《Pretty Footballer》FIVE 💫


Melwood Training Ground was situated in west derby, the once open training ground was now quite private starting with extra security and The high gates around the ground itself. The training ground from years ago where members of the public would stand on bins to see the Professional players training was now a private place and the only insight the public got given was the photos and Videos that the members of the social media team made and took.

I stood in front of the building looking at the silver lettered sign outside the doors that led me into the famous training ground where the European Champions trained from day to day.

I made my way through the doors to be met with the Champions wall with the gold letters of the infamous trophies that the team had won. After i stood for a moment in amazement i continued to walk to where a old woman was sat typing on her laptop she looked up before i had chance to speak. "Hello sweetie, are you Miss Maia Steel?" I nodded and then got out my ID to show proof who I was. The old woman took it from me than preceded to type on her laptop before handing it back to me and spoke "keep walking but the corridor then up the stairs, once up the stairs you will see a massive window and some seats. Go and sit and the director will be out to see you".

I thanked the old woman and proceeded to walk up the long corridor and came to the stairs and walked up before i was met with the massive window which overlooked the whole training ground. I was in amazement with it all and wasn't looking where i was going until i bumped into someone who was very muscular.


I looked up to see the one and only Virgil Van dijk. He smiled at me and spoke "Sorry about that, I wasn't watching where I was going. You new here cause I've never seen you before" Yes he went out with one of her best friends and yes i had seen him play for Liverpool a couple of times but i had never met him in real life.

"No it was my fault I was amazed by the training Ground and yes I'm new here. It's my induction" Virgil smirked "oh what job you here for?" I smiled "I got an offer from the internships team to work on the social media team" "Oh that's cool, I'll see you around then" virgil said as he waved at me before proceeding to walk down the stairs and out of sight.

I sat down on the chairs facing a door and sighed i was really doing it. I had really just met the Virgil Van Dijk. My thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and a tall Man who had glasses and a slick black Beard. He holded out his hand and watched as i shuffled to my feet and flung my bag over my shoulder. I holded out my hand out for the man to take. "Miss Maia Steel I'm Simon Bennett the director of internships. Thank you for your email. We are excited as a club to welcome someone like yourself with such talent." I Blushed, I personally don't think i was that good at photography, so to receive a compliment like that i began to become overwhelmed. Simon moved out the way to let me into the large room. I took a seat and pulled out my ID and Certificates.

After a while of talking about what i will be earning, The club's Policy etc. I finally got to find out what I'll be doing while at the club. Simon spoke "So as part of the team now, you will be expected to work Match days so being on the pitch while the players warm up, being in the hall way as they make their journey from the team bus into the changing rooms, Being at melwood inside and out on the pitch and finally doing bits of photoshoots and Interviews separately with each and every player. Genuinely you will be spending quite a bit of time with the Players and staff at Liverpool fc. How does that sound?" I spoke for the first time in what felt like years "That's marvellous. Thank you for choosing me. What will happen now?"


Simon spoke "Great well I've got to go to another meeting so I'm going to get another member of the social media team to show you around if that's ok? But I'll see you tomorrow morning for 9 o'clock". I smiled and thanked him.

Corinne was the member of staff that showed me around. Corinne showed me around the building, showing me the canteen, inside training area, the outside training pitch, interview room, changing rooms etc. The list went on for where Corinne showed me.

Corinne took me to a little side room which overlooked the outside training pitch. I was confused of why Corinne had took me there but I then found out that the little side room was infact my new office. As part of the social media team i was given an office and would be spending majority of my time at the training facility. I loved my little office and couldn't wait to add little touches to it.

After a while i said goodbye to Corinne and a few members of staff that i had met and signed out at reception before making her way to her car parked not that far away from the Building. I got in my car and drove home.

Later that night...

I had ordered myself and aaliyah a Chinese and we were sat watching the Inbetweeners. Aaliyah was usually working or with Dominic. Her boyfriend plays for Everton. But Dom had a game in london so he was staying there and Work gave her the day off so we were both having a girls night.

"How was today then?" aaliyah spoke i smiled and said "It was really good, I'm honestly going to have the best time working for Liverpool. I met virgil today. I told Jordyn and she said finally." After talking for a little longer we both decided to head off to bed as it had been a long day.

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