I left my coat on because it started to rain a tiny bit.

The boys had warmed up and were now doing circuits when Robbo grabbed ahold of Trent's arm and pushed him into ox, ox turned around and shook his head "Bro what was that for" trent shook his head "Ox it wasn't me it's him" trent said as him and ox looked over at Robbo who stood there laughing "Na it wasn't me" robbo said as he looked at trent who shook his head.

Training had finished and I had answered all my emails and had no work left to do. So i was sat with Trent in the canteen eating our sandwiches when Jurgen came over with all the boys walking behind him, i smiled as he approached our table and placed down a bag i looked at him "What's this?" I said as i looked at him confused Jurgen smiled "Liverpool Football Club wanted to give your baby a few presents. We know that your still in fact pregnant" i laughed and so did Trent as he passed the bag to me and i opened it and pulled out a baby Jersey in which all the boys including Jurgen had signed and tears started to form in my eyes as i looked at it trent smiling and thanking the boys. They all looked at me with Trent pulling me in for a hug and i wiped at my face and tried to pull myself together as I pulled out a little teddy bear with LFC engraved on the foot and then i oulled out a card and opened it "We can't wait to meet our little Alexander Arnold! Love Liverpool Football Club" i smiled as all the boys had signed. I put the card down on the table and got up from out of my seat and started making my way around the boys aswell as Jurgen thanking them for the gifts and giving them a hug.

After i had hugged them all we all went back to eating with me looking at the gifts and i was so grateful to be surrounded by people cared for me and was always there for me.

I pulled out my phone and went on Instagram and decided to post some of the photos I had taken on the club's social media accounts.







Good vibes at Melwood 😁🔴 #Training #LFC #LiverpoolFC #Liverpool


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After me and trent had finished our food as well as the boys and i went upstairs and got my laptop and put it in my bag along with my camera and locked up my office walking down the stairs saying goodbye to Linda who smiled as she was on the phone and typing away on her computer.

I walked out of melwood and over to my car that was parked. Me and trent agreed i would drive to his for 1pm and it was just before midday. I unlocked my car and got in putting my bag on the passenger seat and putting my seatbelt on and started the car making my way back home to get ready for the gender reveal.

I arrived home and parked up my car grabbing my bag from off the seat and got out locking up my car and made my way up the stairs to my flat. I opened the door closing if from behind and took my shoes off and coat hanging them up and putting my bag on the kitchen counter getting some chocolate out of the cupboard and then walking into my office to start getting ready.

I sat down in my chair next to my mirror and put a playlist on that me and trent put together when we first got together and so i sat eating my chocolate doing my makeup while listening to pop smoke Dior.

My hair and Makeup was done and I was half way through my playlist, i looked at the time and it was 12.30pm and so i walked over to my wardrobe taking the dress off the hanger and stripped off my clothes that I had been wearing and put the dress on. It clung to my growing stomach and i just loved it. I looked at myself in the mirror and I still couldn't believe i was carrying and growing an human being inside.

I cleared everything away and grabbed my phone putting it into my denim jacket, luckily the weather had turned from being miserable into really nice and so i walked into the kitchen going to the shoe cabinet that was near the door and put my sandals on and grabbed my keys from off the side and opened the door locking it from behind and made my way down to my car, getting inside and doing my seatbelt up and started making my way to Trent's house.

I arrived at Trent's, parking in the driveway and i got out grabbing my phone and keys and locking the car up and made my way up the driveway to the front door, i stood there and knocked and i could hear koba and Prince barking. I wasn't stood there long before the door opened and Michael was there smiling "Maia come on in" he said as he pulled me in for a hug in which i hugged him, we pulled away and he closed the door. He turned to me "Go on in" i smiled walking into the kitchen and i just stood there in shock there was a massive balloon arc and 4 cubes that spelt out baby and they were filled with balloons.

Michael pulled me for a hug as i started crying "Don't cry" he said as i wiped at my eyes "It's beautiful" he smiled "Thank Dianne she's sorted everything out" i smiled and we pulled away from eachother just as dianne came walking in "Oh maia sweetie do you like it?" I nodded walking over to her putting my phone on the kitchen counter and hugging her "I love it, honestly it's amazing" she smiled and pulled away "Oh that's not the best of it" i looked at her as i wiped at my eyes and followed her as she took me to a table that had doughnuts on that spelled "Oh Baby" and round shaped doughnuts i smiled "Oh Dianne everything looks amazing" she smiled and shook her finger at me "That's not all". I followed her out through the patio doors to see Trent playing with koba and prince and king laying on the grass. The goal post had a massive football hanging down from it "What's that?" She smiled "To find out the gender Trent will have to kick the ball to it and then you'll find out what your having" i smiled and clapped my hands "Wow that's such a good idea" she smiled "Tyler thought of it" i smiled.

Trent stopped playing with the dogs and came walking over whistling "oh you look fit" he said as he winked at me and even now I still get butterflies and I start to blush when ever he complements me. This time was no different as i started to get those butterflies in my stomach, dianne looked at me and looked at trent smiled "i love you both and of course the little one" she said as she pulled me and trent in for a hug. We pulled away and dianne went inside as she heard knocking at the door. Trent smiled giving me a kiss "You alright?" I nodded "I love everything omg I'm so lucky" he smiled "Glad you like it" i smiled giving him a hug as we walked over to the side of the garden where there was a table holding pink and blue cotton candy.

"This is all amazing" i said as i looked around the garden.

I had left trent outside with the dogs and walked inside to see Bianca and Tre talking to Michael and him holding a little girl. I walked over giving them a hug "Hey" Bianca smiled as she stopped talking to Michael and pulled me in for a hug "Oh isn't your bump growing" i smiled and hugged Tre and said hello to his little girl "Whats her name?" I asked and he smiled "This is charlie" i smiled and he handed her over to me and she clapped her hands.

I went and took some photos of the decorations and decided to share them on my Instagram.

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