《I finally found you (itto x Sara)》journey to Tsurumi island


it's been two days since Itto started sailing to Tsurumi Island

"ughhh this is so boring, how many days has it been again?..... great I'm talking to myself again, Tengu's not gonna hear the end of this once I find her" as he kept talking to himself like a moron, he felt something hit the waverider. he peeked his head out while trying to avoid the sun, but to his surprise it was foggy. "...hmm I guess this is Tsurumi island, I wonder how fast I can find Sara and head back home" he grabbed his bags and started disappearing into the fog.

a few hours passed and Itto started losing his patience, "god damn it Sara this is getting very irritating" upon talking to himself again he felt someone or something watching him, suddenly he saw glowing yellow eyes staring at him, he saw a wolf laying on the floor with a spear in his stomach with blood all over him and a bunch of hilichurl corpses surrounding him.

the rift wolf looked at him in fear, although Itto never met a rift wolf he knew that they where savage animals that would mercilessly kill you and probably slowly draining your life away therefore torturing you to death, but as all things go Itto felt bad for the wolf and as crazy of an idea it was, he still approached the creature trying to calm it down. " hey there buddy, are you scared? it's fine I won't hurt you, stay calm and I'll get the spear out of you" he was holding his hand out while crouching and slowly approaching him.

the wolf seemed to understand what Itto was trying to tell him, but he still looked on guard and he was growling in a low tone, the Oni reached out and grabbed the spear "okay I need you to close your eyes and trust me, this is gonna hurt a bit... never mind this is gonna hurt a lot, but don't worry I'm gonna help you" with that said, the wolf understood the commands given to him and closed his eyes, Itto quickly ripped the spear out of his stomach and threw it out of the way and tried to cover the wound with spare cloth or fabric he had in his bag while grabbing a few big leaves too.


the rift hound passed out so Itto had to carry it carefully to a cave nearby, while caring for his wounds the Oni started feeling sleepy, so he quickly collected a few branches and lit a fire then went to sleep.

the next day Itto woke up to the sight of the rift wolf carrying two fish in his mouth while wiggling his tail, to his surprise Itto saw that all his wounds healed, " is that for me big guy?" the hound nodded while placing a fish near him on the ground, " aww, thanks I appreciate it, I guess we're even now, although I'm still surprised how your wounds healed this quick."

with that said Itto lit a fire and started grilling the fish. after a tasty breakfast he got up, grabbed his bag and went off on his search again, " alright buddy I'm off searching for my umm... friend, it was nice knowing ya!" the wolf seemed very sad, and that of course broke Itto's heart, "what's wrong?" the rift hound approached him and looked him dead in the eyes like he was trying to communicate with the boy, and it seemed to work. "alright you can come, but I have to warn you that this journey won't be easy" the wolf started wiggling his tail while howling happily "okay then let's go." and with that, Arataki went off with his new friend on the journey to find the Tengu.

" you know I have to give you a name, hmm... how about Diablo?"


"okay then Diablo it is"

Heyyy sorry for taking so long I had a lot of exams recently, and I still have a big one coming up so I'm not sure when am I gonna upload a new chapter but stay tuned

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