《Pretty Footballer》FOURTEEN 💫💫


Me and Marie got an uber to drop us off in the centre of Manchester and I'd never seen a city so pretty.

We went to Smith's Cafe which is my favourite place to go when in Manchester. I've been to Manchester about four times and the last three times I've come to Manchester I've always got their famous grilled cheese Sandwiches and their iced tea which is to die for!!

Marie got sparking water and a ham toastie. We both sat down with our orders and ate and talked about ordering things from ikea or Home sense for the Babies nursery. As jordan was going to paint the room but with the fixtures for both Liverpool and International Break it was hard.

We got our bags together and left the cafe to walk the short distance to the shopping centre.

Trent's POV...

The last few days have been tough with us all training for Saturdays game. Today we got to decide what we did Majority of us chose to go arcade and bowling and the rest chose cinema.

In the end we were all off to go bowling and go on some of the arcade games.

After training we all got changed and walked down to the front door ready for the Coach to pick us up.

Because we are playing for our country majority of the time we are working hard but sometimes the boss will let us have a little bit of time to just have fun.

I haven't spoken to Maia in four days but we interacted on social media. Jordan keeps telling me just to message her and just see how she is. But I don't want to bother her as she was on her week off.

I'll be honest it made my sad a little knowing she won't be at the game but again why would she its not like where together or anything.


The buses came and picked us up, I sat next to Jadon we talked about fifa all the way until we pulled up outside.

We all got off the bus and walked off into the arcade area. Jordan, Jadon, Madders and the rest of the boys were all going to play on the arcade machines. Whereas me, Mason, Joe, Chilly, Tyrone and Ox were going to play bowling. We all paired for our shoes and went to our station and started putting our names down.

Mine was TAA, Mason as Mouny, Joe's as GOMEZ, Chilly was Chilly, Tyrone as Mings and Ox as King Ox. We were all set and started playing.

After an hour of bowling Chilly was leading with 56 and the rest of us trailing behind.

Me and Mason asked the boys if they wanted a drink and went up to the Food counter to get drinks.

When we came back with a tray of drinks me and mason was confused as the rest of the boys were in hysterics but when they saw us standing there, they all stopped laughing.

"What you all laughing at?" Mason asked, Ox laughed "Nothing, nothing at all. Let's carry on playing shall we" he said and looked at Joe who had a smirk on his face.

In the end Chilly won 215 with Ox coming second with 201 and me with 198.

We all walked over to the arcade area to see Jordan, Jadon, Madders and the other boys all waiting for us as the buses were coming in five minutes.

Today was fun, we got to have fun and just have a break from training. Tomorrow would be our last training session before Saturday's game.

Maia's POV...

Me and Marie were Mothercare when my phone started buzzing, I pulled it out my denim jacket to see Trent had Messaged me. I smiled knowing that he was messaging me.


I opened the message,

Look Maia I really like you and I think we should be together.

I stopped in the middle of the store shocked at what I just read. Millions of things going around my mind at a 100 miles per hour. What!! I like him too don't get me wrong but I didn't realise he felt like that.

Marie turned around to see me stood in the middle of an aisle "What's wrong?" She said. I couldn't speak so I handed her my own, she took it and looked and she smiled "Well i knew he liked you but I didn't think he had it in him to do this. Good on him" I looked at her confused "Hold up, he likes me?" Marie smiled and nodded "Yeah and you like him too" I didn't answer her for two reasons.

One, she was right I did like him. And Two, I was a city girl, who's dad didn't want to know me, my mum was so opinionated and at this very moment she wasnt speaking to me exactly for the fact I liked him.

We carried on shopping, me pretending I was okay when actually I was dying inside. We went to New look and picked up some nice pieces and some cute homeware for my office. Eventually I would love to move out the house and rent somewhere of my own. Don't get me wrong I love sharing an house with my best friends and sharing a room with Jadian. I would love my own space.

We got an uber back to our hotel and ordered room service both me and Marie were starving. We ordered Burgers and fries because why not. But my mind kept going back to the message and Trent.

Trent and Mason went to get drinks, Trent had left his phone on his seat Alex spotted it and opened it to go on the Instagram App. Joe and Ben looked to what Alex was doing. Alex pressed on his messages to see Maia in the list, he clicked on her message from days ago and started typing.

After he typed it out he showed the phone to Ben, Joe and Tyrone who were all laughing. Alex pressed send and came off the app and deleted his recent history. Just in time for mason and trent to come walking back over, but all the boys couldn't control their laughter......

skipper 👊

My baby daddy got muscles 💪🏻

Getting ready to get your ass kicked when we back at melwood i see 😂

this banter 😂🤯

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I do not own any of these characters or pictures

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