《Pretty Footballer》TWENTY THREE 💫


When we got back to melwood we all got off the bus with me heading straight to my office to upload the pictures I took and do a bit of Social stuff and the boys heading towards the changing rooms.

As I was walking up the stairs I heard footsteps so I turned around when I got to the top of the stairs and not to my surprise stood Trent wearing his red tracksuit bottoms and the all too familiar red training top stood at the Bottom and started walking up the stairs "Hey Maia" I smiled even though I'd literally just seen him i began to get that feeling in my stomach again it comes whenever I'm around or someone's say his Name. "Hey Trent, what's up?" He smiled as he stood in the middle of the stairs "we've got a debriefing and a recovery session so I'll meet you outside at 6. If that's OK?" "Yeah thats absolutely fine, is it ok if I drive in my car as I need it for work tomorrow" he smiled and nodded "Of course it is. I've got to go but i'll see you in a little while" he smiled and I smiled back and just like that he disappeared.

Big 3 points 🙌🤙


BOBBY!!! 🤙

Love you!! ❤


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Another win and 3 points more. Let's keep doing it!! 🙌


Photo credits -

Thanks fab!

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Photo credits to

Thank youu!



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Another Win! Get in there boys!!

Your doing an amazing job Adrian!!!


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First start at Anfield in 17 months and proud to make my 50th Appearance for this special Club! 3 points and a good team Performance 🙌 #ynwa

Photo Credits to !!! Go check her out!!!

I'm soo proud of you baby!! Everything you've been through and you still come out on the otherwise thinking positively! I love you so much xxxx

Thank you for sticking around. I know I probably get on your nerves! Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on when I was sad. I wouldn't be where I am if it weren't for you! I love you so much ❤❤❤

Bro's back!! ❤❤

Welcome back Ox!!

you've made me cry now!! Of course I was going stick around! ❤❤❤


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I walked into my office and sat down and got straight to work uploading the videos and Photos taken from todays game. With me flying with the boys Monday for Tuesdays game my schedule was quite packed with having to upload the pictures and videos I take when I'm out there as well as making sure I upload all Liverpools socials, but even though it can be challenging i wouldn't change it for the world.

Trent still didn't know that I would be travelling with them on Monday and I was going to tell him tonight. I was starting to feel a bit nervous meeting his family but I guess I've got to do it one day and I was being given the opportunity tonight.

After I had uploaded everyone and organised everything into files I looked at the time to see it was 5.30. So I packed all my belongings away and closed the curtains and picked up my bag and closed my office and walked to the toilets as I needed to change into my dress that I put in my bag earlier this morning and its a good job I did because I wouldn't want to meet Trents family wearing my Liverpool Stuff.


After I got dressed and used the mirror to do my hair and touch up my makeup and lips as I had a little pocket in my bag with Makeup essentials. I started walking down the stairs and walked in to the reception area where Linda was sat typing away, she looked and smiled "Going anywhere nice Maia?" She asked me as she could see i was in a dress other than my Liverpool Clothes like I was earlier. "Urm I might be" i laughed and she winked "Well have fun, and ill see you tomorrow" I nodded and smiled and walked out of the building and walked over to my car and looked at my phone to see it was 6 and as I looked up their Trent Stood smiling "You look beautiful" he said as he came closer to me and kissed my cheek. "Thank you Mr Alexander Arnold" he laughed "If I go first them you can just follow me, as its just easier because I live where no one can find me" he said and we both laughed at the last part "Who would want to find your house" he laughed at that "You never know" we both laughed and i nodded and unlocked my car door and put my bag on the passenger seat and trent walked over to his car and got in so i got in my car and put my seat belt and took deep breathes and put the radio on to calm my nerves.

The next thing I know I'm following Trents car to go to his house to have a mini date including meeting his Brothers and Parents.

After a 30 minute journey with me following behind Trents car we arrived and as the gates opened the driveway was massive, plenty of room to fit a whole car show on. He parked up with me doing the same but instead of getting my bag I just got my phone out and undid my seat belt and got out to see trent locking his car and smiling at me. It's like he could see that I was nervous because he walked over to me and smiled "My family are going to love you" I smiled "Out of all the girls you could have and you want me. My family don't want to know me I have no one" he lifted my chin up with his hand "Maia I like you, and your not on your own you have friends and the boys and me love you to pieces and my family will when get in" I smiled and he held out his hand as we made our way up the driveway to the door and he opened it and it was pretty quiet which was actually good because I got chance to breath. I started taking my converse off and trent looked at me as he put his keys in a bowl on the side "What you doing?" I looked up "I'm taking my shoes off" "Maia you don't have to do that leave them on if you want to" i smiled and redid my laces.

Trent stood there and waited until I had sorted my laces out and when I had I stood back up and he smiled and walked up the hallway and opened the kitchen door which I presume all his family was. I followed behind. The noise soon hit me when he had opened the door, with two boys sitting on two chairs at the table and presumably his mum and dad stood talking to a man at the kitchen counter.


Trent was the first to speak "I'm home" and the two boys got up and smiled and hugged him "Congrats bro! You aced it" trent laughed and smiled, and looked behind me and so did the boys. One of them held out their hand "Hey you must be Maia, I'm Tyler Trents brother" I smiled and went to take his hand and thats when he pulled me into a hug I smiled and then the other boy introduced himself "I'm marcell the youngest. It's really nice to meet you" and he hugged me as well. And even though I had just met them I felt so secure and safe being in the company of Trents family. Trent turned and smiled and I smiled back.

Tyler and Marcell went and sat back down and trent held our his hand so I took it and we walked to the kitchen counter and trent let go off my hand and did a handshake with the man "Danny dude how are you?" "Yeah good bro" Trent smiled "Mum and Dad this is Maia" they both turned around and his mum put her hands over her mouth "Oh trent she's beautiful. Look Michealisn't she beautiful" trent laughed and scratched his head and looked at his mum as she walked over to me and held out her arms and I hugged her. "It's so lovely to finally meet you, he hasn't shut up about you. I'm dianne by the way" I smiled and laughed "Aww that's actually quite cute. And so nice to meet you too" they all laughed and Trent started to blush, I side hugged him she hugged me back. His dad walked up to me and hugged me as well "Hi there sweetheart I'm Michael" I smiled and hugged him.

"Maia this is Danny my chef" I smiled and shook his hand. Trent then sat down at the table with his parents and then trent looked at me as I just stood there because I wasn't sure if I should sit down with them. Trent held out his arm and I walked over and sat on his knee. He was so close and everything just felt right. It was his mum who asked a question first "So Maia what do you do?" "Urm Well technically I'm still a uni student studying Photography but I got and internship at Liverpool and basically work there taking photos and running the social media" trents dad Michael clapped his hands "Finally somebody who can work a computer. These all are useless" we laughed and talked for a while.

After a while of talking and just getting to know one another I needed the toilet and so I leaned a little closer to trent "Trent can I use your toilet?" He nodded and I got up and so did he, his mum and brothers looked as we walked towards the door and walked out the kitchen "It's just up their on the left, you okay?" I nodded "I really am and thank you" he smiled and I gave him a kiss before heading up the stairs and going to the toilet.

When I came walking back down the stairs Trent was gone and so I walked back into the kitchen to see Trent playing Pool with Tyler, his dad and Marcell.

Dianne was talking to Danny when I walked in, She looked over a smiled as I walked over to where trent was, "You any good Maia?" Marcell asked me as I approached, "Urm I can play" Tyler and marcell high fived each other and trent gave me his stick and moved at the back off me as I leant lower so I had a better view of where I wanted to shoot the ball. I started playing and after I hit a ball into the left net, I smiled and looked up to see Tyler looking behind me and so I turned around to see that trent was checking me out "My eyes are here Trent not down there" i laughed and so did Tyler. Dianne walked over from the kitchen and looked at us all "Trent John Alexander Arnold, give the girl some privacy" i laughed "Aww your middle name" he smiled and looked at his mum who stood their smiling. When it was Michaels turn i looked at trent who mouthed a Sorry and I laughed and walked over to him and hugged him "Don't worry" he smiled and we carried on playing pool with his mum keeping track of the score and in the end I won.

Tyler, Marcell, Michael and Dianne all started clapping as trent stood their in shock "I can't believe I've been beat by a girl. I never get beaten by a girl" I laughed "Oh come on, I'll let you win next time" and before I knew it he was chasing me around the pool table. I laughed and he picked me up and carried me in bridal style to the Liverpool that was quite basic with the grey walls and coffee table and large sofa and he put me down gently on the sofa and hovered over the top of me "Now I'll let you off if you give me a kiss" I laughed and kissed him and we must of been kissing for more than a minute but stopped and pulled away from one another when Tyler and Marcell came running in and jumped on the sofa on top of me and Trent.

We all laughed and I had never been so happy, I felt accepted and I hadn't felt that in a while.

After we all got up, we all stopped laughing when Dianne came in "Boys and Maia dinners done. Come on" we all walked into the kitchen and went to the counter where all the food wash on plates dishes trent passed me a plate and a knife and fork "Thank you" I said as he winked, I got myself some Salmon and Salad and trent got Salmon and Potato wedges and Salad. I walked over to the table and sat down and I was sat next to Trent and Dianne on the other side of me.

After we all ate and just chatted, Dianne and Michael went and sat outside after everything was clean and Danny had gone home. Trent, Tyler and Marcell all had the idea of playing football and so I joined in and we took it in turns to Be in goal, I went first and lost as I had never had any experience in being in goal or playing football.

Tyler was next to go in goal and Marcell shouted my name and passed me the ball and as trent was approaching me and I nutmegged him and he stood with his hands on top of his head he didn't even try to defend me from scoring, and so after I scored Tyler looked over at trent and I ran up to Marcell who hugged me "Yes get in there Maia" Dianne shouted my name from the Patio set "Maia Congratulations, your the first girl to have done him dirty like that" I smiled and did a lap of the garden and trent still stood there in shock.

After Trent got over the fact I nutmegged him, he was last to go in goal and so after a while I had a really good chance and kicked the ball but trent saved it, he looked up after he saved it and smirked at me as i stood there and so he took off his Liverpool top and ran around the pitch, I just stood their practically with my mouth hanging open because It was the first time seeing his body in flesh.

Marcell looked over at me "Close your mouth Maia your catching flies" I closed my mouth and shook my head as Trent approached me "Boys i think she likes what she sees" is all he said before he winked at me and started walking into the house and so I decided to follow him leaving tyler and marcell and his parents outside.

He went straight to the kitchen, he turned around after he heard me come in and bearing in mind he still had his top, I was starting to get that feeling in my stomach and start to go red at the sight of him. I walked straight up to him after he made himself a glass of water and drank a bit and kissed him like it was the last thing I could do. He pulled away "Someone's Eager" I laughed "Well that's what you get for saving my first chance on goal" he laughed "I'm glad you agreed to come tonight, I've really enjoyed it and my family love you" I smiled "Thank you for inviting me, I've loved every minute. I like spending time with you" he smiled but then looked down at the floor "Whats up?" I asked him "Nothing it's just I'm going to miss you when we fly out to naples on monday" I laughed and he looked quite offended that I was laughing so I told him "Jurgen asked me to travel with you boys, as he really likes my photography skills and just wanted me to travel as well so I'm tagging along" his face lit up, "Omg really, aww I'm soo happy right now" i laughed and he kissed me again and pulled me in for a hug. After we pulled away i said "Now put a shirt on because I'm blushing" and so he did.

We were all currently sat on the big sofa watching Harry Potter, Tyler and marcell didn't really have a chance to put forward a different film because trent wanted to watch Harry Potter so here I was sat between trents legs with my head resting on his chest and trents head resting on top of my head. Tyler and marcell were sat on the opposite side of the sofa and the lights were all out with just the light of the TV.

Dianne and Michael were outside facetiming some of their friends and so it was just me and the boys.

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