《Pretty Footballer》TWENTY TWO 💫


I woke up and felt some what happy and content with my life, I was an intern at a famous club, I had my friends around me. The only thing is that I hadn't spoken to my mum since I told her about trent.

Speaking of trent we both told each other how we felt and we shared a moment and I'll be honest I couldn't wait to see what would happen now that we both were honest with one another. Some would say you've only known each other for a matter of weeks say a month but things felt right and we both had feelings for each other. It helped that we both were at the same place majority of the time because we got to spend time together.

Today was a busy day with Liverpool playing against Newcastle United today at Anfield and because I was working i would be sat with the staff on the touchline which i still couldn't get over. Also the date with trent was tonight. I was really looking forward to spending a little more time with Trent, he also didn't know that I would be flying to napoli with them on Monday so that was nice.

I got up out of bed to hear Jordyn and aaliyah singing to Drake, and so like we always used to do when we all fully lived at home, I know I still do but the when the girls weren't going and staying at their boyfriends, i walked from my bedroom and into jordyns bedroom and started jumping on the bed and singing to drake which was being played through her Bluetooth speaker.

After the song had finished and we stopped laughing we all just laid on Jordyns bed just taking in the moment that we probably wouldn't do that again with Jordyn moving in with Virgil and Aaliyah always staying at Dom's house. After a while I got up off the bed and walked back into my bedroom and went on Liverpools Instagram and posted a picture that was sent by a Cartoon Company the other day.

🔴 🔴 MATCHDAY 🔴🔴 International Break ✅ Welcome back to Anfield 😁 #ThisMeansMore #LIVNEW #LFC #PremierLeague #Anfield #Liverpoolfc

Come on boys!! ❤

Come on Liverpool, another win!!

Another win please!! ❤

Come on boys!

Come on Boys! 🔴🔴

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I started getting ready wearing the grey Liverpool top that all staff got given, I paired it with a pair of jeans and my converse and went downstairs to get my bag ready putting a nice dress to wear tonight for my date with trent in the bottom. We all had to be at melwood for 9 as kickoff was 12.30. So I didn't have time to make a coffee but I'd have a coffee and Breakfast there. I shouted up to both Jordyn and Aaliyah to tell them I'd see them later.

Aaliyah shouted down "Have a good day at work and use protection" i laughed "Nothings going to happen" jordyn laughed and came to the top of the stairs "Yeah whatever you say, ill just find out from virg what goes down" I smiled "You do that. I'm going to be late so see you soon" she smiled and aaliyah shouted "goodbye" as I opened the door and closed the door and got in my car to drive to melwood. Melwood wasn't that far from our house so I didn't have to travel that far.

I pulled up at Melwood, parked and got out with my bag in my hand, just as I locked my car and started making my way towards the building, Ox was getting out his car, "Morning Maia" I looked over at him and smiled "Morning Alex, how are you feeling?" He got his match bag out the car and locked his car. "Really good actually, feeling positive about the game. How are you feeling?" I looked at him confused "What do you mean how I feel? It's not me who's playing a football game" he laughed "No I mean its your first game on the sidelines. Tell me if I'm wrong" I smiled "Oh yeah, yeah it is. Feeling excited to be in the middle of it all. Looking forward to it" he smiled and we started walking towards the building "So how's you and Trent then?" I smiled and looked at the floor "Guess things are good then" he said as we got to the door and he let me go first I smiled and looked at him "Yeah things are good. Thank you" he smiled and waved at Linda and I said "Giid morning Linda" she looked up from her computer "Morning Maia, good luck Alex" he smiled and waved before disappearing into the changing rooms and I start walking upstairs to my office to send out the emails to the social media team.


After I did that I went downstairs to the canteen where all the staff and boys were, as I entered the room Trent smiled and Robbo looked at him then seen me and waved for me to come over. So I walked over to them both "Morning" Robbo winked at me and I laughed "What was that for?" I asked him confused "Don't act all dumb I know you two are going on a date tonight after the game" I smiled and looked at trent who stood their looking somewhere other than me or Robbo. I was slightly confused as he had not looked at me at all since I walked over. Robbo looked at me then trent than just walked off without say anything. I looked at trent as he was avoiding eye contact with me and I couldn't work out why "Trent why do I get the feeling your trying your hardest to avoid me?" He looked at me and shook his head "No of course not Maia. It's about tonight" I'll be honest my heart sunk i thought at that moment he was going to cancel or make something up. "What about tonight?" I asked, and he looked at me "Well I thought it would just be me and you, as my parents and Tyler and Marcell were all going to a family friends but turns out Marcell, Tyler and mum and dad are going to be there tonight as the family frie d cancelled. I've tried to knock them on the head but it's hard when you still live at home. I understand if it's to quick and you want to knock tonight on the head" before he could carry on i smiled "Trent honestly it's fine. I've got to meet them one day. I'm looking forward to tonight" he smiled and opened his arms up for me to hug him and so I stepped forward and gave a hug and it was at that moment I felt something on top of my head, and it was Trent who kissed the top of my head, everything felt so right and I wanted that feeling to last forever. "I'm looking forward to tonight as well. Oh before I forget you haven't got any food allergies have you We? Danny wants to know?" I smiled "No ill eat anything" he laughed.

We both pulled away and we both smiled at eachother "Do you want some eggs?" Trent asked as he passed me a plate and when I nodded he put one egg on his plate and another on mine. After we got out breakfast we walked over to where Joe, Ox, Robbo, Virgil, gini, Jordan and James were all sat. I sat next to Virgil who smiled and gave me a hug when I sat down. Trent sat next to Jordan but I seen him though breakfast watching my ever move and just constantly smiling. We were all laughing as Jordan said James was old. Jurgen got up from the table him and the other members of staff were sat and walked over to our table. He smiled and looked at me "Maia can I have a word?"

I put my cutlery down and got up from the table, all the boys looked at me as I walked over to where Jurgen was now. "How can I help you Jurgen?" He smiled "I just wanted to check on how you were feeling because you will be on the sideline with the members of staff" I smiled and I could breathe knowing I hadn't done anything wrong. "To be honest I'm really excited, I've seen Liverpool play a few times but never really got close enough. So to be working here is a dream come true but being on the sideline sitting down where the subs will be and the members of staff is a bigger wish come true." He smiled and hugged me "I'm glad your happy, I'll let you get back to your breakfast." I nodded as I let go and he walked back to his table as I walked back to my table where all the boys were sat watching the conversation unfold. I smiled and laughed "I wasn't in trouble, Jurgen just wanted to know if I was feeling alright due to the fact I'm going to be on the sidelines today" they all nodded and started to eat the rest of their breakfast as I sat down and smiled at trent who was still staring at me.


After everyone had finished their Breakfast we all stood in the middle of the room and jurgen gave us all even the members of staff a debriefing of what was expected today. "It's another tough game and we need to prove we are the better team" after jurgen had finished his long speech we all got our things together, me checking my bag making sure I had my camera and phone etc. I walked to reception and waited there with some of the other members of staff. Marie wasn't really coming into work because she was struggling a bit so was doing work at home, which helped as it wasn't all on me. She wasn't coming to the game either because she didn't feel upto travelling and being in the packed stadium.

After what felt like forever of me standing there has I hadn't really got to know some of the staff yet, the boys came walking out with their match toiletries bag and headphones hanging out their ears. Trent spotted me and walked over, "Hey" he said still smiling and I smiled "Hey Trent, how you feeling for the game?" "Good, it's going to be a good game! So your on the sideline. Thats going to be fun" I smiled "Yeah it is, I'm excited" he smiled and then the coach pulled up so we all started to make our way out to the coach, Trent speaking to robbo who was walking in front with me at the back with Virgil, Joe and Ox. Virgil started messing up my hair and I looked around "Virgil can you not do that please" Joe and Ox laughed and Virgil holded up his hands in serender, "Sorry" he smiled and I turned and looked at him "Don't worry" we side hugged and I got on the bus, I thought Trent would be sat with his partner in crime but it turns out he sat near the window with a seat empty next to him.

As I walked down the aisle looking where to sit, trent shouted me, "Maia theirs a seat next to me. I saved it for you" I smiled and made my way over to him and sat down, putting my bag on the floor and getting my phone and headphones out "Thank you, I wasn't sure where to sit" He smiled "No problem" he kept looking at me and then spoke "I'm looking forward to tonight" I smiled and looked at him "Me too, it will be nice" he smiled "what you listening to?" He asked me as I got my headphones out and connected them to my phone. "Travis Scott's Astroworld album. It still rocks even a year on" he nodded "Yes definitely, I didn't think you were into that kind of music" I nodded and laughed "well I am Indeed. What music do you like?" "R&B, to be fair ill listen to whatever. I honestly don't mind" I nodded and then someone popped their head through the gap in ours seats we both looked to see Hendo and Adam watching us, with hendo laughing, "Aww look at you two" we both smiled and then turned around and put our headphones in and the coach set off for Anfield.

blue for LFW 💙

sexy thing 😍🤩

@Good luck baby!! Love and miss you 😘

you really showed up! How can I be like you?

Of course I did!!! Babe have you seen you! How can i be like you is my question!! 💙

Your too kind and that makes my heart burst! Thank you sweetie x

gorgeous 😍

Says you baby Mama x

Babe honestly London doesn't know what hit them!

miss you ❤❤

thank you baby! Miss and love you too 😘 😘

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When we pulled up the road I looked out the window and so did Trent seeing the fans cheering their names and singing the players songs. It was an atmosphere I didn't think I needed to see. I felt so privileged to get to work for Liverpool football club but to also to sit on the sidelines and watch the game in a complete different angle.

When the bus pulled up, Jurgen got up "Guys can I have your attention" we all looked up with me putting my headphones in my bag and phone in my pocket. "So I've got the team sheet here and starting today is Adrian, Trent, Joel, Virg, Robbo, Fab, Gini, Ox, Sadio, Mo and Divock. On the bench is Kelleher, Milly, Bobby, Joe, Hendo, Adam and Shaq. If you have any queries on why your not playing or your not happy wait until after the game. We have to be completely 100% focused on todays game"

Jurgen got his stuff together and was the first to leave the coach, with the boys following behind. I got up so trent could get out, "Sorry" he said as he shuffled past me and we were so close. "No problem, see you in there" he nodded and got off the bus. After all the boys had got off I made my way off the coach and walking into the building saying thank you to the members of staff holding open the door and making my way to one of the side rooms. Because I was a girl I obviously wasn't going to be staying in the changing rooms seeing all the boys getting ready for the match and warm up.

So I went to the side room and starting creating the Team sheet to post on Liverpools Social media, Marie makes the layout and sends them to me, so all I had to do was just edit the players names on and I was ready.

After I had done and posted the team on all the social media accounts I also posted a 50th Appearance picture for Ox who was making his 50th Appearance.

🔴 TEAM NEWS 🔴 Our side to face 👊 #LFC #LiverpoolFC #PremierLeague

Come on boys, let's carry on that unbeaten run!

Another win boys!

- Come on boys!!! 🔴

Come on boys! Another solid win please!

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Ox's 5️⃣0️⃣th appearance for the Reds 🙌🔴 #LFC #LiverpoolFC

My baby! Love you @ xxx

Yes Ox! Brilliant achievement...

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