《August Alsina's Blessing In Disguise》Here We Go Again



I was sitting at my office filing paperwork when my phone rang.


I smiled as I picked it up.

: Hello

: Hey baybeh. I was just callin ta check on ya..

Earlier this morning I didn't feel good so I was going to stay in bed, but Paris called and said they needed me for a meeting and to sign some papers.

: I think I'm fine now.. just a little more tired than usual but I stepped into the office to do some small work then I'll be home.

: Ight just don't overwork ya self.

: I'm not babe. How's the new song coming?

: Right na we on break but it's coming along. Had ta make a few changes and shit but everything's good.

: I'm proud of you babe.

: Thanks baybeh but we finna start recording again. I love you.

: I love you too.

: Forever and Always?

: Forever and Always.

And with that we hung up the phone.

I finished signing all the paperwork I needed so I could drop them off to Paris.

I was beyond ready to leave because this office chair was hurting my back and I was hungry.

I rode the elevator down and headed to Paris's office.

I used my Master Key to open the door since she was on the phone with a client.

Once she finished up her conversation I handed her the papers and sat on one of the chairs in front of her desk with a sigh.

"Hey boo. What's wrong?" She said laughing at me.

"Nothing just tired... and hungry." I said chuckling.

"So you must want me to go to lunch with you?"

"Well I think you would be the best friend in the world if you did...." I said looking at her with pleading eyes.


"Bitch I'm your only friend." She said.

We both laughed.

It was true Paris is the only girl I consider a friend. Everybody else was just associates.

"Fine I'll go just give me 2 more minutes to finish up this email and I'll meet you there." She said going back to typing on her computer.

"Yay and this is why you're my best friend."

"Whatever hoe." She said laughing.

"Bye hoe." I said walking out of her office.

I walked to my car and turned on my playlist.

I looked up places to eat near me and decided on iHop. I texted Paris the addresses to iHop and started to drive.

Once I pulled up I cut the engine. I walked in and was greeted by the Hostess.

"Hello and welcome to iHop. Will it be a table for just you or will more people be joining?" She asked.

"Hi and I need a table for 2 please."

"Alright, table or booth?"

"Booth please."

"Follow me and I'll get you seated and your waiter."

Another 3 minutes went by and Paris walked in.

It wasn't totally packed since it was 1pm and most people already had breakfast. I waved my hand so Paris could see me and she walked over.

"Hey did you order already?" She asked sitting down.

"I just ordered us both some water."

"Hello my name is Layla and I will be your waitress for this afternoon." She greeted us with a smile. "Are you ready to order?" She asked pulling out her pen and paper.

I looked at Paris since she'd just gotten here no to long ago. Paris shook her head yes.

"Ok I'll have the double chocolate chip pancakes, actually I'll do the triple stack, with a side of scrambled eggs, french toast, can I also add a bacon cheese omelette with extra bacon, a side of strawberries, and a orange juice no pulp please." I said and handed her my menu.


Paris just looked at me for a second then ordered her food as well.

Once Layla left Paris just stared at me again.

"Damn bitch what?" I said laughing.

"Hoe you the one ordering the whole damn menu." She said. "Is there something you need to tell me.. Morg are you pregnant again?" Said asked seriously.

Hearing the word "pregnant" just made chills go down my spine.

"No... I don't think so." I said while trying to remember the last time I had my period.

"Morgan Taylor when was the last time you had your period?"

I just shrugged my shoulders.

Just as she was about to ask me another question Layla came back with our food.

As we ate a certain smell kept bothering me. It felt like I was gonna throw up.

I looked over and seen Paris eating a Pig-In-A-Blanket. All of a sudden I rushed to the bathroom and let out all the food I'd just eaten.

"Morg once we leave we're getting a pregnancy test." I heard Paris say from outside the stall.

"Ok." I said not even arguing with her because at this point even I wanted to know.

We got some to go plates and headed to CVS.

I gave Paris the money to get the test since I was starting to get a headache.

Once she came back out the store we headed to my house.

We got our food from the restaurant and the CVS bag out the car and rushed into the house.

I drunk plenty of water on our way here so I wouldn't have to force myself to pee.

I took the bag from Paris and walked upstairs.

"I'll just sit on the bed and wait till you're done." She said taking her shoes off and getting on my side of the bed.

I just nodded and took a deep breath as I went into the bathroom and shut the door.

I sat down on the toilet and peed on 2 sticks.

Once I got done I read the box and it said to wait 10 minutes.

I just sat down against the tub and set a timer on my phone.

I closed my eyes to think about what if I am pregnant..

What will August say..

What will everyone else say..

I'm scared because I've never raised a child before..

What if I'm not a good mother..

What if me and August split up and he wants nothing to do with our child..

It seemed like as I was thinking time flew by because my phone alarm going off snapped me out of my thoughts.

I cut off the timer and stood up.

My hands were shaking and they started to feel a little sweaty.

I looked at both test and they read:

I sat them down and cried.

I wasn't upset I was happy.. excited.. scared.. all these feelings came rushing at once and all I could do was cry.

I heard a knock at the door.

"Morg you ok?" Paris said coming in.

She looked at the test and just wrapped her arms around me.

We both stood there hugging each other crying for another 2 minutes.

"I'm so happy for you bestie." Paris said wiping my tears.

"Oh my gosh.... I'm going to be a mommy." I said out loud.


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