《White room : The Reaction》Chapter VI : A chance of freedom


Aisuru:"Are all of you ready to watch the next video?"

Random Students:"Hell yeah,we wanna see what happened next"

Ike:"Just hwaaaaaah,start the video without me,I'm too hwaaaaaah,tired"

Aisuru:"Whoever doesn't watch the video will lose 50,000 points"

Ike:"Alright! I'm ready to watch the video!"

Aisuru:"Alright, let's start the video"

8 years later

Random students (Almost everyone):"Damn..."

Ayanokouji POV

Does that mean,I can go outside?

I never thought the day where I will be able to go outside would come,well at least not this early

I will still be continuing my training? Well it's better than nothing, at least I will be able to see the outside world. I've been curious about it for years now

I wonder what it's like? I never saw the outside world up close before, except for the pictures my instructor showed me. I wonder if it's like what I've read in books? Well, I'll probably know once I see it for myself

Hiyori:"My book buddy is really curious right now"

Horikita:"His curiosity is like that of a child" 'who knew he could be cute sometimes'

should probably prepare my things now. I'll be leaving in 30-- no, 25 minutes

25 minutes later

Alright, what should I do now? I'm inside a car right now so I can't really do anything, I should look outside and observe what kind of things people do for know

30 minutes later

There seems to be quite a number of buildings here, there are also multiple cars outside,it seems rather busy here in the outside world,well that's normal,there are more people here than in the white room and most of them live independently without the help of there parents and have to do everything themselves.....It must be nice to experience freedom


3 hours later

I'm finally here,it seems to be rather large for one person to live alone

Ayanokouji POV end


Ryuen:"Ofcourse he isn't"

Kanzaki:"Nobody in their right mind would....is what I'd like to say"

Ishizaki:"That's nothing, he's been doing it for more than a decade now"

Almost everyone:"School? Yeah right! You're not fooling us"

Almost everyone:"Wait.....what?!

Manabu:"So this is how he was able to enroll in our school"

Sakayanagi:"I must thank this man for telling Ayanokouji-kun about this school. If he did not relay that information to him,we may not have crossed paths so early"

Hashimoto:"Early? I'm not sure you two would meet again unless you went to that white room place again"

Sakayanagi:"That is not true, for me and Ayanokouji-kun are always destined to meet again no matter how long it takes. Fufufu,it is destiny"

Random class D student:"What does he mean it cost a life?!

Aisuru:"You all know how cruel Prof. Ayanokouji is,so when he found out that Matsuo told Ayanokouji-kun about the school,Prof. Ayanokouji killed Matsuo"

Almost Everyone:"Killed!?!"

Ryuen:"Are you all stupid or what? Are you all forgetting that that monster's father killed hundreds of children,1 guy is probably nothing to him"

Aisuru:"That's true, Prof. Ayanokouji thought nothing about killing Matsuo. I mean that person doesn't even know what the word 'humility' means"

Ike:"He doesn't?"

Shinohara:"No you idiot,what Ai-san is trying to say is that he doesn't care if people die"

Ike:"Ohhhhhhh, that's not really new to me"

Video end

Random student:"Is that it!?

Ichinose:"Ai-san what happened? Why did the video end already?"

Hiyori:"Yeah Ai-san,it ended before we even saw the girls face"

Sakayanagi:'So it was Ayanokouji-kun who helped me back then,no wonder it was a treasured memory for me even though I didn't know it was him,it truly is destiny'

Hashimoto:"What's wrong Princess? Your face is red and your wearing your smug smile right now"

Sakayanagi:"Fufufu Don't worry about me,I am fine,let us listen to these people complain"

Kamuro:'How creepy could she be?'

Sudo:"Why'd you leave us hanging?! We wanted to see what happened next!"

Class D:"Yeah!"

Hirata:"Everybody calm down,the answers to all your questions will probably be on the next video, right Ai-san?

Aisuru:"Yes, that is right Hirata-kun,now let us start the next video"


Author's note

Anyways that's it for today,see you all soon


Word count - 1607

Published - 8/2/21

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