《Pretty Footballer》EIGHT 💫


It was Game day, and i woke up in a hotel room. I looked around my hotel room to my suitcase wide open with today's outfit hanging out.

We left Liverpool at 6 last night and because of traffic they didn't arrive until after 8. Then they had dinner in the restaurant area and then all went to bed afterwards. I was the only one to have a room to myself as i was the only girl. The coaches and players had to share.

The game didn't kick off 5.30pm so i had a few spare hours before lunch and then the game.

I took a shower and did a face mask. I dryed her hair and got dressed in a pair of Mom Jean's and my Liverpool Jersey and my Air force to make me look a little taller than I was.

After i did my minimal makeup their was a knock at my door. I climbed off the floor and opened the door to reveal Trent. I was a little taken back as of how he knew my room number but i said "Hey you, what's up? It's not time to go already is it" i said trying to look at what time it was. Trent laughed "No it's not time to leave yet. Me and some of the boys are playing fifa in my room and we. Well I mean me would like to know if you'd want to have a game?" I looked at my watch which read 12. I had lots of time to kill. "What times lunch at?" Trent was silent for a minute before saying "2.30 pm" "Let me grab my phone and I'll come and have a game with you all. But your going to have to show me what to do as I've never played Fifa" i said before walking off into my room. Trent Smiled and waited for me to grab my phone and lock my hotel room up.

Trent's room was only up the corridor so they didn't have to walk far. "How are you anyway?" Trent asked. I smiled "Good thank you. You looking forward to the game?" Trent nodded "Yeah I am actually"

They arrived at Trent and Joe's Shared room. Trent opened the door and gestured for me to go first, so i did and said "Thank you Mr Arnold" He smiled.

Virgil, Andy, Joe and Gini were all sitting on the two double beds in front of the Television which was loading up Fifa 19. I walked in and said hello to all the boys. Trent sat on the bed closest to the window and all the boys moved up so the only spot left was next to Trent. So i sat on the bed next to Trent, our legs were touching which sent chills down my back.

They took it in turns Virgil partners with Gini, Joel partners Andy and then Trent Partners with Me. Virgil went against Andy. Their game finished 3-3 with Andy playing Manchester United and Virgil playing Liverpool.

Gini went next against Trent, Gini played Tottenham Hotspur and Trent played Liverpool. Trent won that Game 4-2. Gini sat back on the double bed with a sad face. Trent smiled at me and i smiled back.


It was now mine and Joe's turn. Trent passed me the controller and told me what to press and when. The game started and within the first two minutes my Liverpool team had conceded a goal against Joe's Chelsea team. I looked to trent for some assistance as i was starting to struggle. Trent got up and climbed at the back off me so his chest was against my Back. He grabbed hold of my hands so we were practically holding hands. I could feel Trent shiver and I'm sort of glad as I shivered too. We both had butterflies in our stomachs and it felt weird seeming as I'd only known each other for a short amount of days.

In the end i managed to win the game 3-1. Joe wasn't very happy "Well that's not fair. You had Trent helping you. That wasn't a fair game" i laughed "That's because I didn't know how to play" Virgil got up from the bed and turned the Television off and Said " Joe mate come on it was a Fair game you just weren't good enough to beat Maia over here" Virgil said and pointed to me who was still sat in between Trents Legs.

Both Trent and me didn't realise that we were still holding hands and trent's chest was still pressing against my Back. When we both realised and could see Virgil, Andy, Joe and Gini looking i got up and so did Trent.

I looked at my watch awkwardly and said "Nice game, thanks for the invite Trent. I'm going to go back to my room to sort stuff out and will see you all at lunch. Save me a seat." And Without saying goodbye i was out the door and making my way to my room..

After Maia left without saying goodbye and I wanted to go after her to see if she was ok but Virgil and Joe started asking me questions "Are you and Maia a thing?" "Is their something your not telling us about?" Trent shrugged "I don't know alright. I've only known her a couple of days but I feel like I've known her from years. I know that's weird." Vrigil and Joe looked at one another and Laughed they both said "I think our Scouser has a crush" Trent's cheeks blushed and he looked at his shoes.

Gini spoke "Trent how do you feel around Maia?" Trent smiled and looked up "I know this sounds cheesy but I get a weird sensation in my stomach. She makes me laugh, she's beautiful and I just like being around her" Gini, Vrigil, Andy and Joe all looked at one another "It's possible that your falling for Maia"

I grabbed my phone and locked my door and began to make my way down to the hired room for the players and Staff. When i got to the door and showed my Pass, the doorman let me in.

I could see Trent and Andy laughing at something on Andy's phone. So i walked over to them and Trent smiled "You alright?" I nodded "I'm good. Sorry for leaving so fast earlier just I forgot to do something." Andy looked at the food in the corner "I'm going to go get some of that food before hendo eats it all" Both Trent and me laughed at him and watched as he walked away.


I looked at Trent "Thank you for helping me earlier on. Im rubbish at Fifa" Trent smiled "No problem, Honestly I wanted to help and you did everything and I just holded and pointed to the buttons for you to pass"

Trent looked out the corner of his eye to see Virgil and Joe staring at us smirking. I spoke "Where are you sitting?" Trent pointed to the Table for eight over near the Food Counter. "Do you want to come sit with me?" I smiled "I never thought you'd ask" we both laughed and walked over to the Food counter.

Trent picked up a plate and handed one to me i took the plate and smiled at him.

I decided to have the Pasta Bake and Trent had the blt Sandwich as he didn't want to have to much and feel sick during the Match.

We both sat down at the table and ate our lunch while talking and laughing with the boys who were sat at the table as well.

After we all ate our lunches, a steward announced that the Team bus will be there in five minutes so we would have to be ready to get on the bus which was taking them all to Turf Moor.

All the players and Staff including me and Trent all got up and went to our rooms.

The players and staff would be coming back to the hotel after the match so i left her suitcase in a mess. I grabbed my Phone and Charger and put it in my bag, Because i would be using my phone to take videos and my Camera to take Photos of the boys when they were warming up and after the game so i decided to leave my USB cable and Laptop in my suitcase.

I locked my door and headed down into the lobby where Jurgen and the other members of staff were all waiting. Jurgen smiled at me and gave her a side hug asked me how i was. "I'm good thank you, How's you?" Jurgen smiled "Hoping to get a win and then I'll be fine" they both laughed.

I sat next to Alex on the bus to the ground. Trent was sat next to Virgil. When they arrived Maia and the other members of staff got off first and then the players did.

All the players walked around the pitch and looked around and Maia took some photos and a video of the boys looking around. Then it was time for The coaches, Jurgen and the players all went out to warm up. Maia uploaded the photos and video and got ready to video them all warming up.

After Maia took photos and some videos and uploaded them on Liverpool's Social Medias she made her way in to the waiting area with some of the other members of staff.

Maia sat with the other coaches and staff in the dugout and watched as the players made their way out to begin the match.

The game began and Maia sat and cheered on her team. It was weird seeing Liverpool her team she's always known play in front of her. To watch the players run about and Jurgen shout at them for doing something wrong or giving me advice.

The half time whistle blew and Liverpool were leading by two goals thanks to Trent's wide cross which resulted into Burnley's goalkeeper trying to keep it out but ended up pushing it into the Goal and then Sadio's stunner of a goal. I watched as the substitutes all warmed up, I took photos of the substitutes warming up. After the halftime was up the players and Jurgen came back out and Liverpool were ready in their positions the second half began. Burnley had a few chances and so did Liverpool.

The Away end sang Bobby's song and cheered on the team. Everyone was on the edge of their seats as Allison kicked the ball and bobby managed to get the ball further up the field he passed it to Mo and Mo kicked the ball to Bobby and bobby scored.

The away end erupted and so did the dug out. I jumped up and hugged Jurgen and other members of staff. Liverpool were on the verge of getting those three points and a glorious win away from home.

The game finished 0-3 to Liverpool. They had won another game and got those 3 points.

I walked into the waiting area and waited to board the bus. After what felt like forever they could all start boarding the bus.

I found a seat in the middle and sat next to the window. Trent, Andy and Gini all boarded. With Andy and Gini both sitting at the back of the bus Trent spoke to me "Maia can I still with you?" "Of course you can" I said.

And so Trent sat with me. On the journey back to the hotel i started to nod off and before i knew it, Trent woke me up. I lifted my head up which was resting on Trent's shoulder. Trent looked down at me when we arrived back at the hotel. "Morning sleepy head, you alright?" Maia yawned "Morning, sorry I fell asleep" "Hey don't worry about it, it was actually quite nice" I looked at him in awe.

We both smiled and got up to get off the bus.

We all went to bed after we had dinner as the bus was picking us up at 8am the next morning to travel back to Liverpool.

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