Football Girl Chapter 1


I climb out of my jeep and take a deep breath.

This school isn't big, but it's also not small. It's probably class B at the most.

All arund people are laughing and joking around. It's the beginning of the school year and i don't know anybody here. I have always gone to a big school so it is so different coming to a smaller one.

"Hey new girl," a voice shouts and i turn to see a girl about my age walking my way. Following the girl like a lost puppy a guy, about 6'2" with blonde hair and brown eyes, walks my way too.

"I'm Sharon, but you can call me Shar. This is my boyfriend, Bryson," the girl says and i nod a greeting.

"Ayanna," I say and Sharon raises her eyebrows.

"Interesting name you have there," she says.

"So i've been told," I reply.

"What do people call you?. You know, like, for short," she says in a cheerleader voice.

"Aya," I reply. I really don't like people calling me Anna because i don't think it suits me.

The guy, Bryson, shifts his weight and sighs loudly. Sharon looks at him and he rolls his eyes at her.

"Can we go now?" He asks her and walks away without waiting for an answer.

I watch him walk away until Sharon clears her throat. I look at her and she smirks at me.

"He's my boyfriend. Remember that," she says and walks away.

I blink and stand there in surprise. Was she trying to become my friend or was she pointing out that she has it all?

The school day goes on and throughout it i hear people talking and gosiping about me. I sigh. These people are acting like they have never had a new person before.


When the last bell rings for school to get out, i am ready to leave this place. I am about to walk out of the school building when i see a football practice flyer taped to the door. I stare at it for a while.

Maybe i could join football. I really do love that sport. My friends used to call me Football Girl because i was always going to football games and watching it on TV.

I walk onto the football field and see all the guys pushing and shoving each other. I walk over to them and they stare at me.

"Um, i think you're lost. The volleyball tryouts are in the gym and not on the field," one of the guys says and i look at him.

"Nope, i'm trying out for football," I say and everybody starts laughing.

"What are all you girls laughing at?" Coach says as he jogs onto the field.

The coach takes one look at me and shakes his head.

"You're not going to make the team," he says and i look at the ground.

He doesn't even know me and he is saying that.

"And why not?" I ask him.

"You are not tall or well built. We always have girls that tryout for football every year and they never make it through the week of beginning practice," he explains and i clench my fists. I am going to make it through and i will show them that i deserve to be on this team.

"I can make it," I say through clenched teeth and coach looks at me.

"You can sure try," he says and with that the running starts.

I have never ran so much in my life. We did the mile twice, once at the beginning and once at the end, we did lines, we did a bunch of conditioning and by the time two hours was up i was ready to puke.


I sat down and put my head between my knees and concentrated on breathing.

"She isn't going to make it through the week," someone says and i lift my head to glare at them.

"Yes i am," I snap and the guys just roll their eyes.

"We'll see,"

I hear someone behind me and i look to see Bryson, Sharon's boyfriend.

He bends down beside me and looks at his feet for a moment before looking back at me.

"The week only gets harder. You might as well quit," he says and i stare at him.

"I'm not going to quit," I say and he looks at me.

"Then you will just end up making a fool of yourself by sitting on the bench during the season," he says and walks away.

I glare at his back and stand up. Fine! If that's the way he wants to play it... Bring it! I'll show him and everybody else on this team.

I get in my jeep and drive home. When i get there my mom is waiting for me on the porch.

"You didn't tell me you were going to stay after and try out for a sport," she accuses and i shrug.

"Sorry mom," I reply.

"What sport did you try out for? Volleyball?" She asks and i shake my head.

"Football," I say and she stares at me in shock.

"Finally!" My dad yells and runs out of the house wraps me in a hug. "I knew i shouldn't give up on you," he jokes and i laugh.





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