《Pretty Footballer》SEVEN 💫


I parked her car in the car park of the Bowling alley and waited until i could see Trent.

I got out of my car with my keys and bag in hand. Trent gave me a hug and I hugged him back. We didn't let go for ages before I said "i hope your Ready to get beat" i laughed at him and let go before walking into the Alley. He smirked and followed me in.

We both paid and got our shoes. We registered their names on the board Trent's has TAA and mine as Steelz!!

After playing for about an hour i had a Solid lead of 88 and trent on 55.

After things got a bit heated between the both of us because I was winning and he wasn't, we both decided to take a break and get a drink and something to eat.

After we got our food and ate it. We went back to bowling. After another hour i Won 125 to 101. I spoke "Told you that you were going to lose. Never underestimate me Mr Alexander Arnold" Trent smiled and spoke "I will win in our next game. I guarantee it." "Who says theirs going to be another game?!" Trent looked at me with a defeated face "Oh if their not I'll have to get you back somehow." I burst out laughing "it was a joke, I'll give you your time to shine. I promise" we both laughed and walked out into the car Park. "Thank you for tonight Maia! It was fun" Trent said looking a little bit awkward. I spoke "Thank you for suggesting it, if I was at home now I would just be watching Netflix and eating the house out." We both laughed at my last comment.

Trent walked me to my car and stood there for a moment before i reached out to give him a hug. Trent leaned in to hug me back after a minute he pulled away. "I'll see you tomorrow" i smiled and nodded "Yes you will indeed". He smiled and began to walk away. I unlocked my car and got in. I started up my car and began to make my way home.


I had a few busy days ahead with the game on Saturday, Jadian's birthday and the dinner on Sunday but i had a week and half off coming up as it was International Break next week so majority of the players will be going off to represent their country. Jordyn was off to Amsterdam with Virgil, Rebecca was going to Germany with Julian, Jadian was going to Brazil with Bobby, Corinne was going to Scotland with Andy. So me, Nare, Emma, Marie and aaliyah were all staying in the uk so obviously we will be supporting England..

I packed her small suitcase because as part of the social media team I would be at every game. Technically where the Liverpool players went i went. After packing my essentials and spare clothes and equipment i decided to go to Bed as i had work tomorrow as all the boys had training ahead of Burnley on Saturday and they were all travelling to Burnley for the game.

The Next Day...

I woke up to her alarm. I turned the alarm off and turned my phone over which was on charge on my bedside table to see Notifications from Instagram...

I followed them all back and started getting ready for work. I put my phone, Laptop and paperwork in her tote bag and got dressed in a pair of Mom Jean's and A graphic Tee with some Converse.

After i got ready i grabbed my suitcase and locked up everywhere. All the girls stayed out last night so i left the house quiet and clean.

I stopped off at Costa to get a peach iced tea. I then made my way to melwood to start work.

Training wasn't until a little later so the boys arrived like normal but were in the games room. Dejan and Mo were having a game Of table tennis and trent and Joe were having a game of chess.


I enjoyed last night just me and Trent. It was fun. It was nice to hang out because we were friends. The majority of the other boys were in the gym. I walked up the stairs to see Jordan waiting outside my office. He didn't realise that i was there until i said "What are you doing outside my office" Jordan jumped as he didn't realise i was stood there "I've come to ask you if you were coming to the england games next week?" I nodded "Yeah I'm going with the girls to both games actually. Why?" Jordan shrugged "I just wondered with you having the week and half off and you and trent talking and hanging out. I thought you'd be coming to support your boyfriend" My eyes went wide. "Me and Trent are just friends Jordan. How's baby red and Marie?" Jordan smirked "We'll see about that. Little red is good and Marie's eating the house out" we both laughed. Jordan said goodbye to Maia as training was starting soon.

I was sat in my office at my desk working out a schedule for next week as it was International break and my mind kept wondering to what Jordan said earlier "We'll see about that." What did he mean by that. One thing for sure how did he know about my and Trent hanging out last night and two they were just friends right.

After training and doing planning videos for youtube it was time for the players and staff to board the bus. I grabbed my suitcase out of my office with my bag and turned the lights and locked the door.

I carried my suitcase out to the driver who was packing the suitcases in the packing area under the windows of the bus. I said thank you and climbed up the steps of the bus. The bus was pretty empty so i found a seat in the middle next to the window. After about five minutes the bus started to fill up with some of the staff but mostly players. Corinne and Marie weren't working this weekend or the following week. So it was just me travelling and working.

Jordan and Andy both walked past me and smirking before finding a seat. I laughed at their childish behaviour.

I had got out my laptop and phone and opened up Netflix. While i put my earphones in and carried on watching the crown i didn't realise somebody was stood watching me. I paused the video and looked up to see Trent standing their smiling. "Hey is this seat taken?" I smiled and patted the seat next to me "Of course not. Take a seat. Sorry I didn't realise you were stood their waiting" Trent smiled and said "Don't worry about it. I thought I'd ask before sitting just in case you had it reserved or something" i laughed "No empty as always" We both smiled and settled down for the 1 hour and 10 minute drive.

I do not own any of these characters or pictures

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