《August Alsina's Blessing In Disguise》Surprises


Currently my mother and mama Shelia was over me and Aug's house.

They instantly clicked, after Mama Shelia cursed her out.

"And I was thinking we could do lavender or pink and brown if it's a girl. If it's a boy-"

I sighed as my mama rambled on about the nursery.

I got up from the couch and got me some nacho cheese Doritos, sour cream, and mustard.

I came back into the living room and sat down with my snack and work laptop in front of me.

"Thank you..." August said as he walked by and took my food from me.

"Augustttt give it back!!" I whined.

"No you don't even need ta be eatin this junk."

"But babe I'm hungryyyy." I whined again.

"Aye cut that whining out." He said.

I poked my lip out.

"Mama and Mama Shelia August won't give me my food back." I said looking at them with puppy eyes.

They looked up and saw August standing there with my doritos, sour cream, and mustard.

"August give that girl her food back." Mama Shelia said.

"Mama later on she gon be complaining bout her stomach hurting."

"August just let her have her a little bit more to satisfy her cravings." My mama said.

August just looked at me.

"Here man." He said giving me my food back and going back upstairs.

I just smiled.

"Morgan you're glowing sweetie." My mama.

"Thank you mama." I said.

I started to get full so I put up my food. I sat back on the couch and lifted up my shirt. I don't know what it is about clothes and pregnancy but ever since I became pregnant my clothes feel like their suffocating me.

"Morgan you don't even look that pregnant with your shirt on. Now that I can see your stomach fully you look further along." Mama Shelia said.

"It only looks this big because I just ate. Trust me it'll go back down in a few minutes." I said chuckling.

"Oh ok because for a second I thought you was carrying twins."

"How far along are you again?" My mama asked.

"I'm approaching my 3rd month." I smiled rubbing my stomach.

We heard footsteps coming down and we seen August fully dressed.

He came into the living room and kissed his mama and my mama's cheeks.

He came over to me and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"To the studio with Chris. You going into the office today?"

"Yea I need to file some paperwork, check inventory, and I have an important meeting."

"Alright baybeh don't over work yourself. If you feel like you can't do something have someone else help you."


"Ok dad." I said jokingly.

"I'm serious Morgan."

"Ok ok I'll take it easy, I promise."

"Ight I'll see ya later on tonight."

"Ok. I love you, forever and always."

"I love you foreva and always too." He said giving me another quick kiss and kissed my belly before heading out the door.

"Awwww." Our mama's cooed at our little moment.

"Y'all are like a fairytale." My mama said.

"Trust me some days feel like a nightmare. You just have to find that right person that's willing to go through it all with you." I said honestly.

It's no secret that me and August have our bad days. Days when you question is it really worth it. But if you truly love that person y'all will be able to work past anything.

I looked at the time and decided to go get dressed so I could head into the office.

T drove me to tha mall so I could meet with Chris.

Yeah I told Morgan we was going to tha studio, and we are, just not right now.

It's a reason I didn't tell Morgan we was going to the mall.

I'm looking for an engagement ring.

Keyword "looking".

I plan on marrying my baybeh girl someday just not right now.

Marriage is a big step and I wanna be 1000 percent sure when I make dat commitment.

T already had my disguise in tha car.

I didn't need word getting out about me being at tha mall looking at wedding rings when I'm not proposing any time soon.

I got out tha car and saw Chris already standing by the door.


"What's good my nigga."

We did our hand shake and gave each other a bro hug.

"Now what we looking for?"

"We just looking at rings."

"You planning on proposing?"

"Nigga I said lookin not buying."

"Damn my b." He said holding is hands up.

"Let's go so we can get in and outta here."

We walked in and went straight ta ma personal jeweler, Eric.

Eric been my nigga since my trapping days.

We sold together fa a lil while until he got out tha game and opened his own jewelry shop.

I only trust him ta make sure my shit right.

"We could get the girls a diamond bracelet as a surprise." Chris suggested.


Chris and Paris been talking fa good minute now. They've been on a few dates but they decided ta keep it on da low.

"I'm thinking about making it official tonight with Paris."

"That's wassup man. Y'all been talking fa a while now."

"Yea I just been wanting to make sure it's for real. She ain't like these other hoes Aug. She different. She don't ever ask for nothing expensive. She only ask for my time and attention. She cooks, cleans, and makes sure I'm good even if she's had a long day."


"Damn that's deep my nigga. I think you've found ya wifey."

"Yea man. I think I have too. You wanna have a at home date night?"

"Yea. Is Paris at the office with Morg?"

"Yea. So that gives us enough time to set everything up."

"Ight lets buy these bracelets and get outta here."

We been in tha jewelry store fa a minute now. We had a few changes made to tha bracelets.

Chris got Paris a gold tennis bracelet.

I got Morg a rose gold butterfly tennis bracelet.

"These bracelets is dope Eric. Thanks man." I said dapping him up.

"Yeah thanks man they gon love this." Chris said dapping him up.

"Y'all know I got y'all any time. These girls got y'all dropping bands, when I'm gon meet these lucky ladies?" Eric asked.

Eric is 2 years older than me so he's always been like an older brother ta me.

"We'll bring them by soon. I gotchu." I said as he rang up our total.

"$45,256.45 is your total."

"Nigga what's the actual price?" I said.

Eric was always trying ta give me a discount. I don't believe in that shit. Just because we friends don't mean I get a discount.


I gave him my card and he put the bracelets in special cases.

Me and Chris decided ta go half and half today on spoiling tha girls.

I would pay fa tha bracelets and Chris would pay fa some new Christian Louboutin purses they've both been waiting ta come out.

Once we got everything we realized we had ta get home and start setting up if we wanted everything ta be ready on time.

The boys texted me and Paris saying that we're having a double date night tonight.

Truth be told me and Paris have worked our asses off all day at the office.

I really just want to get in my pjs and satisfy my cravings.

I unlocked the front door and me and Paris walked into the house.

"Girl it's dark as hell in here." Paris said as we took off our heels and placed them by the door.

"August!" I yelled.

"I know y'all black asses hear us calling y'all!" Paris yelled.

"August why in the hell is it so dar-" I started to say until we heard two voices from behind us.

"Hello ladies."

Me and Paris turned around and saw the boys dressed casually.

"Wait a damn minute. Chris cut the lights on." August said walking up to me.

"I know y'all have lost y'all fucking minds. What in the hell do y'all have on?!" Chris said cutting on the lights.

"What's the problem? We went work." I said.

"In this?!" Chris said pulling on Paris's pink blazer.

Paris popped his hand. "Nigga don't be wrinkling my clothes."

"Y'all go get someone fucked up at that office if y'all keep dressing like this." August said.

Me and Paris rolled our eyes at their dramatics.

"August I already told you we had some very important meetings with high standard CEOs." I said.

"I don't give a damn if you had a meeting with Shadrach, Meshach, and tha Bently Goat. You ain't going ta tha office dressed like this without me there again." August argued back.

"It's Shadrach, Meshach, and the Goat August." I said laughing.

"Now y'all go change before we have to cancel our plans." Chris said licking his lips at Paris.

August pulled me closer to him.

"I'll handle that ass later. You been acting up lately. I think it's time for some act right." August whispered sternly in my ear.

I just smirked and lightly brushed my hand over the front of his pants.

"Yes sir." I said softly in his ear. I gave him a passionate kiss.

"Y'all go change for real before we have y'all asses bent over the dinner table." Chris said.

August smacked my ass hard as I walked upstairs.

As me and Paris walked away we made sure to swish a little extra hard.

"Keep playing Paris and you go be pregnant." Chris called out.

We giggled and closed the room door to change.

Once we changed into something more comfortable we went back downstairs.

"Alright boys." We said.

Me and Paris already agreed to tease the boys a little bit.

"Damn." They both said.

"What's the matter boys?" Paris asked knowing the obvious answer.

"Man let's get this over with." Chris said running his hands down his face.

They led us to the backyard.

"Awwww." Me and Paris cooed at the set up.

"Thank you babe." I thanked August.

"Thanks Chris." Paris thanked Chris.

"Anythang fa our girls." August said smiling.

"Our girls?" Paris said confused.

"He said it correctly. I want you to be my girlfriend Paris." Chris said.

"I thought you'd never ask." Paris said kissing Chris.

"Before tha movie starts we got a couple of gifts for y'all." August said.

"Y'all didn't have to do all of this." I said.

"Morgan's right. This is too much guys." Paris said.

"Y'all deserve tha world ma." August said kissing me.

"True. Y'all are so special that it don't even matter." Chris said kissing Paris.

We all got settled in and started the movie.

Let's just say halfway into the movie, we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves.


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