《August Alsina's Blessing In Disguise》Dr.Alsina


Today was Wednesday and I had to go into work.

I didn't feel well and had a major headache. On top of that I had 2 meetings and a stack of paperwork I had to get to the office to fill out.

I got dressed for work and put my hair in a neat slick ponytail.

I walked outside and sneezed as I started up the car.

As I was pulling up to Starbucks my phone started to ring. August name flashed across the screen.

I sniffed and put on my Bluetooth headset.

"Hello" I said as I sneezed again

"Hey Babygirl, ya good?" August asked with concern in his voice.

"Yeah babe just my allergies" I sneezed again. "Ughhh" I groaned as my head pounded again.

I knew if I told August I was sick he would come get me from work and make me rest, but I had too much work to get done to miss today.

"Morgan don't lie to me." He said in a stern voice.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine August."

"Let me find out otherwise."

"Aug, please can we drop this." I said as my head started pounding again and I got out the car walking into Starbucks.

"Ight bae imma come see u for lunch, what you want." He asked.

"I don't really have an appetite babe." I told him.

"Imma bring ya something anyways." He insisted.

"May I have a Skinny Carmel Vanilla Latte." I told the cashier.

"Will that be all?" She asked with an attitude and rolled her eyes.

"I didn't fill out yo application to work here, so I suggest you fix ya attitude before you don't have a job at all." I said.

"Woah! Baybeh chill what's wrong?" August asked.

"Nahh I'm not finna let her disrespect me like I did something to her." I said angrily.

I closed my eyes as a wave of dizziness and nausea swept over me.

"Are you alright ma'am?" A man behind me in line asked with concern.

"Yes I'm fine, I think I just need to sit down." I said.

I put a 10 on the counter and told her to keep the change and I sat down at one of the tables.

"Hello...." August asked.

I honestly forgot he was on the phone.

"Babygirl is there something you not telling me?" He continued.

"I told you I'm fine August." I said with an attitude.

"Ight man" he sighed. "Imma see ya at lunch."

"Order 45, Morgan, Skinny Carmel Vanilla Latte." The worker called.

"Ok babe see you then. I gotta go, bye." I said as walked up to the counter.

"Bye." He said as he hung up.

Once I got my drink I walked back to my car and started on my way to the office.


Walking into the office and taking the elevator to the top floor I was immediately bombarded with employees and phone calls.

I started to feel that dizziness and nauseous feeling again.

My legs started to get weak.

Paris caught me before I fell.

"Are you sure you're ok to go in today Miss.Taylor? I can call August if you need me to." Paris asked.

"No! I'm fine. I have work that I need to get done Paris." I sighed. "I'm not trying to be rude, I just really have to get my work done first."

"Alright." Paris said as she carried the rest of my things to my office.


As I walked in my office I sat in my chair.

Looking out the floor-to-ceiling windows in my office made my head hurt, so I clapped my hands twice to make the curtains close.

Just as I laid my head on my desk there was a knock on my office door.

"Come in." I sighed as I sat up and rubbed my temples.

"Miss.Taylor your first meeting is about to begin in 5 minutes." Paris said as she peeped her head into my office.

"Thanks Paris. Could you also move my 2:00-2:30 lunch break up to 1:00-1:30 please and thank you." I asked.

"Sure thing Miss.Taylor. And your meeting will be held on the 2nd floor, room 16."

"Thanks again Paris. Oh! One last thing, can you inform August about the lunch schedule change." I asked as I gathered my papers for the meeting and walking out of my office.

"I'm doing it as we speak." Paris spoke as I pressed the down button stepping into the elevator.

My feet and back were aching, and my head was hurting worse than when I got out of bed this morning.

I walked into my office, taking off my heels immediately.

I sat my bags on the chair in front of my desk and placed the stack papers on my desk.

I finally had a little time to rest as I pulled one of the chairs over to my desk. I propped my feet up as I laid back and closed my eyes.

I suddenly heard my office door open but I didn't bother to open my eyes because I smelt hot wings then heard his thick accent.

"Wazzam baybeh" August said.

I didn't answer because for some reason the smell of the food made me nauseous all over again.

The food didn't smell disgusting, it just made my stomach turn. I couldn't let him know that though.

"Thanks babe." I said as I put on a fake smile, opening the Buffalo Wild Wings bag.

August lifted up my feet and sat in the chair then placed my feet in his lap.

"You didn't get you anything to eat babe?" I asked August while eating my wings.

"Nah I already ate earlier. And why ya feet swollen?" He asked rubbing my feet.

"I just been working a lo-" I stopped in mid sentence as I ran to my office bathroom to release my lunch into the toilet.

August kneeled down to my level and rubbed my back.

"Baby can you go in my purse and hand me the mouthwash." I asked August.

"Yea I got ya ma. Just stay right here."

"Ok." I groaned as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach again.

August came back and helped me wash up. Walking back from the bathroom I suddenly felt my knees go weak.

All I remember is hearing August call my name, then everything just blurred around me and then it faded to pitch black.

I caught Morgan as she fell into my arms.

"Shit." I mumbled as I felt her forehead. She was burning up and was starting to sweat.

I quickly took off her blazer and placed her gently on the floor to look for my car keys.

Once I found them I grabbed her phone and mines and picked her bridal style.

As I was running through the halls, her assistant Paris ran after me.

"Wait Mr.Alsina what's wrong with Morgan?!" She asked frantically.

"I'll explain later! I need to get her to the hospital now!" I said panicking because Morgan still hadn't woken up yet.


I ran through the entrance of the building and put Morgan in the passenger seat.

I sped through the red lights, I didn't care about how much the tickets would cost, I was just worried about my Babygirl.

I parked in front of the hospital and screamed for someone to help me.

Luckily there was a team of paramedics cleaning the ambulance. They saw me carrying Morgan and rushed over with a stretcher.

Once they strapped her on the stretcher they rushed inside as I ran behind them telling them what happened and gave as much information as I could on her.

They went through some double doors, as I was following them until I felt a hand on my chest stopping me.

"I'm sorry sir, but I can't let you go back there. You will have to wait out here in the waiting room." The nurse said.

I sighed and rubbed my hand down my face.

"Ight man." I said as I walked back to the waiting room to have a seat.

I called up Paris, Chris, T, and my mom her name is Shelia. I called my mom because I was stressed and didn't know what to do, it was just one of those moments where I needed her.

5 minutes later, T and Chris came in at the same time.

"Aye man wassup with Morgan?" Chris asked.

"Man I don't even know. I brought her some lunch, she started throwing up, and then as she was finna go sit back down and she passed out." I explained.

Chris and T shook their heads.

"Aug she go be good man. Don't stress it, you know she a fighter." T said as he padded me on the back.

Suddenly we heard a big clash of thunder from outside indicating that it was about to rain.

Minutes later my mom and Paris had arrived and I explained the same thing I told Chris and T earlier.

"Well I cleared her schedule for today so she can rest." Paris said.

"Son from the way you talk about her, I know she'll be just fine." My mom said with a soft smile.

After about a hour and thirty minutes of just listening to the rain hit the windows and the thunder roar, a doctor came out.

"Family of Morgan Taylor?" He questioned looking from his clipboard.

We all stood as he walked over to us.

"Hey doc how my Babyeh doing?" I got immediately to the point.

"We ran some test on her and besides today, she hadn't been eating, no sleep for 2 days, and she was dehydrated. We also found that her blood pressure was abnormally high, so we gave her medication to take daily. All of this caused her to get sick and pass out." The doctor explained.

"Oh my, bless her heart." My mom said and shook her head.

"Thanks doc, can we go see her?" I asked.

"Sure she's in room 206, second floor. She may be resting so just let her wake up on her own."

"Appreciate it doc." I shook his hand and led everyone to the elevators and up to the second floor.

We found room 206 and walked in. Morgan was sleep until she heard the door open.

"Hey babe." Morgan said giving me a weak smile.

"Hey Babygirl how you feeling?" I said as I pulled a chair beside the hospital bed.

"I'm fine." She said and coughed as she pointed to the tray with a small cup of water in it.

"So August giant bean stalk head ass is the only one you see?" Chris joked.

Everyone laughed.

"Nigga I know ya peanut head ass-" I felt a smack on the back of my head.

Then Chris got smacked too, it was my mama.

"Language! Curse again like y'all don lost y'all mind." She said.

"Sorry mama." Chris and I mumbled.

"Hey everyone." Morgan said giggling.

"Now move over so I can see my future daughter in law." My mama moved us out of the way.

"Oh my gosh you're just as beautiful as August says you are. Baybeh, how you doing?" My mom asked Morgan.

"I feel fine now. I guess I just got overwhelmed with work, that I forgot to take care of myself."

"Well I need you to take care of your body for my future grand babies." My mom joked.

"Miss.Alsina I would love to have kids, just not right now. I wanna have kids when I'm married." Morgan chuckled.

"I completely understand, and that's good baybeh. Also call me Mama Shelia, I'm not married anymore child."

"Ok mama shelia.." Morgan said.

"Alright since everything is ok, I gotta get going before traffic get too heavy in this weather. Bye Morgan it was nice meeting ya sweetheart. August bring her to the family cookout next weekend." My mama said.

"I will Mama. Love you and text me when ya made it home Ight." I told my mom as I hugged her.

"Love you too child." She said as she made her way out the door.

Morgan had went back to sleep so everyone just made small talk until they got tired.

"Aye Paris clear Morgan's schedule for two weeks. She needs to rest." I told her assistant.

"Umm Mr.Alsina it doesn't work like that, she has some important meetings coming up and-" Paris tried to explain to me.

"What did I say! Y'all not finna keep working my baybeh half ta death. Now clear her schedule for 2 weeks like I asked." I said as my accent became thicker.

I was blowed (slang translation: blowed= pissed off) because Morgan ain't no damn robot, she needs to rest.

"Ok Mr.Alsina her schedule has been cleared for 2 weeks." Paris informed me about 5 minutes later.

"Thank ya."

"No problem Mr.Alsina."

Another hour passed and Paris left to go lock up the building.

I started to fall asleep since Morgan was still asleep, until I heard the door open, it was the doctor from earlier.

"Wazzam doc?" I sighed.

"I came to give Miss.Taylor her medication and to tell you that she will need to rest for about a week. We will be keeping her overnight as well just to make sure she's fine."

"I already got her schedule cleared so resting won't be a problem." I said.

"Alright, since she's still sleeping when she wakes up make her take 2 of these pills so we can make sure that the medication is not too strong or too weak." The doctor instructed.

"Will do doc, thanks again."

"Have a good night Mr.Alsina and if anything goes wrong there is an emergency button next to her bed." He said as he walked out the room.

I wasn't about to leave Babygirl by herself, so I grabbed a cover and pillow out of the hospital closet.

I walked over to her bed and kissed her forehead. Then laid on the couch by the window.

I was glad my babyeh was ok, after 2 minutes I slowly drifted off to sleep.




Hey guys it's Kay! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and sorry for any grammar errors. Also leave feedback to make this story better! Love you guys support😘♥️ ~ Qveen Kay

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