《Pretty Footballer》TWENTY ONE 💫


I woke up to my alarm going off letting me know that I needed to get up, I walked across the hallway and into the bathroom I used the toilet, showered and brushed my teeth ready for the day. I put a little bit of makeup on which I don't always do but I really felt like doing it today.

As I was brushing and blowdrying my hair Aaliyah walked in "Morning" I smiled "Morning sleepy head, sorry if I woke you up" she shook her head "You didn't" she went to the bathroom and I carried on getting dressed deciding on a pair of mom jeans and a baggy top with my name necklace Jordyn got for my birthday last year. I paired pe Converse trainers.

I walked downstairs to make myself a coffee before I went to work, today their was the first press conference back from the international break and their was a full training session for tomorrow's game. I felt good about me and trent we both hadn't spoken of what would happen now, that we both admitted our feelings to each other, but I was looking forward to what would happen.

Sunday was a debriefing and full training, Monday before we leave for napoli for the champions league game was a training session to get the boys ready for Tuesday.

After I made the coffee and got my bag ready like I do every morning aaliyah came down in a denim dress and a long sleeved top with her bag on her shoulder and wearing high tops. "Maia I haven't got time for breakfast or anything but I'll see you when you get back. If things change and I end up staying at doms then I'll let you know" she gave me a hug before she left for university.

I locked the house up and left for Melwood, on the way I stopped at Co-op and got some Krispy Kreme doughnuts as a treat while Jurgen was in The press conference. While Jurgen has press conferences the boys and staff just chill in the games room and I felt completely accepted by the boys and staff. Especially trent but we know the reason why.

After I got the doughnuts and had arrived at Melwood i parked and signed in at reception saying hello to Linda on the way. I continued to walk to my office, on my walk to my office I seen Trent who was making his way to the Changing Room on his phone, he seen me struggling to walk with the two boxes of doughnuts and my bag so he stopped and grabbed the two boxes of Doughnuts "Morning how are you?" I smiled "Morning scouser thank you for helping me, I'm fine thanks. How's you?" I said as we were walking to my office, "Yeah I'm good thanks, of course you were struggling just wanted to help. Are you going to eat all of these doughnuts? I didn't think you were the type of person to Demolish two boxes of Krispy Kremes" He questioned as he looked at the boxes i laughed as we approached my office and I began to open the door "No trent their not, I brought them for the boys but after that comment your not aloud one" he groaned as he placed the boxes down on the desk and stamped his feet "Oh what I was looking forward to having a doughnut. That's not fair" I laughed "Shoo or you won't be having one." He laughed and walked over to where I was stood and gave me a hug, while he was giving me a hug he tried to sneakily take one of the Doughnuts out one of the boxes and I seen him so I slapped his arm away, "Go trent now. I'll see you soon" he laughed and walked out my office.


After Trent had gone I got to work working on the schedule for next weeks YouTube and socials. Monday the boys and the staff plus me now will be travelling to napoil for the game Tuesday, so their will be videos and photos posted but I needed to work out a schedule.

After a while I closed my laptop and put my phone in my pocket and grabbed the two boxes of doughnuts and made sure I locked the door before i walked down to the games room and chill area because I knew jurgen would be in the press conference now.

player of the month for August 🏆🙌

Full interview in bio! 👏

- Congrats my friend!!!

Congratulations 👏

Well done !!! 🥰

the Egyptian King!!! 👏👏

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Ox and Trent were playing Pool when I walked in, while Robbo and Bobby were having a game of Fortnite on the play station. Dejan and Mo were doing a crossword with Joel being the referee and looking after Mo's Trophy for winning the Standard Chartered Player of the month award. Sadio and Naby were laughing at something on their phones. Hendo was sat next to Adam and James on the sofa. Hendo looked up from his phone and seen me walking in through the room and seen i had the two boxes of doughnuts, "Hey maia, ooo are they for me?" I laughed "Hendo now come on thats not fair, their not but they're all for you all" Hendo shot up and reached me as I had just got to the table near the French doors. Trent laughed as he won against ox and looked up to see me looking at him, he aalked over to me and hendo and smiled. "The doughnuts have arrived: he said in a loud voice as everyone stopped what they were doing and came over. I smiled and started talking to Virgil who gave me a hug "How are you Maia?" I smiled and hugged him "I'm good virg, how's you? How's jordyn?" "Yeah we good, jordyn is busy with uni but she's good" I smiled "I'm glad" trent came over licking his lips "Thanks for the doughnut" I laughed "Your welcome"

He looked at me and then pulled me to the side "Do you want to go for a walk?" I smiled "Yeah if you want" I said as we started walking away from the boys. "So how are you?" He said as we walked through the corridor "Yeah I'm good trent, how's you?" "Better now that we both know how we both feel" I smiled "Yeah me too, about that what's happening? What do you want to happen?" Trent looked at me and stopped where we both were, he thought for a moment and then did something that I was not expecting him to do, not yet at least. "This" he said as he moved a bit of hair out my face and cupped my face with his hands. He moved closer and we were inches away from each other, we were so close that I could feel his warm sweet breath on my face and I started to get that all too familiar feeling in my stomach. He moved more closer and kissed me, his soft lips meeting mine and connecting. And it felt so good and right. I didn't move away and neither did he but it was Robbo and Hendo who stood at the doorframe and started cheering and clapping "Yes hendo, I told you" robbo shouted as me and trent pulled away, him looking at robbo and hendo and me looking at the ground trying to hide my face as it was red, I moved my hand to touch my lips as it lingered the touch and feel of Trent's lips.


After robbo and hendo walked away into the games room, me and trent were left alone once again, and ill be honest I wanted to kiss him again and again, I craved his touch. Trent looked at me and put his hands in mine, "Maia I like you alot, and I would like to see where this takes us" I smiled and squeezed harder "I like you alot too and I want to see where this takes us too" he smiled and hugged me and I loved the fact that we both felt so comfortable and it felt so right.

The afternoon went pretty quick, with the boys training and jurgen doing the first press conference back, I had been working on video ideas for YouTube. It was now 5pm and I was mega tired, I couldn't stop thinking about mine and Trent's kiss, everything felt so right like we had known each other for forever and that we were meant to be. My mum won't like the fact I've ignored her advice but he's different than other footballers.

Boss! 🤩

Yay boss!! Totally deserved #YNWA ❤❤❤

Read the full interview in our bio!!

Boss winning as always!

Congrats Jurgen!!

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I packed everything away and made my way down stairs, as I was walking through reception i remembered that I needed to ask Linda if she had my name down on the list for napoli Monday morning. "Hey Linda, are you free for a moment?" She looked up and she then realised it was me "Maia love, I've always got time for you. How can I help?" I smiled "Not much I just wanted to know if my name had been out down on the staff sheet for the trip away Monday?" She nodded and smiled and started typing on her computer, "Yeah your names down, how did you end up on here?" "Jurgen came to see me and told me that he wanted me to travel Monday to napoli. So I said yes" she clapped her hands and smiled "That's brilliant for you darling. I'll let you go because you look shattered" I smiled and said goodbye to her and walked to my car, as I opened my car door and put my bag in the passenger seat I heard someone calling my name, I turned around to see Trent smiling and walking over to me.

"I thought I'd missed you" he said as he reached me and my car, I smiled and tipped my head to one side "What can I help you with mr scouser?" He laughed at my nickname that I had gave him "Tomorrow is game day right, so I want to take you on a mini dinner date at my house tomorrow night. What do you say?" I smiled and grabbed his hands "Of course, but two questions is their a dress code, and what will be on the menu?" He laughed and came closer to me "I don't know I'll have to ask Danny my chef but dress in what you want I honestly don't mind. You look good in everything anyway" I smiled "All sorted then" he kept looking at me and I smiled and he smiled back "I've got to go sort out all the Socials out for the next couple of days" he smiled and then moved closer and left a small kiss on my lips then let go of my hands and walked away without saying anything.

I got in my car and just spent a minute thinking about what had happened and what happened a minute ago. After I got myself together I drove home. When I got home Jordyns car was parked in the driveway. I got my bag out the passenger seat and walked into the house.

Jordyn and Aaliyah were in the kitchen cooking, "Hey you two" they looked up and stopped what they were doing and gave me a hug, jordyn looked at me "Maia can I tell you something?" I smiled "Yeah of course whats up?" "Me and Virgil have been together for a while and we've been talking and we've come to an agreement that I'm going to move in with him." She looked a bit scared of what I was going to say "Jordyn I was going to suggest you move in with him because your always at his house same with you aaliyah you two have boyfriends got spend time with them" they both smiled aaliyah looking at me "I'm not moving in with dom yet because ill end up strangling him with his snoring" we all laughed. Jordyn passed me a cup of coffee "I spoke to Rebecca today and she's going to be staying permanently with Julian" i nodded "She's spending time with her boyfriend, theirs nothing wrong with yhat" I smiled and tried to busy myself but cleaning the surface with a damp cloth. Aaliyah seen me and looked at Jordyn and that's when jordyn looked at me "A little birdy might of told me today that you and Mr Alexander Arnold had a little kiss" I looked up trying to keep a straight face, aaliyah screamed "Omg! And when was you going to tell us. Share the details. Is he a good kisser?" I laughed "And who told you, let me guess Mr Van Dijk. Yes we did kiss. Yes he's such a good kisser and yes we are seeing where this goes" I said as I touched my lips craving his lips on mine. They both screamed and ran to me hugging me "We are soo happy for you" I smiled and hugged them back.

We talked for a while abut nothing really and thats when I told the girls about my little date tomorrow night, "Oh I've got a date tomorrow night" they both looked at me "Why didn't you tell us earlier on" I laughed "It slipped my mind. Sorry" jordyn smilef "Where?" I looked at her confused "What are you on about now? What do you mean where?" "You know what I mean. Where's mr lover boy taking you?" I smiled "The date is at his house, why?" Aaliyah and Jordyn high fived each other "His house ay! You never know you might end up staying the night" I choked on my coffee "That's not going to happen" they looked at me and Jordyn walked off winking at me.

The game was tomorrow against Newcastle United at home, and usually we would be staying in a hotel but it was a 12.30 kickoff and so we didn't need to stay in a hotel so I was at home tonight. Jordyn was staying the night but was packing her stuff up to move in with Virgil and Aaliyah was making chocolate Brownies, so I was helping jordyn. Jadian was at Bobby's and Nare was on holiday with Engel.

Sunday was training and debriefing and Monday was training and me and the staff and boys were flying To Napoli for Tuesdays Champions league game.

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