《Pretty Footballer》TWENTY 💫


Yesterday went by fast, as me and Marie travelled back from London to Liverpool. Today I've got work and I couldn't be more excited about it.

I was going to see Trent and the other boys and I'll be honest I missed them all.

The house was completely empty because of Jordyn staying at Virgil's, Jadian staying at Bobby's, Rebecca in Germany with Julian and Aaliyah staying at Dom's house and Jordyn and Jadian and Virgil and Bobby had got back early yesterday morning.

When we got back yesterday Marie went straight home because she had a baby nursery delivery and Jordan was due back. When I got into the house it was quiet but I couldn't stop looking and thinking about the Jersey Trent gave me the day before.

Stunning x


I love you x

Love you too x

Joe's Princess 👑

you know it 👀

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Nice little Break away! Back to reality now x

I love you baby 😍🥰😍

Missed you sweetie xxx

missed you too!! X

See you soon ❤

Love you too 😍

love you x

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She mine, all mine 🤩🤩🔥

your unreal 🔥🔥🔥

Corinne looking fine x

Your absolutely stunning 🔥🔥

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I had a shower and got dressed, wearing a dress because it was going to be hot. A good thing about my job and this internship is that you can wear what you want as long as on match days you wear the bottoms and top with the Liverpool logo on. I got my bag ready putting my charger for both laptop and phone in, my laptop, Camera and its case and my Paperwork and My toiletries that I might need today in.

I walked into the kitchen and made myself a coffee while cleaning up the pots from yesterday as I was too lazy to clean them up.

After everything in the kitchen was cleaned and I had drank my coffee I got my bag and locked the house up and got in my car and started driving to Melwood.

When I pulled up at Melwood and parked my car, Virgil was sat in Jordyns car talking, I grabbed my bag and walked over and knocked on the window. Jordyn smiled "Hey Maia" "hey you, did you both have a nice international break?" Jordyn nodded "Yeah it was ok" Virgil looked at her and she laughed "Yeah it was really good, my man's team won all the games which is amazing!" Virgil smiled at his Girlfriend.

After talking about nothing really, Jordyn had to go because she was in uni so I said that I would see her soon and meet Virgil inside.

As I walked in to the building Linda was sat where she usually is typing away on her computer. She looked up and smiled "Welcome Back Maia" "Thank you Linda, did you have a good break?" "I actually did thank you, I went to Cornwall with the family. Did you do?" I smiled at what I did during the break "I went to see Both England games and went to watch Mama Mia in theatre" she smiled "You had a good week off then" I nodded, "ill sign you in sweetie" I nodded thank you and walked up the stairs to my office.

I could hear noise coming from the changing rooms as I was heading upstairs to my office so I knew most of the boys had arrived. I dropped my bag and set my laptop and paperwork on my desk and opened my curtains to let some light in. As I opened the curtains I could see the staff putting the cones and pitches out ready for the first training session back. As I turned typed an email out to the head of social media, their was a knock on the door i looked up, "Come in" I didn't know who it was as I wasn't expecting anyone, so when The one and only Jurgen Klopp walked in I was shocked.


"Hi Jurgen, how was your break?" He smiled and closed the door as he walked over to the chair in front of my desk, "Hi Maia, very good thank you. And yours?" I smiled and moved some paper work to the side "It was good thank you. How can I help you?" He smiled "As you know our game against Napoli away is coming up. I was wondering if you would come along, the boys like your company and your Photography skills are class and we could really use you on Tuesday" i looked surprised but nodded "Of course, I will. You leave Monday don't you to Napoli?" Jurgen nodded "Yes that's right. Interns aren't really supposed to come aboard with the team because of rules which I'm not to sure on, but I spoke to the head of social media during the week off and they said it would be fine" "Thank you for thinking of me Jurgen. Honestly that means a lot." He smiled and got up to leave "I'll leave you to do your work, training starts at 11. See you down there" "You sure will" and with that he was out the door and gone. I sat there shocked but happy that I was being given a chance to prove myself not only by the social media team but Jurgen Himself.

After I answered some emails and responded to some Content requests sent in by the fans via Email, I looked at my phone to see it was 10.30am. So I closed my laptop and got my camera out of my bag and put my phone in my pocket that I had in my dress and locked my office up and began to walk down the to the Boot room, because that's where majority of the boys would probably be.

When I got closer to the room I could hear laughing and when I pushed open the Doubke doors I was hit with the sound of all the boys putting theirs boots and laughing. Trent seen me first, and bare this in mind I hadn't seen him since Tuesday when he walked all the way over to me to give me his Sweaty Jersey. I smiled and he smiled and waved. Robbo seen mine and Trent's interaction and shouted my name from across the other side of the room "Maia missed you" All the other boys looked at me then and I began to make my rounds of giving them all a hug, after hugging Mo, Dejan, Joel, Naby, Shaq, sadio, Bobby, Virgil, Fab, Gini, Adrian, Adam, James. I came to the corner that Hendo, Robbo, Ox, Joe and Trent were in Hendo gave me a hug first and thanked me for looking after Marie while he was on internal Duty, Ox smiled and messed my hair up which I laughed, Robbo have me a hug and also messed my hair up, Joe gave me a side hug and asked if I was ok which I replied with yes. It was then I got to trent and I was a little awkward one with all the boys and staff waiting for us to hug or see what was going to happen and for the fact he had basically expressed how he felt about me but I had failed to her him that I felt the same about him.

It was then I broke the silence "Hey you" I said as I holded out my arms and he hugged me and squeezed me a little bit which I wasn't complaining. When we pulled away Robbo was looking at us, Trent and me didn't know where to put ourselves with them all watching us hug but thank God for Jurgen and Pep as they came walking in and told the boys that they needed to be on the pitch in the next 5 minutes for the first debriefing and Training session back after international Break.


As all the boys started to file out onto the pitch I went to walk in front but trent grabbed my arm and pulled me back, the rest of the boys walked off leaving me and Trent on our own. "How are you?" I smiled at how he asked how I was "Good thanks. Thank you for the jersey the other night" he smiled "Glad you liked it, I wanted you to have it." My heart was racing, this was the time I needed to tell him it was now or never "Trent I need to tell you something?" He gulped and nodded i went to start speaking and that was when Jurgen shouted trent to come along as he was starting the debriefing. "We'll talk later, I promise" we both looked at my arm to see that he still had hold of me, I gulped and nodded and watched him jog of infront.

As I got my bearings back and walked slowly behind, ready to start training I couldn't stop thinking that, that was probably my chance to tell him and I screwed it up.

After the debriefing the boys started warming up starting with simple exercises then going on to the hard exercises, i took a video on my phone of them running through each cone and then took individual pictures of the boys.

Brilliant!!! 👏👏

Great Photography @


has been going round stealing people's Best friends...

No I'm not. Mo wanted hang out with me not you.

babe is that your best impression of a monkey!

i suppose...

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After the boys had finished training they had a little bit of time to chill so majority of them went on their phones. After a while I started making my way indoors when I could hear someone running at the back of me, I turned around to see Trent. He stopped right in front of me panting because he ran from where he was, "Maia what did you want to tell me?" It sounded important" I nodded and thought this was my chance no backing out now.

"Look Trent I know we've only just met and I know I don't know you really that well but I've got to know you enough to know that I really really like you" he just stood there smiling and then he laughed "I knew that you liked me back I was just waiting for you to tell me" I laughed and covered my face with my hands it was then trent pulled them away "Thank you for telling me" I smiled and he hugged me.

It was then while we were still hugging that all the boys came in and Joe, Robbo and Virgil all jumped around, virgil speaking first "So have you two confessed your live for one another?" I pulled away "What do you mean?" Virgil and robbo fist bumped each other and looked at me and trent "We knew something would go off between you two. It was obvious. Your both attracted to each other" I smiled and started going Red and that's when Trent side hugged and ill be honest it felt so right and I felt like a weight had been taken off with me telling him how I felt and now we both knew where we stood.

The missus 😉🤩

Love you baby 😍😍

Enjoy sweetie 🖤


Can I be you? Honestly babe your looking fine today 🖤🖤

no! Have you seen yourself babe, I want to be you 🖤

You sure your not walking the runway? 🖤

aww babe! I promise I'm not x

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After the boys went to get changed I went to my office and rang Marie, Marie was currently only doing small work hours because she was coming up for her maternity leave.

"Hey Maia, what's up?" "Hey Marie I'm good, I needed to tell someone but I told him" their was silence until marie spoke again "Omg you did it! What did he say? Go on tell me?" I laughed at how eager she was to find out what he said "He just stood their smiling and then he "I knew that you liked me back I was just waiting for you to tell me" I couldn't believe it" "Aww maia I'm so happy for you" "Thank you. How's you and the little one?" "We good just working on the schedule for when I'm on mate leave, I thought you could film some close and personal interviews and bezzie videos" I smiled at the fact she was heavily pregnant but was still working" "Yeah just send me over what you have" "Okay, I've got to go because I need the toilet again, but speak soon" "Yeah speak soon" and with that I put the phone down and went back to my work.

After doing some work I started to get hungry so I started walking down to the canteen, and not to my surprise all the boys were sat down chatting and eating. I walked upto the counter and got a Chicken salad and a Orange Juice, as I was walking away i noticed trent sitting with Virgil, Robbo and Joe so I walked over to their table, "Can I sit here?" Trent looked up and budged up so I could sit next to him, as I sat down virgil smiled at me "I'm glad you both told each other how you felt" Joe nodded and Robbo made a joke "If she wouldn't of told him I would of lost my mind" trent looked at him "I forgot you were making the decisions for me" virgil, Joe and Me laughed as Trent went back to eating and Robbo stuck his finger up at Trent.

"No I'm glad that we both know where we stand" I said answering Virgil's Question. I looked at trent as I said it and he smiled and didn't stop smiling the whole time.

The rest of the afternoon consisted on me working in my office and the boys chilling and doing photoshoots with the head Photographer who will be taking over for Marie when she leaves for maternity.

I packed my laptop, camera and Paperwork in my bag and locked my office up for the day as tomorrow was press conference and Training again for Saturdays game against Newport United.

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